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Assignment Brief Academic Year 2022-23

Module code BM565 Digital Business & New Module leader: Dr Muhammad Haque
and title: Technologies

Assignment PR1 15-minute Group Assessment 40%

No. and type: Presentation built on CW1 weighting:

Submission In-person Group Presentation to Target feedback 3 weeks after submission

time and date: be held in class in w.c. time and date: deadline

Submission on LSST Connect

by 09/06/2023 before 2 pm

Note: Group members’ names and BNU IDs must be provided on the cover page. Each member of
the group must submit the same document/file from their own LSST Connect account. Grade and
feedback will not be allocated for any non-submissions from the group members.

You must submit one file (Word, PDF or Power Point) that includes:
 The slides of your group presentation;
 A detailed group log indicating individual contribution to the group work.

Please, read the submission details to avoid your submission being rejected by Turnitin.

Assignment task

Work in a group and create a PowerPoint to present in 15 minutes.

Students will be required to address the following:

1. A brief Introduction and findings emerging from group members’ collective CW1
2. A short set of conclusions based on your CW1 summary relating to your chosen organisation
3. An introduction of the chosen organisation and set out the existing and emerging challenges
posed by digital disruption within that sector or profession
4. A set of strategic recommendations on how the conclusions from 2 could be applied to an
organisation in that sector and /or profession which would improve its effectiveness and in
meeting existing and emerging challenges identified in 3

Internal approval: John M, 09/01/23

Should be done via the application to an organisation that you have experience of but must include clear
references to wider sector or profession issues.
The work should relate to theories and models set out in the course content and other referenced source
material, and course material and include critical discussion, application and recommendation of these
from those sources.

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your
achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

LO 2: Apply concepts and theories of technology to specific industries, markets, businesses or operational
roles to gain commercial insight and/or inform business operational practice.

Referencing and presentational requirements

Please reference your work according to the Harvard style as defined in Cite Them Right Online
( This information is also available in book form: Pears, R. and
Shields, G. (2019) Cite them right: the essential reference guide. 11th edn. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Macmillan. Copies are available via the University library.
 You can work in groups of up to four people as the maximum and two people as the
 Group will be formed based on the similar technological topics in CW1 either by the module leader
or by the group yourselves.
 As evidence of individual contribution to the task a group log detailing individual
contribution must be maintained and handed in at the final presentation and also included in
the submission uploaded on Turnitin.

Submission details

 This assignment slide deck and group logs should be submitted electronically using the
relevant submission point in the Upload My Assignment section on LSST Connect.
 Each group member must submit from their own LSST Connect account.
 Please also note that work that is submitted up to 10 working days beyond the submission date will
be considered a late submission. Late submissions will be marked, and the actual mark recorded
but will be capped at the pass mark (typically 40%), provided that the work is of a passing standard.
Work submitted after this period will not be marked and will be treated as a non-submission.
 Please ensure that your work has been saved in an appropriate file format. Turnitin will only accept
the following file types: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, PDF. Your file must also contain at least 20
words of text, consist of fewer than 400 pages and be less than 40MB in size.
 You can submit your work as many times as you like before the submission date. If you do submit
your work more than once, your earlier submission will be replaced by the most recent version.
 Once you have submitted your work, you will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission, which
will be sent to your LSST e-mail address. Please keep this receipt for future reference, along with
the original electronic copy of your assignment.

Academic integrity

Academic integrity means taking responsibility for your own work.

When you submit an assignment, you are effectively making a declaration that it is your own work and that
you have acknowledged the contribution of others and their ideas in its development (for example, by
referencing them appropriately).
For further information and guidance, please see the University website:
You are also expected to take responsibility for maintaining and managing confidentiality issues in your
work. You should maintain and respect confidentiality in relation to the protection of personal, technical
and/or commercial information of a sensitive nature in their assessed work, whatever the format.
Confidentiality issues will vary from subject to subject and you are encouraged to seek advice from your
course team if you are unclear about requirements in your context. For further information and guidance,
please see the University website:

Assessment Criteria Academic Year 2022-23

Fail Fail Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass

0-34 (F) – 35-39 E – 40-49 (D) 50-59 (C) 60-69 (B) 70-79 (A) 80-100 (A+)
Fail Marginal fail
Not successful Below required Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent Outstanding
Knowledge and The work demonstrates The work demonstrates The work demonstrates The work demonstrates The work demonstrates The work demonstrates The work demonstrates
Understanding a limited and/or insufficient knowledge a basic knowledge and a sound breadth and refined knowledge and highly accomplished exceptional knowledge
substantially inaccurate and critical critical understanding depth knowledge and critical understanding knowledge and critical and critical
(30%) or no knowledge and understanding of how of how to apply the critical understanding of how to apply the understanding of how understanding of how
This should include the critical understanding to apply the theories theories and concepts of how to apply the theories and concepts to apply the theories to apply the theories
evidence of: of how to apply the and concepts of of technology in an theories and concepts of technology in an and concepts of and concepts of
theories and concepts technology in an ever- ever- of technology in an ever- technology in an ever- technology in an ever-
 Knowledge of technology in an changing global changing global ever- changing global changing global changing global
and critical ever- business environment business environment changing global business environment business environment business environment
understanding changing global presented in summary presented in summary business environment presented in summary presented in summary presented in summary
of how to business environment of findings from CW1s of findings from CW1s presented in summary of findings from CW1s of findings from CW1s of findings from CW1s
apply the presented in summary and the challenges and the challenges of findings from CW1s and the challenges and the challenges and the challenges
theories and of findings from CW1s these present to these present to and the challenges these present to these present to these present to
concepts of and the challenges managers of specific managers of specific these present to managers of specific managers of specific managers of specific
technology in these present to industries, markets, industries, markets, managers of specific industries, markets, industries, markets, industries, markets,
an ever- managers of specific businesses or businesses or industries, markets, businesses or businesses or businesses or
changing industries, markets, operational roles operational roles businesses or operational roles operational roles operational roles
global businesses or operational roles
business operational roles
presented in
summary of
findings from
 Understanding
the challenges
these present
to managers
of specific
businesses or

Assessment Criteria Academic Year 2022-23

Analysis and criticality The work The work The work The work The work The work The work
demonstrates a limited demonstrates an demonstrates a demonstrates a well- demonstrates a demonstrates highly demonstrates
(20%) or no ability to use of insufficient ability to sufficient ability to use developed ability to sophisticated accomplished ability to exceptionally
This should include the course materials and use of course materials of course materials use of course materials accomplished ability to use of course materials accomplished ability to
evidence of: range of independently and range of and range of and range of use of course materials and range of use of course materials
selected sources to independently selected independently selected independently selected and range of independently selected and range of
Coherent linkage support investigation sources to support sources to support sources to support independently selected sources to support independently selected
and logic argument into the chosen topic, investigation into the investigation into the investigation into the sources to support investigation into the sources to support
for the analysis of a poor coherent linkage chosen topic, limited chosen topic, chosen topic, good investigation into the chosen topic, excellent investigation into the
chosen topic and logic argument coherent linkage and satisfactory coherent coherent linkage and chosen topic, very coherent linkage and chosen topic,
Use of course logic argument linkage and logic logic argument good coherent linkage logic argument exceptional coherent
materials and argument and logic argument linkage and logic
range of argument
selected sources
Application, evaluation and Work demonstrates a Work demonstrates an Work demonstrates a Work demonstrates an Work demonstrates an Work demonstrates an Work demonstrates an
recommendation limited or no ability to insufficient ability to sufficient ability to ability to evaluate and ability to evaluate and ability to evaluate and ability to evaluate and
evaluate and make evaluate and make evaluate and make make make make make
(30%) recommendations to recommendations to recommendations to recommendations to recommendations to recommendations to recommendations to
This should include evidence an organisation which an organisation which an organisation which an organisation which an organisation which an organisation which an organisation which
of: would improve its would improve its would improve its would improve its would improve its would improve its would improve its
effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and effectiveness and
Critical application discusses in detail of discusses in detail of discusses in detail of discusses in detail of discusses in detail of discusses in detail of discusses in detail of
the knowledge gain how to meet existing how to meet existing how to meet existing how to meet existing how to meet existing how to meet existing how to meet existing
from CW1 to make and emerging and emerging and emerging and emerging and emerging and emerging and emerging
recommendations challenges posed by challenges posed by challenges posed by challenges posed by challenges posed by challenges posed by challenges posed by
to an organisation digital disruption within digital disruption within digital disruption within digital disruption within digital disruption within digital disruption within digital disruption within
which would that sector or that sector or that sector or that sector or that sector or that sector or that sector or
improve its profession profession. profession profession in a profession in a capable profession in a highly profession in an
effectiveness and consistent and and effective manner. accomplished manner. exceptionally
discusses in detail informed manner. accomplished manner.
of how to meet
existing and
challenges posed
by digital disruption
within that sector or

Transferable Skills (20%) Demonstrates limited Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates high Demonstrates highly Demonstrates
or no ability in verbal insufficient ability in sufficient ability in consistent and proficient ability in accomplished ability in exceptional ability in

Assessment Criteria Academic Year 2022-23

Presentation skills communication is verbal communication verbal communication confident ability in verbal communication verbal communication verbal communication
unclear (pace, pitch, (pace, pitch, clarity and (pace, pitch, clarity and verbal communication (pace, pitch, clarity and (pace, pitch, clarity and (pace, pitch, clarity and
clarity and enthusiasm) enthusiasm) and enthusiasm) and basic (pace, pitch, clarity and enthusiasm) and enthusiasm) and enthusiasm) and
and no attempt in insufficient presentation design enthusiasm) and sophisticated sophisticated sophisticated
presentation design presentation design with some attempt to presentation design presentation design presentation design presentation design
with no structure and with no structure and provide structure and with some structure with clear structure and with clear structure and with clear structure and
no attempt to support no attempt to support may/may not support and attempt to support support well with visual support with excellent support with
with visual aids, all with outstanding visual with visual aids. with visual aids. aids. visual aids. outstanding visual aids.
texts. Too many errors aids, all texts. Satisfactory adheres to Good adheres to rules Very good adheres to Excellent adheres to Outstanding adheres to
in referencing or no Limited attempts to rules of Harvard of Harvard Referencing rules of Harvard rules of Harvard rules of Harvard
reference. adheres to rules of Referencing in text, in in text and ref list. Referencing in text and Referencing in text and Referencing in text and
Harvard Referencing in some elements missing in reference list in reference list. in reference list.
text, some elements in reference list.
missing in reference
list. Demonstrates
Demonstrates high Demonstrates highly exceptional ability in
Demonstrates limited Demonstrates an Demonstrates a Demonstrates proficient ability accomplished ability in professionalism
or no ability in insufficient ability in sufficient ability in consistent and professionalism professionalism (punctuality and time-
professionalism professionalism professionalism confident ability in (punctuality time- (punctuality time- management well in 15
(punctuality, time- (punctuality, time- (punctuality, time- professionalism management well in 15 management well in 15 minutes, dress and
management way more management way more management may (punctuality, time- minutes, dress and minutes, dress and outstanding ability to
exceeds 15 minutes or exceeds 15 minutes or exceed 15 minutes or management may ability to respond and ability to respond and respond and handle
too short presentation, too short presentation, too short presentation, exceed 15 minutes, handle questions well) handle questions questions)
dress and inability to dress and inability to dress and ability to dress and ability to excellently)
respond and handle respond and handle respond and handle respond and handle
questions) questions) questions to some questions reasonably)

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