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A Senior High Research

Presented to the Faculty of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel

Senior Highschool

Cateel, Davao Oriental

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

In Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research)

1st Semester, S.Y. 2022-2023

Abarca, Ailyn

Longyapon, Patricia

Panagsagan, Christian Roi

Reyes, King Evonne

December 2022
Chapter 1


This chapter contains the background of the study, purpose of the study, statement of
the research problem, research questions, significance of the study, conceptual framework,
narrative discussion of the framework, visual representation of the framework, theoretical lense,
scope and delimitations, and the definition of terms, operational terms.

Background of the Study

One of the innovations that man has created is the Internet, which brought upon a lot of
possibilities and opportunities for a large number of people. And one of the outcomes of those
possibilities was social media. Students living in this era are bound to encounter social media
and may even be using it at this moment in time. However, some students are spending an
excessive amount of time on social media that it is starting to affect their studies and daily life.

For this research, the researchers want to uncover or address the effects brought by
social media to the performance of the students of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel in their studies.
As students, it is our obligation to learn and get educated with the appropriate knowledge and
lessons. However, social media can influence a person’s mindset and behavior, and excessive
use of social media can have an impact on a student’s academic performance. This study aims
to determine how social media can have an impact on a student’s life and his school.

Since this generation of learners are mostly using social media through their
smartphones, computers, gadgets, the school’s administrations implemented the policy that
prohibits the students from bringing their gadgets in the school premises unless given
permission. This policy enables the students to be disciplined and well-mannered.

This study is conducted with the researchers’ intent to know more about social media’s
relevance and relationship with the students’ life in Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. We hope this
study may broaden the perspective of the readers and be used by future researchers.

As a young student, we can’t avoid the urge to look for ways or things to entertain ourselves. No
matter what we do, we tend to get distracted when we get entertained whether we are at home
or at school. For individuals, social media is used to keep in touch with friends and extended
family. Some people will use various social media applications to network career opportunities,
find people across the globe with like-minded interests, and share their thoughts, feelings,
insights, and emotions. Those who engage in these activities are part of a virtual social
network, according to Maya Dollarhide (2021). But, as a student, we need to put our focus and
attention in school. For knowledge is power, we need all the teaching and supervision of our
teachers. Using our phones to browse the internet for research purposes can sometimes lead
us to social media platforms which may distract us from our main purpose.
Social media has now become a part of a student’s life that it influences their way of
thinking and perceiving things which affects their performance in their academics and how they
interact with their fellow students and other people. The notion of social media comprises
internet-based apps that enable the creation and exchange of information provided by users.
Since the development of social media networks, students' academic lives have taken on a new
dimension. Several studies have found that social media has a significant impact on students'
academic performance in higher education. Students gain information via conversing with other
students, professors, and outside sources. Because of the impact of social media, students
waste their time conversing rather than reading their books. They also establish pals on social
media. This might have affected their academic achievement. There is no way to succeed
academically if you do not read. It is typical to witness a student conversing in sensitive and
highly structured areas such as a church, or lecture hall. Some are so engrossed that they
continue to talk even as they stroll along the highway. This kind of scenario happens to all
people, old and young, students or not.

Furthermore, if the student spends more time and attention to social media, this may
lead to poor time management and concentration in class, which can have a significant change
in the student’s behavioral patterns and performance in school. In the making this research
study, we, the researchers are aware of the aforementioned procedures that will take place in
this study.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the impact of social media usage on the
academic performance of the students. The final product of this research will be directed
towards community involvement.

Statement of the Research Problem

Social media is becoming a normal part of students' lives. It's a way for people to
communicate and share information easily. However, too much social media use can have a big
impact on students' school performance. This can cause problems for students that can affect
their lives. This study aims to find out how social media affects students' academic performance.

Social media is a group of websites and apps that allow people to communicate with each other
and share online content. People use social media for many reasons, such as staying in touch
with family and friends, academic purposes, hobbies, networking, and business. Social media
has a big impact on how people interact with each other. It includes communication through
electronic platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram. While social media has
positive effects on education, such as learning from different sources and sharing ideas, it can
also have negative effects like reduced capacity for learning, time-wasting, and poor academic
performance. Many students who are addicted to social media may experience negative effects
on their physical and mental health, as well as their academic performance. This study aims to
explore the impact of social media on the academic performance of Grade 8 students in the
hopes of finding interventions that can help students and other stakeholders in the school.

To achieve the purpose of this study, the researchers aim to answer the statement of the

1. What is the measure of the use of social media among Grade 8 students?
2. What is the level of academic performance among the Grade 8 students?
3. Is there a significant correlation between the use of social media and the academic
performance of Grade 8 students?

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study may provide information that may be beneficial to students,
parents, teachers, the administrators, future researchers, and the school.

Students. They may be able to know deeply what social media is and what effects it may bring
to their lives as a twenty-first century learner.

Parents. This study will help them be aware of what social media is and how can it affect their

Teachers. This study may help them understand how social media can influence their student’s
behavior and performance in class.

Administrators. This will assist them in finding ways to further improve a student’s performance
in school whilst maintaining their focus and attention in learning. They can make programs
wherein students have a deeper understand of social media.

School. This research study will be beneficial to the school for now they will have a deeper
understanding of social media in general and its impact to students who are attending school.
This research paper will be of service to the School Library in terms of being a reading material
conducive for learning.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as a reference to researchers who wish to conduct
the same study.
Conceptual, Visual Representation, and Narrative Discussion of the Framework

Social Media
Academic Performance
• Information
• Learning Habits
• Accessibility
• Study Routine
• Legitimacy
• Critical Thinking
(Independent Variable)
(Dependent Variable)

Theoretical Lens

The theoretical lens for the study on social media and its impact on the academic
performance of Grade 8 students of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel is anchored on the uses and
gratification theory. This theory asserts that people use media for specific purposes, and the
gratification obtained from the use of media is dependent on the individual's needs,
expectations, and social contexts. According to this theory, users of media are active and
selective in their media consumption, and they have a certain level of control over their media
The study will also be guided by the social learning theory, which posits that learning occurs
through observation and modeling of behavior. This theory assumes that people can learn by
observing the behavior of others and the consequences of that behavior. In the context of social
media use, this theory suggests that students can learn through the content they see on social
media and the behavior they observe from their peers and others in their social network.

Furthermore, the study will also utilize the self-determination theory, which proposes that
individuals are motivated to achieve a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in their
activities. The theory suggests that individuals are more likely to be motivated and engaged in
activities that satisfy their psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. In
the context of social media use, this theory suggests that students may be motivated to engage
in social media activities that fulfill their psychological needs, which may have an impact on their
academic performance.

Overall, these theoretical lenses provide a framework for understanding the motivations and
behaviors of students in their social media use and how these may impact their academic

Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited to the main purpose of having a deep understanding of what social
media is and how it can affect the performance of the students in their academics. The
researchers will select thirty (30) respondents in grade 10 in the Junior High School
Thus, if the selected respondent is not present, they would be replaced with another
student who is willing to become our respondent who has similar characteristics. This study is
limited only to the students of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel.

Definition of Terms

Academic Performance. This is the degree to which a student, teacher, or institution has
attained their short- or long-term educational goals. This is frequently assessed through exams
or ongoing evaluations, but there is no consensus on the optimum method of assessment or
whether components—declarative information like facts or procedural knowledge like skills—are
most crucial.

Social Media. This is a channel of communication that uses the internet. Social networking
systems allow users to have discussions, share information and produce digital content. There
are many forms of social media, including blogs, micro-blogs, wikis, social networking sites,
photo-sharing sites, instant messaging, video-sharing sites, podcasts, widgets, virtual worlds,
and more.

Operational Definition
For the purposes of this study, social media is defined as a network of websites and
applications that enable users to communicate, create, access, share, and interact with online
content, including but not limited to, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and Instagram. The impact
of social media on academic performance refers to the effects that social media use has on the
grades, attendance, and overall academic achievement of Grade 8 students at Maryknoll
Academy of Cateel. This includes examining the amount of time spent on social media, the type
of content consumed, and the frequency of use, and how these factors relate to the students'
academic performance. The study aims to explore both the positive and negative effects of
social media on academic performance, and identify potential interventions that can be
implemented to promote academic success and minimize the negative impact of social media
on students' academic performance.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

This chapter contains the overview of the review of related literature, thematic discussion
of literature, related studies and synthesis.

Overview of the Review of Related Literature

The review of related literature focuses on the impact of social media on the academic
performance of Grade 8 students in Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. The literature revealed that
social media has both positive and negative effects on students' academic performance.
Positive effects include increased engagement, communication, and access to information,
while negative effects include reduced learning capacity, decreased face-to-face interaction,
time wastage, and motivational decline.

Several studies have been conducted on the impact of social media on academic performance,
indicating that excessive use of social media can lead to lower grades and decreased academic
achievement. However, other studies have also suggested that social media can have a positive
impact on academic performance, such as using social media as a learning tool and for
collaborative group work.

The literature review also explored the potential interventions that could mitigate the negative
effects of social media on academic performance. Such interventions include time management
and self-regulation techniques, reducing screen time, and providing social media education and
awareness programs.

Overall, the review of related literature suggests that the impact of social media on academic
performance is complex and multifaceted. Further research is needed to fully understand the
effects of social media on academic performance and to develop effective interventions to
mitigate negative impacts.

Social media has become an integral part of the daily lives of many students worldwide,
including those in Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. As such, it has attracted a lot of attention and
criticism, particularly on its effects on students' academic performance. This literature review
explores various studies that have investigated the relationship between social media and the
academic performance of grade 8 students.

Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance

Several studies have examined the impact of social media on students' academic performance.
A study by Kirschner and Karpinski (2010) found that using social media while studying is
detrimental to students' academic performance, especially when it comes to complex tasks that
require undivided attention. The study also found that social media use was associated with
lower GPAs, test scores, and grades.

In contrast, a study by Junco (2012) found that social media use did not affect students'
academic performance. The study found that students who used social media for educational
purposes had higher GPAs than those who did not use social media at all. The study also found
that using social media for academic purposes was positively associated with engagement in
learning activities.

Furthermore, a study by Manca and Ranieri (2016) found that social media could positively
impact students' academic performance. The study found that social media use can enhance
collaborative learning, improve critical thinking skills, and increase student engagement.

Impact of Social Media on Learning

Similarly, a study by Huang and Liaw (2018) found that social media can enhance learning by
facilitating collaborative learning and peer support. The study found that students who used
social media to interact with their peers had higher levels of learning achievement.

Impact of Social Media on Health and Well-being

Finally, several studies have explored the impact of social media on students' health and well-
being. A study by Kuss and Griffiths (2017) found that excessive social media use was
associated with increased anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems. The study
also found that social media addiction was associated with poor sleep quality, lower self-
esteem, and decreased academic performance.
Similarly, a study by Chou and Edge (2012) found that excessive social media use was
associated with decreased physical activity and increased sedentary behavior. The study found
that students who spent more time on social media were more likely to be overweight or obese.


In conclusion, the impact of social media on the academic performance of grade 8 students at
Maryknoll Academy of Cateel is complex and multifaceted. While some studies have found a
negative correlation between social media use and academic performance, others have found
no relationship or even a positive impact. Similarly, while some studies have found that social
media can enhance learning and engagement, others have found that it can have negative
impacts on health and well-being. Therefore, more research is needed to fully understand the
impact of social media on students' academic performance, learning, and health.

Thematic Discussion of Literature

Based on the review of related literature, several themes emerged regarding the impact
of social media on the academic performance of Grade 8 students.

Firstly, excessive use of social media was found to be a significant predictor of poor academic
performance. Studies showed that students who spend more time on social media tend to have
lower grades, decreased study time, and reduced academic achievement. Moreover, social
media addiction was identified as a problem that affects the students' mental and physical
health, leading to a decline in academic performance.

Secondly, social media was found to have a negative impact on students' cognitive abilities. The
constant bombardment of information and distractions from social media platforms hinders
students' ability to concentrate and retain information, leading to reduced memory and cognitive
processing abilities. This, in turn, results in poor academic performance and decreased

Lastly, there were also some positive effects of social media on the academic performance of
Grade 8 students. Social media was found to be an effective tool for academic purposes such
as collaborative learning, information sharing, and communication with teachers and peers. It
was also found to enhance students' critical thinking and digital literacy skills.

Overall, the literature suggests that social media can have both positive and negative impacts
on the academic performance of Grade 8 students. While social media can provide
opportunities for academic growth, excessive use can lead to distraction, addiction, and
decreased academic performance. Therefore, it is crucial for educators and parents to monitor
and regulate the use of social media among students to ensure a healthy balance between
academic work and leisure activities.

Related Studies

1. A study conducted by Kirschner and Karpinski (2010) found that students who spent
more time on Facebook had lower GPAs. The study also found that the negative
relationship between Facebook use and academic performance was mediated by time
spent studying.

2. A study by Junco (2012) found that using Twitter and Facebook for academic purposes
was positively related to students' grades. However, using social media for non-
academic purposes was negatively related to academic performance.
3. A study by Junco (2012) found that using Twitter and Facebook for academic purposes
was positively related to students' grades. However, using social media for non-
academic purposes was negatively related to academic performance.

4. A study by Junco (2012) found that using Twitter and Facebook for academic purposes
was positively related to students' grades. However, using social media for non-
academic purposes was negatively related to academic performance.

Based on the review of related literature, social media has both positive and negative
impacts on the academic performance of Grade 8 students at Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. On
one hand, social media can be used as a tool for educational purposes such as collaborative
learning, research, and knowledge sharing. However, excessive use of social media can result
in distraction, reduced focus, and poor academic performance. Students who spend more time
on social media are found to have lower grades and reduced motivation to study.

Moreover, the negative impact of social media on academic performance is not limited to just
grades but also affects other aspects of student life such as mental health, physical health, and
social skills. Students who are addicted to social media are found to have higher levels of
stress, anxiety, and depression, which can further reduce their academic performance.

To mitigate the negative impact of social media on the academic performance of Grade 8
students at Maryknoll Academy of Cateel, several interventions can be implemented. These
include educational programs on responsible social media use, parental monitoring and
guidance, setting limits on social media use, and promoting alternative activities such as sports
and extracurricular activities. Overall, it is important to recognize the potential negative impact of
social media on academic performance and take proactive measures to address this issue.
Chapter III


This chapter contains the steps and methods being used in the study. These incorporate
the research design, locale of the study, sampling method, research respondents and data
collection procedure.

Research Design

The major methodological framework the researchers used in this study is a quantitative
correlational study. According to Babbie (2010), a quantitative methodology is best suitable
when researchers aim to determine whether and to what degree a relationship exists between
two or more variables within a population or a given sample. Adding to this idea, Cresswell
(2013) asserted that quantitative methods emphasize objective measurements and statistical,
mathematical, or numerical analysis of data gathered through polls, questionnaires, surveys,
and other means. The said design is appropriate for this study to know the relationship between
the social media and academic performance of Maryknoll Academy of Cateel students.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted in Maryknoll Academy of Cateel found in Santiago St.,
Poblacion, Cateel, Davao Oriental located in the southern Philippine Island in Mindanao. The
researchers only intended to limit this research to 30 students from grade 8 either male or

Sampling Method

Simple random sampling will be used in choosing the research respondents. In this
sampling method, each element of the population has an equal chance to be selected. This
would solidify the validity of choosing the respondents and would lower or eliminate the risk of
research biases.

Research Respondents

The selected respondents for the study are already registered for the 2022–2023 school
year at Maryknoll Academy of Cateel. Even though there is no need for minimum age for
involvement in this survey, the researchers were not assigned with a specified number of
respondents. Before beginning the study, the researcher will submit a permission letter to make
sure that all participants are informed of the subjects and scope of the study.
Research Instruments
To get the appropriate dat needed, the researchers will provide questionnaires with two
(2) parts. Part I will ask for the profile of the respondents. The tool that will be used for the
profile was made by the researchers. It will determine their names, age, and civil status.
Part II is the tool chosen to determine how much the respondents' social media usage
are. This will serve as an evaluation in the respondents' interaction with social media.

Data Collecting Procedure

The School Principal will receive a letter from the researchers requesting permission to
conduct this study. The researchers will start outlining the project's objectives after receiving the
principal's complete permission. After describing the study's premise and objective, the
researchers utilize purposive sampling as part of their strategy. After then, the respondents will
receive a survey form from the researcher to complete.

Plan of Analysis

Babbie, E. R. (2010). The Practice of Social Research. 12th ed.: SAGE Publication. Retrieve

Creswell, J.W. (2013). Qualitative inquiry & research design: choosing among the five
approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. retrieve from

Patton MQ. Qualitative research and evaluation methods. 3rd Sage Publications; Thousand

Oaks, CA: 2002. Retrieve from

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