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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc https://www.amuzainc.



Wireless EEG & EMG Recording

Device in Mice
Achieve high-quality EEG data with lighter weight,
wireless telemetry technology – as little as 2 grams!

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E L G - 2 D a t a l o g g e r – W i r e l e s s Te l e m e t r y S y s t e m
for Mice
Wirelessly recording EEG in freely moving animals has unlocked numerous
possibilities of discoveries in sleep, seizure, and neurological disorder research
studies, previously limited to tethered recording systems. The ELG-2

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Datalogger (EEG dataLoGger-2) is a wireless telemetry device for in vivo

recording of EEG (electroencephalogram – brain) and EMG (electromyogram –
muscle) activity in swaying mice and rats.

Enhanced EEG Setup to Unlock


H i g h Q u a l i t y, A r t i f a c t - F r e e D a t a
Well shielded headstage with an internal ampli�er avoids the 60 Hz noise
commonly picked up by other systems.

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Minimal Effect on Mouse Behavior

Wireless, lightweight headstage is
well-tolerated by small animals to
perform normal tasks.

Reliable, Quick Star t EEG Recording

Have con�dence in recorded data via
easy-to-use, turn on and go recording.

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Ever ything you need to get star ted with EEG and

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Logger, MicroSD card, Charger, Small battery or Large battery (for mouse or rat studies),
Universal 1.27 mm pitch 5 pin electrode connectors with EEG screws (2), GND screw (1),
EMG silver wires (2); Data Analysis software (included).

The rechargeable data loggers are as small as 2g, allowing mice to behave normally
during chronic recording sessions in any size cage or chamber.

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Ex tended Batter y Life for Less Disruptions

With up to 26-hour battery life for mice and 70 hours of battery life for rats,
the ELG-2 Datalogger lets you handle the mouse less. Often battery changes
can be done just once a day (or less with larger batteries designed for rats).
Users have found it convenient to change the battery while changing the
mouse cage bedding to minimize interruptions during the study. Compare that
to tethered animals, where some institutions discourage long-term use.

Less frequent battery changes means your EEG data is less likely to be affected
by disruptions, and you can get on with your research!

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Sleep Research
Epilepsy Models

Migraine Studies Neurological Disorders

(Huntington’s, Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, etc.)

Research Animals in Epilepsy Models

Discovering new treatments for seizures/epilepsy depends on EEG research in
animal studies. The ELG-2 Datalogger is highly sensitive to EEG signals, easily
distinguishing seizures with high precision. This small, but robust EEG
recording device is well-tolerated by mice and rats, making it a reliable method
of functional brain mapping in rodents.

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

There is no other system which meets my requirements
for wireless operation, channel count, and usability with

Yet-to-be-published ELG-2 User

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S i m p l e Te l e m e t r i c E E G & E M G R e c o r d i n g
Our intuitive wireless device provides simple EEG and EMG recording in a
mouse or rat behavioral study. Have con�dence that the ready-to-use device is
recording high-quality data from the start of your experiment.

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Records on microSD Card Easy Use without Disturbing


J u s t Tu r n O n a n d S t a r t Data Stored on Card


Plug and Play Software

Records on microSD Card

Easy Use without Disturbing Animal

J u s t Tu r n O n a n d S t a r t R e c o r d i n g

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Data Stored on Card

Plug and Play Software

Starts recording right when you’re ready.

Data Analysis of EEG & EMG Recordings

Amuza’s ELG-2 Datalogger system comes with data analysis software that is
intuitive and highly compatible. Simply insert the microSD card and the
software enables a quick overview of the recorded data from your mouse
telemetry or rat telemetry study. The software is also capable of �ltering and
simple (FFT-based) alpha, theta, delta power calculation, as well as creating
hypnogram plots for sleep analysis.

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Data Format of ELG-2 System – The data format of the ELG-2 Datalogger
system for EEG & EMG recordings is simple binary and is compatible with
Matlab, Octave, and other software compatible with binary reading. Matlab
sample codes are included in the package. Data from Amuza’s EEG data
analysis software can be exported to EDF or TXT without any dedicated reader
or additional software.

This highly compatible telemetry setup with easy-to-use data analysis software
makes it easy to incorporate the ELG-2 Datalogger system with your existing
equipment setup.

Why is our EEG data analysis software free?

We consult with neuroscientists every day. We share success stories, product
use tips, and demo data, collaborating on experiments that bring knowledge to
the �eld of neuroscience. Amuza’s mission to ‘Unlock the Potential for
Discovery’ is achieved through transparent partnership and understanding. In
these collaborative settings, we understand the importance of sharing data
amongst your research team, in your home of�ce, or with your network of
fellow researchers in the pursuit of scienti�c discovery. By using free software
with unlimited access and zero licensing fees, we seek to support open
knowledge in the �eld of neuroscience.

Sample of scored results of sleep analysis.

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

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C h a l l e n g e s o f Te t h e r e d E E G S y s t e m s
Every neuroscience researcher has seen the challenges presented
when working with tethered research animals. From stress to
boredom, escape attempts and wire gnawing, these behaviors
resulting from wired experiments can all lead to artifacts and
failed experiments.

Wireless neuroscience research solutions, such as the ELG-2

Datalogger for EEG and EMG recording and data analysis, help to
eliminate the costly delays of breaking a tether.

Unfortunately, performing
safe and prolonged EEG in
rodents is complicated by
a slew of challenges, the
most notorious of which
is disconnections of the
EEG cable from the
rodent’s head . . . due to
the high mobility of the
tethered rodents.

“Enhanced setup for wired

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

continuous long-term EEG

monitoring in juvenile and
adult rats: application for
epilepsy and other
disorders.” Click for the

Medlej, Yasser et al.

A Good EEG Choice for Social Interactions

With the wireless ELG-2 Datalogger, the well-shielded headstage creates a low
noise setting. This allows the device to work effectively in high-density
housing environments – noise does not affect neighboring cages. The
lightweight wireless device functions well in social housing as the mice can
freely interact. High throughput, high success rates are obtained from
recordings from the ELG-2 Datalogger electrodes.

E LG - 2 D a t a l o g g e r S p e c i f i c a t i o n s

Con�guration Wireless, no receivers or bases required.

Number of
Up to 7

Weight (Half the weight of competitors’ EEG recording

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

E LG - 2 D a t a l o g g e r S p e c i f i c a t i o n s

Logger (Electrode)
Charger with Universal 5 pin connector
Small battery or Large battery
System EEG screws (2)
Components GND screw (1)
EMG silver wires (2)
Data Analysis software
MicroSD card (not included)

EEG and EMG monitoring recorded to removable

microSD card on the headstage. Simultaneous
recording of brain and muscle activity in
communication studies.

Up to 26-hour battery life for mice and 70 hours

Battery Life of battery life for rats, depending on

Wireless telemetry device works in any cage,

rack, or maze/environment – no faraday cage
Works well with mice, rats, NHPs, other small
Compatibility animals.
Universal connector – or customize to �t your
Works with Amuza’s wireless optogenetics device
and 3rd party optogenetics systems.

Seamless sharing of data with free software that

can be installed on multiple computers. The
highly compatible binary data format of
EEG/EMG analysis software.

Custom electrodes available. Call (858)

225-6869 for details.

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

C o m p a r i s o n o f W i r e l e s s v s . Te t h e r e d E E G
Recording Equipment
The issues surrounding tethers have led to a shift to wireless EEG equipment.
Wireless inductive telemeters addressed many of the problems of tethered
systems, but bring with them other challenges.

Amuza’s ELG-2 Wireless Tethered EEG

Datalogger Equipment

Wireless allows for less Tethers alter the

Behavior restrictions in animal natural behavior of the
motion and behavior. animals affecting data.

Poor signal-to-noise
ratios with cables that
Artifacts act as antennae,
causing artifacts in

No need for Faraday

Often requires Faraday
Faraday cages, which become
cage to limit noise
Cages inconvenient with
from external sources.
multiple animal studies.

In�nite. No radio
Scalability transmitters for this

The �exible design

Implant Complex surgery with
allows for simple (EEG
Surgery PCB-based electrodes.
electrode placement).

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

D o w n l o a d t h e Fr e e e B o o k
Unlocking discoveries in sleep, seizure, and neurological disorder

Wirelessly recording EEG in freely moving animals has unlocked

numerous possibilities for discoveries in sleep, seizure, and other
neurological disorder research studies. This has previously been
limited to tethered recording systems, which can alter animal
behavior and add noise to data.


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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Fr e e M a z e
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G e t F l e x i b l e i n Yo u r M a z e s

Narikiyo, K., Mizuguchi, R., Ajima, A., Shiozaki, M., Hamanaka, H., Johansen, J.
P., … & Yoshihara, Y. (2020). The claustrum coordinates cortical slow-wave
activity. Nature Neuroscience, 1-13. 

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

Let's Get Star ted!


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A r t i c l e : 5 T i p s f o r S u c c e s s f u l E E G a n d E M G R e c o r d i n g i n Fr e e l y
Moving Mice and Rats

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19 of 21 3/25/2023, 5:04 PM
ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

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ELG-2 Datalogger: Wireless Telemetry for Mouse & Rat | Amuza Inc

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