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Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)

Hamna Rizwan


Forman Christian College University, A Charted University

PSYC 511: Psychological Assessment for Adult

Submitted to: Ms. Abia Nazim

10 July, 2022
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)


Name H.R

Age 23 years

Gender Female

Education M.S

Siblings 4

Birth order 1

Date of examination 21-04-2022

Reason for referral

The test was self-administered in the assessment lab for academic learning purposes.

Evaluation procedure

MMPI was used to assess the personality traits and the future indication for the specific

disorder to a person with MMPI’s clinical scales. The test was conducted in the lab the MMPI

Urdu version booklet was driven and responses were recorded on the sheet.
Behavioral Observation

I went to the lab and asked for the MMPI question booklet from Ma’am Monica and

started to administer the test. The test was in Urdu so some of the words were unfamiliar to me

so ma’am Monica helped me to understand those words and I completed the test within 1 hour. I

was excited about the test as it assesses the personality so that I could know the personality traits.

The test was lengthy and I also was getting bored of answering so many questions but also it was

good to know about myself as these were the questions, we usually do not think about ourselves.

Overall, the experience was good.

Background Information

The duration of pregnancy was 9 months and no abnormality was found during the

whole period. The child was delivered normally at a nearer maternity clinic. The child cried

normally after the birth the weight, height, and color were normal. Mother and child were

discharged by the hospital on the same day after a few hours of delivery. Mother fed child till 1

year after that child was fed by the regular milk bottle. No significant illness was faced in the

period till now. The Baby’s body was normal and started to walk at 10 months of his age. She

was a confident and brilliant child. She was so naïve, usually sat quietly and calmly but she used

to learn and explore things like play with new toys, and read new books, and was a very outgoing


During infancy, she was a normal child his height, weight, and milestone development

were equal to expect from that specific age. She produced baby sounds at 3 months of her age

and started babbling at 5 months, say, mama, baba, dada at 9 months. She started to talk fluently

at 1.7 years of his age.

She started to roll over at 6 months of crawling. She started to walk independently at 1.5


She is right-handed and started to feed by himself after 2 years of her age. She completed

her toilet training at 3 years. She did all her self-help activities such as changing clothes, tying

lasses, doing his homework tasks, eating a meal, brushing her teeth washing her hands at the

appropriate age. She was also doing well in all motor areas such as holding pencils, drawing

sketches, jumping, jogging or racing, etc. all the tasks were performed at the expected age level.

She did not have any difficulty with cognitive abilities.

She was the firstborn child so everyone used to meet and play with the child. she was

friendly and brought up as a very pampered child. she used to go out with her grandparents,

parents, and maternal and paternal uncles. She lived at her maternal grandparent’s house so her

formal schooling was started there at a nearby private school till grade 3. After that, she returned

to her parents and resumed her study there. She started to help her mother with household chores

at an early age. She was friendly with people. She did not have many friends in childhood but

now she might have formal conversation with people but does not become so personal with

people. She has few friends.

The person started schooling at age of 3.5 years and has got admission to a private

school near her maternal grandmother’s house. She was a brilliant student and always stood

above average. Her aunt also has taught initial informal education like writing the alphabet,

counting, and reading rhymes, and school work too. In 3rd grade, she migrated to another school

near her mother’s home as she was shifted back to her mother. There she got admission in 4th

grade and skipped one academic year. After completing her matriculation with B Grade she got

admission to college where she completed her intermediate and got admission to LCWU for her
BS in Applied Psychology and completed degree now she is doing MS Clinical psychology in a

private university.

Her father and mother are alive. She has a very good relationship with her father and

mother, her father is out of the country so there is a rare meet-up with him after one year or two.

she loves to talk with him. Her mother is a housewife and does household chores. She has a very

friendly bond with her. She reported that her mother is her support system and has made her

stronger to face and solve problems. she reported that people around her expect much more from

her and she has to fulfill those expectations to feel good. She has a firm bonding with his

maternal grandmother. Her grandmother has a crucial role in her informal training as she teaches

her antiquates, informal schooling, tells stories, etc. There are 4 siblings of her, she is the eldest

one and has three younger sisters and a brother, one is of age 19 years she is doing ADP another

sister is of 16years and brother of 14 years both are doing Matriculation and the youngest sister

of 7 years studying in a school in 3rd standard. She has a warm relationship with her siblings she

uses to guide them whenever needed or in the absence of her mother she keeps in check with

them. She is living in the nuclear family system. Her relationship with her uncles and aunts is

soothing. She is also maintaining positive relations bounding with cousins, there is no significant

medical and psychiatric history found. She got her puberty at 14 years of her age. She is not

sexually active as didn’t have any sexual experience yet. She has done an online job with

Enablers and freelancing for one year.

Test Results

The results were concluded from the manual:

Quantitative Analysis:

L F K Hs D Hy Pd Mf Pa Pt Sc Ma Si

Raw scores 9 4 16 0 20 11 12 30 3 3 2 15 24

Raw scores 8 18 19 18 18

with K

T scores 62 39 56 35 33 32 40 55 28 30 32 45 38


Codes 49/94 68/86

Qualitative Analysis

The qualitative interpretation of the MMPI is as follows:

Validity scales

The scores of the F scale are indicating that the person perceives the world as most

people do. The scores on the L scale indicate that the person is describing herself in a favorable

light, it also means that client may be unaware of the impression she made upon others. It shows

rigidity and a self-centered manner. The K scores of the client show that she is having a

moderate level of defensiveness as well as a number of positive potential qualities. The client is
self-reliant, expresses an appropriate level of self-disclosure, and has good ego strength. This

shows that she accepts socially acceptable difficulties and avoids conflicts.

Clinical scales

HR got 35 scores on the scale Hypochondriasis Hs which indicates low scores which

indicate the absence of physical pain and health-related concerns. they might be generally alert

and capable, alert, responsible, and moralistic which is also indicated by the history of HR as she

did not report any kind of significant physical and psychiatric illness.

HR scored lower on depression is 33 which indicates that the person is cheerful

optimistic and unlikely to worry and become nervous which is also indicated by the background

history as she is doing well in her academic career and living happily with her family and also

hoping to complete her MS.

In the Hy scale, 32 scores are low scores which indicated that a person is narrow-minded,

socially isolated conventional, and controlled which is also indicated by the history that she was

having very small friend circle she does not initiate friendships but can be a good friend if

someone else initiates the relation. Also, it indicated that people with low scores have difficulty

trusting anybody which also matching to with their background as she did not share the personal

matter with friends even.

HR scored 40 in Pd which is indicated a low score on this scale means that she is more

cooperative, relaxed, pleasant, and unlikely to have a temper tantrum stubbornly, doesn’t care

about other feelings, argue, envious, sensitive, and irritable these all are related to the
background of her as she is cooperative while doing test and she is more friendly in nature and

do not like to argue with people and is responsible too.

The scores on the Mf scale which are 55 indicated that she is moderately adventurous,

aggressive, dominant, competitive, and dominant as she is educated that is to be considered by

the background history that she is doing post-graduation so which influences the way of her

perceived femininity and masculinity so she is capable, forceful, considerate, insightful and


She scored 3 on the Pa scale which indicates that she is mature and reasonable and likely

to accept the challenges of life and is trusting, loyal, decisive, and self-controlled. Though the

scores are extremely low but are not fulfilling the condition of low profile.

The scores on Pt 30 indicate that she is cheerful, friendly, alert, confident and approaches

the world in a balanced manner, and is less likely to be critical of others and herself.

32 scores on Sc indicate that she is cheerful, friendly trustful, adaptive and likely to

accept authority, restrained, submissive, unimaginative, and avoids deeper and involved

relationships which are parallel to her background information as she reported that she is not

having any interpersonal relationship and also does not share personal information to others.

She scored 45 on Ma scale that are in moderate category as are not low and also not high

which indicates that she is often focus and direct energy towards productive direction, energetic,

sociable, independent, optimistic and have a wide range of interest.

The scores on Si were indicating that she is outgoing, assertive, self-confident, assertive,

enthusiastic, and adventurous.

Two-point coding

68/86 these low codes indicates that person is having suspiciousness, distrustfulness, and
perceive others intentions questionable. They will be distant from others and having few friends or no
friends. They people are more relaxed when alone and feel distress with in gathering. Person generally
avoids deep emotional ties. It is supported by the background that she is having few friends and she
does to share personal issues with others. She only has formal conversation with people and avoid
emotional ties as well.

49/94 these high codes indicates that the person is having external faced of being confident and
secure but underneath she is immature, dependent and insecure, likely to be incapable of deep
emotional closeness. The other will perceive them as having pleasure-oriented behavior, extraverted,
and they are free of anxiety talkative and charming. She often having good initial impression and
relationships are usually shallow because of deeper contact bring them in a problematic side of their
personality. It is supported by the history that she reported that people usually expect more of her
capacities and she have to fulfill others’ expectations to survive in the situation but inside her, knows
that she is incapacitating in some areas. She is also not having close friendships and do not have
personal conversations even with friends.

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