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Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 19 (2) (2019), 133-140 p-ISSN 2541-1683|e-ISSN 2541-2426

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Positive Paradigm As The Barrier of Art Creativity Interpretation

Susilo Pradoko

Department of Arts, Drama, Dance and Music, Faculty Languages and Arts,
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Submitted: August 19, 2019. Revised: November 4, 2019. Accepted: December 28, 2019


In the modern era, during the end of 17 century, appears empiric paradigm in the philosophy
field. This paradigm emerges due to the critic towards mythical social thought. The next step
appears positivism thought by Auguste Comte in 1830, which stated that Sociology based on
science analogy that can be learned in the form of empiric data with exact calculation; out of
this is rated as not scientific. The education field also trails the modern thought tradition, along
with Comte’s positivistic thought. This modern era eventually has been opposed by postmodern
philosophers. The frailties in the modern era are criticized by the appearance of the postmodern
paradigm. Positivistic thought, in reality, could not reveal study beyond human and society,
because this study is strong, and can only reach the ontologic stage, in substance of the object.
While this could not be revealed because its level involves human and society’s way of thinking,
primordial, tradition, and historical aspects, this study focuses on the weaknesses of positivistic
research. Then it will present post-positivistic-postmodern research through Hermeneutika and
Foucauldian Genealogy research.

Keywords: Positivism; Creativity; Interpretation; Hermeneutics; Foucauldian Genealogy

How to Cite: Pradoko, S. (2019). Positive Paradigm As The Barrier of Art Creativity Interpretation. Harmonia: Journal of
Arts Research And Education, 19(2), 133-140.

INTRODUCTION and the specification. (Van-Peursen, 1988).

Human is no more bounded by mystical
Positivism is a study of how to get power or invisible power. Thus, the posi-
ideas based on empiric fact. Positivism tivistic paradigm is the critic of scientific
paradigm appears and puts critics to the achievement based on supernatural power
scientific tradition which relies on me- and metaphysical concepts with no empi-
taphysics, science requisite by thought rical fact in theology. Poespowardojo said
processes, Foucauldian study only. In the about positivism idea as follow:
history of the human culture stage inline “.... positivism is a vision that natural
with the present ontological culture sta- science is the only empiric source. Spe-
ge, if we borrow the culture stage model culative intelligence activity creates un-
from Van-Peursen is the Ontology Cultu- proved statements empirically, and this
area is not scientific because it can not be
ral Stage, the human takes a space to eve-
proven empirically, right or wrong. So,
rything he used to feel as a siege. Puersen positivism focuses on experience and
starts to arrange a theory or theory about free willingness. Experience is provable
the substance of everything (ontology) sensory data; if it is not, we can not say it

Corresponding author:

134 Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 19 (2) (2019): 133-140

is as a fact” (Poespowardojo, 2015). phical base with which will be actualized

The positive paradigm appearance into the background of society’s study and
was rejection against the science which is education field. Hence, the education field
a logical abstraction, ideas and affected by seems to be stupified by the glory of the
invisible powers, mistic. This appearance modern era with the empirical philosophy
is a critic towards metaphysics and myt- concept and actualized in Auguste Comte
hology culture stage, responding to uni- positivism study. This study will present
verse and power rated to have spirits or the chains of positivistic research in edu-
mith story for solving unanswered nature cation and art. So it is expected that edu-
phenomena at that time (Pradoko, 2015). cation society falls into its own rational
In a study, fact concept usually connected instrument. The discussion part will give
with reality concept. (especially in the so- an example of research results that can re-
cial study) and objectivity. Many peop- veal the empirical reality and beyond so-
le think the meaning of truth is clear and ciety. There are plenty of studies categori-
completely exist in their mind. This turns zed as a postmodern paradigm. However,
most scientists believe that their knowled- the researcher will only focus on the kind
ge is exactly due to the provable fact. (Su- of Paul Ricoeur Hermeneutika study and
martono, 2017). Ideas considered as scien- Foucauldian Geneology Study.
tific if it is provable empirically visible and
concreate through human sense, then these METHOD
facts supported by mathematical calculati-
on will be the background of quantitative Auguste Comte’s positivism theory
research. In a positive stage, human leaves is based on empiric philosophy and natu-
a metaphysical way of thinking. They rest- ral science tradition which can solve life
rict themselves to positive science; it is the problems related to the natural environ-
science-based on fact. Only in this stage ment where human lives. The universe,
law with provable through experiment can mountain, and forest are no more frigh-
be created. (Sumartono, 2017). tening for humans with mystical stories,
In this modern era, a theory is raised, god and goddess, also spirits. Nature is
that an absolutely correct science is one an object whilst human is the subject; this
which based on laboratory work. It is em- speculation underlined natural sciences
pirical experience or empiricism belief. Be- and physics. Human as a subject who ma-
lief and estimation are not scientific. Hu- nages and observe while nature is as an
man knowledge resource about the world object which is being managed and obser-
is evidence of our sense. Empirical com- ved. This speculation also underlies the
munity declares that the absolute fact is positivistic quantification study method.
the one we can see through empirical sight. The laws of exact science and the para-
(Benton, 2001). The postmodern philoso- digm procedures in observing humans are
phers criticize the weakness of the modern adopted and implemented for humans as
world which has positivistic quantification well. This thought has a consequence that
background. It pops out social humanism observed human turns into the object like
research thinkers who trace the fact behind nature thing. The way to treat and the stu-
empirical facts seen in the society. These dy instrument products will be adjusted
speculations create research models which like natural science experiment procedure.
is expected to dig deep behind the spectac- Education study is still stuck to mo-
le reality, reveal it beyond and in-depth. dern positivism research, and it affects the
The modern era which criticizes myt- students, college students. They are con-
hical era idea has passed. Now is the post- sidered as the object. It is the weakness
modern that criticizes the modern thought need to concerned. In the study related to
pattern. Philosophers have criticized mo- material things and technology, media is
dern thought by explaining the philoso- properly used in the positivistic study. The
Susilo Pradoko, Positive Paradigm As The Barrier of Art Creativity Interpretation 135

student is not likely non-living thing trea- “there,” in the area of his research. Un-
ted as an object. If it is not developed with derstanding the field of Hermeneutics is
postmodern philosophy, it turns into a ro- an action word which has a wide range
botic system. Children will be treated as a of explanation. It can solve many aspects
robot. The relationship that will occur is of the problem and explain all unclear as-
the researcher as the subject and children pects into the clearer one (Pradoko, 2015).
as the object. The observed student has no Deep understanding means able to reveal
fair position; they will only follow the pro- by producing deep descriptions toward
vided rules from the researcher. Meanw- the object of the research. For instance,
hile, post positivistic criticizes and tries to a forensic painter expert in USA could
improve this case with philosophical para- draw the criminal face precisely. He draws
digms that end with steps of socio-huma- based on the story told by the victim. What
nism research. was told caught in depth by the drawer so
Dilthey sees antithesis if the pattern it will produce precisely the criminal pre-
of Geistewissenchaften (re: natural science cise image? Referring the expert’s picture,
method) could be implemented in under- the police have caught 100 criminals.
standing mental life and human experi- Paul Ricoeur Hermeneutical Ana-
ence. The dynamics of human mental life lysis for research text in language can be
in the shape of a complex arrangement used for material art phenomenon rese-
of knowledge, feeling and willingness arch. The diagram for interpreting a text
and could not be ruled in the causality of in many connected contexts is presented as
norms and inflexible mechanistic thought follow:
using the quantitative pattern. Geistewis-
senchaften (re: natural science method) un-
derstands this life through formulas cate-
gory from the inside (intrinsic category).
Life is a human experience seen from insi-
de. Life should be counted from the experi-
ence of interpreting its ownself. It does not
only form the theory and scientific know-
ledge, but a critical history ratio also is not
a real critic. We understand ourselves, not
through introspection but history. Human Figure 1. Polysemical Text Diagram (Source
needs different interpretation model from Hoed, 2011)
nature occurrence model. It is a different
paradigm. (Poespoprodjo, 2004) The Ricoeur’s idea about text inter-
Study with post positivistic para- pretation can be used in studying social
digm is quite plenty nowadays: herme- phenomenon object in art material practice
neutic, phenomenology, ethnography, post and literature resource about it. We change
positivistic structuralism, structuration, the text with social phenomenon object in
Perce semiotics, Roland Barthes semiotics, art material. The context we need to con-
deconstructions, critical discourse analy- sider is the researcher, in this case, refers
sis, and foucault genealogy analysis. This to the artist. The environment is the sup-
research will only present two reasearch porting society that lives and lives the art
methods with postpositivism paradigm. material object. Society ethnic inhabit the
They are Hermeneutika Paul Ricoeur and area and geographics environment where
Faocauldian genealogy discourse analysis. society lives. Another text is theories con-
Hermeneutics is the study about in- nected with the social phenomena of cul-
terpretation, an interpretation process to tural art objects being studied and the lite-
understand the source of the problem, to rature source about it. Reader in this term
understand that a researcher should be
136 Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 19 (2) (2019): 133-140

is the researcher himself and artist experi- history) by Gadamer. History in Foucault
ences as an object, and artists living in that is no historical subject. It is a historian and
area (Figure 2). reminder society, disconnection, subject
eradication itself happens because subjec-
tivity will lead to domination (Hardiman,
2003; Kali, 2013). Genealogy, as the sear-
ching of origin, genealogy of idea, genealo-
gy tries to seek the depth of episteme and
put the fact fundamental in each epism in
every stage (Kali, 2013).
Michel Foucault presents the pro-
Figure 2. The understanding of Hermeneutical
cess base to study discourse in historical
text process by Paul Ricoeur implemented in
art material object phenomenon
through 4 stages, they are: Discontinuity
arrangement in history, ideas are catego-
In a text, meaning study turns into art rized which element is suitable for each
material phenomenon, considered context arrangement. The next step is to determine
for the sharp of art phenomenon analysis is the border of how this specific relation ty-
practice of art in local society suitable with pes. The process continued by describing
research area, artist, natural environment, among different arrangements and desig-
social and culture, cultural knowledge, ning part by part.
another material outside of research ran- Discontinuity study is done in 3
ge, dialectical relation among researchers, ways: Having prediction enables us to
spectators, artists, and supporting society look for level analysis possibility and time
to the material art subject. Various context periodization at each level; Looking for
problems to solve a social material art ob- direction distortion from a constant move-
ject phenomena will allow understanding ment or end of the pendulum movement.
and better result interpretation, and the In short, discontinuity is the moment whe-
detail on doing context to many aspects re the causality cycle paralyzed; Discontin-
produce holistic and profound research. uity personalizes a form, and specific fun-
Research shows that invisible is re- ction depends on the historical stage being
vealing, analyzing ideas. This idea could conducted by the historian.
not be seen in a glace. It needs an analy- The absence of total historical union
sis, searched to find the expression and into new history talks about division, bor-
evidence-based on the experienced and ders, level differences, movement, chro-
observed. This research can be conducted nological explanation, particular forms of
by the archeology method with Foucauldi- various rehandling forms of events, and
an genealogy analysis system. relation type possibility.
Genealogy, as Foucault to study A new history from archeology idea
about history through discourse analysis knowledge system immerses six conse-
and to observe not who owns power but quences: Corpora are forming from co-
how the authority rolled through interacti- herence documents and homogeneity;
on. (Kholifah, 2018) Principal forming about element choices
Foucault Genealogy is likely history analysis; Defining the analysis level of re-
draws kinds of the science field, discour- levance element; Typical characteristics
se, and objects. This history does not crea- analysis method, complexity factors based
te the meaning based on causal continuity on analyzed differences; Group limitation
which leads to telos. In fact, genealogy is and sub group from analyzed elements;
a historical continuity disconnection (rap- Relations certainty possible to put charac-
ture) stated as wirkungsgeschicte (effective ter to a group (Foucault, 1976).
Susilo Pradoko, Positive Paradigm As The Barrier of Art Creativity Interpretation 137

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION vistic research are that they cannot penet-
rate historical aspects. Physical research at
Auguste Comte brings positive idea the time of the study being viewed. When
based on empirical observation through it is in contact with humans, physical ma-
laboratory model is a piece of real evi- terial will no longer be answered by positi-
dence visible, observable, touchable, and vistic research methods. For example is the
countable. This is what he calls a positive wedding ring, when it is connected with
idea for constructing social hegemony. The human thought, it will be more complex
science is known as social physics or socio- and very relative. Girl A was married with
logy. An unprovable idea empirically is a 5-gram ring weighing 24-carat gold at
considered unscientific. The characteristics the price of buying 3.5 million. After get-
of science are as follows: (1) Empirical cal- ting married for four months the ring was
culation in science is accepted. (2) Science wanted by someone for 7 million but was
considered as the highest knowledge with not given. On the other hand, girl B, when
the condition that is passing the modern married, had 3.5 million-ring from her bri-
empirical paradigm. (3) A Scientific met- degroom. After getting married for four
hod with empirical study implemented in months, the wedding ring reminded her
human social life as firm sociology. (4) So- for nothing but sadness, so it was worth-
cial scientific ideas can be implemented to less to her, the ring became a sign of suf-
control the individual and society. Social fering for her. This is the example of social
problems and conflict can be defined and sciences must have their methods. The
solved one by one with expert skill similar point of all that is positivistic science needs
science experts involved in solving engi- to be refined with other types of research
neering technology. This social scientific for the children of this nation, especially in
project is known as social engineering. the world of art education.
Empirical positivistic research is Humans are not robots; positivistic
not appropriate for research which aims research starts from research in the natu-
to uncover human thinking and let alone ral sciences which are inanimate objects,
artistic creativity. Besides having a visible objects that are considered unable to com-
physical appearance, humans also have in- municate with humans. Positivistic rese-
visible thoughts processed in the brain sys- arch is research that has a philosophical
tem which has data and networks in a pri- paradigm of objectivities, nature as ob-
mordial way. Humans have been complete jects freely treated by humans. This logic
since they were born until adulthood; it is is not appropriate for students, especially
bound by the cultural contextual where students in the arts. Humans are not ina-
humans exist. Empirical research is only nimate objects, so humans must be seen as
able to see the basic surface without being fellow-subjects. Positivistic research that
able to uncover beyond existing thoughts dominates the research methods, media,
in humans. Like we examine a wedding and student-teacher interaction needs to
ring, empiricists will only be able to phy- be reconsidered, or at least developed, to
sically examine the ring. According to the explore inter-subject research, not sub-
positivistic thinking of the paradigm pro- ject and object research. During the rese-
posed by Benton and Graib, the things to arch, which glorifying the paradigm of
be examined will be about: What is the dia- the subject and object, students will be
meter, radius of the wedding ring circle? formed as robots. This kind of research
What color is the ring? How many grams never, in-depth, studies the construction
does the ring weigh? What chemicals are of children’s thinking, what construction
the rings mixing? How many carats of is needed for children and what is actually
gold content does it contain? What is the their creativity and independence. Rese-
current price of the wedding ring? arches that objectify students will cause a
The weaknesses of calculative positi- lack of excavation in students’ reasoning
138 Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 19 (2) (2019): 133-140

and student creativity. One example in ex- in various ways, but unfortunately, no one
perimental research, students didn’t have cared, so the person was annoyed. In the
their bargaining position as they were tre- end, the person sees the disaster as an indi-
ated like objects. cator of self-introspection and helps him to
Humans exist in this world, ontolo- keep on remembering his creator (Sulastri,
gically and ontically. Ontological means 2016). The process of searching for conno-
the nature of being seen by the physical tative meaning is carried out with various
body. Ontic is being seen from the primor- aspects, as has been described in the chart
dial historical aspects that are inherently Paul Ricoeur used to study the text and
contextually integrated with the axiologi- then adopted by revealing the art pheno-
cal traditions experienced in their cultural menon/art material.
environment. Ontologically, the human Research of song meaning that
body is often examined using positivistic doesn’t implicitly appear in its poetry is
empirical research methods. While the pri- also conducted by Ayu Rachma Purnama
mordial ontic reach of human thought, in Sari, a thesis with A. M. Susilo Pradoko as
the context of cultural values, will be un- the supervisor. The title of the research is:
reachable only by quantitative-empirical “Educative Values and Implementation of
research. Many things of human thought the Senjang Petuoh Lame Song at Sanggar
with its cultural complexity do not neces- Senjang Budayo Sekayu, Musi Banyuasin
sarily appear in research expressions. Hu- Regency, South Sumatra Province”. After
man thoughts and culture must be explo- conducting the research by using herme-
red with research methods that do reveal neutic analysis of Paul Ricoeur, revealing
the realm of human ontic. An alternative the denotative and connotative meaning
to answering the problem is by conduc- of the text as well as doing ethnography in
ting studies that can reveal beyond begins his society, the results of the study showed
with the signs that are expressed. Two that the song of the lunar gaps is closely re-
examples of revealing beyond research lated to the culture of the people. The song
are Paul Ricoeur›s hermeneutics research has meaning: manners, hard work, respon-
and archeological discourse analysis of sibility, friendliness, divinity, discipline,
thought studies with genealogy by Michel and prohibition of drugs (Purnamasari,
Foucault. 2018). The meaning of the song values has
Research revealing the empirical also been implemented in concrete actions
facts behind the text as an example in this at Sanggar Senjang Budayo Sekayu, Musi
paper is the research by Sulastri with her Banyuasin Regency in which the study of
supervisor, A.M.Susilo Pradoko, entit- implementation was strengthened through
led: “ Review of Berita Kepada Kawan by ethnographic observation.
Ebiet G.Ade’s Work from a Hermeneutic In the applied example of this pa-
Perspective.” To summarize, the purpo- per, the object of study will be a material
se of research in number 3 was to reveal culture in the form of the Ramayana Re-
the denotative meaning contained in the lief at Prambanan Temple from 856 AD to
song Berita Kepada Kawan. In number 4, it the 1996 or IX century to XX century. The
reveals the connotative meaning contained following research reveals the archaeolo-
in the song Berita Kepada Kawan. gical meaning of epistemology of thought
The results of the research of the regarding the influence of Hindu power,
denotative meaning of the song are about the influence of Islamic power, the influen-
someone who tells the story of his lonely ce of colonial power and the influence of
journey to a disastrous place. The result independence in responding to material
of connotative meaning is someone who culture in the form of Relief Ramayana
sympathizes and empathizes with a natu- Prambanan Temple. After conducting this
ral disaster that befell his homeland. The Foucauldian-genealogy-based research,
person helped the victims of the disaster we get archeology of thought that differs
Susilo Pradoko, Positive Paradigm As The Barrier of Art Creativity Interpretation 139

between the periods of power. towards humans equalized with instru-

Fundamental ideas in every period mental regulation towards natural things
affect the point of view material culture art is no more adequate in the context of
object in the form of different Ramayana completely humanizing.
engravings, occurrence of ideas system Development of education research
episteme which can be tracked in depth in and intersubjective paradigm humanity
every gap. Ideas archeology invention gap among researchers need to be developed
in its fragmentation enriches the encyclo- to create an undivided human, not a robo-
pedia and use for different fundamental tic one. Study to dig children’s creativity,
ideas. In analogical terms, although this children’s way of thinking, teacher’s way
study put archeology in Ramayana En- of thinking to react to science and all en-
graving as an example, but this archeolo- vironment aspects should be improved by
gy Foucault model can also be applied for the improvement of the post positivistic
other art like theatre study, dance, music, paradigm research method; it is postmo-
even for tangible and intangible cultural dern. The study of constructivist research
study. in children, ways of thinking, critical thin-
The study of cultural meaning prob- king processes, critical literacy research,
lem of tangible and intangible is not di- until deconstruction research ends in ap-
rectly visible in physics empirical form. preciation of the “other.” This can be ob-
Meaning is in the form of denotative and served and respected as a friend or subject
connotative. Connotative meaning needs so that the position is the same. In Java-
more detail assisted by paradigms or nese, he said nguwongke uwong, means to
sharp analysis knife to reveal the meaning humanize humans.
behind the shown cultural phenomenon.
This study is not enough with empirical CONCLUSION
positivistic. The hypothesis empiric quan-
tification is not adequate to reveal beyond Auguste Comte positivism ideas are
behind the society art phenomenon. Study based on empiric philosophy, and natu-

Table 1. Science Archelogy 856-1988

Ideas of Archeology of Prambanan Temple Relief
Hinduism Era: Islam Era: Colonial Era: Independence Era:
(856-1478) (1478-1817) (1817-1945) (1945-1988) Since the 1960s realized
In the era of Hindu- In the era (In the colonial by the government for improving
ism, devotion, and of Islam, era, the beginning tourism income and the exchange
worship to God, a the story until the end of 19 of this country, Prambanan en-
tribute to God and of Rama century, it is a de- gravings were opened as Rama-
the good deed in is a king velopment era for yana Ballet Dancer’s performance.
this world will lead son called scientific rationality According to Undang-Undang
humans into moksa, Betara Guru. idea using physi- Negara Republik Indonesia No. 5
the beautiful union Rama is a cal rationality and about Cultural Heritage said that
with the Highest human heir natural science. it is for the sake of tourism, Rama-
God in heaven. This of Prophet At present, Rama- yana was transferred into painting
is the epic of Rama- Adam, be- yana engraving on stone by the engraver, it is also
yana which teaches cause of that stone is not only sold as house wall decoration, and
ethical values for we don’t become the empiri- a framed painting as a souvenir.
the followers and need to wor- cal research object Characters on Ramayana Epic story
religious value to- ship him but also used as a are used as names and business
wards God, human, because the memorandum, gift, institutions. Furthermore, it is also
environment, and only worth a diplomatic tool used as the virtuous value in the
country. worshiped with other coun- society.
is Allah. tries.
140 Harmonia: Journal of Arts Research and Education 19 (2) (2019): 133-140

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