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Name: Hira Khalique

Enrollment: 02-111231-138
Subject: It in Business
Date: 7th March, 2023

MY STRENGTHS....................................................3
MY WEAKNESSES.................................................4

IT IN BUSINESS:....................................................5
USES OF IT IN BUSINESS:....................................7
Product Development................................................7
Operational Efficiency..............................................7
Online Payment Transfers.........................................8
Online Storage..........................................................8





I am Hira Khalique. I am from Karachi. I have done my SSC from AGA
INTERMEDIATE. Currently studying in Bahria University in BBA
department. I am the youngest child in my family, I have 2 brothers and
1 sister. My father died when I was in grade six.

I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize
our own strengths and weaknesses can help us to become better
individuals in anything we choose to do. One of my greatest strengths
that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be well-organized
individual. I am a very punctual and regular student in my class. I
always take part in sport activities and extracurricular activities. Baking
cakes is my hobby. Like really love to bake cakes and biscuits.
Previously I used to sell cakes during lockdown. Baking is also the other
kind of therapy for me that satisfies me.

Knowing yourself and what can you do, can help you recognize and
overcome your weaknesses. In a learning team, presentation skills are
very important. I would have to say that presentation skills would be the
one of my personal weaknesses in the learning team. It is difficult for me
at times to stand up in front of a room full of people starring at you and
present a project or conduct some sort of meetings. In order to do so,
you have to be confident of what you’ve been talking about is accurate

so that you will get motivated and get removed that fear that you feel

My short term goal to secure challenging and rewarding position in a
dynamic organization where I can utilize my skills and knowledge to
make a meaningful contribution .

In the long-term, I hope to advance my career and become a leader in

my field. I am always looking opportunities to learn and grow, and I
believe that hard work and dedication, I can achieve my career goals. I
see myself after five years as BDM of some well-known organization
and finally the last goal is that is to become financially independent with
a respectable position in a reputed company and be happy as well as

Words are always less to describe one’s personality but I surely know
that wherever I am today being all because of my family, teachers and
friends. I am going to be a great personality because of the people
around me.


Business has been around since prehistoric times. It may have began with nothing
more than barter trade, if the history books are to believed, but it has since
morphed into something far more complex, and none of that would have been
possible without technology. The major industries of the world would collapse, if
the existence and use of information technology were to be snatched suddenly
from businesses. That’s because most business transactions and operations cannot
be conducted in the 21st century without technology.
An IT organization (information technology organization) is the department within
a company that is charged with establishing, monitoring and maintaining
information technology systems and services. With the level of technological
integration into nearly face of life and business, it’s practically essential for
companies, large or small, have an Information Technology (IT) department to
handle all the technological issues that arise. The IT department oversees the
installation and maintenance of computer network systems within a company. This
may only require a single IT employee, or in the case of larger organizations, a
team of people working to ensure that the network runs smoothly. The IT
department must evaluate and install the proper hardware and software necessary
to keep the network functioning properly. As this involves working within a budget
allocated to the department for network devices and software, the IT department

must make sure that the equipment it invests in will optimally serves the needs of
the company without going over budget. Network can be simple or extremely
complex depending upon their size and composition. In addition to staying current
on trends within business technology, IT employees may require college degrees in
a computer field to adequately handle the issue that arise in maintaining such a


The IT department is at the epicenter of the building and maintenance of
communications networks for businesses small and large. Not many companies,
big or small, could survive without a good IT department making them imperative
to a business’s day to day existence. From sending an email, to changing a
password, accessing databases and everything in between IT are there to help every
step of the way. IT in business is ultimately to help business be more efficient and
productive. It has number of different roles including but not limited to:

 Helping the company be more productive, time = money.

 Optimizing business performance
 Safeguarding data and troubleshooting
 Saving the business money
 Improving customer experience, satisfaction and communication
 Streamlining communication systems
 Enhancing managerial decision-making
 Helping the business expand globally
 Providing staff access to company information 
In this article, we are going to look at the role of information technology in
business and what makes this department so important to have a safe business. 

Over the years, technology has caused an explosion in commerce and trade.
Because of technology, many traditional business models and concepts were
revolutionized. Technology gave us the opportunity to see things from a new
perspective, and to approach what we were already doing from a new perspective
Technology also gave us greater efficiency for conducting business. Some of the
areas in which technology is crucial to business include point of sales systems,

the use of ICT in management, accounting systems, and other complex aspects of
everyday business activities. Even something as simple calculator, which was
revolutionary in its time, came about of technology. It is tough to imagine going
back to performing tasks manually. It would take us back about 100 or so years.

Product Development:
Information technology can help companies identify changing customer needs
faster than traditional research and response strategy. Ultimately, this helps the
company respond quickly to changes in the external environment. Information
technology can speed up the time to market for new products.

Advances in laptops, smartphones, and tablets have allowed everyone to work

from anywhere. Since technology allows us to make more powerful computers, we
can travel and even participate in sports freely while focusing on our business.
People now have more options to work from home. Travel that was once annoying
but inevitably interrupts the workflow now gives business people the opportunity
to learn about all aspects of their business even on an airplane or it can be obtained
from almost anywhere at an alarming rate.

Operational Efficiency:
Information technology can also help businesses understand their cash flow needs
and save valuable resources such as time and physical space. Inventory
management technology allows business owners to better understand everything
from managing inventory costs to delivering products. In the field, executives can
save time and money through the Internet instead of holding meetings at the
company headquarters, especially in the era of Covid-19, when everyone is locked
inside their houses.

Online Payment Transfers:

Digital currency transfers between two or more parties are now the fastest way to
process any business transaction. This is much cheaper than the traditional way of
sending paper invoices and paying later.

Online Storage:
Almost all businesses use computers to store business data. Computer programs
such as Excel and Office help keep the numbers at hand. Accounting software such
as tally can store business information such as sales, tax documents, and business
specific data.

Globalization means the integration of the market into the world economy.
Information Technology helps businesses grow locally and internationally.
Companies can outsource their non-core tasks to other small businesses around the
world and use interconnected technology to communicate.

Ease of Communication:
Communication in the 21st century is done majorly through e-mails.
Communication by email is faster and cheaper than sending a letter by post. The
biggest advantage of communicating with the help of technology is speed. The
speed of communication has increased the speed at which the business can be

Competitive Advantage Over Competitors:

Companies making proper use of information technology can get the first-mover
advantage. They can create new products that differentiate then form the existing
market. Efficient use of information technology also helps in reducing the cost per
unit through increasing productivity.

In the 21st century, marketing digitally is a great tool which let us promote our
products and services to the international market while sitting in the comfort of our
home or office. With the help of internet technology, we can increase presence,
advertise, take orders, sell or operate business entirely online.


Cloud services:
Cloud services provide many ways for business team members to interact with the
technology the need. The cloud is an internet connected platform that can store and
access information and programs. Since the cloud stores the information instead of
holding it on a computer, team members can access and use it whether at home or
in the office. Some cloud services can even run operation systems remotely,
allowing team members to use internal business programs remotely without
installing them on their computers.

Network security:
Network security services help protect a business network from unauthorized
access. IT services can create and issue access authorization to those who need it.
They also provide many other services to protect your network, including:
 Building firewalls
 Installing anti-virus software
 Installing virtual private networks (VPNs)
 Performing regular network checkups

IT services can monitor your network, internet traffic, computers and other
internet- enabled devices. Monitoring allows IT teams to keep track of who
accesses their businesses information, whether any technology requires repairs
and if any computers need software updates or modifications. Essentially, this
IT service ensures that your team members have the tools and resources they
need to complete their task.

Software as a service:
Software as a service refers to software programs that require a paid
subscription. This can include word processing or database software. IT
services can connect you with the services you need and monitor the connection
to help you make sure you can use it when you need it. Using software as a
service sometimes includes cloud access, so your team can work remotely on
their own devices should they need to. With most Software as a Service
subscription, businesses receive additional IT service features, including
technical support for the software.

Information reporting:
Through their data collection and monitoring, IT services can provide reports
on information about your organization. They can create reports on topics such
as the use of technology and information storage to help you understand how
effective your company’s current services are.

CONCLUSION: Use technology to integrate communications into your

business. Keep your employees in touch, for example use collaboration platforms
and social media to keep everyone up to date on business and development. They

should be aligned with the company’s goal and their performance should
significantly improve. You can also use information technology to improve the
services you provide to your customers and so that they can provide feedback on
your products and services and suggestions for improvement. With improved
security standards, you can also completely delete passwords and test biometric
security systems that do not require you to remember dozens of password at once.
Information Technology helps businesses, governments, and individuals increase
their efficiency and effectiveness.

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