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saan COUPLE UIE LC en ie rerun bier cl td Tn PETE UT ta Eee) BLACKSwan CCamszanner le tarandh No unauthorized photocopying, Aitrights rosorved. No part of this publication may bo roproducad, stored In a rotrioval system, or transmitted, In any form or by any moans, without tho prior pormisslon In writing of Explorer Publishing Houso, or as oxprossly pormittod by law, or undor torms agrood with the appropriate copyright cloarance organization, Enquiries concerning reproduction outside tho scope of the above should be sent to Explorer Publication, at the addross abovo, You must not circulate this book In any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer, ‘Any wobsitos roferrad to In this publication aro In the public domain and their addresses aro provided by Explorer Publishing House for Information only. Explorer Publishing House disclaims any responsiblity for the contont. Spoakor 4 ISBN: 978-605-7881-72-4 41st Edition 2022 ‘Author: Gijidem Kayihan Asian, Eco Er Graphic Design: Merve Coylan Publishor: Kagif Uluslararasi Yay, Dig Tle. Lid. $tl Certificate Number: 41694 Printing: Hermes Tanitim Ofsot Baski Hizm. Ltd, Stl Certificate Number: 47869 - 25 Ekim 2022 Photo Credits: All photos and Imagos tis@black 5 ate BLACKSwan S| Waa aiaceraantcenttt LANGUAGE ser maeuAGE Series ‘Camscanner ie trandh ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank Ceren Ginar Oneren, Ertan Yazici, Dr. Navid M. Talaei for contributing to this book with their helpful comments and feedback. This book was completed thanks to their contributions. We would like to thank Asts. Prof. Recep Ozbay for his guidance and support. With sincere gratitude, we would like to thank the instructors at Hacettepe University, School of Foreign Languages, Department of Basic English. They have always provided worthwhile advice and feedback and motivated us with their positive attitude and encouragement. Last but not the least, we would like to thank our families for always encouraging and supporting us. It wouldn't have been possible for us to write this book without them. Ccamseannerletarandh ABOUT THE BOOK Speaking Is one of tha inpst Important sills lesions Misd Waitot a 4 helps to communicate wilh others and express Ihoughis 504 footages, Unlike In raceptive skills whloh raquire Isarniars tt mies mssiting tone language Input which thay are exposed 10, In spanting sill, Isetiers, must aotually oraata meaning and produces shel ann language, the major aim of this sarlas Js fo halp laarnars Improve their spassting sty producing spoken language, Spoakar Is a wo-book sorlas thal Is developed for English learners wha fare seaking to Improve thelr everyday and academic spouting st 's through practice, Each chapter of the book Is designed to provide students with sernig/s spoken language patterns along with exercises which will allow ther practice those patterns, Tho exercises alm to scatfold the sparing 80 that learnors will bo able to bulld on as they go through the chapter ‘Supporting learners to bo confidant and proficlent in oral cornmnunication and helping them to overcome tholr foar of public spasking by develo pig thelr organizational skills 18 the kay to tholr boing affective spwaters A tho targot languago, This book will halp loarnsrs develop the necassar/ organizational skills and bo confident, fluent and proficient speakers, pLackswan ‘Camscanner ie trench CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 TALK ABOUT YOURSELF AND OTHERS .......... CHAPTER 2 MY DAILY ROUTINE .... CHAPTER 3 DIALOGUE .... CHAPTER 4 OPINION: LIKES AND PREFERENCES ... CHAPTER 5 NARRATION .. CHAPTER 6 EXPRESSING OPINION ... CHAPTER 7 EXTENDING YOUR OPINION CHAPTER 8 EXTENDING YOUR NARRATION ... CHAPTER 9 PRESENTATION CHAPTER 10 DISCUSSION ... CHAPTER 11 PROBLEM SOLUTION ..... Ccamscannerletarand 15 23 36 46 61 69 76 85 92 Ccamscannerletarand You (alk about yourself” in many situations such as when you are in an English class, | when you meet someone for the first time, when you start a new hobby or when you apply for a new job. It's a good idea to know and prepare what to say when someone asks you. Let's start! When you first meet someone, you greet them. Say: + Hi/Hello + Good morning/afternoon/evening | Tell your name: +My name's ; ‘ +m *Thisis . (usually on the phone) oe Ask: + What is (What's) your name? Ccamscannerletarand 123 4567 $90 You can say: + Nice/Glad/Pleased to meet you, + Lovely to meet you. People may ask: + Where are you from? + Where do you live? You can say: + tam (I'm) from . | Leome from 5 + I'm Turkish/British/American. + Live in + Iwas born in When you meet new people, they my also ask you: + How old are you? You can say: + I'm 22 years old. / I'm 22. df ‘Camscanne ie trench CHAPTER 1 People may ask: + What do you do? / What's your job? / * What do you study? + Where do you work/study? You can say: + I'm a university/high school student. + I study engineering/arts/medicine. + I'm a teacher / | work as a teacher. + | work at university. + | work at/for Starbucks. EXERCISE 1. isten to and study the sample below. After you study, work in groups of three and ask questions to know your friends, and tell each other about yourselves. LET'S TALK ON THE BUS =< Elif: Hello, my name is Elif. 'm from Turkey. What is your name? \ Brian: Hi, I'm Brian. \ Elif; Nice to meet you. Where are you from Brian? \. Brian: I'm from Morocco, but | Jerrye in Italy. in Elif: Italy is a beautiful country! What do you do here? Brian: I'm a university student. | study history. Elif: How old are you? Brian: I'm 28. What about you? Elif: I'm 33 years old. Brian: What's your job Elif? Elif: I'm an English teacher, and | work at a secondary school in Ankara. I'm here on holiday. Brian: Nice to meet you, have a nice holiday. : ¥ \\_ Elif: Thanks, ‘Camscanner le tranch STN atta ths Keren. fH AC tolling Atta (Or nt A BMAD $1 AE (0te yo AH 206 NOP tAWAD St LLL IG EXERCISE Z. Fill in the chart below, Work in pairs. To each other about your best friend taking turns. Then change your pair and ask your new partner stant histher best friend and answer hisiher questions. -—_—-——_—_—__——- | fie cee Le seein 1 j ‘Camscanne trench EPA eee | Here is some useful vocabulary: a student anurse ‘4 by’ a doctor a shop assistant a ta eae ‘Camscanner le tranch When you have a conversation with someone t0 4m more, the tonics you are going fo talk about are generally: + schoolwork stamiy see tme + future plans. ‘You can use the sample phrases below. Remember, Hi, I’ my name's Tm from livein > =| tm (years old). t My birthday is on } (cate) Tma studentand | study I work as! I'm a/an Twork for I want to be aan 'm from a family off We're a family 2 - (number) | have atwotthree brother(s)/sister(s). My mother works as! My mother is alan My father works as/ My father is a/ like I'm good at / bad at them better and to tell about You + fsten caretuly and if you don't understand the question, ask the person to repeatit + give complete answers in full sentences, give details; don’t just reply with *yes* or “no” ivities + reading, painting, drawing + playing computer games * surfing the Internet * going to the cinema + meeting with friends + playing with my dog + going to the park/shopping malV/gym.. + listening to music + shopping, singing, dancing + travelling, camping, hiking — Movie Types action drama comedy romantic comedy horror sebfi war thriller mated cartoons iil ‘Camscanner trench I don't like/hate My favorite sport is Myfavoritefood/drinkis, My favorite day of the week/month is My favorite (kind of) movie is My favorite place is My favorite singer (or band) is likes / dislikes / favoritesa EXERCISE 3. Listen to and study the sample below. Practice talking about yourself using the sample phrases in the boxes above. After you study, work fire fighter architect civil servant engineer secretary businessman manager shopkeeper cleaner postman policeman social worker retired unemployed with a friend and tell each other about yourselves. Hi, I'm Dua Lipa, I'm from London, England. I'm 27. My birthday is on April 22. I'm a singer and songwriter. | want to be a movie star, too. I'm from a family of five. | have a brother and a sister. My mother works for a tourism company, and my father is a musician. | like painting and drawing cartoons. | also like watching TV shows in my free time. My favorite food is Albanian ‘Camscanner le tranch 14 CHAPTER 1 Toll your group members about YOUF best friggg EXERCISE 4, Work in groups of three. aie family age likes & dislikes where from pets job / study hobbies EXERCISE 5. Work in groups of three. Choose someone from your family and tell your group members about him/ her, EXERCISE 6. Think of a celebrity that you like. In pairs, talk about the celebrity choose, ‘Camscanner trench ccs ed < ie) z B =) z z 5 5 & urenait " —<-z When you do things reguiatty at the same times, it becomes a routine. When peo am wok zbout your dally routine, they expect you to tell about your typical day. It is important tel te events ip he onder they happen. You can see the useful phrases below, 1 wake up at andi getupat. Then, . Sige te tetecem and I heveltate a shower, wash my fave, brush my teeth, comb my hait, x 1 oreaktas! lwowzly reve treaest at and\have/eat/drink____— bt sore Copsient : ce, Onicha. treat, bitter, om, cheese, eggs, olives, comfiakes cereals, om of ocfize, ter, rile, fc, bie wena. | A weet Svoaly wexe ior ‘ain. fe, tors, dd, tess, weiner, etc. ‘peu ofn _Mttakes minutes/hours- 2 oA, At Ch, Hite ou, a, bike, on foot Tt OLN EIE Gata wwe (BG \ZIDO ___ A usally eat for lunch. GALAN te ALG, Gate ae | WA AYES, VIG WA, Aah, ysboes, pizza, pasta, fish, rice, eC ‘Camscanner ie tranch ne assesiessons finish at finish work at, after worklechool, | | get home at __ and{ Ihave dinnerat__— and teat After dinner, 1 ’ | go to sleep at rest a bit, read something, watch TV, , do exercise, do my homework, go dinner, have a bath, relax, surf the intemet, play computer games, Ka We use the Present Simple Tense when we talk about our daily routine activities. ©.g. | usually have tea for breakfast. you helshe it | has pizza for dinner. we they have You Jeans to school. ‘Camscanner le tranch 18 2? 1 Do a | you feierecee seco) OOM cee she | Does | helshe it aes we Do | they | You *You can use adverbs of frequency such as always, somatinss, usually, Neve" such as after that, after, before, then, when, efc. when you use the present simD! EXERCISE 1. Listen to and study the sentences below. Practise talking about your daily routine. After you study, work with a friend and tell each other about your daily routines. Hello, I'm Syivia. | want io tell you abot my daily routine. I work 2s 2 shop assist in a bookstore in the city centre. | work for 9 hours a day. I wake up at 6.00 am. in the moming and drink a big glass of weit Afier that, 1 do my moming exercise fr 30 minutes. Then | take a shower 2nd sandwich for breakfast, and | eat them ae mee a ae : | walk to work because the bookshop is not far from a nc at830 a.m. I'm usually very busy until the lunch break. Our lunch i starts at 12:30p.™ ___ Forlunch, | usually eat a sandwich with orange juice. Sometimes I go to a restau |__with fiends and have soup, salad and meat. After lunch, | start ae i p.m. and dinner. | eat my dinner at 7.00 i sores \ -00 p.m. After dint iSually watch my favourite se read a book. Before | go to bed, | brush aac Bae ‘ se ‘Camscanner le tranch AL home, you can practise talking about your daily fouling in front af a mirror OF YOU Gan record yourself and listen tofwatch the recording. EXERGIOE 2, Listen to and study Marisa's typical day and order the pictures © below. @ (Alarm clock ringing) Good morning! | wake up at Seven o'clock In the morning, | do yoga first and then | take a quick . shower, After, | eat breakfast. 1 usually have an egg and toast and ~~ acoffee with milk. At nine o'clock, | take a bus to go to the city center. | start working at half-past nine, and | finish work at 1:30 p.m. For lunch, | usually go to the cafeteria and order a Spanish omelette and a salad, Sometimes 1 go to an Itallan restaurant to eat some pizza, At half-past throo, | ride a bike to go to the University, Right now, {am atudying to earn a master's degree In Paychology. | have classes from 4 to 6 o'clock In the evening, After claases | go to the gym or go out with my friends, Dofore going to bed, | read 4 book or watch an episode of my favorite series. Right now, I'm reading Harry Potter, Ob, It's ¢0 late actually,| have to go to bed! | fall aaleep al midnight, Good night! ‘Camscanner le tranch TER, 2h eal 3 -yt _— have lunch _ go to the gym OR go out with friends (read a book OR watch TV 90 to university ‘Camscanner le tranch EXERCISE 2. interview your partner to fill is the ga5s. Then POO BOAT AT Baie ang them about your friend and herthis typical Cay. Helio, my name is - tm . N tive (with my) ey ly HERES). relatives cory Well tive in Sy Sermitory, Fat Anyway, \ontupat__ At first, my alarm clock regs 2t Then I get out of bed. goto te baron ere - After that. 1 usually wear sto echo —____preparels) my breattotat_ Susualyest 1 also deine ; \goto school bylon Thelessons statat_ Whavealunch breakat Susualy goto ant have for func. J usually have other classes: - Minieh school at. J go home bylon intheevening |r Nravedomeret_ Jusuallyeat_____ Sor dinners, After dinner I usually - Belo goto bed, J Ngo to bed at EXERCISE 6, Imagine you are @ character from a movie, in other 2 the daily routine of the character A your choice, oe eo ‘Camscanne trench DIALOGUE ‘Camscanner trench CHAPTER'S) A dialogue is a conversation, between two or more people You have conversations yiy other people all the time in your life. As a learner of English, itis very important to be able, communicate in basic situations like shopping, ordering in a restaurant, travelling, etc. In a restaurant or café You can see useful phrases that can be used in a restaurant or café below. Waiter Customer Do you have a reservation? (How) Can | help you? Come this way, please. Here is the menu. Are you ready to order? Can | take your order? What would you like for a starter/ the main course? Do you want to have a salad/vegetables with it? What would you like to have/drink? (Can | get you) Anything else? Anything to drink? Would you like a dessert? Here you are. How was your food? Sure. Certainly, sirmadam. That is five euros. Eat in or take away? /For here or to go? Here is your change. Can | have a table for two? Ihave a reservation, a table for three. Ihave a reservation in/under the name of Johns. Can | have/see the menu? / May | take alook at the menu again? / Could you bring us the menu? I would like to have a latte please. Can | have a latte. / | will have a latte. ust latte. Orange juice for me, please. | would like the soup and then the spinach ravioli, please. I'l have a chicken salad first/ to star 25 starter. lll have fish and chips for my main course. The same for me, please. Can | have a chicken salad, please? | Acoffee/tea would be nice. The same for me, please. Nothing/No, thank you. Sure. Certainly, sirmadam. Could /Can | have the bill, pleas®? How much is that? Yes, please. Can | pay by credit card? / D0" ake bee Seer ee ‘Camscanne ie trandh Crile. EIU talc café or restaurant you can use these structures below: When you aro in z Would you like + nounsto verb? 0.9. Would you like some toa with your cake? Would you like to try the dress on? | would like + nounto verb. 0.9. | would like the black one. | would like to see the manager. CaniCould + subject + verb? e.g, Can/Could you help mo, please? Can/Could | have the bill, please? a gISN 25 Ccamscannerletarand EXERCISE 1. Listen to and study the conversations urant. Decide which one takes place in place in a café and the other, in a restat a restaurant and tell why. below. One of them takes C1: Yes, | have a reservation under the name of Parson, a table for two. W: Please come this way. ... Are you ready to order? C1: Yes. I'l have the cocktail to start, and I would like to have cheese ravioli for my main course. C2: Can I have the grilled salmon and green salad? W: Would you like a drink? C1: Diet coke, please. C2: The same for me, please. W: Certainly madam. C2: Thank you. W: Can I get you anything else? 1: Umm, I'll have a small portion of Caesar salad too. W: Sure. C1: Can I have the bill please? W: Sure. I'll bring it right away. C1: Can | pay by credit card? fes, we accept Mastercard and Visa, C2: It was delicious, thank you. fou're welcome. Hope to see you A B. W: Welcome to The Italian. Do you have a_} W: Can take your order? reservation? C: I'll have a cheese sandwich. W: Anything else? C: And a coffee, please. W: Espresso or cappuccino? ©: Cappuccino. W: To eat in or to take away? C: Take away, please. W: OK, here is your sandwich and cappuccino. C: Thank you, how much is it? W: 6 euros. C: Here you are. W: Thanks. Here is your change. ‘Camscanner le tranch £) {SE 2. Here is the menu of “Lounge Restaurant”. Work in groups of three. One of you ill take the role of a waiter and the others will be the customers. Fill in the menu first and choose your roles. Imagine the customers come into the restaurant and ask the waiter for a table for two and a menu. Work on your role-play, and when you are ready, perform it. STARTERS LOUNGE soem. RESTAURANT —* Sowsrosour always delicious Cc Ce >. Cc JO MAIN DISHES GRILLED CHICKEN & VEGGIES (ed chicken brea vetnona repeal O00 : o* O00: ‘Camscanner le tranch 27 Traveling: At the Hotel n be used at a hotel below. You can see useful phrases that ca B-1x0e70 Receptionist Welcome to the Paradise Hotel. What can | do for you? Sorry, we are fully booked. Do you have a reservation? How many nights would you like to stay? What kind of a room would you like? Would you like a single or double room? Would you like/Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking floor/room? Would you like breakfast? Can | have your ID please? Please fil in the registration/this form. How are you going to pay? Here is your room key. You are in room 426. Itis on the second floor. Ifyou need something, call the reception. Ifyou have any problems feel free to call the front deskireception We take credit cards/Visa and Mastercard. Would you like assistance with your luggage/ bags? Check out is at midday. Enjoy your stay. Guest I would like to check in | would like a room for the night Ihave a reservation for a singley double/twin room for three nights ‘Adouble room, please. Could | have room with balcony! showerlair conditioning/with a view? Are pets allowed in the hotel? Do you offer breakfast? Is breakfast included (in the price of the room)? What time is the breakfast served? Do the rooms have a TV cable? How much is it? How much is that cost per night? Can | pay by credit card? /Do you accept credit cards? Where is the lift? Receptionist Guest How can I help you? Reception? Sorry, I'l send someone Could | have/Can you give me a wake-up immediately. call at 7 a.m. please? Anything else? Ihave a problem. The room is too noisy. I would like to change my room. There are no clean towels in the room. The heating/air-conditioning doesn't work There is no coke in the mini-bar. Can you call me a taxi? [tees we- op ouee Ccamscannerletarand | Coy Na 3a) ~~ | Receptionist Guest wall How can | help you? Reception? c | Sorry, I'll send someone Could | havelCan you give meawakeup | b | immediately call at 7 a.m. please? | c | Anything else? Ihave a problem. k The room is too noisy. ° I would like to change my room. t There are no clean towels in the room. The heating/air-conditioning doesn't work. There is no coke in the mini-bar. Can you call me a taxi? EXERCISE 3 A. Read the conversation below. Who says the sentence in the dialogue? Write R for receptionist and G for guest. : Welcome to the Hotel X. What can | do for you? would like to check in. __: Do you have a reservation? Yes. | have a reservation for a single room for two nights. What is your name please? George Pitt. Yes Mr Pitt. Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking floor? Non-smoking please. snd could | have a room with air conditioning. __: Sure, | have a single room with air conditioning on the second floor. ‘Camscanner le tranch CHAPTER 3 a0 Could you fill in the registration form please? And how are you going to pay? Do you accept credit cards? : Yes, we take Visa and Mastercard sir. Ok, I'l pay by Visa, Your room number is 212. Here is your key. Enjoy your stay at the X. Ifyou have any problems feel free to call the front desk. Do you need assistance with yoy, luggage? No thanks. It's not heavy. | can manage. Where is the lift? Itis behind the big mirror over there. __: Thanks, B. Listen to the conversation and check your answers. EXERCISE 4. Work in pairs for a role-play activity at a hotel reception. One of you will be the receptionist and the other will be the guest. Imagine the guest wants to check in and the receptionist helps him/her. Work on your role-play using the prompts below and when you are ready, perform it. Guest: Receptionist: * you have arrived in the hotel and you * greet the guest, need a double room with a shower, + ask if s/he has a reservation non-smoking room/floor * offer several different rooms: single, + take the keys and ask for a wake-up double twin, suite call at 7.30 in the morning * ask how many nights s/he would like + dinner in the room to stay + call a taxi for you * how s/he would like to pay * if s/he needs anything * give the room key ‘Camscanner trench Travelli': Asking for/Giving Directions You can see useful phrases that you can use when asking for and giving directions below. [Asking for Directions Where is the bus stop? How do | find the sports arena? Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Excuse me, can you help me? | can't find the subway station. Pardon me/Excuse me, I'm lost, how do | getigo to the main train station? What/Which is the best way to the nearest supermarket? Can you tell me how to get to the city hall? I'm looking for this address. Can you tell me how to get there, please? Hello. Can you help me? I'm trying to find the Paradise Hotel. Could you tell me how to get to the museum/ bus terminal airport? Can you show me the museum on the map? Is it the right way to the bank? Giving Directions Tum rightleft. Golturn back. Cross the street. Go past the post office. Go along this street/road. Golwalk up/down the street. Go straight on/ahead. (Stay on this road — don't tum.) Go through the tunnel. At the roundabout, take the first/second exit. Tum right at the roundabout. Take the first/second rightleft. It's on the corner. It’s on your rightleft. You'll see it in front of you/ on your left. It's on the other side of the road/ / It's across the street. You can't miss it. You're going the wrong way. It's not on this road. It’s (a bit/quite) far from here. You may want to take a taxi. It's about 50 meters from here. ‘Camscanner le tranch Asking to repeat: When you cannot catch wha a person says, don't say: Whats. it's not pleasant and kind. You can, instead, say/ask: ce Sorry, | couldn't catch that. Can/Could you please repeat that? Do/Would you mind repeating that (one more time)? Sorry, | didn't get that. Could you speak a bit louder/more slowly please? Pardon? Vocabulary: Places in a TowniCity Here is some useful vocabulary you can use when giving directions: ef br © —_ museum intersection roundabout ‘Camscanner le tranch h / synagogue Imosque ‘Camscanne ie trandh EXERCISE 5 A. Listen to and study the conversations below. Then find the places the speaker gives directions for and write the names of the places in the blanks, SUBWAY ‘STATION fy rc} 8 3 Ft 3 3 a q q q f f ql q Ccamscannerletarand 1. A: Hello. can you help me? I'm trying to find B: Hello, sure. It's not far from here. Go down the Green Road and turn right. You'll be on 2" avenue. There is a café on your right. Go straight on. Walk past the traffic lights. You'll see a school at the corner. Turn right. It is just opposite the school, next to the theatre. 2 A: Excuse me, can you help me? I can't find , B: Walk up the Green Road and go past the library. Turn left and you'll be on 1* Avenue. Go past the traffic lights and go straight on until you get to the roundabout. At the roundabout turn right and cross the street. It's the building next to the hospital, opposite the park. 3 A: Pardon me, how do I find the 2 B: Go down the Green Road and turn right. There is a café on your right. Go past the traffic lights and walk along 2™’Avenue. Go past the bookshop on your right. Cross the street. Itis the building next to the park. You can't miss it. B. Work in pairs. Student A: Choose a starting point on the map above and say it to your partner. Then give directions to a place and ask your partner to follow you and find the place you give directions for. Then change roles. ‘Camscanner le tranch 35 OPINION: LIKES AND PREFERENCES erat selec Nal tT Md ‘Anopinion is a thought or a belief about something / someone. It is a statement that expresses abelief, value, or feeling. People have different opinions. An opinion cannot be proved true or false. On the other hand, a fact is a piece of information that can be strictly defined and proved tru. For example, a person's age is a fact, but if someone is asked how old they feel, it is impossible to prove the person's answer to be true or false, so it is not a fact, it is an opinion. Look at the examples below: You are a student. » fact She is a teacher. » fact You have long hair. » fact am the best student in the class. » opinion You look young. » opinion Long hair does not look good on her. » opinion Cut your hairi It is too long. ‘Well, | don’t think so. 37 ‘Camscanner ie tranch ~ EXERCISE 1. Listen to six sentences and decide whether the spe © is stating an opinion or fact. opinion fact Statement 1 a a Statement 2 o a Statement 3 o a Statement 4 a a Statement 5 o o Statement 6 o a What is an opinion question? Opinion questions ask about your opinion. Opinion questions are questions which can te answered by reasons and explanations. Here are some examples below: Do you go to school every day? » not an opinion question What time do you wake up in the mornings? » not an opinion question When did you come to school today? » not an opinion question Do you think Titanic is a good movie? » opinion question What is your favourite leisure activity? » opinion question Opinion questions often ask ‘why’ or ask you to ‘explain your reasons’ or ‘explain in detail’. ‘Camscanner le tranch When answering opinion questions, yousho: You can add details or supporting examples 2s welll. When answering coirion questions, Test Of the time we talk about our likes, dislikes anc preferences. When we talk about likes and dislikes, we use the following srucure: ; Examples: Like Hove / enjoy + gerund / noun « Ilike footbaill. / 1 ike playing football, Dislike / hate + gerund / noun + I hate fast food / hate eating fast food. ‘Camscanner le tranch Ao When we talk about preferences, we use the following structure: Examples: «I prefer having cafes ta havc «| prefer coffers ta tez. oI prefer to have cofies tea. Profer + gorund + to + gerund, Prafor + noun + to + noun Prafar to + infinitive (rather) than + (to) infinitive EXERCISE 1. Answor the questions given below in pairs. 1. Do you like cats or dogs? Why? °V~ eg ii 4 ‘Camscanner le tranch —_—_ 4, Do you prefer a summer holiday oF a winter holiday? My? EXERCISE 2 B. Answer the quostions given below In pairs. 4. Look at the books In the pictures bolow, What kind of books are they” 2. What kind of books do you profor roading? Why? Buscemi ene * mw ‘Camscanner le tranch a G. Anawor the queations glvon below In pairs, 4, Look al the novals In the pleturaa bolow. What do you think they are about? Wity ayy, think wo? 2. Have you read any of these novals? If yos, did you like them? If not, would you like te them? Why / Why not? ® C. Answer the questions given below in pairs. :} What is your favourite book? Why? ACV a WAM n CeCe tea se it has interesting characters and PCy 4. What is your favourite book? Why? 2. Do you like reading? Why / Why not? 42 ud Ccamscannerletarand Ex 3, Answer the questions given below in 5zirs. gta ia aed Deen aah 3. Whatis your favourite colour? Why? 4. Which country do you want to visit? Why! why nat? 5. Which city do you like the most in Turkey? Why why mat? Now let's try to extend our answers and add more reasons and sxammies. Yas cam cin Ty organizing your answer into sentences. First, you can Stat Dy swtims your simon. Tren. you ‘can continue by giving your reasons in separsie sanisnoss. Yas can a0 gue Sanmes TF possible. Listen to and study the sample below: 0 - In My a Which city do you want to go ona holiday? Why? {want to go to Antalya. First, Antalya has nice beaches. You can spend a good time by swimming or just relaxing on the beach. Secondly, there are many historical sites in Antalya. For example, you can 90 10 the Alanya Castle or Aspendos, 3n old Roman theatre. So, Antalya is one of the good places to go on a holiday. ‘Camscanner le tranch This te the structure/organination cof the answers Before you answer a question, first you should think of your opinion And your reasons In ore, words, you should think of the structure / organisation of your answer, EXERCISE 4. A. Think of your opinion and ons for the opinion questions given betow. Take notes, but do not write full sentencs 1, What Is your favourite movie? Why? Opinion » 2. What Is your favourite pastime activity? Why? Opinion » Reasons » Example » 3. Which sports do you like? Why? ‘Camscanner le tranch Hero are tivo useful phrases that your reasons: CHAPTER 4 You-can use when you are giving your opinion and explaining Purpose AB Phrase Giving opinion | (really) think that ... ' believe (that) . In my opinion ... Giving reasons First... Second... Also Giving examples For example... / For instance... B, Answer the questions given in EXERCISE 4 usin, alven above. (Tip = You can end your answer with a concluding sentence, which briefly restates your opinion, 1g your notes and the useful phrases ‘Camscanner trench 45 a4 ea) mal yi = an Ss Narration 1S the process of talking about a sequence of events, real or imagined. It's also called storytelling. When narrating a real event or an imaginary story, the narrator talks about the event or tlls the story using past tenses and time-order signals, When we narrate, we often use the folowing past tenses past Simple Te RULE USE ‘Verb + ed/Irregular verb | didn't + verb infinitive Did + subject + verb infinitive 2 | EXAMPLE Events that happened at a specific time in the past (yesterday, last nightweek/ summer, etc. half an hour/ 3 days/ one week ago) Events that took place over a specific period in the past Past habits/ things we generally did in the Past Anumber of events which took place one after another | went to a restaurant last night. They worked together for 6 years. | always walked to the school in the past. ‘She took her bag, left the restaurant and got in her car. With state verbs The tea smelled amazing. Past Continuous Tens RIE ie” dein ES Wasiwere + verb + ing wasn'tweren't + verb + ing | was/were + subject + verb + ing? ‘Camscanner le tranch 47 Everts thet were happening at 2 specific This tme lest year I was studying at high Moment in the past (This tme last year! | school Vewterday, etc. yesterday at 5 o'dodd in the framing, ec.) Talking about a past event whitch started at 2 Spectic moment and ended at a specific foment in the past (from .. to J fom. wrt.) Iwas reading a book from 9 o'clock to 11 o'dock last night While I was studying, my friend came in to the room. (Two events happened at the same time, fowus is on the procedure) ‘Camscanner le tranch exeRCISE 1.4 Listen to and study the sample narration. Do you think it is 2 @ realevent or an imaginary Story? Three years ago, | had one of the best days of my life on my 18” birthday. ‘pcually, 1 had no plans for my bithday because birthdays are never that important for me. As | aways used to do on week days, that day. | woke up sreund 9 o'clock, got ready to go to school and lft home, | ook a bus to 99 0 the school. While | was ravelingin the bus, | was simply looking outside without thinking of anything. Suddenly, the bus stopped and 1 saw colorful paloan ‘Then, [noticed my classmates. They were holding the balloons. When Wey coe closer tome, they stared singing ‘Happy Birthday and rest ofthe people inthe bus joined them and sang as well. When they finished singing, we He"® atthe achool, My friends and I got out ofthe bus, and we went 0 ovr CSA. Ginen reached my desk, saw abirtday cake and some gifts, We had a Ite celebration before our lesson stated. Rest ofthe day, my fiends cid net av m clone, We sang, laughed and told e2ch othr jokes all day long. | do not ink that I can ever have a better birthday. @ ‘Camscanner le tranch 49 Useful Phrases: Time Order Signals Look at the time order signals given in the sample narration above. Here is how we us them: for before clause + after + nouns and time adverbs. during until ¢.g. She was at school until noon. time adverb ‘left work after the meeting. noun after before until clause + assoonas + subject and verb / time clause when while e.g. She danced until she left the party. I finished my homework after | came back from school. A time dause can come before a main clause or follow a main clause. When a time clause comes belore a main clause, a comma is used. However, when the time clause follows. 10 comma is used. €.g. After | finished my homework, | watched a TV series, 1 went to bed after | had dinner. ‘Camscanner le tranch First, Next, Then sentence + — Afterthat, + subject and verb / time clause Finally, Later, At last, eg. | came back from holiday. After that, | started studying for my exams. Iwent to the cinema. Next, | went to a restaurant. . Answer the following questions about your last birthday in pairs. 4.What did you do? 2. Did you receive any gifts? What was it? 3. Did you have a good time? Why / why not? ¢. Talk about the best birthday you have had using time order signals. EXERCISE 2. A. Answer the following questions about your last holiday in pairs. 4. When was it? 2. Where did you go? 3. What did you do? 4, Did you have a good time? Why / Why not? B. Talk about your favorite holiday using time order signals. EXERCISE 3. A. Watch the short video and answer the questions below in pairs. 1. Who are the people in the video in your opinion? 2. What are they doing? 3. Narrate the video using past tenses. 51 ‘Camscanner le tranch ™ B. Think about a story related to the people you see in the video. Take notes in jy, outline given below. Setting (Where and when does the story take place): Characters (People): C. Tell the story using time order signals. EXERCISE 4. A. Look at the pictures given below and choose three of them to tell a story. ‘Camscanner le tranch B. Fill in the outline below and then tell i ji pictures you have chosen) using time oerse an rt Getting (Where and when does the story take place): Characters (People): Events: 1. Po 2 Po 3. 4. ‘Camscanner le tranch [a4 eo a iy < en 1) CHAPTER 6 EXERCISE 1. ‘A. Answer the questions given below in pairs. + How much free time to do you have? + What do you do in your free times? + What are your hobbies? + Is it important to have hobbies? Why / Why not? + Do you spend a lot of time on the social media? Why / Why not? USEFUL PHRASES | (really) think that ... I believe (that) ... In my opinion .. First... Second... Also For example... / For instance... Ccamscannerletarand B. Take notes on the following question for a minute and then answer the question using your notes and the useful phrases given above. as a Do you want to take up a new hobby Why? / why not? If yes, what do you want to i do? i Opinion » | Reasons » | Example » | Here are some more phrases you can use when you give opinion: i USEFUL PHRASES | ees {As tar as I'm concerned... | suppose. ws cone | Im (pretty) sure (that)... | agree (that...) | [don't think (that) ... don't agree (that) . To startibegin with, ... In addition, Giving ronsons | Moreover, ... Furthermore, | Giving examples | eu Such as ... j | Comparatives | itis a good idea to plan a shorter trip than the one we had lasttime, | + They can buy a bigger tent for the summer camp. | + | suppose these are happier times than before. | +I think cats are more intelligent than dogs. | + People are less careful when they are on holiday. +11do not agree that he rides a bike faster than her. + Itis necessary to speak more carefully when you are talking to your boss. + 1am sure that he drives less slowly than her, } + Taking up a new hobby at an old age is hate asnnsce age is not as easy as taking up a new | The streets in Rome are as crowded as the ones in Venice. - /+ in my opinion, Suzanna is the smartest ‘Supertatives + think tennis is the most dificult pert ne 228 t {+1 believe that swimming isthe least dificult sport, | een cnn ‘Camscanner le tranch GHAPTER 6 |. wo sample answers . Take notes on the following question for \d the useful | ct g then answer the question using your notes ani ’ ven above. onrss J agree that students can work while they are at university. To start with, they can ean money and buy the things they need. For example, they can \ buy their books. In addition, when students work, they: have a lot of experience. So, | think that it idea for the university students to work. Do you think it is a good idea for the university students to work? Why! Why not? Opinion » Reasons » | Example » a 87 ‘Camscanner le tranch EXERCISE 2. A. In pairs talk about whether you agree with the following statement by giving examples, ‘Ask and answer the following questions in pairs. Most people believe happiness is getting ‘married and having a family but there are ‘some people who never get married in their \etime. Some have never met the right ‘ person or has the fear of getting hurt. Some people are dedicated to other things in their fe, 0 they don't get married. Pak 1. Do you want to get married? Why / Why not? 2. What are the advantages of being married / single? 3. What kind of problems can married / single people have? 8, Take notes on the following question for a minute and then work in palrs and answer the question using your notes and the useful phrases. What is the best age to get married? Why? Opinion » Reasons » Example » EXERCISE 3. A. In pairs talk about whether you agreo with the following statement by giving examples. Ask and answer the following questions In palrs: ‘They say that girls and boys can naver be best friends because love gets in the way. An old couple who have been married for almost 60 years will Say the secrat to a good marriage Is friendship Otten, a boy will fall in love with a girl who he has been friends with, but the gid will {will him that they are just friends. Some poople may think that the Qirl Is scared of losing the friendship if the relationship fails 1. Can man and women to good friends? Why / Why not? 2-18 14 good idea to have u romantic relationship with a friend? Why? ‘Camscanner le tranch EXERCISE 4. Take notes on the following questions for a minute a 2nd answer the question using your notes and th nd then work in pairs, 'e useful phrases you have learned in this chapter. r the foll uesti eo 2 = When you take Rotes, you can also think of which TIP useful phrases to use, + 1. Which activities can make you happy? Why? ‘| Opinion » Reasons » Example » Useful phrases » 59 Ccamscannerletarand Follow-up Queations; 1. Bo you prefer to do activities indoors oF outtOOES? 2. Which activities do you enjoy doing at home? 3. Which activities do you enjoy doing outakte? 2. What kind of job can make you happy? Why? Optnion » Reasons » Example » Useful phrases » Follow-up Questions: ‘1. 1s working hours important to you when choosing a job? 2. Do you prefer working on your own or with a group of people? 3, Can money buy happiness? Opinion » Reasons » Example » Useful phrases » Follow-up Questions: 1. What are the things that you cannot buy from a shop? 2. 1s money more important than health? 3. Which one is more important: Money or family? ‘Camscanne ie trench ‘Camscanner le tranch EXERCISE 1, A. Answor the following questions about a” 4. Do you like spending tine in nature? Why? Why not? 2, Where do you goto spend time in nature? What do you do? vironment in pair B. Take notes on the following question fora minute and then answer the question using your notes and the useful phrases given below. 4, What can people do to protect nature? How? Explain in detail. Opinion » Reasons » ergy? Explain in detail. 2. What should people do to 6: Opinion » Reasons » 3, What should people do to protect animals? Explain in detail. Opinion » Reasons » ‘Camscanner le tranch Remember the useful phrases that you can use when you are giving your opinion and explaining your reasons: | useruL PHRASES | | (eally) think that ... l believe (that) .. In my opinion ... | Giving opinion As far as I'm concemed... | suppose... | I'm (pretty) sure (that)... | agree (that)... | don't think (that) ... | | don't agree (that) ... First... Giving reasons For example,... For instance,... Giving examples serine When we are expressing our opinion, we often use the modal ‘should": Ei” We use should when we want to give advice; tell our opinion or idea. Form: fe {should ver a | | should not (shouldn't) + verb | f ’ should + subject+ vorb? rod ‘Remember: we always use the base form of the verb after should. + People should feed the animals on the streets. *We should protect animals. * People shouldn't treat animals badly. + He should not leave his dog alone at home. ae ‘Camscanner trench EXERCISE 2. A. Answer the following questions in pairs: 4. Do you like animals? 2, Which animals do you like the most? Why? 3, Do you have any pets? Why / Why not? 4, Are there any animals that you are afraid of? Which ones? Why? B, Look at the pictures below and answer the following questions about them in pairs: 4. Which animals do you see in the pictures? What do you know about them? 2. Which animal is the scariest? Why? 3. Which animal is the most beautiful one? Why? ‘Camscanner le tranch F hy ular ¢.Li (0 two samplo answors. Tako notes on the following question for amin. © and then answer tho quostion using your notes and the useful @® phrases: I bollove that mosquitoes are tho most dangorous animals in the world. First, mosquitoes carry viruses such as Zika and West Nile virus. These viruses are very dangerous and can make people really sick. It is possible to get malaria by a mosquito bite as well. In addition, many people are allergic to mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can cause mild or even serious allergic reactions ‘in some people. Therefore, | can safely say that mosquitoes are more gerous than other animals on our planet think independence. They should be free. In where animals live in zoos are much innot do it in a zoo. To sum ir natur nments. ‘Camscanner trench CHAPTER 7 ize ant peech: You can use the following usoful phrases to summari Therefore, To sum up, ... In brief,... /In short, ..- Concluding phrases Consequently, ... Thus, ... In conclusion, ... To conclude, ... Which animal is the most dangerous? Explain your reasons in detall. Opinion » Reasons » ee | EXERCISE 3. A. In pairs talk about whether you agree with the following statement by giving examples. ‘Ask and answer the following questions in pairs: ‘Some people think it is not ethical to kill animals to eat whereas some people think meat isa necessary part of a healthy diet. 1. Do you think it is healthy to be a vegetarian? 2. Why do you think some people choose to become vegetarians? 3, Do you know any vegetarians? What does thelr diet include? ‘Camscanne ie trench B. Tee notes on the following Question fo, i your notes and useful phrase "a minute and then answer the question using Ss. : ‘Setarian? Explain your reasons in detail. Opinion » Reasons » Example » 2. Do you think vegetarians can be as healthy as non-vegetarians? Explain your reasons in detail. Opinion » Reasons » Example » EXERCISE 4. Take notes on the following questions for a minute and then work in pairs and answer the question using your notes and the useful phrases you have leaned in this chapter. Ask each other the follow-up questions given below. (Tip When you take notes, you can also think of which useful phrases to use. 1. Should fast food be banned In schools? Explain your reasons In detail. Opinion » Reasons » Example » Useful phrases » Follow-up Questions: ; 1. Do you often eat fast food? Why / Why not’ 2. Are there any benefits of fast food? : ‘Camscanner ie trench errs tr Follow-up Questions: 1, Which food have you tried from this country’s culsine? Did you like it? 2. Are there any ingredients that are commonly used in this cuisine? What are they? 3. Should we eat organic food? Explain your reasons in detail. Opinion » Reasons » Example » Useful phrases » Follow-up Questions: 1, What is organic food? 2. ts ‘organic’ food really organic? 3. Do you often eat organic food? Why / Why not? 4, The greatest wealth Is health. Do you agree or disagree? Explain your reasons in detail. Follow-up Questions: 4. What do you do to be healthy? ‘2. What can you do to be healthier? ‘Camscanner trench EXTENDING YOUR NARRATION CHAPTER 8 EXERCISE 1. A. Answer the following questions in pairs. 1. How was your first day at school? 2. What did you do? 3, Did you make friends? 4, Did you like the teachers? B. Take notes on ‘Your first day at schoo!’ in the outline given below and then talk about your day using your notes and narrative time order signals that you have learned before. Your First Day at School Setting (Where and when does the event take place): Characters (People): Events: 1. ‘Camscanner trench When we narrate a real event or an imaginary story, we can use ‘used to’ or ‘would Used to! would Wes EXAMPLE used to talk about a habit or regular activity | | used to have long hair in the past, but ora situation which was true in the past, but | now | have short hair not anymore. Would can be used instead of used to. I would play volleyball when I was 2 chi ‘Would’ is not used with state verbs. When we narrate a real event or an imaginary story, we can also use ‘past perfect tense": Past Perfect Simple Tense RULE had + V3. had not + V3 [had + subject + V3 ? | EXAMPLE | ] 1 had worked at another company defore | worked here. USE Talking about a past action before another past action. With state verbs I hadn't known her before | came to this company. With already/justiyet had already had lunch when I came home. | had studied for 2 hours before | started playing a game. | had never eaten sushi until | had it that day. With for/since (+state verbs or emphasis not on the duration) With always/never, etc. When my mom came home, | had finished studying. Until they came to my home, | hadnt known, them well. ‘As soon as | had finished studying, | went cout with my friends. By the time | came home, my brother had left. With before/afteriwhen With tilvuntil With as soon as/once With “by the time" "1 ‘Camscanner le tranch EXERCISE 2. A. Listen to and study the sample narration and answor th tions given below in pairs. I @ During the Covid-19 pandemic, my life changed \ "dramatically. When the pandemic started | was a student \ ‘at high school and we used to have face-to-face lessons. | With the pandemic, first, our lessons were cancelled. | ts Then, we started taking online classes. | was mostly \ at home as everybody else. | hardly left home. Almost i ‘everyday, | woke up, joined my online classes and then, | ‘spent time on the internet for the rest of the day. Before | the pandemic, | had been a social person, but during the j pandemic, | could not interact with my friends in person. | could not go out to restaurants or to malls. My life turned | ‘back to how it used to be after most people got vaccinated _ and the number of Covid-19 cases decreased. ® 7 ‘Camscanner le tranch e {,How was your life during the Covid-19 Pandemic? 2.Did you get sick? 4, What did you use to do when you had to stay at home? B. Take notes on the outline below and then talk about your life during the Covid-19 pandemic using time-order signals. Your Life During the Covid-19 Pandemic Setting (Where and when does the event ‘ake place): Characters (People): What did you use to do?: bey pa cite 3..A. Watch the short video and answer the questions below In @ 1 Who a Wha tho person in the video in your opinion? 's she doing? way? ‘Camscanner le tranch 8. Think about a story related to the person you see in ti outline given below. Setting (Where and when does the event take place): “ 10. Take Notes in thy C. Tell the story using time order signals. EXERCISE 3. A. Look at the pictures given below and choose one of them to tell a story. ‘Camscanner trench rr peat in th pictures YOu 1 outline below and then t oll the sto shave choson) using time order ce ne Is. — Geng (Whore andl when doos the ovent Characters (Peopl ‘Camscanner le tranch sentation is a way of communicat, . ae us to get a message across to th i rave or speech where words and pi alec 1d ideas to an Butlers. A present ¥ form of a slide show, © Complement each 'e listeners in th ictures intend t When preparing a presentation, organised, using appropriate and | presentation effectively using bod You should Consider 8 9ood range of gram ly language, gestures the content, the way Mar 2nd Vocabulary and eye contact, the cxtert ig nd deliver, CONTENT i it, you should ie ide about the content “The content should be meaningful to your audience. To deci Cor about the subject. | sider What People in the audience ae To decide about the content, you should itent is er : Should make Sure that the cont judience. . "sider What could be interesting fervor au ae : Id be nd should not Include too much informatio * content of a presentation shou 601 | topic. ect of a general ® Content should focus on a single idea, one asp. sree, 2 Presentation should include examples. In good prese! i od on, the po jience. inate the audi ® Personal example or a story that could fasci _ Ccamscannerletarand to ORGANISATION uld organise it, There should be 4 log fall, you should consider how much tine you se y,,, plan how much time you are going to allocate tor yy. the organisation, you should be sure that no panty, .¢ outline of a presentation: 4 taney, ‘After deciding on the content, you shot organisation in a presentation. First of to have to present and then you should you are going to say. While planning on presentation is rushed or too long. Here Is the ORGANISATION OF A PRESENTATION — You should briefly say what you are going to talk about and why it is useful and relevant to your audience, A good way to start a presentation is to briefly introduce the topic, explaining why the topic takes your Interest, so it could draw the attention | of the audience as well. | INTRODUCTION + BODY You should talk about the topic including | facts and examples, You can talk about a relevant personal story to draw the attention of the audience. | CONCLUSION You should summarise the topic / the main | Idea. i | etn te eee + It is @ good idea to start by welcoming the audience and introducing yourself. Next, you should introduce the topic / your idea. « You should use transition phrases or words between your points to make it easier for the audience to understand. » Before you finish the presentation, you should briefly summarise your idea, + In the end, it is a good Idea to let the audience ask you questions. + You should finish the presentation by thanking the audience. ‘Camscanner le tranch Purpose To Welcome the audience ~Itis good to see You all h ere. Lam and introduce Yourself > Thank you aly for coming. | am = ~ lam pleased to be Presenting 10 you today. | am, introduction ~ 1am going to talk about... -Letme start by ‘Saying ... ~ Our topic today is To introduce the content -Inmy Presentation, | will focus on. To signal you are Moving from one point to another ~ My first pointis.,. - First of all, | would like to talk about ... ~ Next, I want to Mention... > Finally, let's look at... To conclude ~ To conclude, ... To ask for questions ~ Do you have any questions? ~ Ifyou have any questions, | wll be happy to answer them, Toend the Presentation ~ Thank you for listening to me. = Thanks for your attention, DELIVERY While delivering the presentation: However, you can : tation from your notes. yOu °U must not fead the entire or most of the presen! “ Ai derbieersiicraih have Notes in your hand and you can have a look at ah spasenela eee ert Sis 900d idea to write simple and short notes wt en ite to memorize, you should practice enough Toucan Memorise your speech, but if you are going Se ee eee “en at Seat tal to be nervous as it could give you Itis “don't have to worry about being nervous. “nergy 9 Perform, Ccamscannerletarand + You should use body language and gestures. Standing on the = $901, without moving is not a good idea, Moving too much or walking around all the time could also distract yoy, audience. = You should mostly use upper-body movements; hand gestures and facial expressions, You should make eye contact in order to connect with your audience and to look more confident When you make eye contact, you will also be able to see how the audience reacts to your presentation and continue accordingly. ‘Camscanner le tranch yr se oF MEDIA AND VISUALS iris 2. good idea to prepare slides that you zanshow your audience. You should avoid using too many slides. You should not write everything on the sides. YOU should only write the basic points. You should use relevant pictures, videos or cbjedts. EXERCISE 1. Before preparing a presentation, let's first start by practicing how to present. In pairs prepare a short speech of about 3 minutes on the topic given below and then present it to your classmates. -Which country's cuisine is the best? Why? | The speech should have the following plan: Short Speech Welcoming remark Introduction edn) Explanation of the idea and reasons Lvereton of the idea and reasons | (Conclusion RERCISE 2, Watch the presentation and study Its audloscript given below. In @ airs answer the questions below. peace a aon Hello ¢ : It is good to see you all nee. | am Nl Po se sic Therapist. My jb is to promote welrbeing and bh Today | wil tell you how music improves health q Prelude’ Let's first of all iain ow plige wor Bache. (CHOU tra plays)... How did you feel? Did your mood More peaceful, more hopeful or you feel elaxe%~ Ss frat ‘Camscanner le tranch ® ic people were negatively affected and Musich, .19 pandemic, many peop! : es el een aa hope. Many people were sick or they had to stay at home se cen " ged dramatically, but music helped them feel cheerful and less stose., he aad played musical instruments and sang on empty streets to give Pecos sre Some musicians played and sang songs in their homes and on their balconies But how did music help during the pandemic? Let's talk about in which ways music improves mental health. Research Shows tha: music benefits various mental health conditions such as depression, trauma, ang schizophrenia, Calming sounds of piano, nature, and String-instruments are ver effective in helping you relax and feel happier. When you listen to music, you can get cover your stress or anger. Music can help people with depression, but the choice ¢ music is important. Listening to sad songs is not a good idea. When you are stresseg you can have sleeping problems as well, but you can listen to music to change ths situation. Listening to calm and cheerful music for about 30 minutes before going ty sleep can help you sleep well. Also, listening to certain types of music can boost yor confidence. Many actors and actresses listen to music before they get on the stage i> act. You can perhaps try to find some music which will make you feel more confidert before taking an exam or before you do a presentation to your classmates. ‘Secondly, music can improve physical health. Research shows that music can recut blood pressure. According to a research done by the American Society of Hypertens listening to 30 minutes of classical, Celtic, or raga music every day can significa” feduce high blood pressure. Music can help people who have Alzheimer's diseas* Gementia or other cognitive problems. A familiar song from the past can help tes? People remember memories. Music can also help with people with speech prove’s ‘music therapist can show people who have lost the ability to speak due to a0 Load OF injury how to talk again through singing, Music therapy can even help peor * have difficulty watking by using rhyth alk at ase ce ae: 'g rhythm as a tool to teach them on how tow’ To conclude, music improves F : f Mental and . music that s Enjoy and ving as much as Physical health. So listen to " ile a sing white toking a sete, You can no matter how your voice is.. sing Wh! Thank you all for listening to me, ‘Camscanner trench t.vwhat is the topic and main idea of the presentation? 2 which introductory, transition, ending phrases did the presenter use? 3 How did the presenter support her main idea? 4, What kind of body movements and facial expressions did the presenter use? use’ EXERCISE 3. Prepare a presentation of 5- 10 minut es i present it to your class. on the topic given below and J9bis the job of the future? Why? | _ 83 | Ccamscannerletarand es The presentation should have the following plan. Presentation j Welcoming remark Introduction of yourself Introduction of the content Body (Explanation of your idea and reasons, examples) Conclusion ‘Questions Ending ‘Camscanner le tranch cific topic. with ANON’ POS Discussion is the act of tatking about someting, usually with a group of peopta. You need to tell your opinion ON a : and using nome language pattoms to effectively express yourself t9 others, Reme important rules, uidject OF KMS HAN ONE ws * stan to the others respectively, don't interrupt, take tums + be kind and active while listening to others; make eye-contact, stay silent, NET TO Show yo, are listoning, ete * rospond to and eniticise ideas not the people + don't use offensive language + don't raise your voice You'll see usoful phrases you can use while discussing below; To toll your opinion: Vithink, ... In my opinion, \feel/betiove, ‘To ask for somebody's opinion: What do you think about it? Why do you think so? Do you agree/disagree? ‘Camscanner le tranch HIN ast a FOR or AGAINST | 7) When you are discussing a specific || topic such as ‘Students should wear a uniform at schoo!’, you need to choose if you agree with this statement or disagree with it f you agree with it it means you support the idea, so you are for the idea. However, if you disagree with it, you are against the idea. A. Listen to and study the discussion on student clubs at n two friends below. Underline the phrases they use f° tell to give examples, and disagree. pxerciSE 4. university betwee! sndask for opinion, to agree benefits. Are you plannins B; Actually, no. I'm no! ‘A: Oh, really! Why do you have many members. You can meet be peers Seed Bt You may be right, but when you a" inas! u and take a 5 roel very rant itis difficult to spare time for them and study the same time. | think it's Very tiring. A: tm sorry but | disagree with YO time with them is very im at, I's not easy 'O interests with you. Clubs also help fe B: You are right | fee! fonely and Nom exams. Itwill make me unhappy: For example, [a important course because he was in ind ¢xams, He had to repeat the 130. AlSO: very bossy and rude. | don't A: Im not sure | agree: | ee for you. The people you ‘ ‘hey may hell n yo! Probes. inink paoeep ‘club has more 4 You change your mind. | | 0, Jack, | joined two student clubs yesterday. | think student clubs have many 2 ‘Camscanne ie trandh B, Listen and study a part from a classroom discussion. The topic is ‘Humans © shouldn't eat animals.’ One of the groups agrees with the statement and the other group disagrees. Write the ideas that are for and against the statement in the table below. @ Speaker, Group 1: In my opinion, humans shouldn't eat animals. Animals have feelings like humans. They feel the pain when people kill them for their meat. It is not right to kill a living thing. } Speaker, Group 2: You may be right, but animal meat is very important for humans to grow and be strong and healthy. We need food to live and animals are a good source. For example, people who don't eat meat have many health problems. Speaker, Group 1: | don't agree with you. There are many other sources of good food. Scientists can make meat and other foods in labs. It is possible to live without animal meat. We don't need to kill all those animals for food. Speaker, Group 2: You say it is not right to kill animals for food, but animals eat meat and kill each other for food. It is the law of nature. For example, lions eat antelopes. Can we say stop eating antelopes to lions? What do you think about it? Speaker, Group 1: You are absolutely right. Some animals kill other animals for food, and they can't continue to live if they don't. But humans can choose what they eat. We know that, like humans, animals experience fear, stress and \ pain. Humans feed animals to kill and eat them later. They keep them in small places and away from their natural environment. It is wrong to think animals nee Just as food and give them pain. They have rights like we humans do. “a ‘Camscanner le tranch EXERCISE 2. In pairs, choose one of the topics below and work on it together, Think of and write Ideas for and against the statement. Then choose your sides and start discussing using the phrases. Social media is harmful for young people, Against Dogs make better pets than cats. Against ‘Camscanner le tranch Friends tell a lot about the character of a person. For Against People always dese 'tve a second chance. Against EXERCISE 3. Class discussion. Are you for or against it? No one should ever tell a lie. EXERCISE 4, Class discussion. Are you for or against It? Everybody should know a second language. EXERCISE 5. Class discussion. Are you foror _| against It? | Money brings happiness. Ccamscannerletarand CHAPTER 11 PROBLEM SOLUTION Yr when you are giving & problem solution speech, your purpose is to make the listeners believe inthe importance of the problem you are talking about. You need to organize your speech to go so. Hore is how to structure your speech: ina problem solution speech, {. The speaker first explains the problem to the listeners. S/he tells them what makes it very important. In this part, you need to get the attention of the audience to the problem you are ving o suggest solutions for, Its necessary to present the importance of the problem and why itneeds to be solved immediately. 2, Then, the speaker explains the cause(s) of the problem; why it happens and the negative effect(s) it has; what happens as a result of it. 4. And finally, s/he suggests solution(s) to the problem and explains them step by step and cleatly. At the end of your speech, you can tell the listeners what they can do. Your message should be realistic. Look at the diagram below to see the organization of a problem solution speech. CAUSES =} 1: EFFECTS its everywhere health problems it's cheap for people people don't dangerous for recycle plants and animals * PROBLEM ° ‘Plastic pollution. SOLUTIONS ° wees eceee Teduce plastic 2 MESSAGE find altematives Say no to plastic! recycle q Spe ees 93 ‘Camscanner le tranch A problem is a difficult situation that you need to solve. Problems cause worry and have negative effects. A solution is a way of dealing with a problem, solutions are usually in the form of suggestions Look at the examples below: * People are unhappy. -> Problem + Public transport can be free. -> Solution + People should wear masks, -> Solution * Children die because of hunger in many countries. -> Problem + People must use less plastic. > Solution * Diabetes is getting very common, -> Problem EXERCISE 1. Listen to and study the statements below and write P for problems @ and S for solutions, 1. In some small villages, children can't get education. 2. Books can be cheaper. 3. Smoking is very common among teenagers. 4. The age for driving license should be 21. 5. People don't read enough. 6. There have to be schools in every village. __7. Parents need to be good role-models for their children. 8. Young drivers cause many traffic accidents. The cause explains why something happens and refers to the reasons for something which has effects. The affect is tho description of what happened; it refers to the results of an action. Look at the examples below: + There isn't enough water. People need to carry water to their houses, Cause Effect + People goto the city when they get Il. There Is no hospital inthe vilage, Effect Cause + The weather was too hot last summer. There wore many forest fires. Cause Effect * Children don't goto school Families need their children in the farms. Effect Cause 94 Ccamscannerletarand

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