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The Journal of Nutrition


See corresponding article on page 59.

Efficiency of Free Amino Acids in Supporting

Muscle Protein Synthesis
Daniel Tome

UMR PNCA, INRAe, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France

Amino acids (AAs) are essential nutrients involved in various release of protein-derived AAs to peripheral tissues, and a

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cellular and body activities and functions. The 20 proteinogenic greater supply of AAs to muscle for supporting protein synthesis
AAs are the precursors of body protein synthesis and include 9 (7, 8).
indispensable amino acids (IAAs) that are not synthesized in the In this issue of the Journal, Weijzen et al. (9) hypothesize
body and must be provided by the diet (1). Proteinogenic AAs that a mixture of free AAs mimicking the AA composition
stimulate body, and more particularly, muscle protein synthesis of an intact milk protein would exhibit more rapid intestinal
as substrates, and some AAs (i.e., leucine, isoleucine, valine, absorption than the same dietary AAs provided after intact milk
arginine, glutamine) act as nutritional signaling molecules able protein digestion, and should lead to reduced splanchnic AA
to activate mRNA translation and protein synthesis (2). In retention, greater release of AAs in the circulation, and greater
the usual human diet, dietary AAs are mostly, or even totally, delivery to muscle for protein synthesis. To test this hypothesis,
supplied in the form of intact proteins subjected to the digestion they provided to young healthy volunteers 30 g milk protein or
process, which releases AAs, which are then absorbed. However, an equivalent mixture of free AAs, in an elegant experimental
crystalline free AAs are also used for food protein fortification design using stable isotope–labeled AAs for measuring AA
(3) or in some specific situations, such as supplements post delivery and muscle protein synthesis. This article provides
exercise (4, 5). The efficiency of crystalline free AAs to support interesting new data on the impact of free AAs on the kinetics
protein synthesis remains to be established. of AA absorption, blood AA transfer, muscle AA supply, and
Following ingestion of a meal, dietary proteins are digested muscle protein synthesis. Following ingestion, the free AA mix-
and the released dietary protein–derived AAs are transferred ture compared with intact milk protein, produced as expected
to the body and provide nitrogen and the 9 IAAs required to a greater increase in postprandial plasma AA concentrations,
achieve nitrogen balance and support body and muscle (1). The and also a greater positive net protein balance and significantly
efficiency of the anabolic effects of dietary AAs on body and higher dietary phenylalanine incorporation into mixed muscle
muscle protein depends on the quantity and bioavailability of protein, strongly suggesting a greater postprandial tissue protein
the AAs, and on the pattern of IAAs, which should closely accretion. No differences were observed between treatments in
correspond to the pattern required by the tissues. IAA content postprandial muscle protein synthesis, likely due to achieving
is the main criterion for assessing protein quality, and the a plateau with the high quantity of 30 g ingested protein or
currently accepted method for assessing protein quality is a AAs that maximizes muscle protein synthesis in these healthy
chemical scoring that relates the IAA content, corrected by their young subjects. However, these results are very promising, and
bioavailability in individual foodstuffs or diets, to reference IAA suggest that the AA mixture, compared with intact milk protein,
profiles (1, 6). In addition to AA bioavailability and IAA profiles, should induce greater postprandial plasma AA concentrations
the kinetics of the delivery of AAs to muscle tissues also appears and muscle protein synthesis at intakes <30 g, although this
to be an important factor in modulating the anabolic efficiency remains to be tested.
of dietary AAs in muscle protein synthesis (7). It is assumed The important study of Weijzen et al. (9) confirms that,
that the postprandial rise in circulating AAs represents a main in addition to AA digestibility and IAA profile, the rate of
driver of the muscle protein synthetic response to feeding. A protein digestion and AA absorption and delivery to the blood
high rate of protein digestion, AA absorption, and blood AA controls postprandial plasma AA concentrations and represents
delivery has been previously observed with soluble proteins such an additional criterion for assessing dietary protein. It has
as whey protein or with different hydrolyzed proteins with a been shown that more rapid AA absorption leads to greater
high rate of digestion and AA delivery (7, 8). It was observed postprandial plasma AA concentrations and subsequent greater
that these more rapidly digested and absorbed AA sources (i.e., stimulation of muscle protein synthesis (7, 8, 10). This is the case
whey or hydrolyzed protein) lead to a lower extraction of for some specific proteins that remain soluble in the stomach
dietary protein–derived AAs by the splanchnic tissues, a greater or with hydrolyzed protein preparations, both being rapidly
delivered to the small intestine where AAs are rapidly released
and absorbed. In addition, free crystalline AAs, which are also
The author reported no funding received for this study. rapidly absorbed, appear at least as efficient and might be
Author disclosures: The author reports no conflicts of interest.
DT is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Nutrition and played no role in the
even more efficient than intact protein to increase postprandial
Journal’s evaluation of the manuscript. plasma AA concentrations and muscle protein synthesis. As
Address correspondence to DT (e-mail: discussed by the authors, free crystalline AA mixtures can

C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
First published online November 23, 2021; doi: 3
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4 Editorial

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