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L iteratu re stu dyis the reference o r ex am ple o fthe pro ject that
w e are do ing. Ev eryo ne cant do the design , w e hav e to get so m e
ideas fro m the past. L iteratu re stu dym u st be cho sen w ith o ne
su ccess pro ject and o ne failu re pro ject.
Su ccess pro ject helps to u nderstand the su ccess po ints and key
elem ents.
W hereas failu re po ints gu ides to av o id the m istakes at the


A co nv entio n is a gathering o findiv idu als w ho m eet at an
arranged place and tim e in o rder to discu ss o r engage in so m e
co m m o n interest. C o nv entio ns are o ften planned and
co o rdinated bypro fessio nalm eeting and co nv entio n planners,
generallybystaff o fthe co nv entio n’s ho sting co m pany.

M o st large cities w illhav e a co nv entio n center dedicated to

ho sting su ch ev ents. The term M IC E -m eeting Incentiv es
C o nv entio ns and Ex hibitio ns -is w idelyu sed in A sia as a
descriptio n o fthe indu stry.


The m o st co m m o n co nv entio ns are based u po n indu stry,
pro fessio n and fando m . A lo ng w ith them ,
Trade Con v en tion s : It typicallylays fo cu s o n a particu lar
indu stryo r indu strysegm ent, and featu re keyno te speakers,
v endo r displays, and o ther info rm atio n and activ ities o finterest to
the ev ent o rganizers and attendee.
Profession alCon v en tion s : Theyfo cu s o n issu es o fco ncern to
the pro fessio n and adv ancem ents in the pro fessio n. Su ch
co nv entio ns are generallyo rganized byso cieties dedicated to
pro m o tio n o fthe to pico finterest.
Fan Con v en tion s : Theyu su allyfeatu re display, sho w s, and
sales based o n po p cu ltu re and gu est celebrities.
Sem in ars : Theyare m eeting o rganized to info rm a gro u p o f
peo ple abo u t a specificto pic, o r to teach a specificskill. Ex pert
speaker and teachers are u su allyinv ited to speako n v ario u s
to pics.
SocialEv en t: A large gathering o rganized to celebrate m ajo r
life ev ent and religio u s cerem o nies. C o m m o n so cialev ent inclu des
: anniv ersaries, w edding and birthday.
Trade show /exhibition : Theyare o ppo rtu nityto ex hibit so m e
o ftheir latest pro du cts, as w ellas yet to be released pro to types to
jo u rnalists as w ellas o thers in the indu stry.

https://o azo naw m /tendersD ataF iles/epro c.rajasthan.go v .in/2018_JD A
G u ided B y: JO _1043 84_1/Vo lu m e2 PIM .pdf is the pro po salfo r the Internatio nalC o nv entio n C enter.
A r. Pro f. Raja C P Singh 0 2 72 60 0 1618 https://w w w .qu o m /W hat-is-the-literatu re-stu dy-in-architectu re-H o w -sho u ld-I-w rite
A r. M adhu r Varshney M u skan C hhillar -literatu re-stu dy-abo u t-a-to pic
Pl e nty of s pace for park ing w h ile unl oading/l oading goods and
Access and Entrance: e q uipm e ntw ith a de dicate d carpark for ve h icl e s de l
ive ring goods or
Se parate acce s s is re q uire d for vis itors , s taff,
a goods and s e rvice e q uipm e nt.
ve h icl e s and e m e rge ncyre q uire m e nts . Itis us ual l
y de s irabl e to u
Park ing for truck s w ith s ufficie nth e igh tand turning s pace w h e re
Co m m unicatio n and functio nality can be im p ro ved by im p lem enting efficient provide al te rnative e ntry for publ ic w h ich is inde pe nde ntfrom th at
circulatio n p attern in aco nventio n center. P eo p le vis iting o r w o rking in a s taging, audio vis ualor oth e re q uipm e ntne e ds to be pack e d in or out
us e d by confe re nce vis itors . Th is notonl y facil itate s m anage m e nt w ith in s h ortpe riod of tim e .
co nventio n center can be divided into 5bro ad us er catego ries : ands e curity, butal s o e nabl e s tw o or congre s s e ve nts or e xh ibitions Long-te rm park ing for truck s us e d for trans porting production
to be run inde pe nde ntl y inparal lel . e q uipm e ntand e xh ibitors ’
P ublic flo w Eas il y ide ntifiabl e e ntrance and e xit, and cl e ar e xte rnals ignage , dis pl ays
D elegate flo w w h ich m ay ne e d to be il lum inate d.
VIP flo w Sufficie ntunl oading/l oading s pace to accom m odate m ul tiple Horizontal and Vertical Arrangements:
Jo urnalis tflo w e ve nts . Th e s ingl e floor organiz
o ation provide s e as y acce s s am ong th e
Staff flo w Le ve lground fl oor w ith l oading dock s of s ufficie nts iz e for al l room s and be tw e e n th e confe re nce are as and oth e r functional
s e rvice s incl uding cl ie ntve h icl es. el e m e nts . Th is plan im pos e s fe w s tructuralorm e ch anicalcons traints ,
P ublic flow : La
Large coach drops off and col le ction points adjace ntto m ain pe rm its totalfre e dom in th e pl anning of th e room s , al l
ow s for
D ignified p ers o nalities are invited dep ending o n the nature o fco nferences . Itcan e ntrance , w ith s ufficie ntturnings pace and h e igh t, acce s s ibl e unde r acce s s from th e re fre s h m e ntbre ak are as to outdoor te rrace s and
als o have relatives and p ublic gues ts invited by the o rganizatio n.The p ublic als o cove r. patios .
have acces s to the ex hibitio n areaand hence thes e areas s hall have as ep arate D oors of s ufficie ntw idth and h e igh tor de m ountabl e /re tractable V e rticals tack ing of auditoria and/or m ain h al ls is m ore e conom ical
acces s to m anage the p ublic flo w during p eak ho urs efficiently. w al l
s to pe rm ittruck acce s s (truck s de l ive ring e xh ibitand s taging in th e us e of l and, ande nabl e s s pace be l
ow tie re d floors to be m ore
e q uipm e ntpos e particul ar probl e m s ). e fficie ntl y us e d. Unitcos ts of cons truction are h igh e r and ve rtical
D elegate flow : Floor l oadings to pe rm ittruck acce s s . trans portation of pe opl e and goods m ay pre s e ntdifficul tie s
D elegates fo rm am o s tim p o rtantgro up o fus ers fo r aco nventio n centers . The Eas il y ide ntifiabl e and w e ath e r prote cte d e ntrance and re ce ption
p arking s hall lead them to the m ain entrance fo yer w hich further directs them to are a for atte nde e s .
Line ar arrange m e ntof s pace s w ith be ginning, m iddl e and e nd.
their further des tinatio n. A n uno bs tructed delegate m o vem entis very im p o rtant. Cl e arl y ide ntifie d dis abl e d acce s s .
Al oop w h e re th e e s s e ntial
lyline ar s toryl ine l e ads natural l
y back to th e
In l arge r ve nue s , s e curity s ys te m s and m onitoring atl oading
be ginning.
V IP flow : dock s .
An arrange m e ntof core and s ate l lite s w h e re e ach th e m e or de tailed
They s hall either directly lead to the dais o fthe m ain hall o r s hall enter thro ugh Se parate e ntry for ve nue s taff.
tre atm e ntof a s ubje ctl e ads back to a ce ntralintroductory or orie ntational
the VIP entrance w hich is co nnected to aVIP lo unge. are as .
Access for the disabled:
Spe cific provis ions incl ude allocation of park ing s pace s , A m ore com pl e x s ch e m e com bining l ine ar, loop and core -s ate l lite
Journalist flow : arrange m e ntof s pace s .
ide ntification of route s , provis ion ofram ps , toil e ts and facilitie s
Itincluded p res s p eo p le,cam eram an and dip lo m ats. They s hall have adirect
de s igne d for w h e e l
ch air and oth e r dis abl
e d us e rs in e ach m ain are a.
acces s to the do cum entatio n center and the TV s tudio o fthe co nventio n center.
Staff flow : Coach park ing bays off s tre e t.
The s taff can be divided into tw o cato go ries nam ely the technical s taff w ho are Sufficie ntunde rcove r park ing for atte nde e s .
res p o ns ible fo r the efficientw o rking o fthe co nventio n center w hile the o thers Al lpark ing, incl uding ve nue s taff park ing, s h oul d be s e cure .
are the adm inis trative s taff w ho are ex p o s ed to the p eo p le co m ing to the center. D ire ctacce s s to ve nue l obby.
The p ath o fthe technical s taff and adm inis trative s taff divers e atthe s taff Cl e ar dire ctions for e xiting car park .
entrance. Park ing re q uire m e nts for cars and oth e r ve h icl e s w il lde pe nd on s om e
e xte nton th e proxim ityand conditions for us e of al te rnative facilitie s ,
s uch as m unicipalcar park s , as w e l las on th e avail abil ity of public
trans port.
Typicalprovis ions to al low fl e xibil ity in us e are :
Us e Pe r Car Park ing Space
Banq ue tPl ace s 1 0 Sq . m .
Congre s s H al lPlace s 1 0 Sq . m

G uided B y :

A r. P ro f. R ajaC P Singh 0 2 72 60 0 1618

A r. M adhur Vars hney M us kan Chhillar


Exhibition hall Covered Exhibition Space
Th e Exh ibition Space s are inte nde d as a com bination of indoor and Cove re d Exh ibition Space s are buil dings or e ncl os e d s tructure s containing
ope n-air e xh ibition s pace inorde r to cre ate a s trong re l ation be tw e e n e xh ibition are as or oth e rs pace s , incl uding al love rh anging uppe r fl oors or
cove re d and gre e n ope n s pace s th rough th e m aticconte nt. Th e goalis to bal conie s .
cre ate an inte grate d e xpos itive l ands cape and a V is itor Expe rie nce Height of Buildings
th atim m e diate ly e s tabl
is h e s a pos itive re l
ations h ip be tw e e n h um ank ind • Th e h e igh tof th e Cove re d partof Exh ibition Space (or Buil ding H e igh t)
and nature , cre ating a bridge be tw e e n th e conte ntof th e Eve ntand th e m us tbe l e s s th an 12m e te rs .
nature of e xh ibition s pace s .Th e e xh ibition h al lprovide s optim al • Th e h e igh tl im itfor any additionalarch ite cturale l e m e nts (s uch as
conditions for sk y l igh ts , roof e l e m e nts , ve rticalconne ctions to th e roof, s uns cre e ns ,
Trade fairs s ignal s , e tc.) is 17 m e te rs .
Exh ibits Building Setbacks
Conve ntions • Th e s e tback from th e m ain boul e vard m us tbe no l e s s th an 10 m e te rs , in
Eve nts and gal as An e xh ibition h al lcan be orde r to cre ate a s m al l
O pe n-air e xh ibition s pace s q uare .
Cove re d e xh ibition s pace • Th e dis tance be tw e e n buil dings and th e s ide s tre e ts h al lbe no l e s s th an 2
m e te rs ;th e re s h al lbe no buil ding conce s s ion dire ctl y to s q uare s , gre e ns ,
Open-Air Exhibition Space s tre e ts or publ ic s pace s , w ith outth e 2 m e te rs ’
s e tback .
Th e l ands cape de s ign s h al lbe de ve l ope d in k e e ping w ith th e Th e m e and
• Th e s e tback from th e ne igh boring l ots h allbe no l e s s th an 3 m e te rs .
w ith th e Participant’ s approach to it. Lik e arch ite cture , th e l ands cape s h al l
• Th e dis tance be tw e e n buil dings s h allcom pl y w ith fire control
al so h elp to te llintriguing s torie s aboutth e pl e as ure s of th e tabl e , de l igh tful
re q uire m e nts .
s ce nts or s trange and curious s torie s re l ate d to food cul tivation and
proce s s ing. Indoor exhibition and Flow management
Open spaces Th e indoor e xh ibition s pace de s ign h as to offe r to vis itors a ful lim m e rs ion
A m inim um of 30% of e ach l otm us tbe de dicate d to ope n are as and in th e Th e m e on th e h um an s cale w ith conte ntpre s e nte d ate ve ry m om e nt
gre e ne ry . Excluding l ots e tback s th e O pe n-air Exh ibition Space re pre s e nts of th e vis it. Th e vis itor s h oul
d be guide d on adis cove ry of th e e xh ibition
around 50% of e ach l ot, w h e re itis pos s ibl e to buil d: conte ntus ing th e m os tinnovative te ch nol ogy .
Structure s us e d for pl ants e ns uring s oilpe rm e abil ity (e .g. tre l
l is e s ,
pe rgol as , garde ns tructure s , pl ante rs ). Entrance/Exit - Queue Management
Lands caping s tructure (e .g. s tructure s us e d to re tain s oilor oth e r Exh ibition s pace s m ay h ave m ul tipl e e ntrance s /e xits on di
diffe re nts ide s
m ate rial s , pools , e xh ibitions tructure s , artw ork s ). of th e l ot. Th e y m us tprovide diffe re ntiate d acce s s for vis itors , incl uding
dis abl e d, s pe cialre s e rve d vis itors ,re s e rve d groups , w ork e rs and final ly
s uppl ie s /w as te .
General guidelines for planning all sorts of exhibitions can be summed
If a m ain e ntrance for th e Exh ibition Space is pl anne d, itcannotgive
up as:
onto th e D e cum anus .Th is s ide of th e l otm ay onl y h ave e xits . Th e q ue uing
V is itors s h ould be corre ctl y orie nte d ins ide th e e xh ibition are a.
are a m us tnotoccupy or ove rfl ow ontoth e D e cum anus .
V ie w e rs s h oul
d be abl e to m ove th rough th e e xh ibitw ith outbe ing force d
Goods e ntrance and w as te re m ovalare pl anne d during th e e ve ntcl os ing
to w al k pas tobje cts th e y h ave al re ady s e e n.
h ours and coul d be done by us ing al lpe de s trian acce s s e xce ptth e
Ade q uate s pace s h oul d be provide d for vis itors to m ove atdiffe di re nt
D e cum anus are a.
s pe e ds . Th e circulations pace s h oul d al
s o al low th e vis itor to tak e a q uick
look atth e e xh ibits s o th atth e y can de cide w h ich one s to e xam ine in de tail .
A vie w e r te nds to turn cl ock w is e upon e nte ring th e e xh ibitare a.
Circul ation patte rn s h oul dbe de s igne d w ith th is in m ind

Guided By :

A r. Pro f. Raja C P Sin gh 02726001618
A r. M adhur Vars hn ey M us kan C hhillar
AUDITORIUM Aural Limitations Seating Capacity
The auditorium is the heart of building, where the primary activity of It refers to the distance across which speech, singing and music can be clearly • Minimum Dimension of seating with arms =500mm Without arms =450mm
experiencing and presenting performances take place. Audience seating is heard without need of amplification. For amplified sound dead acoustic is • Seat height = 430-450 mm
arranged to view the stage and the stage is a platform from which the required, which is impossible in auditorium. So, careful acoustical • Angle of inclination= 7-9 degree with horizontal
performer can be communicate to the audience. The relationship between consideration is required for aural requirements. The Volume of unamplified • Back Height = 800-850mm
the two is very crucial for the success of convention centers. Mostly sound depends upon Volume, Shape, Size, internal finishes of auditorium & • Angle of inclination = 15-20 degree
auditorium is designed to fulfill no of purposes. The objective of designer Reverberation time. • Seat Depth= 600-720 mm, reduced to 425-500mm when the seat is tipped
will be to use 100% usage of space. Auditorium should be designed in such Size of Hall = min 0.6-0.9 m2/person • Other Factors affecting seating is,
a way that every member should be able to see and hear the performance Volume of Hall= 4- 4.5 m3/ person • Acoustics: Upholstery to satisfy the acoustic requirements, usually the level
of stage. of absorbency when unoccupied
Seating Planning • Ventilation & heating: Air supply or extract under a seat
Seating planning in Auditorium help to spread music and it makes visibility • Upholstery: Thickness of padding should provide comfort & avoid fatigue,
General Design Criteria of Auditorium
clear. Acoustically, concentric arch seating is preferable to focus the audience material of padding and finish must satisfy fire regulations Sightlines
view towards stage. The first row > 3.6m from the stage. The alternate
Shape corrects the defects of sound in auditorium hall i.e. echo’s,
echo excessive
seating plan can enhance the visibility. Mostly different size of seating (Size
reverberation,sound foci’s, dead spots etc. fan shape <100 degree is ideally
difference of 2”) is provided to maintain the alternating seating which is not
best shape for auditorium. In auditorium hall, the wall & ceiling is not
noticed by patron.
perpendicular to each other as in other normal rooms. Mostly less curve
Concave shape is also considered. The size of hall is governed by audience
requirements, Visual & aural limitations.

Straight rows on flat or sloping floor. Straight rows with separate angled side Curved rows on flat or sloping floor. Straight and angled rows on flat or sloping floor. As d but with curves at change of angle.
blocks on flat or sloping floor.

Separated stepped blocks focused on stage. Straight stepped rows and separated angled
side blocks

Audience Requirements Open stage and theatre-in-the-round layouts.

Every member of the audience should be able to see and hear clearly
Visual Limitations
• For drama= 20m
• For Opera= 30m
• For dance= 20m
• For conference = 20m
Proscenium layout.

Proscenium and end stage Proscenium and end stage Proscenium and end stage Proscenium and end stage
layout 1: stalls. layout 1: balcony layout 2: stalls. layout 2: balcony
Guided By :
A r . Pr of. Raja C P Singh 02726001618
A r . M adhur Var s hney Muskan Chhillar

AUDITORIUM Wheelchair Location Changing Room Requirements

R e gul ations re q uire a m inim um of s ix pl ace s for w h e e l
ch air us e rs , or 1/100th of th e • Its h ould h ave dis cre te acce s s
Horizontal Sightlines
audie nce capacity , w h ich e ve r if th e gre ate r. Th e ir l
ocation as dis cre te are as can be at • Be e q uippe d w ith s e cure h anging s pace
Itis obtaine d from s pe ctator’ s ps y ch ol
ogicalpe rce ption & vie w ing
th e re ar, front, s ide or w ith in th e s e ating;W h e e l
ch airs can be ce ntral ly pos itione d by • H ave m irrors w ith good l igh ting ove r vanity tabl
angl e.
form ing a bay off a cros s -gangw ay . • H ave s e parate toile ts & s h ow e rs
Good vie w w ith outh e ad m ove m e nt= 30 de gre e
Good vie w w ith h e ad m ove m e nt= 6 0 de gre e • H ave audio/vide o fe e d from pe rform ance are as
M axim um pe rce ption angl e = 110 de gre e • Be e q uippe d w ith ph one s and pow e r outl e ts
W ith fullh e ad & s h oul de r m ove m e nt= 36 0 de gre e
So, fan s h ape le s s th an 100 de gre e is pre fe rabl
e due to Sigh tl
ine s & Rehearsal Rooms
Acous tic re as on in Auditorium . • Encl os e d s pace w ith outnaturall igh tclos e to th e dre s s ing room
Sound s y s te m , Ligh ting
Vertical Sightlines • Th e re s h oul d be atl e as tone s tage for th e re h e ars alof
Th e l ongitudinals e ction is a parabol ic s te ppe d fl oor as a th e ore tical pe rform ance s .
rak e produce d by th e s igh tl ine cal cul ation. Th is give s e ve ry m e m be r of
th e audie nce s im il ar vie w ing conditions . Th is m ay be re duce d to a Storage room
s ingl e angl e or s e rie s of angl e s w h e n appl ie d as de s cribe d th e rak e w il
l • 20-25% of pl
ay ing are a
an of a box de s igne d for a w h e e lch air pl
us D e s ignate d w h e e lch air are a,
al s o be s te e p. Th is is s atis factory for a s ingl e tie r of s e ating w ith no loos e ch air re q uire d dim e ns ions

bal conie s and is e s pe cial ly appropriate for ope n-s tage form ats . Workshops for making scenery
A w h eelch air us e r s h oul
d be abl e to s itw ith a party of frie nds notin w h e e l ch airs , • Sh ould be e xcl ude from m ain h al ldue to fire & l
im ite d s pace
Sigh tline s from th e w h e e l
ch air s h ould be ch e ck e d, as s h oul
d th e s igh tl
ine s of th os e options
audie nce m e m be rs be h ind. Som e w h e e l ch air us e rs can trans fe r into auditorium s e ats . • 4-5 tim e s th e are a of m ain s tage

Fly tower Technical utilities

W h e re th e re is a s pace de dicate d for us e as a s tage , th e n itis e s s e ntialto provide • Trans form e r room
th is w ith m e ans of s us pe ns ion ove rh e ad. Th is s us pe ns ion to be us e d for both • M e dium & l ow vol tage s w itch room
s ce nic and l igh ting ins trum e nts . Th e grid above th e s tage from w h e re th e • Pow e r batte rie s
s us pe ns ions com e s h oul d provide cl e ar w al
k ing s pace above th e pe rs onne lto • H VAC pl ants
m ove aboutove r th e fl oor are a. Th e re ce ive d w is dom is to pl ace th e pul ley s • Fire s prink l
e r s y s te m
s upporting th e s us pe ns ion bridge ath igh points .
Graph icalre pre s e ntation of Ve rticalSigh tl
ine s • M inim um 4m 2 pe r 100 pe opl

Th e m ax. Com fortabl e am ountth e h e ad can Pos ition of e y e w .r.ts e atand s te ppe d fl
be turne d from th e s e atce nte r l
ine is 30de gre e

Se ction s h ow ing doubl

e -purch as e fl
y ing s y s te m and s ide s tage s

Guided By :
A r. Pro f. Raja C P Sin gh 02726001618
A r. M adhur Vars hn ey M us kan C hhillar
Factors for Restaurant Planning:
RESTAURANTS AND FOOD COURTS • The exterior appearance should communicate clearly, with signs, lighting and many displays.
• Should be planned to achieve variety of seating arrangements. • From outside, people should be able to view the interior seating, style and features.
• Provide acoustic lobby between restaurant and kitchen. • Each type of restaurant needs a different identity. Ambience is an important factor in restaurant design.
• Access should be planned for guest. • Large regular spaces should be broken up into smaller, more important areas, if necessary by screens or
• The service aisle should not be less than 0.9-1.35m if it is to be used by both trolleys and guest. decorative features.
• Waiter station should be located so as not to disturb guest.
• Ambience is an important factor in restaurant design: decoration, lighting should be an integral part. Food Courts:
Large regular space should be broken up. • Large halls that house groups of small outlets selling a wide variety of specialist food productions.
• With attractive displays and a market – style environment, food courts offers a pleasant shopping
General Functional Layout of Restaurants Area Required: environment and can be added to supermarkets beyond the check-outs.
• Per seat 1.5 – 2.15 sq. m. • Storage space for one day’s trade.
• Ratio of service area to total area 25-50% • A bakery, a butcher, cafes & bars, ice cream parlor plus shops etc.
• Net kitchen area 15-25% • Vertical Transportation: Comfortable and accessible transporters such as escalators, elevators and
staircases should be provided as requirement to avoid congestion.
Aisle Width:
• Main – min. 2.00m wide Service Entry/Exits:
• Intermediate – min. 0.9m wide • Servicing involves the delivery of goods to the various stores and also the removal of thrash and garbage.
• Side – min. 1.2m wide • In the simple strip center, the servicing is customarily by an alley in the rear of the strip of stores. It is
desirable to conceal the alley from adjacent neighborhood areas by a wall or landscaping. In the one-level
Ceiling height of Dining room with respect to Floor regional suburban center, servicing is customarily by one of the following:
Spatial Requirements: area: Underground Service tunnels: Usually under the mall, connecting directly to the tenant leased basements.
• Unde
Functional areas Space allowed (%) =<50 sq.m. 2.5m • Service Courts: On the periphery of the building complex, usually partially shielded by 6 -10’masonry
Receiving 05 >50 sq. m. 2.75m wall.
Food storage 20 >100 sq. m. 3.00m
Preparation 14 Above or below galleries >=2.5m HVAC & Mechanical Services:
Cooking 08 • Controls ensure occupant comfort, provide safe operation of the equipment, and in a modern HVAC
Baking 10 Receiving Area: control system enable judicious use of energy resources.
Ware washing 05 • The main variables affecting the amount of space • Sanitary and Electrical Duct must be provided at necessary yet convenient spaces.
Traffic aisles 16 needed for the receiving functions are the number, type • A mechanical control room is placed on top of every lift shaft to contain the counter weight, pulleys and
Trash storage 05 and type of the deliveries that are to be handled at one other mechanical systems.
Employee facilities 16 time. • An electrical control room is provided usually in the basement to control the regular power supply and
Miscellaneous 02 • Ease of opening, checking, moving and stack ability all backup power supply systems.
have a bearing on the space are required.
Serving Areas: Outdoor Plaza:
• Serving areas for most table facilities are planned as a • Outdoor public space free from vehicular movement.
part of the main cooking area and • Public activities like strolling, sitting, eating, entertaining, passing leisure time, social interaction and
• separate space determination are not usually needed. watching the world go by.
Dining Areas: • Quality of plaza determined by livability and social interactions.
• Calculating the space requirements for dining areas can
be difficult because of the many choices available. Atrium:
• For example, the final space for the dining space is • Usually for natural lighting and aesthetics.
dependent upon the following variables: • Can also be designed to enhance buildings cooling system by the help of stack effect.
1. Types of seating to be provided • Circulation space arranged around atrium space.
2. Tables sizes desired • Atrium also gives visual connection displays and shops on different levels thus establishing as a common
3. Table shapes desired feature of commercial complex.
4. Pattern of table arrangements
5. Number of service stations needed

Guided By :
A r. Pro f. Raja C P Sin gh 02726001618
A r. M adhur Vars hn ey M us kan C hhillar

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