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Self Regulation and Well-Being

In Kindergarten I can…
 communicate with others, especially to solve problems or share my feelings and ideas
 demonstrate independence, self-regulation, and listening skills
 take responsibility for my learning by trying new things and listening to learn
 identify and use social skills in play, such as Kelso’s Choices
 solve problems on my own in many situations, including social contexts with my peers
 demonstrate an awareness of my own health and well-being
 participate actively and regularly in a variety of activities and active games
 develop movement skills through fine motor and gross motor tasks M.Hanna
Belonging and Contributing
In Kindergarten I can…
 use social skills, problem-solving skills, and communication in play and other contexts
 demonstrate an understanding that we are all different and special and belong
 communicate my thoughts, feelings and ideas through various art forms
 demonstrate a sense of identity and a positive self-image
 respect others’ ideas and can contribute to the groups and to the group well-being
 show self-confidence and stand-up for myself and others
 demonstrate an awareness of my surroundings
 show the need to care for and respect the environment and natural world
 be an actor, dancer, artist, and musician through exploring the arts M.Hanna
Literacy and Math Behaviours
In Kindergarten I can…
 communicate with others in many ways and for many reasons
 learn about and be a beginning reader and writer
 understand and think about media texts and written materials
 demonstrate an understanding of numbers, amount and quantity through play
 measure and compare objects using hands-on, play based learning and exploration
 investigate, describe, sort, classify, build, and compare 2-D shapes and 3D figures
 explore and extend patterns and create my own pattern core and make predictions
 collect, organize, display, and interpret data and explore probability
 show my understanding and communicate my thinking and learning in mathematics M.Hanna
Problem Solving and Innovating
In Kindergarten I can…
 use problem-solving skills on my own and with others while creating and designing
 question, plan, predict, observe, and create through play
 communicate my findings with others through drawing, writing, and oral expression
 show my thinking and learning through play-based learning and S.T.E.M.
 communicate my thoughts, feelings, theories, and ideas through play
 use problem-solving strategies, on my own to find what works and what doesn’t and make
changes to meet my plans or goals M.Hanna

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