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Intel 8086
Atanu Shome
Computer Science and Engineering Discipline
Khulna University

■ Most of the materials have been collected from Internet.

■ Images are taken from Internet.
■ Various books are used to make these slides.
■ Primary reference book:
I. Microprocessor and Microcomputer based system
design by Dr. M. Rafiquzzaman
■ The Intel Microprocessors by Barry B. Brey

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 2

This slide is not enough to learn these topics. It’s just for
your guideline. (NAH! Just a reminder for me - which
topics to cover) Reading from the slides only, will be a BIG


Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 3

■ The 8086 is a 16-bit microprocessor
chip designed by Intel between early
1976 and June 8, 1978, when it was
■ 16 bit
■ 40 pin
■ 8086 5MHz, 8086-1 10MHz, 8086-2
■ 20 bit address, 220 bit address.
■ 220 = one megabyte memory

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 4

8284 Clock Generator with Crystal

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 5

8086 Clock generator (8284)

■ External clock generator needed for clock input

■ 8284 divides the external crystal input internally by 3
𝐶𝑟𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡
𝐶𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘 𝐹𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 =
■ Suppose we need to operate the 8086 at 15MHz internal clock frequency. Then we
need an external clock generator 8284 to provide the clock input to the CLK pin of
8086. For clock signal generator the X1 and X2 pin of 8284 need to be connected
to a crystal. Determine the frequency of the crystal.
■ 45 MHz

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 6

Instruction Queue

■ Up to six instruction at a given time

■ Speed up in instruction execution
■ Supports pipelining

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 7

■ Segmented memory
■ Segmentation is the process in
which the main memory of the
computer is logically divided into
different segments and each
segment has its own base
■ CS, DS, SS, ES
■ What are the advantages?


Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 8

Memory segmentation

■ Note that the 8086 does not work the whole

1MB memory at any given time. However, it
works only with four 64KB segments within the
whole 1MB memory.

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 9

Memory Segmentation

■ Types Of Segmentation

– Overlapping Segment

– Non-Overlapped Segment

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 10

Rules of Segmentation

■ The starting address of a segment should be such that it can be evenly divided by
■ Minimum size of a segment can be 16 bytes and the maximum can be 64 kB.

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Advantages of Segmented Memory
■ Powerful memory management mechanism.
■ Data related or stack related operations can be performed in different segments.
■ Code related operation can be done in separate code segments.
■ It allows to processes to easily share data.
■ It allows to extend the address ability of the processor, i.e. segmentation allows the
use of 16 bit registers to give an addressing capability of 1 Megabytes. Without
segmentation, it would require 20 bit registers.
■ It is possible to enhance the memory size of code data or stack segments beyond
64 KB by allotting more than one segment for each area.

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 12

8085 vs 8086
■ Size − 8085 is 8-bit microprocessor, whereas 8086 is 16-bit microprocessor.

■ Address Bus − 8085 has 16-bit address bus while 8086 has 20-bit address bus.

■ Memory − 8085 can access up to 64Kb, whereas 8086 can access up to 1 Mb of memory.

■ Instruction − 8085 doesn’t have an instruction queue, whereas 8086 has an instruction

■ Pipelining − 8085 doesn’t support a pipelined architecture while 8086 supports a pipelined

■ I/O − 8085 can address 2^8 = 256 I/O's, whereas 8086 can access 2^16 = 65,536 I/O's.

■ Cost − The cost of 8085 is low whereas that of 8086 is high.


Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 13

Store a number in memory

■ How will you save 26A7h (16 bit data) in address 1BE57h.


A7 26

1BE57h 1BE58h

How about an even address?

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 14

Data Access Strategy 8086
■ 8086 access memory with even address

■ If the data is in 30024h then, for a 16 bit data 8086 can bring it for operation using
one access (30024h and 30025h together)

■ On the other hand for off address such as 40005h, it has to bring 40004h +
40005h. Again, 40006h + 400007h.

■ Discard 40004h and 40007h.

■ Finally, result is in 40005h and 40006h. Two access

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 15

8086 vs 8088

■ What are the differences?

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■ 8086 has two modes
– Minimum Mode / Uniprocessor
– Maximum Mode / Multiprocessor

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8288 BUS controller

■ Facilitate the functionalities of minimum mode to maximum mode

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 18

8086 Architecture

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8086 Architecture

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 20
Logical to Physical Address Calculation

■ BIU does the address calculation

■ Programmer provide the Code segment (16bit) and Instruction pointer offset(16bit)

■ BIU calculate the 20 bit physical value

■ 4 bit Left shift of CS value and add the IP offset values

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Logical to Physical Address Calculation

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 22

Logical to Physical Address Calculation

■ Imagine, the content of CS is 1601h. IP contains 1010h. Both are 16-bit contents.
BIU is responsible for the physical address calculation. What is the 20-bit physical
address based on current values of CS and IP?

■ 17020h

Atanu Shome, CSE, KU 23

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