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In the Gospel when Jesus said, “Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”, the people then
replied, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son? This particular conversation between the people and Jesus depicts
the interaction between ourselves and God. Just because God is silent, people are questioning Him
without realizing and knowing that God is working on our prayers and wishes. We always seek for an
immediate response and answers to our prayers and we became jealous because other people
already got what they’ve prayed for. The homily is about how to be a follower of Jesus, we must
open ourselves to Him, Allow suffering and penance once in our lives. It means to forget happiness
and dwelt in helping others. Jesus offers healing and help to all of us and we must be open to allow
Him to act in our lives. This means that as Christians. We are obliged to understand that not all will
understand what we believed. We can share our faith to everyone but only a few will understand
and believe in us. I realized that to follow Jesus’ ministry means sacrifice and charity. To be able to
full-fill God’s plan for us, we must be humble enough to serve our fellowmen.


The gospel is about the “The call of Simon the Fisherman”. It talks about following Jesus and His
ways. The apostles were fishermen who depended on the sea for their living. When Jesus called
them, they left everything and followed Him. One disciple in the name of Peter saw the miracle. It
was then that Peter realized that he was a sinner in need of forgiveness. This is the first step
necessary to follow Jesus. The homily is about the calling of Jesus to us to become His disciples in our
own ways. We should always remember that every day is a calling and challenges for us as
Christians. God expects of us greater things than we can do by ourselves. When we cooperate in his
works, we accomplish far beyond what we can do on our own. As Christians, I realized that we must
dig deep the true meaning of our faith. I also realized that if we want to follow Jesus, we must
endure hardships and offer sacrifices for our fellowmen. It is by this gesture that we become His
disciples. It is by this that we enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

1. Life is full of changes.

2. Maybe no because we have the same amount of time every day and how slow or fast time
fly will depends on how we will use it.
3. My experiences makes my life memorable. I think one of most memorable event of my life is
my high school life because I meet a lot of new people and I experience a lot of new things.
4. My current age which is 18 because I think I’m old enough to be trusted and have a sense of
independence and individuality.
5. I will enjoy my life and I will be grateful for what I have.
6. The afternoon of our lives represents the time when we begin to shift away from the ego
being the dominant force in our life. We begin moving towards a life journey that has

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