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) Current State of Geosphere / Litosphere

Definition: The geosphere is made up of crust, mantle and core. It comprises the solid earth and
includes both earth’s surface and the various layers of the earth’s interior. It refers to the
landforms, rocks, minerals and all the solid part of the earth including mountains, deserts and

 Mountains are one of the examples of geosphere. In 2019, The Himalayas Mountain
that is considered one of the tallest mountains in the world. There are reports from the
International Center for Integrated Mountain development. A group of physical
scientists said that Himalayas in warming even more because of the altitude change and
geography. There are also a threat of glacial lake outburst flooding and unpredictable
rain patterns. According to the study of Yale School of environment that was published
on October, 2022 they said that the future is daunting as the new research suggests that
the area of Himalayan glaciers has shrunk by 40 percent and 10 times faster than during
the other four decades. A 2020 study also projected that the eastern and end of range in
Bhutan and Nepal could lose 60 percent of its ice mass by 2100. Unusual heatwaves had
contributed to 16 glacial lake outbursts in the mountains this year, compared with to
the previous years. This threatens agriculture and water supplies across South Asia.

 Evolution over the years in the changes in glacial lake area.( Cambridge University Press.
April 1, 2019.

 PBS NewsHour (2022, June 29). Climate Changes Forces Major Lifestyle Changes High in
The Himalayan Mountains. [Video]. YouTube.
 Chandrashekhar, V. (2022, October 3). As Himalayan Glaciers Melt, A Water Crisis Looms in
South Asia. Yale School Of the Environment. [ Article].

Actions to mitigate systems imbalance (Geosphere)

1.) Always practice the reuse, reduce, recycle etiquette.
2.) Practice sustainable living such as using natural or organic materials and using recyclable bags.
3.) Plant trees
4.) Reduce water use
5.) Volunteer in an environmental organization

2.) Current State of Biosphere

Definition: It is the part of the earth where we can find life forms. It is presented in both land
and water.

 The global total of the world’s ecosystem is becoming alarming that societies and
human lives are currently facing challenges as our biosphere deteriorates and planetary
boundaries are reached. There are also have been economic activities that generates
large amounts of greenhouse gases such as transportation, electricity and
manufacturing. According to the U.S Environmental agency, the global average
temperature has risen at an average rate of 1.60-degree Fahrenheit. The review also
suggested that the human influence forces the global ecosystem towards an irreversible
planetary scale shift, that is getting the word out on biosphere crisis.

 In a report, it revealed that around 85 percent of Filipinos believed that climate change
was currently happening. Temperature in our Country are expected to rise at 2.2 in

 (2013, May 29). Getting The Word Out on Biosphere Crisis. Nature.
 Olson, D. (2013, May 9.). Biosphere Conversation: Monumental action Is Critical to Avert
Global Environmental Crisis. Mongabay [ Article].

Actions to mitigate systems imbalance (Biosphere)

1.) Supporting local projects in tackling biodiversity loss
2.) Educating other children about biodiversity and ecosystem
3.) Support local farms
4.) Plant flowers, fruits and vegetables at home.

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