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1. ELECTRIC CHARGE AND FIELD Electric Charge - ; . — oo The pry of moteriod by vohich wt exerts ov experiena electhic omd my ic effects Jd Callid the electric charge. Examples - Gi) Experience of Seeing a spark or hearing a Crackle, when we fake of Synthetic Cloths. Gi) Lightnimg in the sky curing thunderstorms clus to electric clischarge- Electrostatics - The branch of Physics 5 vshich cleals worth the stucly ob charges at yeatd Cstatic Changes’), the pores > fields “oncl potentol due to these Charged 4s called Electrostatics or static Electricity. Important Facts about charge - (1) There ore only two types of electric change. (2) Like charges repel emel unlike charges athracts each other whan they Come in Contact (@) The unlike charges nullify C Cancel) each other’ effect When they Come in cntact. Therefore the Chorges ore. namecl as positive omd neg ive by the American scientist ‘Benjamin FrenkLin! @) Normally the materials are dleetricadly neuro Tat do not“ certain charge because tHwir charger (Proths omd electrons) are exactly bolanced, (5) The electron. of the outermost orbit ok an odom One for +he nucleus So these electron, are aod bounded with the nucleus ancl com be Si recl ecu] +h bit by aiv} These ee ers Bo dékiveras (6-) The becky or atom can be chongeal positively by loos Some of sts elechond. simil a body or odSm Com be Changed negadiv bi inin electoms. J Jd 5 (7) Tre apparotus usecl do detect charge on a body Ja bh Leas Electroscope’. ws . Charged Glass Rod Metal Foil ———— Cork ———_. Copper wire gold leaf. glass j: jar @) An elechic es con creates electric field ©), morgnahic field (SB) ond electromagnetic yada omns veo @® == only Electrte fell CED Ve Const. @ = Elechic Fielt (EF) 4 Magnetic Fielel CB) NV # Const. eee oo => E,6 od Electomegnetic Rodiations 3.) Electric charge uni el oiatibute. on a uniform oon Sod AE chonde cidasity om a nm- an ce dk moucimum men re pets whee the radius of weve JS minimum. + + . *, + ald 4 Change clensity | o + + +S + aenily A ? + + Pont Change - Tt Gs a point whre all the change ob & bedy Rey Coieendeted!| Conductor , Insulator 4 Semiconductor - Conductor - The oreterial through tohich the elechic Chorge amd Current Com flow ersily are Called Conductors. Examplea—- All Metals, Human bedy > eoxth ete. Insuletor - ; = The materials twohich restat the flow of electric Charge oma current are collsol imsulafors. Examples - Wooel, Poralene, plastic ef. Semiconductors - oT omateriods which resist the flow of electric charge and current but the value of their yesistanwe us inbetween the Concluctr and insulate ave callecl semiconductors + Examples - Silicon (CS!) > Germenium CGe) Corben Cod —> Excellent thermal Conoluctivity. Properties of Electric Charge - qa) Addlitivity of Charges :- Electic Charge uw a scolar rondc so the dotal charge of the System us obteinssl si 4 ply by adeling the clifjerent Changes elgebrically arith Propet siga accorcling to their chorege. = & tht @ Cheage is conserved :— Charge Can not be elther created ov clistroyeal. T+ Con only be transterred from one body ato another. Hence tre +totol charge oh the isolotet System wa always conservect. oa: CD eas Glass SHIR Glass Suk Total change = o+0=0 Total change = +4-% = 0 (3) Quantisation of Charge i- The clectric Change on a body 5 cdusauys cham ). an integral muttiple ef e ( Change on 1 ele, This js Catlect quantisation Ob choage. Roe ta @ = teor xi! e * The umit ob electric charge Us coulomb. 1 Coulomb - The total charge on 6-24 x10!8 electrons is equal to 1 coulomb. Charging by Induction - Method L. C Using a ground Comection )) (i) A positvely chargeal rod Js Jorought near a neuchal meted sphaae amet" polansing ote Gi) The sphore ws grouncle! allowing electrons so be ecttractes! from” the eorth. ORLA & & Gi) The grounel Connectim ws broken. Gv) The positive 1d ds removed leaving the sphore with an inducol negocive. charge Method 2. Gi) Tio unchargecl metal | prhanes ane in Contact with each other But insulates from rest of the usorlel. Gi) A positively shenace! rod Us brea Spharr , ettracting egadive charge “end Maes the other sphare a Seley Charged. oe it fi 1 lay (b> ©) @) Git) Now the Sphares are Separatesl before the rod usb removeol oma thus separating posrhve 4 negative Chorge- Gv) Remove the rel - The charges om sphares will Yeamrange themselves omd uniformly clistibutec! ever _ the sp ORLY , Coulomb's Law- . The force. of interaction between omy two Point charges 4s olizecHy proportional to the predict ok the chi emd inv operational de the square of the olistance between them, oma acts edeng the Line jering the tuzo changes. win charges Fi ond Tr are Aeparateol Suppose tuo ia tein by Poistene” vr. F + Y 4Ue F + OF ¥ F242 According to cotlombls Lan, Fak 4 amd Fa ev Fos KUA K- Elechostotic Constant ow K Elechostadic Constant Kk depends on the nadure of medium separating the charges ‘and on the system of units. In cgs System , kel In SI system, Ke ae = 9xfo? Nm/c> K Eo electical permittivity of free Space Go = 88S x10! Nm Coulomb's Law in vector form - To vepresent the clirection of pre bet wear tuo point charges > Coulomb's Law is represented in vectx form. Let the position vector of Charges G1 omd Ga be > > ¥; omd Ya respectively We denote the foree on 4 due to A, by Fi. ond the force on q, tue to % by Fay. Fin Fay > 2 Here ¥, + Ya. = => => in = -% > aso YI 4M, = or xy. GH eueeraas The mognitude of vectors Viz end “Yar is denoted by [Fal amd |¥Z,] ome their unit vectors Gre given ar- 4 le & Yar Y= ond = Ya, = Wa) \at So the tere Fr cen be given as- 7 1 yay 5 Yar AME. | ¥2,/* C1) Ib tWemd 4 ae_of same s d . ge > U4, Po then Fin 4s along Yin , which olenotes repulsion \ Gid Th U_ond 4. ane_ol opposite sign 5 %12.<0 bys a (Fe sa _atong -Yz, oy Yr 5 chien cenotes © Tuo peint charges of +2UC om +oue repel each other usth a b of ZN. Now if each is + given an acklitioal charge -4He 5 wl will be the neso perce? Sere UW st+2ue , Ge =46 uC F<12N > amd Go =+2-Us-2Me 444 = 4e-u = 2ue so Fi. UU = C22) 2-2 F 1,42 (296d 7 Fle-F =-12 2 — 4@n (Athective) 3 3 A charge 4 dd placeol ot the canhe of te Line Ueining tue equal charges @. Shoto thet the system of HHivee charges will be in equillibrium ip te" @/a. Sel @ 2 @ Let two equal charges ; ia Qi g each, bel held oh A a ond B, Where AB= 2x. Here C db the contre of AG > coh charge q is hid. Net force on 4% is cer. So q Gd already in equilibrium. For the three charges to be in equilibrium, net force om each charge must be zero. Now, total tore om Q at B ws_ KQLT + Ka&:Q =o xt @x)* Kat ~~ KQr see ua Se Hence Proved, Dielectric Constant (K)- feree in @ medium (Fm) = tx Ute gress —O ohne E-elechicod permittivity of the meclium.. feree in vacuum (Fe) = ane.” Sie —@ Dividing 29: © bg Q®, we ge- fe =f = & or k Fea oe Whe Ey or K ud Called Clielectric constant or relative electrical permittivity of the meclium. ¥ Diclechic constant of a medium is the ratio of absolute electicol permittivity of the medium +e the electrical permittivity of free space. * Thus force between two given charges in a medium CK) ds only — times of the force between them in ady/ vacuum. Fm Fe Force between Multiple Charges - Total tore. on any charge clue +o a number of chorges oat vest is the “veer sum of aU the forces on that Charge due do other charges. Hoe Fie = Ete hy and Fr = KUts fy Var Var Thus the yvesultont force Fr on charge 2) is obtained b ‘ Bos ea + Fs Similonly rem have n n Changes 415 4a In then i be “e dy, due Yr > 4a o-- qe charges can be culated by the actor sum of forces Fie, Fis > << Fim Qd- Two equal positive chorges each of 2c interact With a third poate eps, ob of Suc situated as shown in +ig- mognitude and direction Cy the force on Tea 3 ue chee sol: AL 2ue =“ Hee 0A = oB= 3m and op = 4m so aps pp = [arqqe = 5m. Accoreling to Coulomb's Law Feree, om Change at P due to charge ot ond & one -eqiol in magnitude So- Fy = Fe = KUT. = _9xo?x2 XI x3 xi5$ y> Se se Fy = Fo = aie xiss Here the eomponents of Fi and Fr along ¥ and y' axiS are equol in nitude (F; Sine = fz sin®) bud oppesite in clirection So they comceel each other The Components alon: Px acl - So totel force om charge 3 He ot Up ds - “P i F = 2F)Cos@ = 2X21 xioF a So Fe 3s xio2 N @) Tuo fixeol point charges + 4e omd +e units art seporates| by a oliktance 'a%. where showtol the third point “change be placecl fey dt to be in equidibrium: For the charge +4 eve Do See to be in equilibrium ’— xx —— + 0) Fi = Fe K4-4e = Kve > 4:1. ce Get SR GE a = 20/3 — ™. om Solving - Electric Field - diva” clecitted P eroge aid iL 3 e2. Susmhoundin J2cTrice cl cl tae & free de Chenfed ™m dther lectrically Charged obje 'S. * The. clrection “ob Hae tidal 4s taken +o be the direction Of the force it wwowd exert on a positive test charge. *® the electric fiele) Sa radi eutuord from a positive ea pel at veclially al towards a negative. Change- % Concept of Fiell was introduad first of all by “Faraday” Electric Field Intensity (2) The. electric tield intensity ot omy point Bs the shength of dectric tidd ot “thet point. It Js ckfine ay the force experiences! by unit Positive charge placed at thet Poin. According to cewlomb!s Law force on test charge Ve dus to a Point charge & Ja 1 @-4 6) 7 F FS Ge a 1 a . = 1 as by olefin tion So E "ay where. F is unit vector directed trom @ towards 4,. ST Unit of E oa important Peints about Electric field - (1) The magnitude of electric field Eis same at equal isteteah” oor Have Q, thus st has ao spherical syomety- @) The poitucle. of the electric field E depends only on the Change Q ond the olatance ¥ (3) The test change de have its own electric pfrelol, it moy modify the elech4c tieel of the source eo Therefore to minimize this e}fect we rewrite electric field intensity ot Y as- Fe lm F E 270 te Electric Field due to a system of charges - Comider a system oF changes Ly > ta5--- In with position vector? YP Ye. aia En Es x i Vem WOE TOR a IN - t = \ Lae I > Een Yo lor Nw = re \ - ue t \ / » é tn ts The electric field ee at @ point P clue 4o a s tem of charges is the vectey sum of the electric fields at the pet due to individual charges. ® What are the mosmnitucle anol direction of th elechic field at certhe of the square in yee: Ip U aCe fe amd as 5 Cm. +h a =24 Sl Here af ©A =0B=0C =oD= ¥ a Y= SKI* wy. 5 Te c also hen €,= 6, =_% 28 a =&, = + _ - +2! TE ye % e i = 18 9 u ov E,= Er = WO” xgxio’ = 2x10 Nie (sxis*/)* In squsre ABCD tHe LAB = 30 Seo the Net Electric field ato = SF 2426 60490 Esf/€P+e = & fz E = 7-252 xe! Nie at 45% to oA. Electric Field Lines - An elechic fiell Line js a curve yawn in sich a woy that the “tangent do ut at each pom ad in the Ulfection of the net field at thot poinh a - e The magnitude of the Held ds resertec| by the. densit of field Lines. i ¥ int 3 7 Hence Electric field intensity ot a point is equal te number of +ield tints crossing Temealg omit ota, around = that point. Properties of Electric Field Lines - QQ) Electric Ted Lines eens cues. Stant @ positively Chang by d end at a ‘negativel Teeute ae ceee Peeeeeeeeee ee eet there id a single charge then the field lines may Stort or end at inginity. (2) No electric field Livus exist inside the charged body- Thus electrostatic field Lines elo not form Cortinucus closecl oops. # The magnetic Held Lines ant Continuous (or endless) closet ps a egoinat tHe elechic field Lines . (3) Tengent do the electric field Line ot any point gived the clivection of electric field intensity ad that pom. (4) No tuso electric field Lines of ferca. Can intersect each ovr. This Ws because ot the point of intersection P, we can craw tum tangents PA omd PB. This would mean two clivections of electric field intensity at the Same point 5 which Gs nat © possible. A 3S (5) The electric Fi Lines are alweuys normal to the Surbau of & Conductor. So there Us ho Component of electric field indemity perelut to the surface of the conductor. (6) The field Lines around a system of two positive Choages CY, %) qe @ pictorial repramtahon of theiy mutual repulsion. Wwhil id th Configucdi tum equal omd cheanms = clipe bop fe mutued opposite. ch: ca, -9) EPraction eer the. charges- 15 KE Electric Dipole - Am electric olipole is a polr o ual omd opposite point Chorges ‘separated bya fic clutana . Let %Y and -% are tuo egual and opposite point Changes Aeparatect by @ small olistance ‘202, centre of He cipal \ clipole axis 1 = P -4@----- Myon eo- Ko +9 k#——————- 2a ' ' TS equadorial axis ' * The total charge of the electric clipoe is zero, but this cloes not ‘mean that the Held of the eclectic ipole is zerd, became the cl e % omd -4 ave separated by Some clistanee, So “the electric Held clue to thas vohen added clo not exactly cancel oud. ® Bud at dlistonces much Larger than the separation of the tun Charges fprning a dipde (¥ >> 2a) then the field clue to 2° and -% nearly Cancel ouch Dipole Moment ( P)— Dipole moment ds @ menawree of the strength Of electric clipole. Tt Gs a Vector quantity whose civection Jb fom negective Charge td positive change. ., Dipole moment du equol 4tothe product of He mognitucle of cithey Change omd +e clistence between thom, Dipole Field - Tt Js the space around the olipdle in which the eclectic eptect of the olipsle can be experienced. The electric felol at any point P is obtained by adling the electric fields q, clue “to charge -L and Ex due to the change 1 by the parallelogram law of vectors. (i) Field Intensity on Axial Line of Electric Dipole - Let the int p be at distance vy fam the centre of the dipole on the side of the charge 4, then Pp «——— 24. ——_____} E,q <—_+—_>- --@--------- rr) Ee, gq -4 r——> = KY = K% Here E-4 ray md Esq = ear Se the sotel Elechic field at point P in - GE = Eq - Eq (Ese > E-q) . aed e = kal way Gear] E = «Yv-_49r GLa Por (y77@) @ = 4kua gs = 2kP 3 3 The divechon of E is cong ie from -4 4 +4. *K Ea +& (ii) Fielel Intensity on Equatorial Line of Electric Dipde - let the point P is on the equatorial tine 5 whe oPp=Y- Enq y Ee 7 Zoo Ea, Yaar,” ! Ts — Y drs 7 1 { ke———— 2a 4 Seo the. magnituoles of the electric fielels clue to the tus Changes 4 amd -9 axe given as- L Ey, = K% do Eg = So (y>-+7) r, 44+) Here the Components of Ey. ord Eq normal to the dipde axis Caneel ench other omd the Components along. the cUpole axis add up. So the total electric field is in opposite clivection to P. Ee = (E+q + Eq) Cos 7 K-29 Gtsety= For (r77a) e = tk 2906 =< -KP x3 xr? * Hence the clipole field ot Jorge clutances falls of vot as t/ya but as ty ys. # Due do an electric alipole Earial = 2 Eonuaserial Dipole in @ uniform Electric Field - Let a dipole be held in a tmiform extemal elechic fell B et am angle 8 usith the olivectin 4 e Foree. on change +? = LE » slong the directim ope. Force. om charge -G = VE odeong opposite clivectin tp E”. The foras on charge +4 omd -% resulting In a torque on the ciple which votates the olipdle in the anticlockwise olivection. Thus the torque tend do align the dipole axis along the clirection of field EF. The magnitude of torque is equals the magnitude of each ape Coejtin iplied by! the. perpenciiculay chatance between the two andy forces + Torque = LE x2asinO t cT = PESING ~ [ewe] recti TU us gi by mn hanclea nde Tre ebirection Fae £S ot ght sere x When B is along F,e T= PESino =0 The dipele Is in stable equilibrium. x Whan B is obong E, 8 = 180° T = PESinjg0" = 0 The clipsle will be in unstable equilibrium. Dipole in a non-uniform Electric Field - In either Core ,whin P’ is parole! to E” or ardipareallel Jo 2, the net torque. ib, zeyo , but there ds a net force om the clipde’ if E is not uniform. (a) When Field ta increeamg along —e€E Less Force 2 +d more Force, on -2 - : ” om +o —_—> Net Force Net Forue on clipole is along ze. Net Torque = PESin@ = 0 Cw @=0) (B) When Field ia decreasing cdong P Mote: Ferd e Less Fores on - <__»____. _, v = e 7 on +4 Net Force Net Foree on pele is apposite to E. Net Torque = PE Sin@ = O or 8 = 0 Tuo ch Hlo uc ane placec| 5 mm . Determine. er techie’ field ak (a) a” pent Bon tthe ands of clipele 1S em. Gway grom its cevthe on the siole of the positive charge + (b) & pomt @, 15¢m away oma Line paveing. through © and normal doo the axis of the clipole Bow in figline- es Pe —-™ - ' Hee |Pl= 4x20 JVs \Blz tox? x sxio? oo tse, = s xio® om. / ' \ = somg | Nyee 2 A a& P ——— 5 oem ——_a ~—_—__ !sem._—_i (a) As point Pp Les: on axlel Line of olipdle So - — = ane = 2X9 X02x sxiv® ¥ (ets) So E, = 2-67 x10" Nic Catleng the divecton of FB) (b) As pent & Wes on equatorial dine ob olipole So — €, = KP = _9xlo? x Sxio® y% Cos Ep = 1:33 x10 Nie (opposite to the direction of B) ww A systern has tuo choages Ta = 25 x187C and a= -2:5xI0'C Located at points A:(0,0)-IScm) amd B: (0,0) 156m) rere what are the total charge ond electric olipole moment the System ? 7 sb Sil Choage of the system tele 42 4a + 4 Poors) T= asxweo- ras xe'e - qYso Electric dipele moment of the system is aren by- = 2sx0e7 x 0-30 [Pl= 4x20 = So IF = 7sxto® cm (cong. negative Z-axis), @\ In acertain region of space , elechic field 2 along. the z- clivection, itucle of electhic pielel is not Constant amd increases uniformly along positive Z-axis, ofthe rede of 1o® Nie Per » Caleutode the Force amd torque, experiencecl by a System having a total clipole moment 167 C-m. in the Aegatve z direction? Sal Dipole moment of the sgstem IPl= 4 xdl VP] = axdt = -107 em. Rede of increase of elechle Fielel per unit length, SE 2 40% Nij/e per meter AL Fore, expertencad by the system is given by F=¢eée or = ode F TZKAL XK Ti Fo = -lo” xioS = -107*N (along -z axis) Here the amgle- betvean elechic fell omd clipole moment is 180°: Sse Torque = PESIne t T= PE Sinise = 0 Charge Distribution - There Gre tuo Aypes of dishibution of Charge on a bedy- (1) Discontinuous Charge Distribution - Tr Hs clishibution the charges are clishibuled randomly C non uniformly) in body af clifterent places. (2) Continuous charge clistribution - Im thie clishibution the Charges are ~ equally cstributes| in a bocly or object. Thera are three pes Change clishibution — % % (a> Linear Charge Distribution - Tn Linear objects the charge is equally Jinearly “clusibuted on’ whale Body oe object. It w yepresenteo} by Linco choage lensity CA)- Linear. charge dlerai ty (A) «SES = AG qth AL * SI Unit —- C/m. Examples - Chargect Shaight wire , Changed circular ying “etc: + + ++ + eee ‘+ + —_——— + +r a + a $ Ce) Surface charge Distribution . _ han the suntace of the boy ia er eee ee eae body - , It Us represented by Swetace charge Chensity c. Surface Choge clensity (om) = oe = As : en SZ Unt > C/m Example - hargedl Plane sheat, Charge Conductn Ee Spee 2g gkindlans ete. aa) + Of 8 Ce) Volume Charge Distribution when the (oe os 4 equally Aishibud col in Whole volume of Body then t 44 yvepresentec| P by volurne charge Ta Volume Change clunity (P) = Creare 2 AS Velume av SZ Unit = C/m3. Examples — chaageal insuleding Sphare etc. Avea Vector - By comerdion , tre vector associated with even onea of 2 Clasel Surface is token 4o be Th the olivection of the oduard “normal. Here As ds magnitude oh, the anna ond 1 iis a unit vector fn the divection Prcen of ouhward normal at that point: > Electyic Flux €¢)- Electric. flux over. an area in an elechic feb vepresents tHe total number of electric fet! Lines onssing thin arta The electic Hux Ad “Hough an area elemont 2S im am elechic felf Ey as” defined as - Ae = ©.A8 = cQs) cose where 8 Od the orngle. eS behseen E omd AS ms > A For & nonunijorm sured total elechic flux ia b = gf Eds = § Edscose The cirele on the integra sign indicates the the Surpaw of Integration Us a “Closecl surface. K Electric flux is a scaler quantity. For a closecl surtace the flux comes outsiole frm the surpace Gd taken positive emd dhe flux going inside 4p the surface is taker nagative, Consicer a uniform eclectic field = Ca) Whet 44 the flux His field thro foem. om a coe mt Nabe 44 van plane 7? (b) lohob ib the Hux through the same square the novmal Jo ids plane makes™a Go’ emgle with x-axis ? y = 3x10 Ne a Square 4 wee Sok Here Electric Field @= ax nje i E Siole of the squsre = ob mn a Area of the square (A) = @4) * so A = oof m™ @) * when the plane of the square is parollel do the yY-z plane, then the ang between the area vector omd etectic field is 6=0. Se Electic Flux fp = E ACE pe Bxfo> x O-oLxCoA0 = BONMc (b) when plane makes an angle 60" usrth the x-aKis then ek Go’. % So Electric flux g = EASE = 3x10 xo-0l XCoS6O" p= IS Nc The electHe field in a Centain region of space da (sts uf-uk) xi Nie + Caleulote electric lux cle do this felel over an area ob (20-3) x16* m*. S2 we Know that Elechic Flux d= E:ds pe (st+uf—uk) xi (2t-7 x10” ¢ = (to-u ) x10? tis fps ke = ¢ 6x10 Noe uf ; tjzejk=Rt.o Gauss's Law - The total electric flux over the closeo! surface S Un vacuum is t/e, Limes” the total chat ge Q Contained insiee S- = F.dé = 28 ¢ £ E. ds & The charges inside smi be point es or even Continuous © change ctishtbudi ond tHe. Location of @ inside S cloes ~ not affect the value of Suepace integral. K The Sustace chosen to Calculate the surface mtegial Ceechic. fax) Ju calli! Gaussian Susfacee Proof of Gauss's Law - Suppose om Csolateol postHye pote ch dT vo Situeted at the Centre o of & Sphere of ‘radius ¥. The electric fiele) intensity = at cog pomt Pom the . Surfact of the sphare is nr 0 Where % Ja unit vector Urectest hmm © to P. Consiclr a small arta element ols of He sphare around P. as- das = asa So the flux over the area element ds - dg: E.a 2 Ktyds A <3 <> s> " - VY = Kk or Ad ie ( Se Totol electric flux over the endive surface of Sphare. o = $EE = Es gas => wee i ar ( fas A any ) = Pads = & Hence $ ¢ eds 7 It proves the Gauss's theorem. I If there are n point 5 V4 2r5--- Di -Q aniote the. Closee! Siete means ” XN Z (where Q= Yt 224---2n) = @a ch 2VxKIsFe Gs placed om a Corner of @ Cube of side Lm- Find the elechic flux Pousing Sol: Here el Cubes will be require do form a oo surface Such thar jven chi 2x10 “% appa ot te sie of the bigger Cube - = bgt hus flux pe aS, -3 = ! > aL x 2x10 BBSxIC I> gb = esas Nef © The electric +lelel components In fig. ate Ex= ext Ey =Ez=0 id which ~ = 800 dt Censicler dhe. Cube 95 Shown in tia and calculate - Ca) Total flux thro the Cube (6) Chaage clthin “the Cube. Assume that A=olm. Va sole Here Exs ar y — & = Ex = 0, a = Bar N[c-n emd Q@ = Olm. (4) The electric field has only x Components So pf = Ed <6 be each of por paces of Cnbe perpendicwiar Y-zZ plane- At the let faa =a So Ev= aah 2 > — 4 2 So od = Eze = 4 Gx oF Contac’ = -aa® At the Right Far x=ata-=2a So Exe a(oa}* So g. = EB. AR = AGaAY*x a Cos’ Ss Pe = XAG Se Net flux though He cube $ = dete ¢ = a ate ~ad = wa™ (me -1) Sf: f = Bom (01) -1) = es Neife. (b) By Gauss’s throrem L= Gof so q = Bes xIo'™ x Jas Z@ = 9.27 xto c, Application of Gauss's Theorem (1) Field clue to om infinitely Leng straight Uniformly charged Wire - Comsicua an infinitely Leng thin wire with uniform Lincar change cansity “A. The elechic field at every point in the plane culting the wire norm Js radial” amd dts magnituce cupends only om the raciol distance ¥. Now contickhn a civcwlar closed cy ot \ Under of yadius y and Aength L, with tHe ingnitedy bong dine of charge as sts axis. On -the end ob indey , je behween elechic +ielel Intensity a E and unit “vector f, Us @ = 90. So the flux reloaded to these Cretan portions will be zero. The electric fell at one peint on the curved Surpace of the Cytindrs is the Sa Also the © and unit vector A ane aleng outward normal to the Curved Swrpace SO 8 =O. So the electric flux over the cued Surpaw - ee fea 7 Z Eds Cos! «(Fae oe Charge mside the eptindler. (1) = AL Now according tr Gauss's theorem - g- 2 Eo so Exonyt = Ad Es or Ee =_A_A ey Clearly Ext reyes Avo, the direction electric fell at exe point Jb radially odes? x a KIf A <0, the clivection of electric feld at every point dt radially inwards. A ae ibaa ob Sength 2.2m ome rods 36mm Connie a Change Of SRxXIWwTC hich vs Spread uni ony over Swefpce » whot WB the elechic tield near the 4 i Point of oe rod, on dts Surface? Sh Given tho - Le 22m. = Somm = Bexletm. 5 4% = -38 A157. } ‘ & Linear Charge density A & A = — 2:8 xo? -L73 x107 Cm 22 0 As Fea eee aA 2 Eoy 41 Ov 2x9xier x (-173x107 ) 36 x03 poe -B+6 x10° Nie (3) Electric Field intensity due to a thin infinite plane Sheet of charge - Comsicur a thin mpinite plane sheet of charge. Usith Surface charge cluntirty oc: we have to ind the electric field at peint P at a perpendicular olistane ¥ from the sheet Now imagine a capbinclricol Gaussian surface of corss- sectimal” arg A “around P and sengtn 2Y> passing through the sheet. D Tetod pux over the entire surface of upbinder. ub — ¢ -fea+ fer +feax gb = EdsCosd + EdsCosd + Eds Cosgo" p= 2EA Total Chaage enclosed by te cybindss = oA According 40 Gawss's Law~- cA « & 2c s ts, = e ee * E is inclepencdent of Y- K If © >0 then electric field Gs normally outward omel K If 6 >0 then elechic field Js normally Inward to the Shack. A Lange plane Sheet of ch Change densi: the f aoege. having. Surface Sx10© Cfmt Lie in xy plane. Find electric flux through a Civeular anon of yvadius im dh the normal “4o the circular aren makes an angle of 6e Here So uith the z-axis, , oe = Sxio% Cm 4, r= om, 0560 ¢: Eds = Eds @se ¢ = (sq )eme* Cos = SKITS ye siyx (0-L)* Cos Go" 2K B BS xIo'™ b = 4:44 xl? Nee — fs.

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