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Dialogue for question 1 and 2

Karin : Oh, I am so tired. You I just did the laundry.
Mila : Are you gonna go to bed now ?
Karin : Yes . I should get a rest and sleep soon since I have an important
meeting at eight tomorrow.

1. From the dialogue , we know that………. [HOTS]

a. Mila is feeling tired.
b. Mila just washed her clothes.
c. Karin is going to sleep.
d. Karin should be washing the clothes now.
e. Mila should attend a meeting tomorrow.

2. From the underlined sentence , we can conclude the Karin …………

a. asks necessity to Mila
b. states an obligation
c. asks Mila to state necessity to do something.
d. doesn’t agrre with Mila
e. refuses Mila’s opinion

3. You promised to come to your friend’s birthday party , but you suddenly
cancelled it. Your friend is mad at you now. You feel regretful for that.
Which expression of obligation is match in such a situation? [HOTS]
a. What should I do to make you come to my party?
b. You should cheer me up.
c. You should have come to my party.
d. You should be having the party now.
e. I should have come to the party.
Dialogue for questions 4-6

Noni : We’re going to have a final semester test next month.

Dian : You’re right.
Noni : We have a study harder.
Dian : Of cours . But , I am afraid of the mathematics test.
Noni : How come ?
Dian : You know . I’m so weak at mathematics. I always get the
lowest score amoung the students. It makes me lazy to learn
Noni : Don’t say that. Our main duty is studying as a student. We
should do our best to understand and to master all the lessons.
Dian : It’s so easy to say.
Noni : I know what you mean. If there’s something I can help , just
tell me.
Dian : Of course. You must teach me mathematics. It’s necessary for
me to learn all the material with you. You’re the best student.
You’re excellent at mathematics.
Noni : Okay.
Dian : Really? Thank you in advance.

4. What are Noni and Dian talking about? [HOTS]

a. Their life at school.
b. The up coming final semester test.
c. mathematics
d. How to be the best student.
e. How Dian has and solves her problems at mathematics.

5. From the dialogue, we know that Dian is weak at……

a. English
b. mathematics
c. biology
d. physics
e. geography
6. Why does Dian ask Noni to teach her mathematics ?
a. Noni is the mathematics teacher.
b. Noni makes the questions for the mathematics test.
c. Noni is weak at mathematics as well.
d. Noni’s father is a mathematics teacher.
e. Noni is very smart at mathematics.

Dialogue for questions 7-10

From :
To :
Subject: Tutor- Tutor Crop.
Dear Hiring Manager of Tutor Crop.
Please accept my enthusiastic application to Tutor Corp. I
would love the opportunity to be a hardworking , passionate
member of your summer tutoring programme. As soon as I read the
description of the programme, I knew I was a well-qualified
candidate for the position.
I have extensive tutoring experience in a variety of fields. I
have tutored in English as well as Calculus. I have helped student
learn to analyse literature, write essays , understand historical
events, and graph parabolas. You programme requires that tutors
be able to assist students in multiple subjects, and my experience
would allow me to do just that.
You also state in your job posting that you require tutors that
can work with students off all ages. As a summer camp counsellor, I
have experience working with preschool and kindergarten-age
students. I have also tutored middle school students in reading, as
well as college and high school students. Through these tutoring and
counselling positions, I have learnt how to best teach each age
group. For example, I created songs to teach my three-year-old
campers the camp rules, but I gave my college student daily quizzes
to help her prepare for exams.
I am passionate about helping students improve in all academic
subjects. I still remember my excitement when my calculus student
received her first “A” on a quiz! I am confident that my passion and
experience are the qualities you are looking for at Tutor Crop. Thank
you so much for your time and consideration.

Yours faithfully,
Rio Ardiawan
Jalan Merdeka No. 17
Kandangan, Benowo, Surabaya 60199
0821-323-0003 (cell)
Email :

7. What is the goal of the text?

a. To inform that there’s a job vacancy at Tutor Corp.
b. To complain a bad teaching method at Tutor Corp.
c. To apply for the position of tutor at Tutor Corp.
d. To inform there’s a summer tutoring programme at Tutor Corp.
e. To order some tutors at Tutor Corp.

8. The applicant has helped students in learning the following fields,

a. analysing literatures
b. understanding historical events
c. writing essays
d. micro economy
e. graph parabolas

9. To whom does the applicant send the latter?

a. The students of Tutor Corp.
b. The students’ parents of Tutor Corp
c. The hiring manager of Tutor Corp.
d. One of the tutors at Tutor Corp.
e. The education department.

10.“I would love the opportunity to be a hardworking,…….”

The underlined word can be replaced with ……..
a. progress
b. improvement
c. chance
d. advantage
e. achievement

Dialogue for questions 11-13

Hiring manager : We’ve know more little about you, Ms Vanilla. Now
would you tell us your biggest challenge as a stewardess?
Applicant : Many are generally clueless as to how things work on an
Hiring manager : What’s the most rewarding part about being a
Applicant : For me , every day is different: different destination ,
different passengers ,and different crews.
Hiring manager : I’m sure you have a lot of skills. What skill do you use
if we hire you as a stewardess?
Applicant : Diplomacy ,and patience to deal with masses of people
being squeezed into a small space.
Hiring manager : Why should we hire you?
Applicant : All employers want a stewardess with core skills. I have
those skills besides advanced skills. I speak at least in three foreign
languages . I have five years airline industry experience. Therefore, I’ll
be a good asset for your airline company.
Hiring manager : All right, Ms Vanilla. We’ll consider you first. We’ll
contact you if we decide to hire you.
Applicant : Thank you very much for your time.

11.From the dialogue, we know that …..

a. the applicant has fluency in five foreign languages.
b. the applicant will use her diplomacy and patience skills if she is hired.
c. the applicant has there-year work experience.
d. the applicant never get challenges as a stewardess.
e. the applicant works with the same crews every day.
12.The underlined word in the dialogue means ……[HOTS]
a. at a higher level
b. basic
c. general
d. better
e. easy

13.“All employers want a……..”

The italic word can be replaced with…….
a. passengers
b. stewardesses
c. pilots
d. companies
e. flights

Dialogue for questions 14-15

Candra : Are you okay?

Keke : Yes.
Candra : But You look tired.
Keke : I just feel sleepy.
Candra : You should drink coffee to get of the drowsiness.
Keke : I see what you mean, but I don’t think so . I must wash my
face now.

14.Which information is true?

a. Keke tells the necessity to drink coffee.
b. Candra dosen’t tell the necessity to drink coffee.
c. Keke tells the necessity to wash her face.
d. Keke agrees with Candra.
e. Candra doesn’t agree with Keke.

15. “You should drink coffee to get rid of the drowsiness.”

The italic word is the opposite of ‘……’ [HOTS]
a. excitement
b. thirst
c. sleepiness
d. wakefulness
e. strength

16.Rere : We have to water the plants twice a day so that they grow
Dika : You’re right.

From the dialogue we know that…….

a. Rere tells the obligation to water the plants.
b. Rere asks Dika’s obligation at home.
c. Dika tells the obligation to water the plants.
d. Dika tells Rere’s obligation to water the plants.
e. Rere refuses to do the obligation.

17. Mila : What’s wrong with you?

Roni : I’ve got a toothace. I have to meet a dentist soon to
treat my teeth .
Mila : You should brush your teeth now to reduce the pain.
Roni : I’m not sure about that.

What does the underlined sentence imply?

a. Roni tells what happens to him.
b. Roni suggests that Mila meets a dentist.
c. Roni suggests that Mila brush her teeth now.
d. Roni tells the obligation to meet a dentist soon.
e. Roni tells the obligation for Mila to do.
18. Man : What are you doing ?
Woman : I must clean this front garden . Look, the dry
leaves are everywhere.
Man : Can I help you clean it?
Woman :…….

a. Thanks, but I can do it myself.

b. You must be joking.
c. Are you serious?
d. Do you mind if I cut the grass?
e. Let me think of this five minuits.

19. Jeni : You look very busy with the dishes.

Bian : I must do thest all.
Jeni : Let me help you wash them.
Bian : ……………
Jeni : Oh, Okay then.

a. May I help you.

b. That’s very kind of you, thanks.
c. Do you need help ?
d. Thanks, but I can do it.
e. Would you please help me now?

20. Ida : What’s wrong with you?

Rara : I’ve just found that my money was dropped
Ida : Oh, my God. Let me help you look for it.Let”s go.
Rara : …………………………..

a. I don’t agree with your idea.

b. You should keep your money in a purse.
c. That’s very kind of you.
d. I think that money is important in life.
e. It’s on the ground floor; just take the lift.
21. A. You look so busy with these clothes.
B. Yes, I must wash them all.
A. Let me help you wash them.
B. …………………………..
A. Okay. I’ll leave then.
a. Thank’s a lot.
b. Is there anything I can do for you ?
c. Thank’s, but I can handle it.
d. How nice of you, thank you.
e. I’ll think about it first.
Text for questions 22-24 (NEWS)
Borobudur Temles’s Zone 1 reopens to public
The Jakarta Post / Wed, 8th July 2020, 2:45 PM
Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java, reopened to the public on
Monday though visitors are restricted to Zone 1.
According to the Education and Culture ministry’s website, visitors are
only allowed in the temple’s yard or on the trail used for pradaksina ( a
procession in which the temple is circumnavigated three times on foot).
Visitors are not allowed in higher Zones to prevent people from
gathering in large number as the temple has narrow alleys and staircases , “
For now,they aren’t permitted to access other Zones until futher evaluation”.
Borobudur Conservation Agency head, Tri Hartono told
Visitors are reqired to practice standard health precautions, such as
wearing masks, undergoing temperature checks, and maintaining a minimum
distance of 1.5 metre between each other.
Tri added that group of 20 people at most be accompanied by a guide to
anticipate large crowds. The temple limits its visitors to 140 people per hour. “
we will direct 70 people to the northen area and other 70 people to the southern
area for one hour”, he said. “ But if stay less than one hour, the number of
visitors can be increased depending on Zone’s 1 capacity “.
With disinfection routinely carried out, Borobudur is now open from
Tuesdays to Sundays from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM.
Kown as the largest Buddhist temple,Borobudur was designed by
Gunadarma during the syailendra Dynasty. The temple still functions as a
place of worship.

22.The theme of the text above is………….

a. Business
b. Health
c. Travel
d. Lifestyle
e. Technology
23.Which statement is wrong according to the text?
a. The Borobudur Temple was reopened on 6th July 2020.
b. The visitors of the temple are prohibited in the higher Zones.
c. The visitors of the temple have to do the standard health precautions.
d. The Borobudur Temple is opened at 8.30 AM.
e. The Boroudur Temple is not longer used for any worship ritual.
24.Who is Hartono?
a. The Education and Culture Ministry.
b. The tour quide at the Borobudur Temple.
c. One of the visitors.
d. Borobudur Consevation Agency head.
e. One of Gunadarma’smen.
25.What is the purpose of the text?
a. To describe the Borobudur Temple in detail.
b. To tell the readers how to visit the Borobudur Temple with the
standard health precautions.
c. To inform that the Borobudur Temple restricted the visitor to Zone 1.
d. To explain how the Borobudur Temple was formed.
e. To present the writer’s arquments about visiting the Borobudur
Temple in pandemic situation.
26.If you finish eating, wash the plate.
The if clause above is followed by a /an………
a. Suggestion.
b. Exclamination.
c. Imperative.
d. Interogtive.
e. Opinion.
27.Which one is if clause + suggestion?
a. If you have long holiday,visit your grandmother in the village.
b. If you have long holiday,you feel happy.
c. If you have long holiday,why don’t you go camping.
d. If you have long holiday,you feel bored.
e. If you have long holiday,you have to keep studying.
28.Which one is if clause followed by a suggestion?
a. If the window is so dirty, clean it.
b. If you heat water, it boils.
c. If you have holiday in a beach, how fun it is!
d. If you want to get success in career, don’t work hardre.
e. If you have a lot of money, you can go around the world.
29.IF it rains,………………………..
Which suggstion is match with the if clause above?
a. All people are happy.
b. The birds fly above the sky.
c. The rainbow appears.
d. Flood occurs.
e. We should stay at home.
30.If you want to go out eating,please lock the door.
The if clause above is followed by a / an……
a. Suggestion.
b. Exclamination.
c. Imperative.
d. Interogtive.
e. Opinion
31.If you are weary,…………………..
Which imperative is macth with the condition clause above ?
a. Do the cleaning.
b. Sleep and rest.
c. Finish the homework now.
d. Have a cup of coffee.
e. Cut the grass.
32.Which one is if clause followed by a suggestion?
a. If you feel unwell,why don’t you meet a doctor.
b. If you feel unwell, take a rest.
c. If you feel unwell, you have to take some medicine.
d. If you feel unwell, you look pale.
e. If you feel unwell, you are weak.
33.Which one is if clause + suggestion?
a. If you have a coat,hang it up on a rack.
b. If you have a coat, may I borrow it ?
c. If you have a coat, you should hang it up on a rack.
d. If you have a coat, when do you usually wear it?
e. If you have a coat, sellit.

1. Offering help
2. Obligation
3. Conditional sentence
4. Reported speech
5. Tenses (present continuous tense and simple past tense )

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