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Calculus 1


Chapters 1&2 (25 marks)

Calculus 1

Prof. DrSc. Nguyen Dinh

• Remember to write: Your full name, ID, and YOUR Class (WED or FRI class) on the
TOP of the first page of your solutions. Assignment without student’s full name will be
•Students write solutions in A4 papers and fix them together by a stapler. Papers not of
right size or not fixed, no ID, no class (MON or TUE): -3 points.
•Way of submission: Put your assignment in the mail box of Prof. Dinh,
in front of O2.610. For Assignments that are not fixed by staplers and are tossed in the
mail box (then papers will be mixed with others… remember that there are about 250
assignments of students of Cal 1), only the exercises in the first page with your name are
•Students have to work independently. Any of two exercises of 2 students have the
same solutions, both will get zero mark (for the whole assignment 1).
•Deadline of submission: 11:00 AM, Feb. 6, 2023.
•Important NOTE: NO Late submission is accepted.
SET 2.

Question 2.1 Write the equation of the tangent line to the curve x2/3 + y2/3 = 4 at the point (−3 3, 1).

Question 2.2 A runner exercises on a straight road. His displacement (in kilometers) relative to an origin
O is s(t) = 2t 3 − 9t 2 + 12t, 0 ≤ t ≤ 3, where time t is measured in hours. Consider the period of time
(1, 2).

(A) On (1,2) the runner moves backward

(B) On (1,2) the runner moves forward

(C) On this interval, the runner moves backward and then backward

(D) None of these are correct.

Which of the previous possibilities is correct? Explain in details the result for your choice.

Question 2.3 Suppose that f is continuous on [1, 5] and the only solutions of the equation f (x) = 6 are
x = 1 and x = 4. If f (2) = 8. Compare f (3) and 6. Explain in detail your answer.

Question 2.4 Consider the curve C with the equation: x2 y2 + xy = 2. Write the equations of the tangent
line to C at the points (1, 1) and (−1, −1).

Question 2.5 Find the linear approximation of the function y = 4 + sin x near x0 = 0.

Question 2.6 Let x4 + y4 = 16 and consider y as a function of x. Use the implicit differentiation to find y00

Question 2.7 Consider the equation:

2x − 1 = sin x. (1)

(A) Equation (1) has at least one solution on the interval (0, 2)

(B) Equation (1) has no solution on [2, ∞)

(C) Equation (1) has no solution on (−∞, 0]

(D) All other statements are correct

Which of the above statements (may be not only one) is/are correct? Explain your answer.

Question 2.8 Let f (x) = 2 + 2x + e2x . Find f −1 (3).

Question 2.9 Let f (x) = x7 + x5 + 2x . Find f −1 (4).

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