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Write a composition comparing your grandmother’s life to yours.

Take in
consideration these aspects:
·         How was food cooked then? How is it cooked now?
My Grandmother was an excellent cooked. But in his first years she cooked
with firewood. She used to cook for many people and always there were a surprise
guest at his table. When I was born, she cooked in a big kitchen. But she didn’t
know a microwave or an electric oven. In Portugal, my grandmother used to farm
her own vegetable and she raised her own pigs and chickens.

·          How did they communicate? How do we communicate now?

My paternal grandmother lived in Portugal, but my Grandfather lived here, in
Coro. That was some years before my Dad moved to Venezuela. They didn’t have
phone and they communicated through mail and a letter could take 3 months to
travel across Atlantic Ocean. Now, we have instant communication: email, video
call and others form to reduce the distance.

·         How were public services? How are public services now?

My maternal Grandmother didn’t have electricity in her childhood. She used
to have a well in her backyard. All my uncles were born at home. In Grandma’s
house didn’t telephone service until the 80. Now, we have water (some days)
through pipes and electricity (when it does not fail).

·         How were clothes made? How are clothes made now?

·         The clothes were done for my Grandmother. She bought the fabric and did
all the clothes for her 8 children. She used to use natural fabrics like cotton or
linen, because polyester, Lycra or denim didn’t exist
What were the means of transportation? What are the means of
transportation now?
Any of my grandparents have a car. They used to walk for any place. When
my dad came to Venezuela, they did in a ship and it was a three months trip
because the commercial airplane travel didn’t exist yet.

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