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1. In the movie “Remember the Titans,” what was the turning point for the team?

When did their hearts

start to change? Please be specific and explain in detail.
The turning point for the team occurred during their pre-season training camp at Gettysburg College when
they were forced to confront their racial prejudices. This resulted in a massive brawl between the white
and black players, after which Coach Boone gave a powerful speech to the team, challenging them to
come together and work towards a common goal. The team's hearts started to change gradually as they
were forced to work together and rely on each other to improve their football skills. The team began to
appreciate and respect each other's differences, ultimately coming together as a united team.
2. Title: Remember the Titan 2000
Summary of the movie:
"Remember the Titans" is a 2000 sports drama film based on the true story of a newly appointed African
American football coach, Herman Boone, who attempts to integrate a racially divided high school
football team in Virginia during the early 1970s. Despite facing opposition and hostility from both players
and the community, Boone and his assistant coach, Bill Yoast, manage to unite the team and lead them to
a championship season, overcoming prejudice and discrimination along the way.
Statements of the problem:
1. The problem of racial segregation and discrimination
2. The problem of team unity and cooperation
3. The problem of leadership and role modeling
Point of view
As a viewer, one is likely to be moved and inspired by the film's themes of overcoming prejudice and
discrimination, promoting unity and cooperation, and achieving success through hard work and
perseverance. The film's strong performances and emotional resonance make it a powerful story of hope
and redemption, and it encourages viewers to think critically about the importance of diversity, inclusion,
and leadership in their own lives.
1. To analyze the leadership styles portrayed in the movie.
2. To examine the effects of prejudice and discrimination on team dynamics
3. To evaluate the importance of communication and teamwork in achieving success
SWOT Analysis

Strength Weakness

Talent and Skill Prejudice and Bias

Leadership Lack of Trust
Diversity Lack of Communication:
Opportunities Threats
Personal Growth Injuries
Legacy External Pressure
College Scholarships Unforeseen Circumstances

Alternative Course of Action:

1. Foster intercultural dialogue and understanding through community events.
Advantages: can provide opportunities, can help promote understanding, reduce stereotypes, and
increase empathy between different groups. Can work to break down barriers that often exist
between different groups and promote unity and teamwork
Disadvantages: time consuming, requiring significant resources and coordination, may not be
accessible or appealing to all members of the community, may not address the root causes of
racism and discrimination.
2. Provide training and resources to educators and coaches.
Advantages: can address racism and discrimination, can address better needs of the students and
athletes from diverse backgrounds, better support for their students.
Disadvantages: costly, time consuming, difficult to ensure that they apply it to work, resistance
and pushback from the educators.
3. Increase representation and diversity in leadership positions
Advantages: increase representation of leadership, can help the ensure perspectives of the
students, effective decision making, teamwork among their members, can promote diversity and
Disadvantages: may be difficult to achieve, difficult to ensure merit and qualification, may not
address the root of racism and discrimination.


Foster intercultural dialogue and 5 4 2 BETTER
understanding through community events.
Provide training and resources to educators 3 4 3 GOOD
and coaches.
Increase representation and diversity in 5 3 1 EXCELENT
leadership positions

Football team in the 1970s led to initial tensions and conflict, but through the leadership of the coaches
and the willingness of the players to work together, they were able to overcome their differences and
achieve success.

Plan of Action

Activity Person involves Time Budget

Make a seminar about Players and coaches Twice a year 30,000 per session
leadership and
awareness about
discrimination and

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