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Writing a paragraph

Camila Pérez Alarcón

Sergio Luis Ayazo Santos.

Analisis de textos ingleses

Licenciatura en inglés.

Modalidad Virtual.

Montelíbano - Córdoba.


In this section you are going to plan, write, revise and edit descriptive paragraphs on the following Topic: 

¬ Describe two things that improved the quality of life in your city or a city you know. ¬

Writing Descriptive Paragraphs

1. Brainstorming: Think of a city you know well that is better to live in now than it used to be. What was it like in the

past? What is it like now? Think about architecture, environmental issues, public transportation job opportunities, etc.

Complete the Chart with your ideas: 

City: Montelíbano

In the past: Its streets were not paved. Today: It already has many inhabitants.

He had few sources of employment. It has very good access roads.

It had few inhabitants. Today it has most of its streets paved.

The access roads were horrible. It has very good sources of employment

Its health and security system was very and companies in progress giving several

deficient, education was difficult to access sources of economy. Municipal support

increased and education spread and health

gradually improved.

2. Applying: Write about past conditions in the city you thought about in your brainstorming notes. Write the affirmative

sentences and two negative sentences. Use simple past and used to.


1. Montelíbano used to have unpaved streets.

2. In Montelíbano there was little trade

3. Montelíbano had few formal sources of employment.


1. Montelíbano used to not have large sources of employment and there was a lot of poverty.

2. Montelibano did not have adequate access roads and many accidents occurred
3. Planning: Follow the steps to make notes for your paragraphs

Step 1. Write the name of the city you are going to discuss in the chart below. Look at your brainstorming notes and

choose the most important things that make this city a better place to live today. Write these two things in the outline.

-It has its streets already paved.

-There are already several higher education offers.

Step 2. Complete the thesis statement in the outline.

- Montelíbano is one of the most important municipalities in the world, in a very short time it has achieved an

important development in infrastructure and higher education policies, which was largely lacking in previous times,

which has managed to be seen by many people as cattle , and nickel and the development of cultivation, a very striking

place in Colombia

.Step 3. Write topic sentences for each of your body paragraphs. In your topic sentences, use the key words in the reasons

that you circled in your thesis statement.

-The development of urban infrastructure is essential for the growth of a locality.

- Any well-implemented educational policy generates progress.

Step 4. Now write two (or more) examples or details for the supporting ideas in each body paragraph.

- Each part of Montelíbano shows its progress, when the infrastructure is better designed and at the same time better

built, each person who enters them directs their gaze precisely to all that environment and depending on how nice it

looks, it is fixed. When you have a well-structured, cultured municipality and you also have very good preparation

possibilities, that makes it doubly interesting and not only to be passing through but even better to settle there to live. It

has emblematic places and a very good multinational that opens doors to jobs.

Step 5. Think of some general information about your city where is it located? How many people live there? What do

most people know about there? Include this information in the paragraphs to support your ideas.
- Montelíbano is a municipality in north-western Colombia. It is known for its cattle culture and the slabs that transport

passengers along the San Jorge River,

The leafy Ecological Park that stretches along the main road, with trails and monkeys, iguanas and sloths.

We find the sports center to the south and the Pedro Villalobos stadium. In the center of the city is the iconic Cathedral of

the Holy Cross and the Park of the Holy Cross with its representative monuments of the region.

4. Make a Draft: Complete the following chart with your ideas from the previous steps.

City: Montelíbano

Two things that make it a better place to live:

1. The development of urban infrastructure.

2. New policies and possibilities of higher education.

Thesis statement: The quality of life in Sincelejo is better today than it was in the past because it has achieved

significant development infrastructure and in higher education polices, which was largely lacking in previous time,

which has led it to be in sight of many more people as a tourism center and especially as a suitable place to live.

Body paragraph 1: Topic sentence: The development of urban infrastructure is essential for growth and is something

that has improved life in Montelíbano.

Supporting idea 1: Each urban part shows its progress when the part of the infrastructure is increasingly better designed

and at the same time better built.

Supporting idea 2: Every person who enters the municipality directs their gaze precisely to that environment and its

cultures, which makes them return.

Support idea 3: When you find a municipality in its majority of well-paved, clean, orderly, well-built and organized

streets in all aspects; There is always security and general confidence, which in turn requires progress.
Body paragraph 2: Topic sentence: Correctly implemented educational policies have generated progress and have also

improved the life of the municipality as well as generating job opportunities

Supporting idea 1: The progress of a municipality is clearly seen in the education that its inhabitants have, the more

preparation options they have, the fewer professionals they would have to bring in from outside and poverty will


Supporting idea 2: When you have a well-structured municipality and you also have very good preparation possibilities,

that makes it more attractive and not only to be passing through but even better to settle there to live.

Supporting idea 3: Being able to receive higher education in the same locality means that in most households expenses

are saved, this money would stay in the city to contribute to its development.

Ideas for introduction: Montelíbano is one of the most recognized municipalities in the country, for its livestock and

agriculture as well as the great nickel capital of the country, in a very short time it has achieved significant development

in infrastructure and higher education policies, which were largely lacking in times previous ones, which has made it

visible to many more people as a center of tourism and above all as an ideal place to live, which is why its population is

increasing every day as local professionals.

5. Writing and revising: Use the previous draft to answer in the following chart the given questions, and then revise

you writing using the editing checklist below.

Montelíbano is one of the most recognized municipalities in the country, for its livestock and agriculture as well as the

great nickel capital of the country, in a very short time it has achieved significant development in infrastructure and

higher education policies, which were largely lacking in times previous ones, which has made it visible to many more

people as a center of tourism and above all as an ideal place to live, which is why its population is increasing every day

as local professionals.

When you have a well-structured municipality and you also have very good preparation possibilities, that makes it more
attractive and not only to be passing through but even better to settle there to live.

Editing Checklist YES NO

Are all the words spelled correctly? X

Is the first word of every sentence capitalized? X

Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation? X

Do your subjects and verbs agree? X

Did you use the simple past and used to correctly? X

Are other verb tenses correct? X

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