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.,."~::, .. ,]1~~¢.~~~~ J~W',~'~ : J~rl\llif~t:j~:N);1MJl'1~~r~~,JP~ttli~ "'7Arm:li(~,'t6 ':~~V~id'

. Ma' ,')fJ"pl:e.J]n1.J.:e.r., "l9J~Jr when th!;l ffI"W a;"l-lbm#lclUn~ ;,i~~1'\I'1~r.h·· wm:e av"f1ilah]t, hi\ld.pra"l/('1" l108 .i.owh .US!dwl ~rpo1lS, tht} PoUsh 11.n~.J;1ifO'~Uld trimll.o lmy tl.1i'1"ir-l'uiu$ Qi~ evory aV~bte SMq, .This .was not an. ~~.W:'lk~ 8S, ¢;!JBtmry to.O-~ u~"rJli.l trtlYwo{)dUn~~, H the l\,[P40 WW!l" nrJt 'n _part of eve:ry rrt'lt1n~l~ soldit::!-':;} 10l·Um.'fl'l, '11;,1 f~d, the .MP40 was hardly-ever st.,~H W Puia,ud befm-e Opemtion B-n:tbttrrJ-ssa,the fll.teful Ge"f" ~ (n\"'"&~i6bof Russia, was illlun.e, H141. &"eJ'[ a~ thatF6Uoe .U-U'l its ('I h-c mfJ.g1 onrJ'uJJ"Hnl.y enOO~lllJm'Ad in rural ill"l::H,f;) Wt'.lFfI m"ll"loo '1iI:itb
},-f:P1. ~tI~~ €VOO,soml? WWi'~vm!a~~ W'1,8s, fitt~ J:aoo ~iLr,. (lbhq_UD :m~gaz:inf:' hmt~rngs, illl:4 mel:i:l1ery Ltl~ $ooGtinoo n~_gfl?bresJ. ~t;[d '~1P¢8(TI~$"i:tonk.,al!y ~ (

f('t'rf:r-d to ocquilli:e t.'I.t.l~min oth 81' v/a' :~.:~~rO..!:"0 oo.oo,gb . of Italy had bsen t$R11 by tile ~').1 j .i-l '. t U f.ll1mllJ tbs ta:um;b of UIS B~1.Odi~:i operations ~,~btn ifj43, ajr- . drcps tI$a,5(}ill'CBUt'S.'tth50:l;(~:i:ltial \:lS' ,t~\1 ~;~.>'., li,,'ea.pon~ of WB-OO Gihl~ of th~que:iticm, ann -tht:: ~TI i". ~ len route was .1j to irut~gale. arms nrallufac:ru riTlfl prq9.~7;;' 'runes of ililliP
Q"A(I1, .


ria~ ba"l""J'"fl;:; .'f.:, ~

D'~Ji~J •• .. ..:..>

",'; " ~.J, c (1', f~£H'::.n -'Clek&lij.~

<}". ~~~" .. ~;

?'~ti~),n urakiewk.t D
P ,£1.{)1r;;r ldgf~

~'~1 t{)

~fa&IilS:;ruw! .'.




Llquida~1:"'" Stel Lo9k'a:1ik~ {(~P41. (1"",,",) RAlwren .Ar J -n -..i ;};~y. ;_!J44, ly~r:rmut DyrJo ofti;f] whL.:l.l. be ~!l.veill!:'": niM' ~ "':.!fll{~r~.l::t'-.¥', \:('l~~ktt.~ HrnTl8-·A!"1r!·o: n.;· ~Jg.l~ :SJl.iO:)thb:o-rtl S-MCs re:set!)- . .fire kno·.'f'U; t\,.l-- t::.ys1 UXMy, . ' . .' , the '.. 1,s. ,')k . 1iJOltwu;w t rli~~Lswd ~loVft to K Vi~ fu.~Glsa..'\d Sten COtu.~ (R~®m,l Edward: Szu i:-na;~t .wll /l.da;]] Crulrmfko of,mtl:'polisl-~ ci'(;"~,g_ rlO<:T1 ~~(~. ~hm.&."in~ '{~ ~ rn, ,~,"ra Socialist Pur~~( f iLl br}~ OrgarlliiBt'.-G1l mlirmum ffl~ ~ l. f.a,i.ory', to tWl-'t ~, :; d~ f~t"'J~ 'pI.''''J~J<:~~ \tlit~mated 1".vr--i!.w:Yfen l-:npie£''-J: ,_.t'ho.~ patts WeN l~~ .~t h&.."1l~. TQ1~"w(Jrked fu':'J ~Il~~' a;,~d~'·k,:if.~~ .fact'UfQd in YWkIU,'l: ; v Ol'k;~JOl~S b1,; Radom. fucfon; ltltll;1 as &n,~i hclo~th~' ''1~snhli'.uci:es:ifJ,tl·~l:-tii; ffinplb}/oos. '~li3~£ s.'1"mn peopk l1i~n otga!·tf-~ , C:uajkD... !ir~f cla.ix!.~U!~. ~'r!'lf1m",k;flS' [am.on' v<~. ddfl.lie:!.1ltllJ ici.';{!'; r:.bly of V ~S {R1i®m}. Jli~k;ls~coffrle e-$fuh.ii.~~ in W~aw r i;lj~d 5;f'~.~~~ ~ri(wn. pHrs itoJn pans stolon trOll Lhei:E\'ql'y. . .l:i~e a ll~:6r~ ,.sYQrt', '-ytlUj .rnii;"~~~ at ~,~cl Th~.G~~m1RO ~d· to di~co~ge this il1~g.a:l . .<.\ mil:l:tazy ta.~ 1iJk,"tth;\:U.yWor.~jct:l8.tilfu,. {d(~lY ', t activity tly rno\.iJl.£ t.11B' fL~serl'tbl~'~in-a ill SiBYl an.d '.

The Drs{ handful of IJiUachLll('\l British Ston gILlJ;L'S r~a£::hHd Poland Ln nu~ laUer PB.('t of 1,tl42, and . 11100U imlllH:::diately di:T;:!.tc-he<d througllout ;the oonnby ftlI'ev'llu."liicn. and u~t:tlJ.ctijj)n, As.. . theS'@gul1s were received ftl.'t:d. exarnured, :m0I16. ood
rn oromporL~ W'flresflnl back :lIO t:ing tV lth <'l:[~:rr0'i"'ru ~ iJl)p3w(ro,t sirriPFcity (]f the Sren design, and Btating thaI. it Wl;lS prl..!-lulive ~uoug:b to GUpy. ~rvtm ·,,'!.lith '"ftJIY" li.mited t~cW:IDlogiaj feSpurCl3-5. available in Hm

very b-"J lJlSbj;l:phfWQ.f.! uG'Tnrpln VI.'s:m thell q:I'Vm's~·m1"-

~prt]lktu~g,{J{ Etrn~F.!viPs ·.rJrl).d&!.4SW@Il tr1F34.( a)s. \lVttb few opf)0ittm:i,M {'O ~'Ptuoo .u.p,to..(iale ~"Obm.'Mflm~800.$, tile PQu's"b Undetgl;'Ound ;w~ thus

W-u.eerin.g to create Bj.1ellilJjgh 'LW1chasrer)~ TAIl~'1'~


deep hmterlands.

AThtOloi Mijal rnadff $~~iFJn S~en li()~k~fkeS' ill· his ~mlthy cltui:og 194), and 1944, ~ of l~i,h. %~ oontLtmed .itl Votri.~ .as. h<1\!;1tiB ,bea.n IeC~"'~ ~
'. I ~ f



.' ~<iH1J)ij{' ~~
'. .~


t<:~r, , .
• •


~~O)r; ~!r:h.~~

.. .



.~r\la?t\\\i'odd S.m.-G'jtdhbo~ St~



6fihGJJier~ made.' 6U~tf'''-\JiU;l W~~~~ pa:cts kits for stxteen to eigJrt.~ Stt:n_}Ol)~e.8' wlth . :1:94,(1. No' gu~ S'Plootb;bo-red ba_JiWts. Too' of r.ltli~ ~ ~lti9troci ip.. .: ,, bia~--n; ~ . fh~ hK cD~llmWld rop.orW ~ ~avitjg~ ~l'a.· : '/

Marclu. N4Iw,I'{l,Cki. a Umn.9. ~

POS-~1 ~



, '. " lal The- :Best of the Best l(oora,d jill'1TUSzk~@.wJCZ Mela F"actw"Sl"t!n or.7 '
PM~'" g.._,

t •'



I ~'"



.~ , ,

HU, lil:oenir"lA (.1''';5811P 0:' rnegazius housing of 11F~ JaL.rm~.dJ~\"'"L:l. '·:;;t.HLLP.~,i", 'Shm".'inr, (.oded serial number ·'AO 1~C~S03·:l:",,m!h.atlJlg. that llus 'I-\'8:S the 34tb gill) mrln~l.f"lL;lL~redcJ..f:ijl December, 18'43, ',o\I'LleJl production began, ,'l.b! <:I;,'IJ mt'-"Vn Iska P::)}$l..?~~fO l;-.:.::!llecHon,


'r o..t RighI ;,i1jf' r.lo:..F.I.]~! lit .hl~ t:igg;.":r t~"L: lr,,,> ,r)~ rl~ !i\f I:.liSZkAwlc..:': HStt'n ?rU', .ilit}~0.!1.~ Pui!.~~!:::!ji~~-:t::ld "\~,' iJ"
r,:'" ~l·;",,'1<' .J:.t.:L.L~~.

'.1"""'.~ro' l~l)1Sk.:.J

c=- .....



n ..:--uI_.Ai~~_

.1,;,I_" ';,... ~<., ~!-",;'nn ...... .-_~O:_ . ...r.,..Lr_ Sl.0(;o;et.:

P~.lGDby ~~h'fj;

rho! u by t\.-IdL.:iej SlLtCL'.81o

WI. Part Df a display 'in the Polish MjH1i1ry ivlliSGum i"mltlil'L'1.,gfl"Stenl1vl", an exact Mkll Stan copy mads Gad}' 1.11 HJ4+hy the Konrad'lic:t. !'11~tall1;]ct!}ry of W'~r!>¥w, ~Ll)V~: a sl ldJ Iluhling several til inl d~ml.l DIlUI:;:lO nents,

The rusty g:UIl at lhf: back of the shel] is a Gem18n


this ch ap!er, ;-.Jote the distinct ive lirau~;le.roo seam on ' underside ()f the Mapped and spot-welded
hous.i":lg{Jig 213), photo by Pi'nfe~£or Jiri Vuj1l.a

GC1iU HJt.-;d'()~n,further


kd:t!r in


The best of all the clandestine Polish Stens was an exact kill] Stsn copy of ~ 1.lgb qual ity [Wille uncle]' the s upervision of j Gzef Kapler flit the Konred larauszkiewicz Metal Faaory in W8I'&:'1W, This factOly tUTIl.8d 011t ,;;I cnnfi rmed toted of 1au parts kltlii,mel udLrxt: rllled barrels, from late 1943 through August, 1844, Several larnuszkiewlcz Sten.s S urvived the war

i.ndud.m.gane now on displayin thoM[lzeum W();':il(Q Pols,kiego ipolisl) ~\1i1itary Wh.1Ell;'!, These wp.-re the nlOstcll'i!gi:illJ and S\lphJ~ti(..utod of aU Pnli8h SteIl copies, and ""'1;!1~ slumped witlJ. }!pH.,>h F.Ag~81$ and. the .inl!;criptitl:!.1 STEN P}.. OIl the 1 top of th.f' m.. 'igarin.e hml~hl,g (meaning Pistolet M08~vtux¥Y; almost an exact lTall1sla:.'liliu of the .~L"man term M(JM;bi.nef"lp.i.~.U:JH)" a f'JD(llid serial
number on tho und~1rsid e.
102- (!!'ighf). 'rOD d"Olill?,lIP of tht! rtH!lb'I.(\We hcal."l1 ng 01' Ih.e Jau'u15RkieWl1..:z."O[;el"l Ph,f', ghuwhrg.Pollsj) E'~anctuIh[1f ~ir~. "PN~" ~t9jJ~ f~ f1q!oI1,..11\~lB'2'fW,)WY t~tb.ill~~ PLS'!.rn): 'V'll 1"" hir WCIj~1ko Po/,'IkilJ (,Polisll AmtyJ.

19':5, ~~!M' a n;I\m.f...l 'Of sQn~ cl~oow-orl:du~~ cd· l H:m r=!lroa&~;ki.{i'Wi~ Mi~~l Ji"act!l}1',\' .-.:hu 'W-Gre 'Hw(lc~~J it,

l1,1'"ojdtrPrlI5kr:l?!{¥J t;QUet:l.i-oti. p.limlo by lY~ci e j Sknc'6t1n

chl.ri"t:tg VVDi'M "'vVai' 11.

tbe nLiln.uf;)_l~t1..ll'C af Stnu r:1tp.iJt!~s fur th~P:pi:bil.UrlliJ~~l!Jftll.

Jg~~. Piti'~.w v.i~w:·6f tJie t'll'ol:kbe.pQl af th,to ,Kawau A .JIl.ruu~M"kz Ml'lfat F'<!,d;m.'Yin Wilr~,'i,Wm-; ii willi [i;l'Il,nd-

] 98. Rigi:t 5FHl 1..'1 fI';.,,{ OJ f)('j\! Q{ ().."1iy t<.v~ know]] UUder" ,ground P(';Lr.h :Stf'n m'p~"':..~Lr>Md~ hy ~hIJ ~f\ O,dJ1iffiCI) .: Plal.!JDl.J of lb.8 l+nne ~y, til ;iI "\\'t)rkshQP ItJ~.<!(;;dtit 1::l-8

In 1917, showing tmftil:!.Uy aJm!*lt~rJ {;~TIn1Icmm:r11~.of Poli"$h-m;3.rW "S'l;e<u P'fuf' copies. .. Wo)lWl PQiskioflgo (';('jil~Mfi~ '. . prU)~l ay Mrui~i SI:oomi!.G d

Stefan Jw.'.!uO'ws1ci and Henrvk Dutk1-e'\'\;-lCZ at" the H[]me fulll} 636 Ordnaace Pt~tooll lnade' &D. estimated 111 to 11:10 sh"n:pH.fied Sten Olpil?... at.a JmB"} charueat v.'nr]csht-:lp lm~<:Ited r,,{ 13.5 Gtuc~hil'i,~~m pro-iJisioaally rep·a1rOOl't'Onlll.on tha gI'Ditnd l~"Vei.di Warm \OV' s Ro~rw. Casus, which. bad .ba:8li lJa.dl,v bmn~d aitru- tJ~d,Q.S [}omhoo on. Seplenth€..f r. 193fi Ona cortlpl~ta ~1'l1llpl€GJ ~. 6Jjt). PlitOi'm Ste-n. i$ t~y preservedm tha t-VA~W Uprising M~p, and anoU~, nThl'ttffi its barril., 1:s:iIi the fl-i)'fu:it )\['.(1\1' . Mu8'$Ul'tl. The Gael PlatOOn: ~leJlS ha"d ~. ~Q.' '. , houSings welfi¥'.tl ~,t to the, ,t~hags:~ ., .: :
S1:J::eat.V~~aw, and at a sist~'T pJ'Mtt~{)Ga:ted in {:il)~ \


.. :j

199 {~1tt).· Top. (llw:,~tlP' of·fue oJ.~:ver·1lf ll;t~ ~:;Ori·' . nan.¢e: pJ.a,toDn &t~. "OP1~ tn th8 ~~ ~;'·,. ' ~b,o~lu.mruw~Wi1' lj1~~n~ ~f;lp~we1ld,ad~lvt~ Ih~ rn~.m.g·tubli. . ". '.' . ,. . :.

. Nw' ~s '~fiU~ k'O\(r.ll$l~!!: at 'ttt.0 ftori:i::of M'A ~..>t.~ng. . _. Mtl~ ~'V&.ft4'"f..l-ru~ WU~~4 . '.' .p1mil~by ~~l $kor~ft





Sb.~p,ft,j~\-wld .5k~P,al'tSKLi~


"OOgjnf1i~,w Hl-t;:l. FclikB StQJJiVi~'wiI:iU made. UjH!l.)-

pflllxi;w)e 1 fI.~~I!tH"I }J11td.1:i. ki:lS ID bkl ntJ:~d~n1:.c'liIJ V ~lt Prl~rfJk{l:poW'.d Stn:!f!t Abont}c.rty r-d .~~M .bud hr:lE!.!lfliCj:;,-eVWd hoY the norlU? Army O~~

uiHl~~ ~l'9nrk(l b\' Jm'l,r~, 1944... ~~'hlt~ ~- f1 t ;n::>tapr.l l'attlEd: th~ "f-aclo~; NIl axam piss (I;' J] ( ..,iI. p, w,J\ 'i;'iil\i Stans f1:r~lnoWf.l ,19 e.:~l now .

.. "

-The '':KO.rfPA L't Butg._I:1,~~5 ~riNarnaw~ temJ

• • oJ:

2n; .. t~Jfl ~1d;"...~1 J thee "~fJ!:Zr~lIt\l' St!ffl ota,PJ' i-,,'!lh· j



I , !t,_. ..



Mm.'~"UBl l.:th]6k;.ll'Qb.kit:.pp ( tP'1.~V bJ iy~{~i ~li~ ~ei:l

tl~ "s~1' ~'lJ€ b!:~

2ElO",~l'rnl<t,~d~ vjtlW of dw bui~~t..'1oS. ron o.")p.v ~UU'i>-\' ij~ I' tizlEi K1"JfI(f:-lI;1. ~t {)IiJy fWQ!>',rcrq::ft11il ~ Wlllr.h S:Uf1JWOO the lI,'iri!)'l'"_ 'jIKoP",..'P!\l," stands to".I: K<lJwtmdo ('OW Pr;.!'j:

Wd'O.VloIU (Beadqurutk!.l'~ Q'f P~1andllFCill~his!] ple''l~ f ..t



of ~

Uefe.l.ldws .


lVo/skd H~l;~'lrJ~~1'f_.' [~o~Lllf:.n-l, photo b'll' N~cjilJ ,Skm~~~'l

(;hl,!le r!i~~tnlW~"fj fonnr!, tosRtirer tvi1tt five b&narS :]]'11.."1 t"\\o1J !iring pins, ~VhflF:l. l.hj~ ·Hv..d wms annouIT£.6d ih the .:pl'eBS" e x-PAL U,l(JtJ(b~l~ ttUJd Qtl;;EC'j:' b14o.jvi{1w~l~ ~·hQ h:!id ~t'i jJt .... lllvf\cl ,Q. tM pWJi-n~j;!.iiln uS 01e~
g,LWSL).l1ut!fan~rd to e",v,lrun rlie !l}U'lJ:urns!aO'E;~ fii; dro.sO'ibe4 a b()'j,~l;,). f1J;Qn~B t1~t the. -~UriEhv.e. "KOP/PAL"·· d'ffl>'(j~u¥ ·1.J1t>(~1 (;t;oo1.ed e~~· ~Bfrul Etlglf'.f and Mic;l.,,"'l i\rl~ti:.crt8.k:z.. TWo· gu.i1:1:, 1;\ ~~ ()f Lka.Vl~ aufl se'o:'~ I ~1s

or know a 00 ha~a-· ~~'Ned Ji\~"vat'::,_m~ ot I.h~#i~~ l t



a private t:Q~iQn ~·n197ft lltld , :-.hl:.)I\.vhbru-c M~rnp,e~ .llK()i:'¥/Plf'M", lEM~~~> .()C . tb~ rOll of Lhe re... ~v:e~ t';'ic&ll.lg. W:itS \l~~~~j;J¥ d;l.Hl~tf:d to t be porj~tb.A:rf.qy M~~u:;tl~i:l,Qy tlr&· K.1Uj~ .Teclmim:kl }\ct:;itlmrry l.t'l 1~~ "KfJ:J!j~N.i'4aifLds !oQt:

fl)tl,l1(d in

I:h9 t)~:tJ~~


ll'l~~dql~rl~f~; rlftl)iIit ~Em~ Vle'sAJ'U1yt, ... ,

.: ~:,~~~.' ,leh.,!'1fd~ '1dS':N M;llie




_,". ". , .'."

MW6.1 41ti't~J~~ .
.. , .

~,~~~W :~~~'.~1l~W1S11;rJ'll:~H[BI.~~f;kb~~;, ftliln~!i~h:l tf1 G


'·Kq~t~Ai.:' CElfJ:y'1T'd)tje Sieia

~hrJt(l bj ~.m.ti~] S~l~


~iUr:rySka fnlskt&R~) (.'il:n~tio~

2i)~ ld!ln.:!; 'ff,.lP d(i~'p ,~.~~~~,,~~l~ ,').._1.l'~Il~_\l""~ ..... CopYl Jl;Qi.-1.ingfQM'b~ ~nttd~M,' l1M.4". "",
, -'.
• • v

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lfr*~it'l)f4J:i1{I!~l~o~~{W: ' i

~.1~t.~~f"iPAl'! .nd~=o1~,'~'~~lfIts~Hon h1m.-r . lfl~lUM)if~111 \I!Wf~.:M~ ~ 1 GtlnM1-o'L(,'\.v~ 8if~l. I.W-ar 1J.1.O: ml::poot t'V,llU';Stu:'V ~'?M( T~ii·r~i S~tiol1: ~

N'MJ'~JCkt tCQd~n~,ted "l~J[,"; Gis>CEtpe-.i f'tPlt1 frn-:l'~JdmJ: s.W)h~,d_~l~)~)1 .~t'll l~~ti:.\l~J' ~""-U~s~d a,~n.rvl~J, RL~~ :'~~Una!!ud ~!»t;:tl qt WO.h.,t41~Cl&S·s. :ffiH c@pioH~




~n .


fW~iK~ ~l.~JH~-I\:r'll·j: ~~

In ildd.i.

an d ~ ~~J':;

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<~~)· f.'retl,'l: ..,-I.

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J~IIJ' I." cr" ~ .• ~ :..."" ~ ...... .oIJI'


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:r-l·:~ .._~~. ;1'''; i.·;J{!l<Hll~; ·~J~Lsnd ~9-s.,o:! ·;-.~·!'·"!tthi.'d ..

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riflf.d b~{";"L:, ,'.::,;.' ~ 1j,,',!~<1f":i ,'!L~'·."iL"1:1 1!...\1>.!1i ~1.t.. ';( J \~tbrt (_;..~~+d.:.l· ".'. ;)1:' t 'JL {t; .::::t..L ;;. \-,-Qrxi""U J~1~ ~ri.;J

I~,,~~~'-(fh:. {)f tl}(~lj.l\~~~ 'iea. i:n" h·~ eluded" a 1:.:,1 ; L.'!ci. L," .?! r~~J ~ i,jnit.Hla· t;.a~r, i!1.l,:i~t " t, dj!~dly in I'f'~''.,:J h'1t :.T4>~gf twhieh hcHi hJoc' ;
r~ ~~


to e L..~:-.!:~l,:"'~ j~~.sq_e.t~llm.:hW".LSfl.l.t1t:~~~~~.



~(J4,Right fabQ'I,;'e} ElM J.e-tt aY~IQwj siri.e vi~ of EIli L111[rj'Ul,lhf.i1:'od St-au Ulf!Y ill;t.~~ fur LUgPolish Ul"l.d.rugrQ'JOO in ~V.1lid Wa'r' fl. Till,s ,gUfl;. W'1S t~ iulo lbt, MtlSewfj'S

nn~Gtion. tit t,h~ P.'rfJ f~fthe 194U~.

Comp~re 'With fil: 205: this gun hfi:~a !,(Wa:Oi;ltad rnaga· .r.ine hOHSit18 and a. .fixed. b'!..ltt, nul Lh!j east alloy bmt plt!u1 and U"H;: tI.';g.gcr .homl1nf: 1'l~ similar to' those of the ,JJl)~k-' CP~'r'irnde..~ign:.MHZ(j'W[l arDjs.kO· Ptt}skiego coIl ec:tioo, photo by ~IIU;lRj Sk(K;Znn

Lhi'Oughout Poland, such as the ooe ~n MogHsh Stroot in (."'m:"~Qw.(d"ist:~edal'blwe}.

]1.1 adJiti·cI.U, dtl~d~g the· m~1ths ioo.n1ediate:ly. l!rocadl~lg ~~m'Warsar,,\' LJptilSing in A'u;;.I<lst! 1944.- a, Sle~l l:.vp:y.a~llhly :pliant Was G$talllisherl tb.~,

includiilg, 260 !'Widan" kits from Wi lol d Han

(ili!fr;mJ:s.ud abOVre).,



flW kit...:;Wtla'~ dtllh:ered

pre:;;;u\"ec]. l'8Corns-aomlt 700 ~n by 'vari01t!S- m.ftli)J.tac:t'rJ.iJ'crs,

A tfJtal of 200 parts kits of ~~g manufacture \i\.f8roasoornbloo iJe:fOf'l;!me Uprising began-oo. At~.b"'USt . 1, HH<a. \'Vi I:h a :60 bemg ruoS€H1Ull.'::d.b~fnn5 th1!:.~flCl.oi1''t,v~ bombed out uu1'i.ugu,st 2'5.

, -, I.



~O~ ~1i! r:ddp'::\i~'if.Llifili6~!isb




tJ.m~,a WJ!lVP, ~li:S.h



fuoIln~mad6~UI';tmfSWo. ~.tlh·~.~

tl)U Brune ACl7,i(L!t(X:llljid:


l1~lSkG»ti.t:r;J~ _d

l~y that 1Ia.qd~ Q~~ ~~


O1ind even' ~lr-d:oo~}pOO,,"\:1:"A])ptm."l, ~Wre1.1i?fi

. 'The _Jlt~~
. F.J:

·'I}rn.1;lcur ltleag~

f~r..~;oj (oMwg hHt1,w£t~~ alloy b~tl ~[I\ti;l anu . cast ~pn~ng ~j:&,ln:ed:-'ttl, a~p,t Sten.l:il~:p..:k1eS, '. lkfu:~m:1J to¥qiska ;Jil'olsklegQ t:.!illOOti~.M~ . p!:mm by I~fe~ llri Vpj'(~l




·l·Ftf' r,«:


the implar., :'., •.

mM.s.W.ft,) . '-'. 60ClrfllU h.l.;J· : }. nco"lTU .irt ,r .,- \ ll>O-U '_' ........ '~'-'

UJ.~· h~~rCh.:.t~ ~i \'!·i~'=:') ;r=...... • , ._;.' rn " ,1< -';-Ii ber. : :::: 4f':1.; ~;1lFi..lJd
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phosph.m.u\ -,:'",.:, tim spirit o: .', . ~ 'Y)..;:



lJ.:.~tlt·l(~~1H{~j ~}l~tS1-~ .nf·', CLltilli:l·1t1r~,:. iit~b

1 IV

Pdi~b ;l:£,~'H;n'; rnen -c s ..... and wo-mr:') i<jf;fj .. ,. lj ('~0 ct thf> ('iVma"1 }j1..~fJulrlErH1 of V~'a..~~h"~"';!-".'. I,~;~' u ~,.u(h or LbcePoltS-h (';1:!pital ;;J';' wa~ comple t, 1~':-'l ,Lil::. tt-0. r Af;!':~T ro. '.~ 'I', 111: ~ ~ 1 ul. h etwy ilgtl L"1,g, \-\ t.h m, \ ~ i help from UF~"h~J~'l';Jtoh/' ano :10 hop-:~i,.nsight the
eX-.ri~n:.I_,,'.'· ','


Bringing It AU Back MOIne

Despite w;:md:;;(,F lring totals which ,",r.plV thf' hlglsest Wail:H, \ieJ~~- \ Polish i InJ:~~l'gr[lt;_nd f~"f1. Siens SUl\-i",'p.n brutal coufhc {: couclu ~i t'! ev J,jltfJUf of the hi[;ln v mortality rate suffered by the soldiers ~;::ade4cipr~".Ilt of the Home Army and other e.rmOOfactions.In fact, even the nsmcs of' many of the mauufacturers and the- bare bones of the history of the ~"U11$they made: few ii any of which remain today. wernthemselves onl y dL"(:c'·eff<Qyears efter the war as a result of much [1nJnstaking researcb 011 the part of hi,,11.l1dan.s. aad ather scholars 01£ the Polish Arm~\! Ml1sGrun tl1ID elsewhere. The stmy of how Orl~ A,"per.1 of thIs re1>!:Ja:!."1:h to a fr1'h.~Hou.s meeting ;'lflrl. 18tP.r, a rOYOllS lfld

or auy

EUJOpl'~Hl ovement m

dmin.g Wocld

wh~cn W{'Te tb.e:n }oi"IJ;~'Gi :i!i .. ·SiUQ;_.illll,;1.1 '(i>-t~1 ~6 ;arm :..':~ th:.!~lot for the cotkiag h.mdl.'l ~; ttu;·m~t.oo ann ejecti,,jLl. a;J.)€~il"I:'S5, J.,~l. lll:DSl nota.'Jh ~:i,w-'uf ' Sl'.('.nn.d m.:inplat..:.' to .fuJ.1'j_} t.h6 *agRz:;~e housing 1.)0);;


thon ...dded. r:Hre,,:t!-v ',)!}:t_r, "'.b{'j_ rect.l;~:u : '.-4.6ing. ..\1[ ,"'"-wb.s¥..J•n..... I+~,mght "'Piil:r, tro,f:! .&.1.:1.'1:5 ~~tr . '"S.b fakuhmvsb \..,~ d~;SCfibiI~ rrt:i._#-JIII f@t.i tit: tft~ ~en copies 0: unkJl!:J'.,i."llTi!Ol.>£:r~rce: \".-lt~l:.h heF liii.d t~-,,) rer.eJ] acquired fur-tile Pcl~ Ano;.: :.vh_~J1LrI rnlW;1j;


HV. ,~ pput,tJ;gr!;l.pit fmin the book DR! 1"V~~~'rHI'<l'a nf fDa:ys ~~r,is:ing}.~aken i:II. ALLgl~l. 1~14 during theWfil'8ilw' Up, :umg. too capti:(m. (r.lHlfil@!fis (j~ "Honourable Platoon

'Ki~rinskr dibUjUJ:; funerai eermnnn1(<S o£. Z~nd .. Street", "1 Note! nhe Bty$k(fWiC{~ 1:•.'1..'1.111 stock folided, left .• md the C8..ptOO'OO G~TI1J£ill. Ktiaks. Gmlrtesy Herbert r Wpmilt1n.d



Metal Factory iu\\,'a'l'$.QIw, 1>: gpt)l1P of Sttm: copies of ~-ev iously uul, .. ll(f\.>\7]t prm''IZl::lan~~eII/as \ tmmd, charac...ieJi6~d by th:eL,r p;sI;TIla:0.6.Di;ly Wl::lded
mag~8 housings, This d~enrn hf1~~~) these guru Vater identified at; roa de by fhe' Home l\,... 686 .r-~y Ordnance PiatOOTI) and the ··f~uskie~viC2 Stt':v,;.';t, In vvhkh the nu.gazme hQ1:J.slngs were J~'!).rt af a rube. surroundlag th~ recetver C-L'lSing, :su.~ted tl~i:l{ [he fi.XEd, n.lngazin~ hou;sira,g_ gn.1'1~ ~:oefe tl}(~ r)rod;uct t'lf <1

l.hrri llg t he resefl:rr.h re lr'l Tf!d to f.h~ ri,~~':rlptim:~f o the e)(cotl~) l ~·~UISt~l copies produced ail tl.l~J~'-


of the pt\lCf!dillllS wed ill th.e 'I'Imm,i;{Plichlrtrof . thB ~OO1She ba.d l;lBlp:ed t.o IWtlduf)6; 'thE!. ~:va.cl1:ed tube kn'ip1ato u~ed fQI:' ~ dl Him ~v~~ ~~wie .;,(tIfhu~ ,


difl~.J'E'Jl1 Underground m:olmry. .., Due tu his pa..sitimJ as 1he Hmld of tl~ Fi.f~laff~l'S Uepmiment ofl:.he Pu11::h. Anl1)' Mnoou:tn.~ Rm:tla'll MO'Iru8:.!:eWl;.k.f 'I.\",aS ~l)proadred. 4i' 19&4 'by Ste,fJ{t, Ja:k:ubows..kL ".1~1th ~ f\1QUR.<Jt lur ~'I.S ;;uui.rJt(~' ~,'I·f Stell guns tG hi-~ llSed in ilia d~~ .,q:f $ mo.rru,1riwl plaquo t~ ot:m1IDemQr~~e .a.pI'evt-o!.l:Sly 3f1J;Jm~l.;'l~Uu~CHQmy

celL Mt I~ub.&"NSU d£~udbed

.iIlt.t\i.Jlby pt'{itttrr~~g ~clJt hlqa~~i'Wll~ . M ~,-..a:. . ffPl:'u'trudmrltJY an ,.. $Qi:d~~lCiJd~$!1ll..'rl ,.S~ . -~. with h i~'~1!$:fwI~uC!~ , tins'. J,y{trilh} ~Wiibh~j'}\\ Sotdj~·,.~natri~~l olt11~, ~4. ~~~~;, ~~~~ . B.ri,ti!;tJ,Ste;n a$.a~pk, t~r:~~~1N~~'~''tW ' ~~ £cit PJ<.'~~'tinP--' :ii ~~. 'SWli_:'~~~ ~ 0" . ~l.s \~~.&m~·~ed ~ro. .~. {..~~e<wUr~ ~.. . t101ht\l'S mr' ttJH'm~l~~$'~li ~~.~J~ ~\~(l~~! .tr$t :a ,r~:ipfl·~wt1W$ .@~'\W~t'117 ~ 1i~ ..

British JYrkll a ]amllSrm\ S:ten"cr'.op:y,.rud oc~ of ~hp. utlk~'l,~ pJ'[We1"l'.z11~ gwns with ~ ~n~' ..uel'l.Uv !Jl~HZiH"; hty-.l.~io.'g".. ~\ . r.::lk-~t'lf5"}j ilTJJnl:~djal~ly .i.dl'!ntifi{'>d dw IML TUL)j; h~ -4~ t."'f'.z..·l"L;''''IT-gmDl r his. Un.j&gr(llIDfh.-rLli'k~nQP,iiUd:pr~ to t.:-ll Mr ~ls.tun€wsb more th.2>: o['~·ni$~ttio.'l'l;~f. tb.$ }}?xticnla,! -an:noU'Ty. . .In 194 J • after TIl_~..uVtM¥l1i{s. .d~ the :tiffit p;ilt of the l\~. W:ch."lJflJ1;tE b.Ej~ "_-j' in [~~;al1h~. Mr fak~~ho\Il;Tsti JR kd:~~ th$Ar-.,r.i. '1~.:ia~Jwd b tF\~·dJe· Polis ~iHo~e?trm~r, tlt~~£y F....~k:.ed :.... t;:ullhi'tlji f>·r::n Pnlish ~~fj.l nenl-i !l~ij.~ ~.iin1. fUlfl ~d· obL:rin{,l anew id'e~1 ,'8,$ "'S~eW---l't ~ Gu'l:~}' imri a u.oUalruJ1"(!; ·'~fir~.H~ li.\-$ihttsUet1 a'~~o4it;g ~hopilitlw gn;)Unii tt:--~~~ ~~&~!i{MWi,-n--

Iakubews lei three

To a~'oid any rnist!nrif'..rntaQdh~ i.t~.Jk,'1~·(B(~ \b:

St!:;"ll g'l1;.'l:lS~ en

L~nsrnill,A~ ..~L:'r~l-




as. bt;li-r cli§!~$.b.l~ .®:d: 'Rl~~-.~~ t~



TI".Lkl P(lH~.h ~1l1.i w:omrd Sterw t~


it! the

rlrillins audlofT.l"l.autm of the

I\tfuik.iel--vlcz 81 6 Jagictlk)[~ka

Street ·,spJ?if!~& ~~'e-1l.1made In a \'·"'r-·k!.hup on fj , L:<1f(ller f Chlodua m1:d Zetazna Sf n' ; J...~J. the illl o


Rvvaj Castle •... Br¥:sfwp·, ~.~rl'-:'I .J.!~ fuliu'llVS " at Jii.h' Trabetfs:kic1::.!'ImiLt.: ',+i;-:_ ..1 on T-wan

Sb8('~ : ,h~j" uUin •.. f'":dL"Y~' ~.. 'tU was dt.'rf

~sary weIdiug,

. psrtme ..ts ttl empt) ·a.~tylenID t05 nk.!, • ' T}iefust 4~ ~'/LIDS produced w-» r; w~t~nrAd ill fu,I:'@',$,t n~ the !:oWl) of Pustelaik, and lerer.w if.lR..dIi 'l?pmmd mnge ""lfl,S in tne basement undert' JIDylil 'CastLe wOl:kshup, b:~ 194;4/ afmr an. ,estimatuu 1 i.SO ~{l:.l1J!j 1101td 31 maga.zine-s h!td been manufaulurad, "S:z<cll} .... had. ~hut UO\I\rt1the l.wyal Castlr. oIga_'1isaliqIl!. due t.t btll.rayal. and _p:l'oductitOll WI~:;, l1:lls oocourr! 'WiHI accidenlal1y ',1(:1 ilte-d VII M~j 1?94.. 0,1 the 50th ;:!innivetsaty of tl'l.e W.:ll·.f;1il.WU_[l(

~'!.1Ii1Spatlt)l7-llHd o J~'.t', 1:0 , • T1. ~Hll:,,:j m Street: thecpmifi and Clli-~e'l-m:.leiJ~(f'fti,ua:.l,'iug U'an pDl'tA;d rl!:(1IQng the. ~O-Wl1hptf'at(jf!' t h".;j.;il'1! CQ~

, .~J
~16t 1, I~94;. lim 50th. <enni'l..~rs.tI1[y '01 Il:w of I.h~ ~r~~·w·, 'lht£ marble ,bJlaquawas ~1,~~"R1 C:lsllu .in Warsa V':. to comme'J1~()rirle


Heuryk nutl;.i;(:;·ivic.z~ fu~m lh'ing In A:ust dl to Pf)ihud for.a ,ris~L During. a tour of t

Polish 4m~~MI:l~mn


the Undeq,;.romrd 5trn~ production pl~ll W:ldch ex.Isl.ed thf'".fB d.urim.g 1943 ood, J~J4.q. . .' . NI lie the· niilni~ Q{ St'l3'folW- J~tbQ't\'skf, todeuanwd "Wi',. SlW. two soldiers i,d·enlffi.ed only b\i Ihm.r . lhl:!enames. "!~h:ary'" and "-Pilot", phOhl _by M::a:ch.~} skacr.&i1

he had helped produce in an 'Under-gJ'Ound armm 011 Gtor.1wws·M Street, 1ocffili,ng that the$J3 nr:d m made in: to--6perntioo·,vith agroup workiug out.ofl RDyal CMtie, ~ Mats~e\v~\.;;i than had the ple1W! of N'!nniti:ng the:.~e two men, Stdtlll.1 Jahu..kowsky ~ ~k Dutkiewicz, who bad bc~an in"-<lJ"hfffd ill ~ guns dwiug the wal', and!:illgthBir m.g inM;y year$, ..

he asked about .the Stell ill

{;n~-gro.und producnnn of clandestine :PQl~h:5· first m:


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