Classical Mechanics & Special Theory of Relativity - Phys

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(A Constituent College of Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Odisha )

Registration No:

Total Number of Pages:1 Stream: In.M.Sc

Time: 2 Hours Max marks: 20 Subject Code: IPCPH101
Mid-Term Examination: 2020-21
SUBJECT: Classical Mechanics & Special Theory of Relativity
BRANCH: Applied Physics Section:
Answer Question No. 1 which is compulsory and any Three from the rest.
The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

Q1 Answer the following questions: (0.5 x 10)

a) What is the physical significance of Hamiltonian function?
b) Why Hamiltonian formulation is preferred over the Lagrangian formulation?
c) What is a cyclic coordinate?
d) What is Routhian?
e) Write the Galelian transformation equations.
f) State the postulate of Einstein’s special theory of relativity.
g) What is time dilation?
h) Calculate the percentage contraction of a rod moving with a velocity of 0.8C in a
direction inclined at 600 to its length.
i) A clock in a spaceship emits signals at intervals of 1 second as observed by an
astronaut in the spaceship. If the space ship travels with a speed of 3 x 10 7m/s,
what is the interval between successive signals as seen by an observer at the
control center on the ground?
j) What is the mass-energy equivalence relation?

Q2 a) Derive Hamilton’s canonical equations of motion. (2.5)

b) Obtain Hamilton’s equation in terms of polar coordinate. (2.5)

Q3 (a) Write down the Hamiltonian and equation of motion for a simple pendulum. (2.5)
b) Deduce the Hamiltonian function and equation of motion for a compound pendulum. (2.5)

Q4 a) Describe the Michelson – Morley experiment with a neat diagram. Derive an (2.5)
expression for path difference between the two parts of the incident beam.
b) Explain the physical significance of the negative result. (2.5)

Q5 a) Derive the Lorentz space-time transformation formula. (2.5)

b) What is length contribution? Derive an expression for it in relativistic motion. (2.5)

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