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Lameika Walker CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston


o One-to-One: Three ELA/English Teachers ranging from 6th-11th grade
o Small Group: Middle School ELA and Math teachers
o Evaluation Setting/Time: Occurs during vertical team time for 45 minutes.
And/or individual check ins for 45 minutes
o Questions asked of evaluators: Come with upcoming lesson materials

1. One-To-One Evaluations
a. Description of who served as one-to-one evaluators and why they were chosen
i. ELA 6th teacher, 2nd year as a classroom teacher Chosen due to lack of
experience with content and still identifying effective teacher moves and
procedures. Still learning the common gaps associated with ELA 6 and
requires support with lesson execution.
ii. ELA 6th teacher, 4th year as a classroom teacher. Chosen because I
currently support teacher and provide feedback with lesson instruction
and materials. Teacher is knowledgeable but often needs support with
modeling for the students and scaffolding
iii. English AP teacher, 2nd year as a classroom teacher. Currently struggles to
apply feedback necessary to increase student engagement. Has limited
experience with teacher moves and ways to spark student interest.
However, does give major pushbacks and doesn’t embrace changes.

b. Length of the one-to-one meetings

i. 45 minutes

c. Description of the activities done during the one-to-one meetings

i. Examine upcoming lessons, allow teacher 10 minutes to work through as
much of the student exemplar
ii. Time to identify steps/strategies to complete exemplar
iii. Self-reflections and misconceptions for students
iv. Identify and create rubric to assist students with mastering their own

d. Remarks on how long it took the evaluators to complete the activities

i. The two 2-year teachers needed additional time to work through
exemplar and draft rubric that address misconceptions.

e. Results of the assessments that evaluators completed

i. The results only indicated a yes/no to questions and all teachers were
able to receive a yes on the evaluation given

Lameika Walker CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston

f. Feedback received from the evaluators during these sessions

i. I allowed the evaluators to examine the information they were being
evaluated on. All thought it to be helpful and an easy tool to keep them
on track to provide quality instruction

g. Description of revisions that could be made to instruction based on feedback

i. Although teachers had no prior access to this information, 2 felt that if
teachers were provided with this with planning, it would alleviate lesson
planning. By only having to focus on the exemplar

h. Links to any questionnaires, documents, or materials created specifically for

one-to-one evaluations
i. N/A

2. Small Group Evaluation

a. Description of how many learners were in the small group and how they
represent some of the subgroups within your target learner population (such
as achievement level, native language, learning preferences, age, etc.).
i. 6 Middle School Math teachers (2-6th; 2-7th; 2-8th)
ii. 6 Middle School ELA Teachers (2-6th; 2-7th; 2-8th)
iii. All have been teaching for less than 5 years
iv. Age ranges between 25-35 years old
v. All only has experience in the Charter field; No public ISDs

b. The length of the small group evaluation session

i. 45 minutes

c. Description of the activities that you did during small group evaluation session
i. Examine upcoming lessons, allow teacher 10 minutes to work through as
much of the student exemplar
ii. Time to identify steps/strategies to complete exemplar
iii. Self-reflections and misconceptions for students
iv. Identify and create rubric to assist students with mastering their own

d. Remarks on how long it took the target learners to complete the activities

Lameika Walker CUIN 7390: Instructional Design University of Houston

i. Worked in groups with content/grade-level partner for 45 minutes.

Didn’t require additional time

e. Results of the assessments that target learners completed

i. All teachers were able to successfully draft a CFS for students as a
tool/guide to master lesson’s objective and output. Teachers were able
to discuss the misconceptions and aligned on approaches that would be
in place to scaffold certain instruction/sections of lesson.

f. Feedback received from the target learners during these sessions

i. Purpose for activity was beneficial and allowed teachers the opportunity
to collaborate in a space that was student focused. Teachers thought the
concept of breaking down the student work-allowed them to get inside
their student heads and identify the key struggles and work to support
students out the struggle before delivering the lesson

g. Description of revisions that could be made to instruction based on the

i. Being provided with the evaluator’s guide prior, would have accelerated
the time spent ensuring that the exemplar met requirements. Therefore,
provide all teachers with this tool when prepping for class instruction

h. Links to any questionnaires, documents, or other materials created specifically

for your small group evaluation
i. N/A

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