Philips HalogenA Double Envelope Lamps Bulletin 8-91

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O HAlosenA"

Double-Envelope Halogen Lamps

T-10 AULB 8T.15 AULB

Definition Applications
Double enve ope halogen lamp consist ng of a quartz burner A w de range of ndoor or outdoor ght app cat ons nc udlng:
with a lnear tungsten fiament and nternal fuse, contained n a Task ghting
g ass outer envelope wilh a mediurn screw base. la ogen amps Downlght ng, up ighting, wa washers
are ]lrterchangeable with incandescent amps of the same Hote obbles
wattage rat ng. - M useums
RestaLl taltts
Description Bars and ounges
- Commerc a bui dings
Un ke the tradit onal ha ogen amps these lamps rnav be Retai app cat ons
insla ed w th bare hands Thls makes handl ng lust as easy as ' Factor es
with a standard lncandescent amp. Outdoor entrance waVS
Any operating positlon LrnergencV secur ty systems
- Very favorab e heat d str but on around the bu b Home ight ng
No corros on of the ead in wires
Use wherever an incandescent lamp of the same wattage is
Fu ly nterchangeable with ncandescent amps of the
now belnq used
same wattage
Crisp, wh te lght (color temperature of 2900K)
Excel entcoorrenderng (CFl : 100)
Constant I ght output dur ng I fe (no bu b b acken ng]
Longer lfe (3000 hoursi
Compact lght source
- D mmab -o

Philips Lighting Company
200 Franklin Square Drive r P.O. Box 6800
Somerset, NJ 08875-6800
A D v s on oi Notr Amer can Prr ps Corporat o'r
Pr nred n USA 8/91 P 2AA2 C

Double-Envelope Halogen Lamps
Electrical, Technical and Ordering Data
{Subjecr to change w thout notlce)

NAED std Co or Avg Approx
N!mber Order ng Lamp Lamp Pks Temp Bu b Lfe nta Operatlng
A4 66ll Code Wans Vo ts BLr b Base otv K Fnsh (Hours) L!mens Pos tlon

30375 0 75T1O/O/CAP/ F 75 124 T r0 Med 10 2900 nside F rost 3000 I075

30B3rr 7sBT1s/O/CAP/CL 15 124 BT 15 Med 12 2900 Clear 3000 1125
3r84r 0 75 BT1 5/O/CAPAI,/ 15 r20 BT]5 M ed. 12 290A Whit-. 3000 1025

26892 0 100Tr O/O/CAP/ F 100 124 T r0 Med l0 2900 lnslde Frosl 3000 r 525
31842 B 100BTr S/O/CAP/CL 100 124 BT 15 Med 12 2900 C ear 3000 1600
31843 6 1008T1 5/O/CAPI,! r00 124 BT I5 Med 12 2900 Wh te 3000 1450

26897 I r 50BT15/O/CAP/CL 150 124 BT 15 Med 12 2900 C ear 3000 2550

26900 1 r 508T15/O/CAPA/i r50 124 BT 15 M-.d 12 2900 Wh re 3000 2t 00

(in inches)


+ J

T-10 BULB 8T.15 BULB


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