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A conceptual framework is a set of ideas, principles, and theories used to explain a

phenomenon. It is used to guide research into the phenomenon and provides a structure for
organizing the results. Conceptual frameworks are often used in academic research, but they
can also be applied to business settings. The framework helps researchers understand the
relationships between different elements of the phenomenon being studied and enables them to
identify potential areas for further exploration. By providing a structure for understanding
complex phenomena, conceptual frameworks can help researchers develop more effective

A conceptual framework is a tool used to guide the research process and help researchers
understand the relationship between different concepts. It is a visual representation of the
theories, hypotheses, and variables that will be used in a study. It can also be used to identify
gaps in existing knowledge and provide direction for further research. The conceptual
framework helps researchers organize their thoughts, make connections between concepts, and
develop a plan for their research project. By using a conceptual framework, researchers can
ensure that their work is well-structured and comprehensive.

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