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IDEA Collvlor Limited


Customer Name: Prabhat Singh
lnslallation Address: 21A Challera Bangar Gali no 3
Sector 44 Noida , 201303
l !dea)

User Id: 012373022406

Invoice Number: INR1412000004287
Account Number: 012373022406 Invoice oa1e: 01December 2014
Registered Mobi e Number: 9545094433
Pan Name: Invoice Period: 22 Nov 2022 Jo 310·2022
Due Date: 15 December 2022
PUNMUL599 5e1Vice Tax Number: AAACB2 JOOPST007
Pan Charges: Rs.599.00

Previous Bill Payment djustments D&btts(-) Current Amount Due Before Due Date Amount Due After
Amount (Rs) Re<eived (Rs) '' Credits(+)(Rs) Charges (Rs) Due Date (Rs) Due Oate(Rs)
A B c 0 A·B+C+O

0.00 673 00 0.00 874.95 20195 t5 Dec-2022 251.95

Please pay your billbefore due date to avoidlate Payment Cttarges.
Saving paper ls a goodIdea.Go papetless and save environm.ent Opt for only EBll.Visit Customet 1,Veb Self Care PottaJ.

Particulars Amount (Rs)

Previous Biii Amount 0.00 Refer A Friend.

Payment Rece ved ·673.00 Get An Assured Gift,
Installation Charges 500.00
Rate Plan & Usage Charges 778.70
. ,
Value Added Service Charges 0.00
Booster Pack Charges 0.00
Other Credits & Charges 0.00
(Less) Discounts/ ·500.00 SMS'MGM<•> •O •14111
Waivers Service Tax @ 93.44 mol)lh.,..,.......,
••nt to ••f••
EC'%(@2% on Service Tax)

Hit/tiff N •·ftOM yo...r
1.87 r•qlJt<>•ocJ ,........ ,...........
HEC·(@1% on service Tax) 0.93 Send to
Late Payment Charges 0.00 7621900000
TotalAmount Due 20 1.95 """"°"'S..-
....:OM O<llllll'l'UW.

.,.._.. ao.1...1- - •.l:Oll.'-lnh Y- li.N-1•l<••.....

.F .. t•.: 1900000

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''''• --·---.._-,..,..v,.•M••••-
Last Payment Received
RelNo. Mode Date I Total Amounl (RS.)
CRIPAY MAW14·15I0000000020975 I Online I 20 Nov.2022 I 673.00
Payment Adjustments/Discounts/Debits( )/Credit(..)/Refund
Rel No. Frequency Details Amount (Rs.) Tax (Rs.) Total (Rs ) Remarks
/1V11UV 14 1":JI oneime Payments 0/,).\1\J v.v, o• rwvance Payment
For General nfomialion visii Customer Web Sen Care Portal. Tolelk to a 5ervice agent. request you 10 kindly cal our Idea\YiFlwstorner care number 1800
833 1111 tOl-tree. E mallwlficusare@ldea.adi1yabirla..eom.. You can visit OLM' \Yebsite!witi.

REMITTANCE SLIP (To be enclosed withyour paymen )

Yw n pay yo11r 1>11In n&.ITOt'f otway11. SC!'.le<t ine- -WTion ,,mOGt <:onYCll'I IO )IOI.I.Pay onlno u111n9 t.r Cl:tlnt C:u.n CaR:J llf
..,.8ar*.1nf 111tOU8" Onfne <k!eway ll'f\ on Irle
C<li._,\\'cl> 8<'!11 CMC".


Account Numl>er:012373022406 Invoice No.:INR1412000004287 Due Date;15 December 2014
Name: Prabhat Singh User ld:012373022406 TotaJ Amount Oue:Rs. Two Hundteel One
and Ninety·Fi've Paise
Cheque/ DD dravminfa\lour ol"kfea Cellu ar Lim ledl WiFi Ale 012373022406" Bank & Branch:
Cheque/DD Number: Cheque/DD Date: Amount:
Rs. Credi1card:1 nereby AuthOrize Idea Celkllar L1m.rted to Charge Rs. against my
Dners Master Card Visa American Express Card No. Signature:
Card Holder's Name: Expiry Date:
IDEA Cellvlerlimited Regis.1ered Office: TO\YH,Pio( No. 18.Sect« 11,GandhinagM,Gujarat 382 011

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