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Lectia 4

Composition Topic:

1. Write about a tradition that you like in your family. One tradition is to play remi

2. write about a tradition you would like to start in your own family. In my own family I would like to have a night
when we play games

3. Invent some traditions you think alien families have. I think that alien family would like to conquer the world, to
steal chips from Romanian people

How do you ask questions for Pr. Simple and Pr. Progressive?

Present Continuous Practice: I + to be + v ing



Am I cooking dinner

2 is, baking

3are eating

4is raining

5are making

6are coming

7is barking

8 is talking

9 is launghing

10are sleeping

Present simple and Present Continuous:

In Johannesburg most people   at least five languages.
2Languages   very fast. Half of world's languages will disappear by
3You can't see Tim now; he   a bath.
4Please keep quiet, I   to the radio. You know I   to the
news in the mornings.
5What time  ?
6I   a scarf, but today I   one because it's unusually cold.
7I finished watching the series you recommended. Now I   another one.
Lectia 4

8What   tonight? Would you like to come and watch the game?
9Nobody   they will win the match.
10You look worried. What  ?

Key words Present Continuous:

Key words Present Simple:

Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets.

is running
1. She (run) because she's late for her lesson.
2. Our teacher always (give) us lots of homework.  HE SHE IT
don't want
3. We (not want) to go to the concert.
am not working
4. I (not work) today. I'm on holiday.
5. People (speak) English in Jamaica.--:> they

6. Archie (not use) his computer at the moment.

7. (Tony / live) near the park?

The simple past tense is used to talk about a completed action in a time before now.

Key Words: Yesterday; # years, weeks, months, days, hours ago; in (past year); last (month, week, year)

Practice:We will start with the regular verbs: formation S+ V(+ed)

walk + ed = walked

laugh + ed = laughed

want + ed = wanted


cry - cried - y » i

carry - carried - y » i
Lectia 4

love - loved - no e

hope - hoped - no e

stop - stopped - if you speak a short vowel » doubling

drop -dropped - if you speak a short vowel » doubling

Irregular Verbs for the most important verbs to KNOW


1st form 2nd form
am, is was
are were
get got
go went
see saw
do did
take took
have had

Fill in the past form.

1. Mammoths   big animals, bigger than elephants. (be)
2. Mammoths   100 years ago. (not live)
3. Mammoths   a long time ago. (live)
4. Mammoths   meat. They   grass. (not eat / eat)
5. They   two large tusks about three metres long. (have)
6. I   by credit card. I   cash. (pay / not pay)
7. He   some milk. He   any water. (drink / not drink)
8. She only   a pound. She   3 pounds. (spend / not spend)
9. I   some elephants. I   any lions. (see / not see)
10. They   in the sea, but they   in the lake. (swim / not swim)

Fill in the negative form of the past simple.

1. They invited Linda to their party, but they   Carol.
2. We met Sally, but we   Frank.
Lectia 4

3. They did their English homework, but they   their maths homework.
4. The girls visited the Tower, but they   Westminster Abbey.
5. He bought jeans, but he   any T-shirts.
6. We watched the news, but we   the weather report.
7. We read chapter 1 to 4, but we   the last chapter.
8. She talked to us, but she   to Mr Brown.
9. They played tennis, but they   football.
10. She made breakfast, but she   lunch.
11. They were in Boston, but they   in New York.
12. She liked Chris, but she   Robert.
13. He was happy, but she   happy.
14. Paula sang well, but Christina   well.
15. She got up early, but he   early.

Complete the questions with the past simple.

Example: I asked Tim. - Who did you ask?

1. I met somebody. Who   ?

2. Harry arrived. What time   ?

3. I saw Bob yesterday. Who   yesterday?

4. They wanted something. What   ?

5. The meeting ended. What time   ?

6. Pat went home early. Why   home early?

7. We had fish for dinner. What   for dinner?

8. It cost a lot of money. How much   ?

9. He bought a T - shirt. What   ?

10. We ate ham and eggs. What   ?

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