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Rooney Home Project Plan

MGT 4111: Project Management

Sarah Rooney


Bill Bowen

October 21st, 2022

“All material prepared for this assignment was produced by the authors, and material from a third party
(such as the internet) has been cited and referenced.”
Table of Contents

1. Project Background…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2

2. Project Scope……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2

3. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)……………………………………………………………………………………………3

4. WBS Dictionary …………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….4

5. Project Gantt Schedule ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………4

6. Critical Path Diagram ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………...5

7. Risk Management Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….6

8. Quality Management Plan……………………………………………………………………………………………………….7

9. Communication Management Plan ………………………………………………………………………………………..8

10. Human Resource Management Plan ……………………………………………………………………………………..9

11. Project Budget……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….10

12. Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..11

1. Project Background

This project is designed towards designing and building the Rooney Family’s primary residence. The

home will be located in Collingwood, Ontario. The home will be a 3,000 square foot free-standing

building on a 20-acre plot of land with a horse barn and fields. This project will begin on January 1 st,

2023, and be finished no later than January 1 st, 2024. The key deliverables of this project that are

required by the homeowner includes:

 Large 650 square foot kitchen with an AGA stove and granite countertops

 Functional Basement with a bedroom

 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms

 The barn should be winterized and built with 8 horse stalls (12’ x 12’) and a functional feed and

tack room connected to a water source

 Wood-burning fireplace with a chimney

2. Project Scope

The scope of this project will include 6 main categories:

 Landscaping (excavation, foundation, grading, driveway)

 House construction (frame, roof, siding)

 Interior installations (floors, ceilings)

 Infrastructure (electrical, plumbing, and mechanical)

 Management (activities designated by the project manager)

 Inspections and milestone completion

3. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

4. WBS Dictionary

 Task name: Infrastructure

o This task will be focused on creating the required functions for the interior of the home.

This will include tasks such as electrical and plumbing which are essential to make a

functionable home for a family.

 Task Deliverables:

o Electrical: This deliverable is focused on ensuring that there is working electrical

structures within the home to ensure that water, lights, appliances etc. can function.

o Plumbing: This deliverable is designated to ensure that there is a working plumbing

system within the home so that toilets, sinks, showers, laundry, etc. will be properly

functioning throughout the home.

 Task Requirements:

o Functioning toilet, shower, and sink

o Functioning lighting system throughout the entire home and barn

 Task Quality Standard(s):

o Both plumbing and electrical pass all health and safety requirements and inspections

 Task Mandatory Dependency:

o This task is dependent on task 1.6.1 (Inspection) being successful. Without a successful

inspection of the previous tasks, this task will not be able to be completed.

 Task External Dependency:

o This task is dependent on The National Plumbing Code of Canada 2015 (NPC) which lays

provisions for the design and installation of new plumbing systems (Government of

Canada, 2022). This code is focused on reducing the excessive use of water

(Government of Canada, 2022).

o This task is dependent on passing Ontario Regulation 777/21: Electrical Safety Code. This

code is set in place to create a standard for electrical installations, products, and

equipment in Ontario (Electrical Safety Authority, 2022).

5. Project Gantt Schedule

** Gantt Chart will be attached in a separate excel document**

The Gantt chart was created using the following table:

6. Critical Path Diagram

**critical path highlighted in blue

7. Risk Management Plan

- Known Issues:

- Anticipated issues and potential risks:

- Overall Risk Plan Prioritization:

o The risk prioritization plan should prioritize protecting the budget within our risk plan.

The Rooney family has a set budget out of money that they think they can put into

building their dream home. We do not want this project to go over budget and cause

money insecurity to the Rooney family. That being said, quality is also important, as this

will be their forever home.

- Contingency Fund and Managerial Reserve Fund

o The funding requirements for this project are two-fold. The first is the contingency

reserve fund, and the second is the managerial reserve fund. These will be determined


 Contingency Fund: This fund will be decided based on the calculation of 10% of

the estimated costs associated with this project

 Managerial Reserve Fund: This is decided on a fixed cost of $30,000 that will be

included within the budget.

- Risk Registry:

WBS Risk # Title/Description Likelihood Impact Strategy Response

1.2 1 Run out of Time Moderate Schedule – Avoid Fast-tracking

(weather high
conditions) Budget –

Quality -

1.3 2 Run out of High Schedule Mitigate Contingency

Money  Fund
Budget 
Quality 
1.4 3 Worker Error Moderate Schedule Transfer Insurance
 High
Budget 
Quality 
1.5 4 Dispute Low Schedule Mitigate Management
between  handles
employees Moderate disputes
Budget  effectively
Moderate and
Quality  promotes
Low teamwork

8. Quality Management Plan

Based on the task described in the WBS dictionary in section 4, the following quality control checklist will

be used to ensure that these tasks requirements are successfully met:

- Task 1.4 – Infrastructure - Quality Management Checklist:

o Order materials

o Hire plumbing and electrical staff

o Follow design plan

o Complete the plumbing connection to the sewage system

o Install Sinks, toilets, shower

o Complete functioning electrical system that provides light and energy to all bulbs and

appliances throughout the house

o Passes Ontario Regulation 777/21: electrical safety code

o Passes the National Plumbing Code of Canada standards

o Both deliverables passing safety checks.

9. Communication Management Plan

Stakeholder Information to When and Who will send How the Who will
Communication be how the Information receive the
Requirements communicated frequently the information will be information
information communicated
will be
Problem that Provide insight As problems All workers as Calling or Project
Occurs into what occur the problems are emailing the Manager
problem was information encountered project
encountered should be manager as
and what is immediately soon as the
being done to informed problem is
fix it through phone encountered
call or urgent
Milestone Give update This Contractors Emailing the Project
Achieved on milestone information project Manager
completion should be sent manager
and sign off through email
as soon as
milestone is

10. Human Resource Management Plan

- Team Organizational Chart

- RACI Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM):

WBS Task Sarah Sam Owen Louise

1.1 I/C R A I

1.2 I/C R A A

1.3 I/C C A R

1.4 I/C I C A

1.5 A R R C

1.6 A I I I

- Example for ensuring each team member knows what they are responsible for:

o Team Member Profile:

 Project Manager: Sarah Rooney

 Responsibilities: The project manager is responsible for ensuring that all team

leaders are functioning effectively and staying on track with deadlines, budgets,

and quality management. The Project Manager is responsible for keeping

updated on information from key stakeholders and ensure that all teams are

functioning accordingly. The project manager will also assist in the

communication between teams, decision making, resolving conflicts, and

preparing for/dealing with risks/issues that arise during the project.

11. Project Budget

WBS # Allocated Funds Total

Material Labour

1.1. $100,000 $10,000 $110,000

1.2 $100,000 $30,000 $130,000

1.3 $150,000 $20,000 $170,000

1.4 $40,000 $15,000 $55,0000

1.5 - $50,000 $50,000

1.6 - $50,000 $50,000


12. Bibliography

Canada, N. R. C. (2022, June 22). Government of Canada. National Research Council Canada. Retrieved

October 20, 2022, from


Electrical Safety Authority. (2022). About esa. Ontario Electrical Safety Code - Electrical Safety Authority

(ESA). Retrieved October 20, 2022, from


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