Volcanoes Point Wise

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Volcanoes are a type of natural phenomenon that occur when magma rises to the
surface and erupts. The resulting vent in the Earth's surface allows molten rock, ash,
and gas to escape.

Types of Volcanoes
Volcanoes are categorized into three main types: shield, cinder cone, and composite.

Shield Volcanoes
Shield volcanoes are formed by fluid lava flows that spread out in all directions. They
are large and gently sloping.

Cinder Cone Volcanoes

Cinder cone volcanoes are formed by explosive eruptions that throw out fragments of
solid rock. They are small and steep-sided.

Composite Volcanoes
Composite volcanoes are formed by repeated eruptions of both lava and ash. They are
tall and steep-sided.

Effects of Volcanoes
Volcanoes can have both positive and negative effects on the environment and human
populations. Positive effects include the creation of new land and the formation of
valuable minerals. Negative effects include the release of ash and gas into the
atmosphere, which can affect global climate patterns, and the destruction of buildings
and homes from lava flows and volcanic ash.

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