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Best job in the world

Work and jobs
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Ilka X@!

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Pre-lesson activities

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Lesson objective

In this lesson you will:

● use adjectives to describe jobs

● describe why you like or don’t like a job
● practise sentence stress
● discuss different jobs and rank them
from best to worst

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Can you think of a job which is…

stimulating hazardous glamorous

repetitive challenging tedious

rewarding gruelling fascinating

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Describe a job which is…

stimulating hazardous glamorous

lawyer fireman star
doctor pilot model

repetitive tedious
accountant customer services
office/admin(y) jobs finance officer/accounting
trader/stock broker

gruelling fascinating
social worker
factory worker racing car driver
primary teacher ;) actor, author, athlete
running your own business

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Talking about a job you like Talking about a job you don't like
Language focus 1
That sounds like a great job I wouldn’t be able to do that job!

I’d love to do that. I couldn’t stand it if I had to …

That could be quite fun I’d have thought. I’d loathe that sort of work

That gives you the chance to …

I’d prefer to eat normal food!
You have the option of…

That must be a definite plus of the job. The problem with the job is that …

That must be one of the most awful jobs

That must be a great job because…

There are lots of advantages. The biggest disadvantage is…

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It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds
Talking about a job you like Talking about a job you don't like
Language focus 1
That sounds like a great job I wouldn’t be able to do that job!

I’d love to do that. I couldn’t stand it if I had to …

That could be quite fun I’d have thought. I’d loathe that sort of work

That gives you the chance to … I’d prefer to eat normal food!
You have the option of… I’d rather (do something else)

That must be a definite plus of the job. The problem with the job is that …

That must be one of the most awful jobs

That must be a great job because…

There are lots of advantages. The biggest disadvantage is…

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It’s not nearly as bad as it sounds
Language focus 2 – Sentence Stress

Highlight the words I might stress (volume, higher pitch, longer) in these
1. That sounds like a great job.
2. I’d loathe that sort of work.
3. You have the option of working remotely.
4. That must be a definite plus for the job.
5. That must be one of the most awful jobs!
6. There are lots of advantages!

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Read the 8 job descriptions.

Is the job mostly positive or negative? Why?

Prepare to share your reasons with your group:

That must be a great job because…

Well, the problem with that job is…

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Discuss with your team and rank them from best to worst!

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Well done!

Well, most office jobs are pretty tedious.

…might/could be challenging.
You have to like reading. That’s what makes a good lawyer, I think.
It’s SUCH a repetitive job. / It’s SO repetitive. [such+noun; so+adj]
A: Accounting sounds like a gruelling job B: Actually, my friend is an accountant.
To be honest, I think it’s an awful job.
I’d LOVE to be a…

How to improve?

I’d rather prefer to be an actor. > I’d rather be…

tech-savvy [adj] = knows a lot about computers
kind of/sort of + adjective = more vague
What do you think about…? > do you /ʤjə/ did you /dɪʤjə/

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Teacher’s Notes

This slide deck was made by Priscilla Lim.

Share your thoughts about the lesson with the next teacher

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