HRIS Comparison Revised

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HRIS Comparison

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HRIS Comparison

A human resource information system is an application for entering data, tracking,

and managing information in an organization's human resources activities. With the job

market remaining in constant digital upheaval, human resource systems and procedures

must adapt to a reality that is both people-centric and technologically driven. Human

resource information systems have developed over the previous decade to accommodate

new workplace practices. The paper compares and contrasts human resource information


It is an interactive, responsive database that allows all HR systems stored on the

organization's server or the cloud to enable its smooth running. An HRIS is also an

HRMS because it helps better human resource planning and management (Beaman, 2002).

An HRIS is a collection of systems that coordinate the records of employees and

repositories, recruitment processes, compensation management, salary processes, work

assignments, time attendance, electronic documents, compliance guidelines, configurable

insight reviews, performance appraisal, and human resource processes through the use of

mobile apps. The list varies across client and vendor businesses based on the demands of

the human capital to handle, the strength of employees, an organization's geographical

spread, the core operating procedures it follows, and its future roadmap.

HRIS Working Components

Database Management

Many HRIS systems include a readily available database in which all employee

information may be properly kept and maintained. All employee data may be readily

entered into the system by the HR staff. The objective is to have the ability to access all

of this data and key metrics on request from anywhere in the world.

The data on the system extends from salary information, phone records, and

educational background to current contact information, learning measures, and

performance review ratings. The database is at the core of all human resource  tasks and

might serve as a reliable online or cloud-hosted alternative for a paperless workplace.

Labor and Time Management

Monitoring each employee's clocking hours is a time-consuming operation. With

most companies now enabling employees to key in biometric information or log on to

enter their hours, this daily data dosage requires appropriate administration. Managers

may now authorize queries, and the information can be directly associated with payroll

(Beaman, 2002). As a result, a non-intrusive yet effective human resource information

system may maintain a careful eye on timeliness and attendance.

Payroll Functions

Payroll is among the most critical HR responsibilities. The numerical crunch may

be made much easier, and payments to employees can be rendered more smooth with a

streamlined human resource information system that allows easy downloads or upload of

hours worked and attendance records. It also results in fewer mistakes since human

intervention is reduced. Furthermore, all HRIS payroll software improves tax compliance,

particularly for firms dealing with various tax levels.

Benefits Management

Benefits management includes all queries, comments, data, and interactions

connected to benefits, not just medical benefits and pension investments. Such apps offer

a one-stop ground experience for companies and employees, increase transparency, and

improve operations. The benefits rules and strategy touch every worker, and how it is

managed impacts the whole experience that the person enjoys at work.

Employee Interface

Many human resource information system applications  provide employees with

limited access privileges. However, even a moderate amount of worker  self-service is a

first step in creating a culture where employees have greater operational independence

(Akgul, 2019). Employees should be able to amend their personal details, examine pay

scales, modify retirement pension schemes, update direct  bank transfer information, and

downloadable benefit election paperwork using a simple, comprehensive, and time-saving


Talent Acquisition and Retention

Acquiring and maintaining the proper personnel is the only way for a company to

flourish. With that in mind, recruiting and retention are significant elements of every

HRIS and are regarded as must-have elements by most firms. Bringing on the proper

talent is only the first piece of the puzzle. Employees must also be supplied with the

appropriate training, career development, and reward schemes to permit growth, enhance

morale, and encourage job satisfaction (Akgul, 2019). HRIS technologies may improve the

applicant experience while making it simpler for recruiters to find, track, and interact

with qualified candidates.

HRIS Models

The three HRIS models comprise input, storage, and output.

Input and Output Model


The model describes the fundamental operation of an HRIS, from inputs  to

outputs. The input subsystems receive data from external and internal sources that are

then inferred into relevant data and used in recruitment and selection, workforce

management, remuneration, benefits, and different bits of the channel (Akgul, 2019). 

Figure 1: An input and an output model of HRIS


HRIS adoption Model

With so many solutions accessible in the market that appear congested, selecting the

correct HRIS is a huge decision. However, after that is completed, proper HRIS adoption is

required to guarantee that the firm has engaged in a winning system. The model outlines the

many factors of selecting the correct HRIS and adjusting to new procedures.

Figure 2: HRIS adoption model

HRIS success Model

The diagram below depicts a successful integrated HRIS paradigm. This

emphasizes how the integrity of system operations, information availability and

application, convenience of use, and utility impact users' perceptions of the system.

Because it is personal and must make logical sense to the employee, the perceived

usability of the HRIS is an intriguing element. All of these variables contribute to user

happiness and, ultimately, the effectiveness of the HRIS.

Figure 3: HRIS success model

A human resource information system has three critical applications: talent

acquisition, development, and enhancement, all of which are supported by data ( Kavanagh

et al., 2012). In these more comprehensive pillars, the following evaluation bricks provide

numerous benefits and aid in the development of a more vital organization, including

reduced file storage costs because a one-time investment is sufficient, agility in trying to

retrieve and analyze data, and reduced process redundancy, that also saves time, finances,

and energy. Most firms now utilize an HRIS system to simplify and relate critical human

process procedures to business goals and employment projections. Organizations are

spoiled with choices in a market that provides a plethora of options and solution

combinations; therefore, we must make a decision.


Choice of an HRIS

Any firm must invest in a human resource information (HRIS) system, which is

both costly and time-consuming. As a result, businesses should exercise caution and

include the necessary stakeholders in the review and selection process ( Kavanagh et al.,

2012). Many HRIS options are available at various pricing ranges and with varying

degrees of capability. Given the significance of the decision, the package chosen should

fit the company's existing demands while also having the ability to develop and develop

with it in the possible future. On the other hand, budget, infrastructure, and time

restrictions will influence the decision. The framework below might help you make the

right decision for your firm.

HRIS Software Comparison

Every firm has various requirements, and it is critical to prioritize what is vital and specific to

that organization.

Best-of-breed or all-in-one

An all-in-one HR solution is typically appealing for finance and human resources

teams looking for simplification. Several functions and features are incorporated, so you

do not have to analyze and apply numerous tools. The issue is that the width of features

frequently obstructs the depth of functioning for each. Although they might interact with

best-of-breed systems like payroll, they could also be barred from competing in such

marketplaces. The products are designed with a one-size-fits-all strategy and often only

fulfill the bare minimum of regulatory and HR Program efficiency  standards.


A best-of-breed HRIS is suitable for firms searching for the most advanced

software for each step of the applicant and employee lifecycle ( Kavanagh et al., 2012).

Innovative firms recognize that in the current hyper-competitive recruitment market, they

must go beyond regulation and reactionary HR to create superior employee engagement

that connects and keeps their top employees.

It is unusual for expanding businesses to shift from a fully-featured HRIS to

specialized solutions as their People Operations expertise grows. Sure, having numerous

tools complicates the HR software system, but it enables the company to develop

precisely what the particular organization requires to build a thriving culture and



If the firm opts for a best-of-breed or an all-in-one HRIS, it is critical to assess

whether the platform connects with the organization's HR, Recruitment, IT, and Finance

operations (Stone & Gueutal, 2005). It eliminates the need to manually export data from

one tool and transfer it into another. As a result, it is critical to determine whether each

HRIS connects with your desired Applicant Monitoring System, Background Screening

supplier, Payroll system, and Insurance provider.

Employee Experience

It is critical to seek an HRIS that extends above and beyond regulation to give a fantastic

employee experience in several features.


Self-service gateway

Allows employees to self-navigate their induction and daily  employee experience with

the software that simplifies their entire corporation's life.

Employee training

An HRIS that provides a strategic hire training program can improve the industry's new

staff experience.

Organizational chart

Assist employees in understanding the organizational framework and providing real-time

access to changes like staff exits, title modifications, and contact details.

Team directory

Assists employees in staying in touch with their region, team, and other groupings

(Kavanagh et al. 2012).

Time off Monitoring

Creates bespoke policies and provides workers with a fantastic time off application and

authorization experience while providing managers with insights via a globally connected


Human Resource Productivity

Improve efficiency and production by implementing:

Automatic Workflows

Processes that allocate tasks, generate tailored emails, and send notifications when

activities are not performed can help streamline operations and decrease non-compliance


Customized email templates

Distributed custom emails to groups or individuals of employees can help to streamline



Forget about printing, signing, and scanning documentation.

Calendar integrations

Synchronize information like due dates for events, recruit start schedules, employee exit

time frames, birthdays, and anniversaries to the schedule.

Account provisioning

Streamline the configuration of critical systems like  G-Suite, Onelogin, and Slack. 



With customized authorization reporting and interfaces, you can make data-driven


Dashboards for Human Resources and Managers

Keep track of and manage critical information within your business, like headcount

increase, turnover statistics, and enrollment ramp progress (Stone & Gueutal, 2005).

Reporting on Demand

Drill down to the specific information you want to view with simple, customizable

analytics and reporting.

History and auditing skills

Keep the employee data's entire stored field data sets, which can help the organization

comply with the industry's audit capabilities and data preservation laws.

Security and privacy

Keep the employee data secure by using:

Permission setups

Maintain employee information safe by allowing only those with permission to  access it.

GDPR adherence

If the company has employees in the European Union, it must comply with GDPR.


Get the assistance the organization requires, when it requires it, with:


assistance and discover the best industry standards during the deployment and data

migration processes.

Customer satisfaction

Get the customer service you require, whether email assistance, phone help, online

technical knowledge, or an excellent client success specialist ( Nakayama & Sutcliffe,


Product enhancements

Discover each vendor's growth plan, how prospective integrations and capabilities

connect with your requirements, and how the comments may influence the plan.


Following receipt of the submissions, HR should choose three to four suppliers to

visit onsite and demonstrate their products. The duration that the human resource  should

allocate for the demonstration will affect the design of the program and the checklist of

minimal criteria (Stone & Gueutal, 2005). Every project committee member ought to be

able to join the presentations and raise pertinent questions. HR may utilize the list of

minimal standards to build a demonstration check to ensure that every item is adequately

handled. The scoreboard may include the desired elements from the initial organizational

requires assessment checklist, which might act as tie-breaker items when grading. 

Committee members should take advantage of this chance to ask questions and

thoroughly investigate any program areas that may pose obstacles or difficulties. They

might want to investigate the entire process of entering a recruit into the system, from

start to finish, acquiring both a human resource and a payroll viewpoint. IT needs may

also include hardware compatibility, security procedures, and remote management

capabilities and needs. Representatives of the operations department may wish to present

the manager-accessible displays that will be utilized daily ( Nakayama & Sutcliffe, 2005).

Furthermore, committee members must analyze and appraise  the service offered during

the presentation.

HR should schedule a debriefing session with the assessment committee soon after

the presentation, preferably the same day or in the following two to three days. During

this debriefing, committee members will present their scorecard findings and raise any

issues. Coworkers will also explain how the software fulfills or surpasses  the

organization's expectations. For every software package presentation, the assessment and

debriefing procedure is repeated.


Choosing the correct HRIS involves identifying the features and capabilities most

essential to the business and locating a platform to execute the company's must-haves.

Consider the assessment criteria upfront so that the firm could go into product demos

knowing precisely what it wants to see. To guarantee that the demo meets the demands,

ensure that it is personalized to the company's preferred features and functions. It is

necessary to be cautious not to become sidetracked by elements that are unimportant to

the organization.  When a business begins knowing precisely what it wants, it can

conduct an informed comparison of HRIS software.



Akgul, Y. (2019). Structural equation modeling approaches to e-service adoption. IGI Global,

Business Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, PA.

Beaman, K. (2002). Boundaryless HR: human capital management in the global economy.

Rector Duncan & Assoc., Austin, Tex.

Kavanagh, M., Thite, M. & Johnson, R. (2012). Human resource information systems: basics,

applications, and future directions. SAGE, Thousand Oaks, Calif.

Nakayama, M. & Sutcliffe, N. (2005). Managing IT skills portfolios: planning, acquisition, and

performance evaluation. Idea Group Pub., Hershey, PA.

Stone, D. & Gueutal, H. (2005). The brave new world of eHR: human resources management

in the digital age. Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA.

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