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Technique Polytechnic Institute

Department of Computer Science & Technology

Course Title: Internet of Things Course Code: COPC303
Abhishek Dey
Lecturer, DETCE
Unit 04 (Web of Things) TPI, Hooghly

Web of Things (WoT)

The Web of Things (WoT) is a term used to describe approaches, software architectural styles and
programming patterns that allow real-world objects to be part of the World Wide Web.

Web of Things (WoT) refers to a set of standards formed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to
facilitate the interoperability, fragmentation, and usability of the Internet of Things (IoT). In other words,
it is a subset of the internet of things (IoT) and is built around software standards such as REST, HTTP,
and URIs to allow devices to interact with one another.

Web of things (WoT) is the future improvised version of this existing thing. Web of things is trying to lay
down a standardized communication protocol so that every device can communicate with one another.
We can make IoT communication as easy as browsing on the internet!

Why Do We Need the Web of Things (WoT)?

There’s no doubt that the internet of things (IoT) has made things easier for us, but it also brings in
complexities as the number of devices around us increases. One of the significant hurdles in the
widespread adoption of IoT has been the difficulty communicating and managing all these devices.
To communicate with your ten IoT devices, you need ten mobile applications. This won’t be convenient
as you will have to switch between one app to another. Unfortunately, that is happening with most IoT
That’s why we need something like HTTP, a universal way to transfer data in text, images, sound, and
other media elements so that devices communicate with each other. The Web of Things – or WoT – is
what fills this vacuum by using and adapting Web protocols to connect anything in the physical world and
give it a presence on the World Wide Web!
WoT is not a competition or a substitute for IoT but rather a subset of it. The purpose of WoT is to
enhance the features of IoT. It fulfills the purpose by curating the standard definitions and models on how
the devices will be represented on the internet.

Web of Things Scenario:

Abhishek Dey Page 1

Technique Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science & Technology
Course Title: Internet of Things Course Code: COPC303
Abhishek Dey
Lecturer, DETCE
Unit 04 (Web of Things) TPI, Hooghly

WoT Vs IoT:

Two Pillars of Web:

 First Pillar focuses on Describing Service, how to locate, and how to transfer – HTML…Creates
Resource – HTTP….Defines the format to transmit messages – URL…. Locates Resources

Abhishek Dey Page 2

Technique Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science & Technology
Course Title: Internet of Things Course Code: COPC303
Abhishek Dey
Lecturer, DETCE
Unit 04 (Web of Things) TPI, Hooghly

 Second Pillar focuses on Way to access resource, how to design web application and how to run
them. – Web Browsers… Way to access resource using URL – Multitiered Architecture…. how to
design web application – Application Servers…. How to run web applications i.e database

The Web of Things (WoT) Architecture:

The WoT is composed of many different progressing architectural standards. Many organizations
proposed the standards prompted by W3C. This complete standardization by the World Wide Web
consortium is the foundation of various building blocks. These are:

 Layer 1 - Accessibility / Access

 Layer 2 - Findability / Find
 Layer 3 - Sharing / Share
 Layer 4 - Composition / Compose

Layer 1- Accessibility:
This layer converts anything into a web thing. This will enable us to interact with the converted web thing
with HTTP requests. To put it more simply, a web thing is a REST API that permits us to communicate
with anything in the actual world.

3. URL / URI

Abhishek Dey Page 3

Technique Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science & Technology
Course Title: Internet of Things Course Code: COPC303
Abhishek Dey
Lecturer, DETCE
Unit 04 (Web of Things) TPI, Hooghly

4. Gateway
Layer 2 - Findability:
It is one thing to make the data more accessible, but it is wholly different than the applications can
understand what the data is or the purpose. For this purpose, the second layer comes into action.
It ensures that other HTTP users can use your device, and it is easily discoverable and workable by
different WoT applications. It is done by resing the semantic web standards to explain the things and their
purpose of existing.
1. REST Crawler
2. Linked Data
3. Link Header
4. Search Engines
Layer 3 - Sharing:
Just like you secure your piggy bank away from your sibling’s reach, this layer does the same work for
WoT. This layer’s job is to find a safe way to transfer the data across services securely. Different
protocols are used at this level, such as TLS, OAuth, etc.
1. Social Networks
2. OAuth
3. RDFa
4. Encryption
5. Authentication
Layer 4 - Composition:
The fourth step is to find a way and tools to build an application for the web of things. At the
Composition layer, web tools span from web toolkits (JavaScript SDKs) that provide a higher-level
abstraction to dashboards with programmable widgets, and lastly, physical mashup tools like Node-RED.
1. Systems Integration
2. Node-RED
3. Automated UI generation
4. Web Application
Architecture Stanrdization for WoT:

Abhishek Dey Page 4

Technique Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science & Technology
Course Title: Internet of Things Course Code: COPC303
Abhishek Dey
Lecturer, DETCE
Unit 04 (Web of Things) TPI, Hooghly

Platform Middleware of WoT :

 Platform Middleware is also known as Application framework Or Three tiered Application Server
 Provides Natural fits for mapping the IoT objects to software objects.
 One main goal of platform middleware is to bring the IoT applications (including Intranet of Things and
Extranet of Things) to the World Wide Web.
 According to the WoT/ IoT vision, everyday objects such as domestic appliances, actuators, and embedded
systems of any kind in the near future will be connected with each other and with the Internet.

WoT Portals and Business Intelligence:

 Web portal - website that functions as a point of access to information in the World Wide Web
 Portal presents information from diverse sources in a unified way
 Examples of public web portals include Yahoo, AOL, Excite, MSN
 Apart from standard search engine feature, web portals offer other services such as e- mail, news, stock
prices, information, databases and entertainment
 When huge amount of data are collected in a IOT system, data mining can be conducted to acquire
business intelligence (BI)
 Data mining deals with finding patterns in data that are by user definition, interesting and valid
 Interdisciplinary area -databases, machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics, visualization, etc.
 BI technologies provide historical, current, and predictive views of business operations
 Common functions of BI technologies are
 extract, transform, and load
 reporting, online analytical processing, analytics
 data mining, process mining, complex event processing
 business performance management, benchmarking, text mining, predictive analytics, and so on
WoT Portals
 Pachube ( Pachube enables you to store, share and discover real-time sensor, energy
and environment data from buildings or other devices.

Abhishek Dey Page 5

Technique Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science & Technology
Course Title: Internet of Things Course Code: COPC303
Abhishek Dey
Lecturer, DETCE
Unit 04 (Web of Things) TPI, Hooghly

 SensorMap (Microsoft, http://atom.research. /sensormap/): The portal and its

accompanying tools will allow for more online live data.

Business Intelligence

 All Businesses Using IT System / Manual Operations generate RAW Data

 Typical Objectives of a company will include more stability and more profit.

Abhishek Dey Page 6

Technique Polytechnic Institute
Department of Computer Science & Technology
Course Title: Internet of Things Course Code: COPC303
Abhishek Dey
Lecturer, DETCE
Unit 04 (Web of Things) TPI, Hooghly

 RAW Data needs to be analyzed and transformed into meaningful information to achieve the objective of
any company. This transformation is done by Business Intelligence

 Business Intelligence thus helps the company to analyze the past and make actions to get a better future.
 It is an approach either technological or process oriented i.e anything which is done to convert raw data
into meaningful information is Business Intelligence

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