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Form :

+ Verb2
-Did not +verb 1
?did +S+Verb1

Yesterday Last Ago

Yesterday morning Last night Five days ago
Yesterday afternoon Last week Three days ago
Yesterday evening Last month Sixth month ago
Yesterday night Last year Three years ago
Last Saturday
Last January
Last june

Example :

1.using verb II (has meaning)

+ lia watched a film last night.
_ lia did not watch a film last night
? did lia watch a film last night?
Yes,…she did
No,…..she didn’t

2.using verb II (no meaning )

+ she was class seven

- _ she was not class seven

- ? Was She class seven? Yes .she was

- No, She was not



Adam : Why do you look so tired and sleepy?

Hasa : I . . . for the exam until 11 p.m. last night.

A. write
B. study
C. wrote
D. studied 

I (1) . . . at my uncle’s house when you (2) . . . to my house last night.

(1).    A.  am
         B.    was
         C.    were
         D.    have been
(2).   A.  came
        B.    come
        C.    are coming
        D.    were coming
Complete the dialogue to answer the questions.
Erika : What (1) . . . you buy yesterday?
Lia    : I (2) . . . many clothes and jewelries.
(1).   A.  did
        B.  does
        C.  done
        D.  has done
(2).   A.    buy
        B.    buys
        C.    buying
        D.    bought

Complete the text to answer the questions.

Two years ago I (1) . . .  a cat, named Kitty. We (2). . . ball in the garden every
afternoon. Kitty sometimes (3) . . . with me in my bed. It (4) . . . salty fish and
bones. It (5) . . .very cute and sweet, but unfortunately, it died after eating meals
from my neighbour.

(1).   A.    had

        B.    having
        C.    has
        D.    have
(2).  A.    plays
        B.    played
        C.    play
        D.    playing
(3).  A.    sleeping
        B.    sleeps
        C.    sleep
        D.    slept
(4).  A.    like
        B.    likes
        C.    liked
        D.    liking
(5).  A.    am
        B.    were

C. is
D. was

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