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a) Write the null and alternate hypotheses for this study.

[6 Marks]

H 0: Clients are more likely to eat at the restaurant on some days of the week

H 1: Clients are not more likely to eat at the restaurant on some days of the week

b) State the assumptions present for a goodness of fit test. Have these been upheld in the present
example? Justify your answer. [6 Marks]

The goodness of fit test makes the following assumptions:

 Sample size is large enough for X 2 to be approximately chi-squared distributed. Rule of thumb:
all JJ expected cell counts are 5 or more.
 Sample is a simple random sample from the population. That is, observations are independent of one

On the data set, the expected counts are more than 5, which qualifies the data set for goodness of fit
test.In addition, the observations are independent of the other as no client went to the restaurant more
than once during the week.

c) In total, how many people went to his restaurant during the week? [3 Marks]

∑ f = total number of people who went to his restaurant during the week
Therefore (15+34+48+17+44+66+49) = 273

d) If we expect the number of people to enter his restaurant during the week to be equal, how
many people would we expect to eat there on any given day? [3 Marks]

Number of people to enter his restaurant during the week to be equal=

∑ f = 273 =39
n 7

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Frequency 7 15.0 66.0 39.000 18.3485

Valid N7
e) Based on your findings, can we reject the null hypothesis? Present the relevant test results to
justify your answer. [6Marks]

Chi-Square Tests

Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 42.000a 36 .227

Likelihood Ratio 27.243 36 .853

N of Valid Cases 7

a. 49 cells (100.0%) have expected count less than alpha value of 5. The minimum
expected count is .14.

The P-Value is greater that the alpha value of 5% which is 22.7% we will accept the null hypothesis and
reject Alternative hypothesis

f) Your friend has asked whether he can take the weekend off (i.e. Saturday and Sunday). Is this a
good idea for his business? If not, which days do you recommend that he takes off in order to not
lose too many customers?

Saturday and Sunday will be not ideal for the business for his friend to take an off because on the
statistical table a huge sales turnover of clients will be high during the weekend. Monday and Thursday
are the preferably the days suitable for off days as the business will be low on these days.

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