LP English Detailed

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Rizal Cor. Arguelles Sts., Poblacion Cuatro

Calauag, Quezon 4318
Junior High School Department
School Year 2022-2023
SUBJECT : English 10
QUARTER : 3 Quarter



 Content Standard

The learner demonstrate understanding of how world literature and other text
types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals, groups and nature; also how to use evaluative reading, listening and
viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, prefix and instructures of

 Performance Standard
The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through
utilizing effective verbal and non verbarl strategies and ICT resources.
The learner …
a. Determine the meaning of new and unfamiliar words through structural analysis using
roots and prefixes. EN10VC-IIIc-10
b. Identify the different uses of negative prefixes. EN10OL-IIIc31
c. Value the importance of basic prefixes in reading, conversation and communication
through strengthen student’s vocabulary skills and will support decoding and spelling
and use it in a different activities. EN10SS-IIIC-1.6.4


Students will analyze the different uses of negative prefixes.

How the students identify the different uses of prefixes.


Appreciate the prefixes through differented tasks.

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TIME ALLOTMENT: 60 minutes


1. Procedures (EFDT):
 Explore (5minutes)
 Firm-up (15 minutes)
 Deepen (10 minutes)
 Transfer (20minutes)
2. Evaluation (5 minutes)
3. Closure or Assignment (5minutes)


1. Procedures (EFDT)

Good morning class. Good morning sir!

Everybody rises. (Everybody rises)

(Prayer) (Everybody pray)

Let’s put ourselves in the presence of
our Almighty God.

(Play the power point presentation)

Once again good day everyone! (Students look around)

Before you take your seat kindly pick up
the pieces of paper under your chair if
there is any…
(None sir..)
Is there any absentee today?
Our last topics sir is about YES-No
What was our last discussion all about?

Yes / No questions are those questions

What can you share about Yes-No
that expect ‘yes’ or ‘no’ as answer.
These questions do not take the
question words when, what, where etc.

Okay very good, another idea. Yes / No questions are used to check
information or ask for confirmation.

How can you form yes-no questions? We form yes-no questions with an
auxiliary verb (be, do or have) + subject
+ main verb or with a modal verb +
subject + main verb: Be: Is she working
very hard? Were they travelling
together? Do: Does that taste okay?

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The teacher will play a song entitled "Angel Baby " by Troy Sivan while playing the
song the learners will pass through the envelope to their classmates. When the music stop the
student will get a paper from the envelope and read aloud the word. Then the cycle begins
again as the music starts until the written words inside the envelope are read.

 What do you notice about the words?
 What do you think of today’s topic?

Now, I have this envelope. Pass to the (Students pass through the envelope to
right/left of your classmates for whom their classmates)
the song stops, he will read the word
aloud. While doing the activity sing the
song together. Then the cycle begins
again as the music starts.

I think you can tell me now what our Yes sir, our topic for today is about
lesson for today is? prefixes.

Very good! Yes sir, our topic for today is about

Presents the video about prefixes. negative prefixes.

The teacher introduces the topic to the learners buy using a power point
presentation as a guide for the lesson proper.

 The teacher calls learner to define what is prefix.

 The teacher makes brief explanation in regards the topic.
 Example and different uses of negative prefixes.
Class do you have idea, what is prefix? Yes sir, prefix is a word, letter or
number placed before another.
Okay very good.

A prefix is an affix which is placed

before the stem of a word. Adding it to
the beginning of one word changes it
into another word. For example, when
the prefix un- is added to the word
happy, it creates the word unhappy.
Particularly in the study of languages, a
prefix is also called a pre-formative,
because it alters the form of the words
to which it is affixed.
The word prefix is itself made up of the
Kindly read the second paragraph. stem fix (meaning "attach", in this case),
and the prefix pre- (meaning "before"),
both of which are derived from Latin

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Several prefixes serve to make the new
word mean the opposite, or nearly the
opposite, of the original meaning of the
base word. For example, consider the
prefix de-. This prefix means to undo
something and is usually attached to a
verb. Using this prefix, you can take the
verb activate, which means to put
something to use, and change it to
deactivate, which means to take
something out of use. unable, inability, (to) disable;
unbalanced, imbalance, (to) unbalance;
unstable, instability, (to) destabilize, inactive.
Can you give some example you know? illegibility, illiteracy, immaturity, impatience,
imperfection, impossibility, imprecision,
inaccessibility, inaccuracy, inadequacy,
inappropriateness, incapability, incoherence,
incompatibility, incompleteness, inconsistency,
Nice very good! indiscretion, inevitability, infinity, inflexibility,
insecurity, insignificance, insubordination,
insufficiency, invalidity, invariability, invisibility,
Let’s see this one, WRAP. irrationality, irregularity, irrelevance, irresponsibility.

The word wrap by itself means to be covered

completely by something. Let us put the prefix
“un”. “Un” means not or opposite of. Whenever
we see the letters “un” at the beginning of the
word, we know it means “not” or the “opposite
of” the root word.
Unwrap meaning remove the covering.

Another one,
We use the negative prefixes un- / in- /im- /il-
/ir-. For example: John and James are brothers.
John is reliable, you can trust him to do
anything you ask. James, on the other hand, is
unreliable, you cannot rely on him.
The learners divided into four groups via count-off. The teacher tells students to
form four groups. The teacher will give the four prefix dice to the four groups formed.
The group leader will throw up the “Prefix Dice”, the fallen side with a prefix word will
make a many examples. Students will list down words using that prefix. The group with
the highest entries will be the winner, given that they used the prefix correctly.
I will divide you into four groups. ( Form a four groups. Be ready for listing
(Count 1234) down the prefix words.
All students who are number 1 form a group
so are the others go to your respective

Group 1 go to the right corner.

Group 2 go to the left corner.
Group 3 go at the back of the Group 1.
Group 4 go at the back of the Group 2.

Here is the prefix dice. The leader of the group will

throw up the prefix dice and whichever side it falls,
your group will list down many words using that
prefix. The group with many listed words is the
Ready begin. When I say UP throw up the dice

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and begin to write down.
(1 2 3 Up!)
The learners divided into four groups via count-off. Teacher tells to students to
write a poem with one stanza compose of four lines using prefix. This will be presented
by group after 5 minutes.
With the same group. Write a poem compose (Presentation by group of one poem with
of 1 stanza with four lines. Using prefixes. one stanza composed of four lines using
negative prefixes. Before presentation,
Before the presentation, make a show the Tiktok Dance Teng Teng Tang)
simultaneous movements like a tiktok move
teng teng tang dance and say your group

Here are the criteria / rubrics

Cooperation 20%
Mastery 30%
Creativity 30%
Choreography 20%
Over all 100%

2. Evaluation
The teacher will tell the students to take one half sheet of paper and answer the
activity found in the power point presentation.
Get ½ sheet of paper and answer the exercise. (Answering the short quiz quietly.)
Look at the power point presentation.

Formulate the negative form of each of the

following words by supplying the prefix.
1. ____active
2. ____adequate
3. ____understand
4. ____restricted
5. ____logical
6. ____patient
7. ____belief
8. ____rational
9. ____literate
10. ___evitable

3. Assignment
Study the next topic about Mitigating Disagreement on page 99.

Thank you so much! I hope you learned a

lot from our lesson today! Till next time..

Student Teacher

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