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Typenzulassungszeugnis, fir 15 ppm Olfilteranlagen Certificate of Type Approval for 15 ppm Bilge Separator Ausgestellt im Namen der Regierung der BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND durch die SEE-BERUFSGENOSSENSCHAFT Issued under the authority of the Government of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY by See-Berufsgenossenschaft Hierimit wird bescheinigt, da0 die nachstehend aufgefthete 18 ppm Olfiteranlage einer Prifung unterzogen und gemall den. Anforderungen der technischen Beschreibung, enthalten in Teil 1 der Aniage zu den Richilinien und Anforderangen der IMO-Entschliefhing MEPC.107(49) erprobt wurde. Dieses Zeugnis ist nur fir die nachstehende 15 ppm Olfiteranlage giltig This is to certify thatthe 15 ppm Bilge Separator listed Below has Been examined and tested in accordance withthe requirements of the sp-~catons contained in prt I ofthe anes tothe guidelines and specications contained in IMO.Resolution MEPC.107(09). This cerficate veo ony for 3 ppm Bilge Seprotr refered to below. 15 ppm Olfilteranlage geliefert durch DVZ-8) 15 ppm Bilge Separator supplied by ‘Typbezeichmng _______ V7. 2500 FSU-"OTLCHTER" _ sunder type ond model desenton tind besteht aus cd incorporating 15 ppm Otfilteranlage hergestellt durch ENVEKO GmbH 13 ppm Bilge Separator mannfocired by Zusammenstellngszeichnung-Nr. 107 to specifcatintastembly drawing No Coalescer hergestelt durch ENVEKO GmbH _ Coalescer momfactured by Zusammenstellungszeichnung-Nr, _PR3, SPL 10 specifcationlasembly drawing No Filler hergestelt durch ENVEKO Gmblt__ Filters nanfectured by Zusammenstellungszeichnung-Nr {0 specificaronossemdy craving No. ‘Andere Komponenten Other mess Zusamumenstellungszeichnong-Nr. 10 speeticoronossenbly craving No. Steuergerate hergestelt durch Contrel equipment manufactured by Zusammenstellangezzichnung-Nr to specifcatonessenblydraving No. Versorgungspumpenleistung Supply pp capaci Motorleisting Motor roving ‘Maximaler Durchiluss des Systems _Moxtnvum throughput of system ‘Wenn die Zubringerpumpe nicht Anlagenteil des Systems ist, so it das vorgesehene Verfahren anzugeben, das sicherstellt, dab der maximale Durehiluss des Systems nicht uberschritten wird. inegre feed punp sno fied state meth proposed far ensiring masinnn throighput of system snot exceeded Eine Kopie dieses Zeugnisses sol jederzet auf jedem Schiff mitgefhn werden, das mit dieser Olfiteranlage ausgertstet it 4 copy ofthis Cricate shout be coried aboard a vessel fined with thi Sepavorora all tines. *) Nichtautreffendesstreichen Zolassongs-Nr. 330.223 _ *) Deletes appropriate Certieate- No irchweyher Str, 8, B - 28844 Weyhe mh ‘Auferlegte Einschranleungen: Limiting Conditions imposed: _Die Entoleranlage DVZ 2500 FSU-" _siner Exzenterschneckenpumpe Type /min) oder einer umpe ausgeriistet werden, deren _ Kennlinie dem Durchflu8, Saug- nd Druckverhaitnissen obiger Pumpe entspricht _The oily water separator DVZ 2500 FSU." OI-CHIEF" is not p ted to 1,5 mh installed in space subject to explosion hazard and _ oF a. pump with same speeds delivery characteristic curve as the above mentioned. Bemerkungen: Remarks: Das Types ‘Type DVZ 250 FSI igszeugnis fiir das o.g. Syster gemaB IMO-EntschlieBung MEPC,107(49) ausgestelt ‘This certificate of type approval forthe above mentioned system has be ird aufgrund der Erprobung der Entéleranlage _ issued based on the test with the oily water separator _ Dieses Typenzulassungszeugnis bleibt Uber das nachstehende Datum hinaus in Kraft, sofern kein Widerruferfolgt. Ein Widerraf fir auf einem Schiff eingebaute Einrichtungen kann 2.B. erfolgen, wenn diese nicht gefalren und/oder nicht gevvartet und/oder nicht funktionsberet sind und/oder nicht innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist an zuktinitige Bestimmungen angepasst werden konnen, This certificate of type approval isin force beyond the Below mentioned date unless ti revoke. A revocation ofthe equipment installed oboord the ship con fol, but isnot limited to, if he eguipmnt iz nat maintained andor i nt in {good working order andor the equipment ean not Be modified within an appropriate time frame, de to future regulatory standards Dieses Typenzulassungszeugnis ist giltig bis 31M This cerficare of ype approval is valid weil 009 Daten und Ergebnisse der Erprobungen siche Anhang, Test data ond results attached in the appendix. ‘Ansgestellt in Hamburg am 01.01,2005___———=——==Ss«*«sSEE-BERUFSGENOSSENSCHAFT Asswed at Hombuay = - SCHIFFSSICHERHEITSABTEILUNG - ZaNose SCHIFFSSIC 2 °S) a aA, bef Unterschiift | ‘Signature Die Otfiteranlage SerienNr. 6.2 O2. 26 ____. entspricht dem gepriiften Typ. AO. A.0:8.00) 1 S ke Datum Place date See-Berufsgenossenschaft @ Prif- und Zertifizierungsstelle im BG-PRUFZERT European notified body - Identification number 0736 EC-Type Examination (Module B) Certificate 330.223 Certificate-No. Name and address orthe DVZ-SERVICES GmbH/ENVEKO GmbH; manufacturer: Kirchweyher Str. 8; 28844 Weyhe; Germany Date of issue 01.01.2005 Annex AtitemNo& AQ OiLfiltering equipment (for an oil content of the effluent not Item designation exceeding 15 p.p.m.) Product designation: Oily-water-separator oduct Type DVZ 2500 FSU-"OILCHIEF" Intended purpose: Oily water separating equipment (15-ppm plant) for engine rooms on sea going vessels acc. MARPOL 73/78, Annex I, Reg. 16 (1) and (2) pasta srt eu) IMO Resolution MEPC,107(49) for oil content meters and oily water See eae separating equipment in acc. with MARPOL 73/78, Annex I, Reg. 16 Remarks It is recommended to use quick separating cleansers. ‘The type tested was found to be in compliance with the Marine-pollution prevention requirements of Marine Equipment Directive (MED) 96/98/EC as amended by Directive 2002/75/EC subject fo any conditions in the schedule (part of this certificate) sis certificate may only be used in connection with module(s) DOF F OF E ofthis directive exiryeste: | 31.10.2009 fef ‘The approval af the installed equipmert wil be nforce beyord the vet date unt i revoked! ‘Signatofp (Setrert) Note 1: This certificate will not be valid if the manufacturer makes any changes or modifications to the approved ‘equipment, which have not been notified to, and agreed with the notified body named on this certificate. Note 2: Should the specified regulations or standards be amended during the validity of this certificate, the product(s) is/are to be re-approved prior to ivthey being placed on board Vessels to which the amended regulations or standards apply. ‘Note 3: The Mark of Conformity may only be alfited to the above type approved equipment and a Manufacturer's Declaration of Conformity iseued when the production-control phase module (D, E, or F) of ANNEX B of the Directive is fully complied with and: controlled by a written inspection agreement with a notified body. Noted: "Wheelmark" Format YY Lasttwo digs of year mark alive. XXXX Notified Body number undertaking surveillance module 20404 Hamburg 20457 Hamburg Inorg, he Garman gina sat peal sooxyy Technical data/approved drawings and additional conditions and remarks: The Priif- und Zertifizierungsstelle der See-Berufsgenossenschait verifies and certifies the conformity of the a.m. product with the Directive 96/98/EC of the Council, as amended by Directive 2002/75/EC, Annex B, Module F (Product Verification), section 5, Statistical Verification. All products will be divided into identical lots of 50 pieces each, starting with serial number 534305. Three (3) random samples will be drawn from each lot and individually examined, TYPENZULASSUNGSZEUGNIS fiir 15 ppm Bilge Alarm Cee of Tp Approve for iS ppm Bigestora ‘Ausgestlltim Namen der Reglerung der BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND,

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