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Group #9

Deepa khatri 20202-28884

Tufail Ahmed 20201-27552
Laiba Shujat 20201-28129
Sara Fatima 20201-27663
Kushboo 20201-28091

MBR research report fall 2022


Backlash for brands is widely seen among consumers. This research is conducted examine the
model of brand hate so that brands could know the reasons behind these hates. This is done in
this report by considering different variables that are depending to each other also those which
are mediating the relationships. The data is collected from lay-consumers without any biasness.
Then it is tested on SPSS by running different tests to get reliable, valid, and significant results.

Table of Contents
Introduction: ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Problem: .................................................................................................................................................... 2
Research objectives: ................................................................................................................................. 3
Research questions ................................................................................................................................... 3
Literature: ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Theoretical framework: ...................................................................................................................... 3
Conceptual framework: ............................................................................................................................ 3
Variables: .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Brand Hate (BH): ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Negative Brand Experience: ...................................................................................................................... 5
Complaining: ............................................................................................................................................. 6
Hypothesis: ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Methodology: ............................................................................................................................................... 8
DATA COLLECTION .................................................................................................................................... 8
QUESTIONARRE DESIGN ........................................................................................................................... 8
VARIBALES ................................................................................................................................................. 9
RESEARCH DESIGN .................................................................................................................................... 9
SAMPLE DESIGN ........................................................................................................................................ 9
STATISTICAL TECHNIQUE ........................................................................................................................ 10
Results and findings: .................................................................................................................................. 10
Model testing and validity tests: ............................................................................................................. 10
Reliability ................................................................................................................................................. 12
Convergent and discriminant validity: .................................................................................................... 13
Validity of moderators: ........................................................................................................................... 14
final decision: .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Conclusion: .................................................................................................................................................. 17
Citation: ...................................................................................................................................................... 18

The set of human traits connected to a brand is referred to as its brand personality (Aaker, 1997, p. 347).
Overall enthusiasm, competence, sophism, and ruggedness are the five components that make up
personality. On the other hand, negative brand personality (NBP) is described by Haji (2014, p. 24) as "a
set of qualities given to a brand by the consumer to reflect feelings that provoke tension, worry, or
incongruity.” Today we have so many brands for a same product. This allows consumers to
choose the brand according to their affordability and choice. The decision that consumer make
while opting for a brand is mainly based on the brand's advertisement and marketing. And the
phenomena of brand hate starts when the brand fails to fulfil their promises they made in their
advertisement. Consumers have high expectations from the brand and when it does not stand
up to their expectations, that's when the real problem starts. Brand hate is a real threat to
brands. Because once a customer gets dissatisfied, they would never shop from the same brand
again and spread negative reviews about it. Word of mouth is the main source through which a
brand succeeds and if the customers are dissatisfied and are spreading negative review about a
brand, that brand is in real problem.

It is important for brands to understand the human psychology and design their products
according to that. To understand the human psychology, they need to have a high-end grip on
the market trends, current fashion, and what the market demands and then come up with that
product. They also need to stick to their promises they make in their advertisement to gain
loyal customers. If the experience of a customer for a product of a brand isn't good, that will
ultimately create hate in the customer's heart for its other products too. In the gap Previous
research have studied on the brand hate what will have been effect on the negative brand
experience on the sensory, Affective, Behavioural, and Intellectual. And through our
significance we will research on brand betrayal what will effect on the negative brand
experience on the sensory, Affective, Behavioural, and intellectual.

Brands heighten the expectations of customers through their advertisement and marketing and
then fail to meet those expectations and generate dissatisfied customers which ultimately
results in brand hate.

Research objectives:
1. To identify the antecedents and outcomes of brand hate.
2. To test the impact of multi-dimensional negative brand experience
on brand hate.
3. To identify the antecedents and outcomes of brand betrayal.
4. To test the impact of multi-dimensional negative brand experience
on brand betrayal.

Research questions
1. What are the antecedents and outcomes of brand hate.
2. What will be impact of multi-dimensional negative brand experience
on brand hate.
3. What are the antecedents and outcomes of brand hate.
4. What will be impact of multi-dimensional negative brand experience
on brand hate.

Theoretical framework:

Brand hate
Negative brand Consumer

Conceptual framework:

Negative brand experience

Brand detachment

Sensory Complaining
Brand hate
Affective Private

Behavioral Brand betrayal Public


Negative brand experience is an independent variable in this situation. Its dimensions are sensory,
affective, behavioral, and intellectual. Through these dimensions we measure our independent variable
negative brand experience that has influence on dependent variable. Here dependent variable is brand
detachment and complaining (including both public and private). The independent variable shows
impact on dependent variable but here is some intervening. The mediation of brand hate and brand
betrayal exists between independent and dependent variables. Its presence plays a vital role in the
relationship of independent dependent variables.

In simpler terms negative brand experience influence brand detachment and complaining through brand
hate and brand betrayal. Implying that negative brand experience serves as independent variable, brand
hate and brand betrayal serve as mediators, however; brand detachment and complaining serve as
dependent variable.

Brand Hate
Numerous academic fields, including psychology, social psychology, as well as
marketing, have investigated hate (Harrington, 2004). An emotion or attitude that
involves strong sentiments of dislike, enmity, hostility, and aversion toward a
person, group, or thing is referred to as hate in psychology (Cambridge Dictionary of
To the contrary perspective, in the context of consumer-brand relationships, hate is
conceptualised by Johnson, Matear, and Thomson (2011) in marketing literature as
a "strong antagonism to brands." Those arguments suggest that the likelihood of
anti-brand activities, such as bad word-of-mouth, complaining, and sometimes even
robbery, threatening, and destruction, increases the more "self-relevant" a
consumer-brand connection is. Negative brand-related emotions, according to
Romani, Grappi, and Dalli (2012), may encourage users to engage in behaviours
including complaining, brand switching and engaging on the word of

According to Grappi and Dalli (2012), consumers' complaints, brand switching, and
poor word-of-mouth can all be attributed to unfavourable brand-related feelings.
Bryson et al.
(2013) establish the antecedents of brand hatred in the instance of premium brands
as well as define brand hate as an "extremely negative emotional reaction towards
Zarantonello et al. (2016) conducted an empirical investigation on the
characteristics, causes, and effects of the phenomena of brand hatred. They hinted at
brand hatred by linking it to unfavourable behavioural consequences including
whining, bad word-of-mouth, protest, and a decrease in or cessation of patronage.
They recognised the notion of "brand hate" as having multiple dimensions and
created a scale to quantify it (Zarantonello et
After that, Hegner et al. (2017) experimentally investigated the idea of brand hatred
and provided a taxonomy of the key causes and results. These scholars contend that
customers' prior bad experiences, ideological incompatibility, and symbolic
incongruity cause brand hatred. These result in three undesirable behavioural
consequences, namely:
Brand avoidance
Negative word-of-mouth and
Brand retaliation
Brands are "intangible and emotional economic indicators," according to Kucuk
(2019a, p. 561), and are at the foundation of consumer decision-making. According
to research, businesses with little social activities and an increase in consumer
complaints would have the most despised brands globally (Kucuk, 2019b).
Zhang and Laroche (2020) indicate recently that brand hatred manifests as hostility,
frustration, and

Negative Brand
“According to behavioural theories in social psychology, people develop attitudes
via experience, which have an impact on how they behave in social situations (Fazio
& Zanna,
Additionally, branding research suggests that favourable brand experience

promotes favourable customer image of the brand, which results in favourable
brand behaviour (Brakus et al., 2009; Iglesias, Markovic & Rialp, 2019; Jhambet al.,
Previous study has used specific elements with a low resistance from the original
Brakuset al. scale to execute brand experience (2009). However, no study has
applied negative value or ionic to the full
The presence of "negative brand experiences" has commonly been brought up in
numerous studies across a variety of contexts, including consumer anxiety in online
discussion about negative brand experiences (Brandao & Popoli, 2022; Wakefield &
defectors' ability to consider the brand for future purchases (Bogomolova &
and anti-consumption and brand avoidance (Lee et al.,
According to Baumeister et al. (2001), more people are likely to share negative
experiences than they are to share equally positive ones.
Negative brand experiences are described as a "unimaginable perception" by
Fournier (1998, p. 355) since they may cause customers to feel uneasy and may
even prompt them to

: to Bearden and Oliver (1985), a comprehensive definition of complaining
includes both personal and public
Romani et al. (2012) discovered that when consumers are angry about a brand, they
are more likely to complain because they are more motivated to seek a
Zarantonello et al. (2016) describe brand hate as a complicated construct made up
of many unfavourable feelings that lend support to a variety of
Aggression, according to Bayarassou et al. (2020), is a behavioural result of brand
hatred. However, the metrics they employed to measure reaction can be linked to

complaining. Recent research has distinguished between two sorts of complaining:

public and private, with regard to the potential consequences of brand hatred
(Fetscherin, 2019; Zarantonello et al., 2016). Using online blogs, posting on websites
or social media can be used to publicly protest to wider audiences, such as the firm
itself, consumer advocacy organisations, and governmental
Fetscherin,2019; Zarantonello et al., 2016; Brandao & Popoli, 2022). Those who may
find it difficult to express their displeasure in person may be able to do so by using
online platforms to complain (Kucuk, 2019b), whereas private complaining entails
criticising a brand to those who are close to us, such family, or friends (Fetscherin,
2019; Zarantonello et al.,
Research also demonstrates that not all service failure scenarios will result in some
form of complaining (Grégoire et al., 2009). Zarantonello et al. (2018) suggest that
complaining could be a form of constructive hateful behaviour, as complaining to a
company may change them to become more aligned to the customer's expectations

H1 (a) negative brand experience dimension sensory has positive effects on brand hate
H1 (b) negative brand experience dimension affective has positive effects on brand hate
H1 (c) negative brand experience dimension behavioral has positive effects on brand hate
H1 (d) negative brand experience dimension intellectual has positive effects on brand hate
H2 (a) negative brand experience dimension sensory has positive effects on brand betrayal
H2 (b) negative brand experience dimension affective has positive effects on brand betrayal
H2 (c) negative brand experience dimension behavioral has positive effects on brand betrayal
H2 (d) negative brand experience dimension intellectual has positive effects on brand betrayal
H3 Brand hate has positive impact on brand detachment
H4 Brand hate has a positive impact on complaining.
H5 Brand betrayal has a positive impact on brand detachment
H6 Brand betrayal has a positive impact on complaining.
H7 brand hate mediates the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and brand
H8 brand hate mediates the relationship of affective negative brand experience and brand
H9 brand hate mediates the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience and brand
H10 brand hate mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and
brand detachment.

H11 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
H12 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of affective negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
H13 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
H14 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
H15 brand hate mediates the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and brand
H16 brand hate mediates the relationship of affective negative brand experience and brand
H17 brand hate mediates the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
H18 brand hate mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
H19 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
H20 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of affective negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
H21 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
H22 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and
brand complaining.

An online survey (Google Form) that was disseminated via social media is how we got the data. We had
213 responses from both men and women between the ages of 18 and 45. The people who really use
any brand could fill out the questionnaire because we used random sampling. End users are the target
demographic for our study, allowing us to learn more about their perceptions of the brands they dislike.
This survey assisted us in compiling statistics on how complaints and brand estrangement are caused by
unfavorable brand encounters.

Since this is a quantitative and empirical study, we created an open-ended questionnaire to determine
the effect of bad brand experiences on brand hate and betrayal. With regard to 8 constructs, the Likert

scale—strongly disagree to strongly agree—was utilized. This is how our questionnaire is structured. We
obtained their demographics first, followed by their income level (ranging from 50k-200k). Then, we
inquired as to their preferred brand name. We incorporated the evaluation questions to assess various
components that breed brand animosity. The questions revolve around this.

• Measure if they feel like they got betrayed by the brand

• Measure if they slowly losing interest in the brand

• Measure if that brand hurting their emotions

• Measure if they create a positive or negative word of mouth

In our study, we essentially used a variety of factors to assess their impact on bad brand experiences.
Therefore, these dimensions help in our ability to evaluate the impact of an independent variable on a
dependent one. We used about 8 constructs in our empirical study to precisely find the effect of
negative brand experience on brand hatred. Our research method's IV and DV variables are detachment
and complaint, respectively. Basically, we're trying to determine the impact of different factors that
contribute to brand hating, which produces a negative feeling toward a brand and ultimately results in a
bad brand experience. The brands of hatred and betrayal, IV and DV, also exhibit the mediation effect.

We chose convenience sampling when designing the sample for our study. As a result, we focused on
people we could easily and conveniently reach via the internet and social media. Our research is based
on the Positivism research paradigm, which holds that there is only one reality that can be measured.
Our study is a quantitative investigation into the consumer brand relationship, a brand hate perspective.
The study is specifically designed to measure consumer brand perspective, as well as a dislike brand
perspective. The study has been specifically designed to assess consumer brand perception. Aside from
that, our research covers the consumer's dislike for a brand. We used convenience sampling to conduct
an online survey with 213 respondents, and then we tested our conceptual model using empirical data
from the participants' responses.

Our research included people who have internet access and use social media websites to actively follow
their preferred products/brands on various social media websites such as YouTube, Twitter, Facebook,

Instagram, and Online Brand Communities and Discussion Forums. However, because every member of
the target population did not have an equal chance to participate in this research by answering these
questions, we used a non-probability-based sampling technique. The number of respondents to our
survey was 213 due to a limited social circle and time constraints. The online survey was sent to 500
social media users. However, due to a small social circle and time constraints, only 213 people
completed our survey. In our survey, men and women were equally represented.

We stopped receiving responses to our survey once we reached 200+ responses. First, we checked for
missing values after making sure the data was complete, we calculated the averages for each construct.
Then, we downloaded a spreadsheet of our responses from Google Forms and uploaded it to SPSS
software (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) for statistical analysis. On SPSS, we ran various tests to
assess data normality, demographic analysis, reliability of scale items, validity of scale items, correlation
among different concepts, regression analysis for hypothesis assessment, and the goodness of fit test to
validate our conceptual model.

Results and
Model testing and validity tests:
The measurement model is evaluated using t-values computed on the sample size of 200+. By using the
tables provided below, we check the validity, reliability, and overall credibility of all the variables. Using
the criteria that says:




zero should not exist between the confidence intervals.


B t sig confidence interval

variables upper lower
h1(a): NBS BH 0.474 7.327 <0.001 0.347 0.602
h1(b): NBA BH 0.11 1.384 0.168 -0.47 0.266
h1(c): NBB BH 0.086 1.193 0.234 -0.56 0.277
h1(d): NBI BH 0.157 2.166 0.031 0.014 0.3
h2(a): NBS BB 0.433 5.731 <0.001 0.284 0.582
h2(b): NBA BB 0.236 2.546 0.012 0.053 0.418
h2(c): NBB BB -0.98 -1.165 0.245 -0.263 0.068
h2(d): NBI BB 0.255 3.014 0.003 0.088 0.422
h3: BH BD 0.412 4.039 <0.001 0.265 0.559
h3: BH BC 0.276 8.887 <0.001 0.151 0.402
h3: BB BD 0.272 4.039 <0.001 0.139 0.405
h3: BB BC 0.177 3.066 0.002 0.063 0.291

As per the criteria we can safely consider that:

✓ Brand hate is stronger variable in affect as per its b- value in both the cases; when complaining is
the dependent variable and when brand detachment is the dependent variable.
✓ Negative brand experience affective and negative brand experience behavioral are not
significant when they are depending on brand hate.
✓ Only negative brand experience behavioral is insignificant when dependent variable is brand

The criterion of reliability is that Cronbach Alpha values must > 0.70.

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.897 6
a) Brand betrayal

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.858 3
b) Negative brand experience sensory

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.803 3

c) Negative brand experience affective

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.493 3

d) Negative brand experience behavioral

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.713 3

e) Negative brand experience intellectual

Reliability Statistics
Alpha N of Items
.734 3

As per the criteria we can safely consider that:

✓ All the variables except negative brand experience affective are reliable.

Convergent and discriminant

validity: to the criteria, the table below is showing convergent validity by AVE>0.50.

and discriminant validity by the criteria that under root on AVE being higher than the correlations.

As per the criteria we can safely consider that:

✓ All the variables, having AVE>0.50, have convergent validity.

✓ And all the variables are showing discriminant validity or uniqueness by the criteria that under
root on AVE being higher than the correlations.

Validity of moderators:
By using the tables provided below, we check the validity, reliability, and overall relation of all
moderators taking place in the relation of our dependent and independent variables.

Using the criteria that says:



zero should not exist between the confidence intervals.


variable R F B t si upper lowe
h7: NBS BH 0.41 0.6 - - 0.43 - 0.05
h8: NBA BH 0.35 1.93 - - 0.16 - 0.0
h9: NBB BH 0.35 6.1 - - 0.01 - -
h10: NBI BH 0.38 3.9 - - 0.04 - -
h11: NBS BB 0.40 0.84 - - 0.35 - 0.04
h12: NBA BB 0.31 0.24 - - 0.6 - 0.07
h13: NBB BB 0.32 5.0 - - 0.02 - -
h14: NBI BB 0.35 4.27 - - 0.0 - -
h15: NBS BH 0. 0.92 - - 0.33 - 0.03
h16: NBA BH 0.37 0.47 0.02 0.69 0.4 - 0.10
h17: NBB BH 0.44 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.9 - 0.06
h18: NBI BH 0.48 7.66 - - 0.00 - -
h19: NBS BB 0.29 1.76 - - 0.18 - 0.02
h20: NBA BB 0.35 2.27 0.05 1.50 0.13 - 0.13
h21: NBB BB 0.45 0.15 0.01 0.39 0.69 - 0.07
h22: NBI BB 0.4 5.02 0.06 - 0.02 - -

Finally, as per the criteria we can safely consider that:

✓ Relation of sensory negative brand experience with complaining is not mediated by brand hate

✓ Relation of affective negative brand experience with complaining is not mediated by brand hate

✓ Relation of behavioral negative brand experience with complaining is not mediated by brand
✓ Relation of intellectual negative brand experience with complaining is mediated by brand hate

✓ Relation of sensory negative brand experience with complaining is not mediated by brand
✓ Relation of affective negative brand experience with complaining is not mediated by brand

✓ Relation of behavioral negative brand experience with complaining is not mediated by brand
✓ Relation of intellectual negative brand experience with complaining is mediated by brand
✓ Relation of sensory negative brand experience with detachment is not mediated by brand hate

✓ Relation of affective negative brand experience with detachment is not mediated by brand hate

✓ Relation of behavioral negative brand experience with detachment is mediated by brand hate

✓ Relation of intellectual negative brand experience with detachment is mediated by brand hate

✓ Relation of sensory negative brand experience with detachment is not mediated by brand
✓ Relation of affective negative brand experience with detachment is not mediated by brand
✓ Relation of behavioral negative brand experience with detachment is mediated by brand
✓ Relation of intellectual negative brand experience with detachment is mediated by brand

H1 (a) negative brand experience dimension
sensory has positive effects on brand hate

H1 (b) negative brand experience dimension Reject

affective has positive effects on brand hate
H1 (c) negative brand experience dimension reject
behavioral has positive effects on brand hate
H1(d) negative brand experience dimension Accept
intellectual has positive effects on brand hate
H2 (a) negative brand experience dimension Accept
sensory has positive effects on brand betrayal
H2 (b) negative brand experience dimension Accept
affective has positive effects on brand betrayal
H2 (c) negative brand experience dimension Reject
behavioral has positive effects on brand betrayal
H2 (d) negative brand experience dimension Accept
intellectual has positive effects on brand betrayal
H3 Brand hate has positive impact on brand Accept
H4 Brand hate has a positive impact on Accept
H5 Brand betrayal has a positive impact on brand Accept

H6 Brand betrayal has a positive impact on Accept

H7 brand hate mediates the relationship of Reject
sensory negative brand experience and brand
H8 brand hate mediates the relationship of Reject
affective negative brand experience and brand
H9 brand hate mediates the relationship of Accept
behavioral negative brand experience and brand
H10 brand hate mediates the relationship of Accept
intellectual negative brand experience and brand
H11 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Reject
sensory negative brand experience and brand
H12 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Reject
affective negative brand experience and brand
H13 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Accept
behavioral negative brand experience and brand
H14 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Accept
intellectual negative brand experience and brand
H15 brand hate mediates the relationship of Reject
sensory negative brand experience and brand
H16 brand hate mediates the relationship of Reject
affective negative brand experience and brand
H17 brand hate mediates the relationship of Reject
behavioral negative brand experience and brand
H18 brand hate mediates the relationship of Accept
intellectual negative brand experience and brand
H19 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Reject
sensory negative brand experience and brand
H20 brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Reject
affective negative brand experience and brand
H21brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Reject
behavioral negative brand experience and brand

H22brand betrayal mediates the relationship of Accept

intellectual negative brand experience and brand

Now we can conclude that:
➢ negative brand experience dimension sensory has positive effects on brand hate
➢ negative brand experience dimension affective has no positive effects on brand hate
➢ negative brand experience dimension behavioral has no positive effects on brand hate
➢ negative brand experience dimension intellectual has positive effects on brand hate
➢ negative brand experience dimension sensory has positive effects on brand betrayal
➢ negative brand experience dimension affective has positive effects on brand betrayal
➢ negative brand experience dimension behavioral has no positive effects on brand betrayal
➢ negative brand experience dimension intellectual has positive effects on brand betrayal
➢ Brand hate has positive impact on brand detachment
➢ Brand hate has a positive impact on complaining.
➢ Brand betrayal has a positive impact on brand detachment
➢ Brand betrayal has a positive impact on complaining.
➢ brand hate doesn’t mediate the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
➢ brand hate doesn’t mediate the relationship of affective negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
➢ brand hate mediates the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience and brand
➢ brand hate mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and brand
➢ brand betrayal doesn’t mediate the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
➢ brand betrayal doesn’t mediate the relationship of affective negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
➢ brand betrayal mediates the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience and brand
➢ brand betrayal mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and
brand detachment.
➢ brand hate doesn’t mediate the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
➢ brand hate doesn’t mediate the relationship of affective negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
➢ brand hate doesn’t mediate the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
➢ brand hate mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and brand

➢ brand betrayal doesn’t mediate the relationship of sensory negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
➢ brand betrayal doesn’t mediate the relationship of affective negative brand experience and
brand complaining.
➢ brand betrayal doesn’t mediate the relationship of behavioral negative brand experience
and brand complaining.
➢ brand betrayal mediates the relationship of intellectual negative brand experience and
brand complaining.

:Research, 2022, pp. 1–12.,
[1] Roy, Sanjit K., et al. “Consumer - Brand Relationship: A Brand Hate Perspective.” Journal of Business

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