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Trick or Treat for A mman Imm an

Instructions for Students

Dear Students, Thank you for collecting for Amman Imman this Halloween. The pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters you collect will go toward bringing water and hope to the children, families and animals who live in the Azawak of West Africa. Your friends in hope, Ariane Kirtley and Debra Kahn, Amman Imman and Wells of Love directors

Instructions 1. Stay safe by getting permission from your parents before you begin trick or treating! 2. Attach the Trick or Treat for Amman Imman wrapper to a small box or other dispenser. 3. As you go around to the homes of your friends and neighbors on Halloween, invite them to contribute to Amman Immans projects. Let them know that you are helping to improve and save lives by helping Amman Imman create Oases of Life in Azawak communities. Amman Imman builds boreholes that bring clean water, provides food and health aid, and supports education and economic activities. 4. When you finish, count up the money you collected. 5. Ask your parents to write a check for the amount and give them the coins in exchange. 6. The check should be made payable to: Amman Imman: Water is Life. 7. Fill out the slip below and send it with your donation so that we can thank you. 8. Please send your donation by November 15 to: Amman Imman: Water is Life 7036 Strathmore Street, Suite 111 Chevy Chase, MD 20815
------------Please detach here and include this slip with your donation. Please Write Neatly -----------First Name _____________________________ Last Name _____________________________ Age _____ Address ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Email _______________________________ Donation Amount _____________________ Name of School ______________________


AMMAN IMMAN: WATER IS LIFE 501C3 TAX ID 26-3880078 7036 Strathmore Street, Suite 111 Chevy Chase, MD 20815 (240) 418-1143

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