How To Maintain and Config Purchase Info Record in SAP

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How to Maintain and config Purchase Info Record in SAP

Purchase Info Record in SAP MM

SAP Path : SAP Easy Access : Logistics : Materials Management : Purchasing : Master Data : Source
List : Maintain

T-Code: ME11(Create), ME13(Display), ME12(Change), ME15(Delete)

ME1L - Vendor wise PIR Report

ME1M - Material Wise PIR Report
ME1W - Material Group wise PIR Report
ME1P - PO Price History Wise PIR Report
ME1E - Quotation History wise PIR Report

Related Tables : EINA, EINE

Q. What is a Purchase Inf o Record in SAP?

A. Purchase Inf o Record is inf ormation about terms f or purchasing a specific material f rom a vendor. It is  maintained f or vendor
and material combination and may contain data of  pricing condit ions, over and underdelivery limits, planned delivery dat e of
goods and availabilit y period.

Q. What are the Procurement types in inf o record?

A. There are 4 types of PIR

St andard - A standard PIR contains inf ormation f or standard PO. The PIR can be created f or material and service with or
without master data.
Subcont ract ing - A subcontracting PIR contains ordering inf o f or subcontracting orders.
Pipeline - A pipeline PIR contains inf ormation of a vendor's commodity that is supplied through a pipeline  (f or example, oil or
water) or by similar way(f or example, electricity). 
Consignment - A consignment PIR contains inf ormation of a material that vendors keeps at their own cost on the
customer's premises. The customer is charged when they withdraw the stock f or consumption at the vendor's price PRIVACY

maintained in PIR.
Process to creat e a Purchase Info Record
PIR can be created f or each type of procurement, and are processed using the T- Code ME11.

Step 1)

1. Execute transaction ME11 and Eter Vendor/Material, purchasing org and/or Plant.
2. Select inf o category f or desired procurement type and Press ENTER to proceed to the next screen.

Step 2) Here you give inf ormation on PIR General Data.This inf o is maintained f or all procurement types (Standard, Subcontracting,
Pipeline and Consignment).
1. Reminders : 3 fields indicate remainders to be issued to vendor. - Ve value indicate that the vendor should be prior to quotation
/delivery date.
2. Vendor Material No./ Group: Material number/Group used by the vendor f or this material.
3. Sales person: Name of contact person.
4. Telephone: phone number of   vendor
5. Return agreement: this can indicate if goods can be returned and ref unds available.
6. Order unit: unit in which this material is handled by vendor.
7. Certificate cat: type of certificate issued by the vendor f or this material.
8. Country of origin: country where material is produced.

Now we can click the button Purch. Org. Data 1 to be transf erred to the screen f or entering P.Org dependent Inf o.

Step 3) This view is dif f erent f or each procurement type. We have chosen Standard Type.

1. Planned del time: days in which the material delivery is planned.

2. P.grp: purchasing group mentioned in material master lessons.
3. Standard qty: standard purchase qty f or material.
4. Minimum qty: do not allow procurement of a qty less than stated here.
5. Maximum qty: we do not want to purchase more than this qty at a time.
6. Net price: net price of material per unit.
7. Incoterm: trading and delivery terms.

Step 4) Press the Condition button.

The next screen is used to maintain pricing condition and  you can see, price entered on the previous screen was transf erred to
below screen.

Step 5) Standard texts f or this mat and vendor combination can be defined in Text view.


Now Save the PIR 

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