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Conceptual Framework

Input Process Output

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study

The conceptual framework that was used in this study is the Input-Process-Output Model

as presented in figure 1. This (IPO) framework was employed to show the process done for the

development of a polycarbonate extraction machine. In this IPO approach, the input comprises

mostly of the conceptualization of the study, the collection of data, the selection of materials, and

persons with valuable fabrication skills for the development of the project. Fabrication methods

and techniques and performance analysis would be employed in the process. Finally, the output

consists of the final product, the Polycarbonate Extraction Machine.


Applied research and an experimental approach was utilized by the researchers. The

applied type of research deals with the application of scientific knowledge for providing

solutions to certain problems or issues. Focus of this type would be development of devices and

methods to solve the problem at hand. The research's experimental procedure strictly follows to a

scientific research design. This consists of the hypothesis, a variable that the researcher may

change, and variables that can be measured, calculated, and compared. The researcher obtains

experimental data and results that will either confirm or disprove the hypothesis.

The researchers utilized applied research to reduce compact disc waste which contributes

to electrical waste that negatively impacts the environment. The proponents will design a

polycarbonate extraction machine after utilizing applied and experimental research approach.

This machine intends to successfully extract a polycarbonate material from waste compact discs,

which will be helpful as raw materials for the different polycarbonate-based products.

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