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NAMES: Brenda Rosalia Godínez Funes

Past Tense Irregular Verbs Andrea Letticia Giron Sagastume


A) Change the verbs in brackets into the past tense. Some are regular and some are irregular.
Yesterday (to be) _______________
WAS a busy day. I (wake) _______________
WOKE up at 6am, (have)
_______________ breakfast quickly and then I (go) _______________ to work. I (finish)
had went
finished at noon and then (eat) _______________
ate some lunch. Afterwards I (drive)
drove to the shops, (buy) _______________ some paint and then (paint) _______________
bought painted
my bedroom. My housemate (come) _______________
came home from work so I (help) _______________
him paint his room, then we (repair) _______________
repaired his chair as it (wobble) _______________
wobbled a lot. I
(wish) _______________ I hadn’t, as I hurt my hand! After that I (clean) _______________ my house. I
wished cleaned
(vacuum) _______________
vacuumed all the downstairs and then (tidy) _______________
tidied up the living room
and the kitchen. I was pretty tired by then so I (eat) ate some dinner, (yawn) _______________,
yawned and
(go) _______________ to bed!

B) Change the verbs below into the past tense and put them into the correct place in the sentences
Pay :: Ring :: Think :: Drink :: See :: Eat :: Go :: Take :: Leave :: Say
1. I _________________
THOUGHT that he was fired.
2. My mum _________________ me last night but I wasn’t at home to take her answer.
3. I _________________
went to the zoo with my son last weekend.
4. I _________________ four cakes for lunch. I feel sick!
5. He _________________
took him to see the doctor because he had been ill for so long.
6. I _________________
saw that new movie last night. It was great!
7. He _________________ his son alone all day!
8. I _________________
drank two bottle of grape juice last night. I don’t feel too well today.
9. They _________________ it tasted horrible.
10. It was too expensive and we _________________
too much for it.

C) Complete the tables below:

Present Past Present Past
Hear HEARD Be was
Leave Left put Put
Ring rang Think thought
Drink Drank drive Drove
Go went Break broke
Get Got overslept Overslept
Take Took Sit sat
Come Came wake Woke
See Saw Run ran
shut Shut write Wrote
Lend Lent Dig dug
steal Stole Buy Brought
Swim Swam Fly Flew

Photocopiable © 2011 Rob Woodward – - Classroom and Personal Use Permitted

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