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ONEIROS, a new miniature standalone device or

recording sleep electrophysiology, physiology,

temperatures and behavior in the lab and feld
Bertrand Massot, Sébastien Arthaud, Baptiste Barrillot, Johanna Roux,
Gianina Ungurean, Pierre-Hervé Luppi, Niels Rattenborg, Paul-Antoine

To cite this version:

Bertrand Massot, Sébastien Arthaud, Baptiste Barrillot, Johanna Roux, Gianina Ungurean, et
al.. ONEIROS, a new miniature standalone device or recording sleep electrophysiology, physi-
ology, temperatures and behavior in the lab and feld. Journal o Neuroscience Methods, 2018,
10.1016/j.jneumeth.2018.08.030. hal-01890562

HAL Id: hal-01890562
Submitted on 22 Oct 2021

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