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The charts show world pineapple exports by the top three

pineapple-producing countries in 2009 and 2019, and a breakdown

of the cost to the consumer of each pineapple in 2019

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main

features, and make comparisons where relevant.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The given bar chart illustrates the numbers of pineapple exports in three different
nations over the course of 10 years, starting from 2009 and the pie chart
demonstrates a breakdown of the price to consumer of each pineapple in 2019.

Overall, it is clearly seen that there were upward trends in the pineapple exports
in country A and C, while the opposite pattern was true in the figure for pineapple
exported in country B. In addition, the percentage of distribution & retail
accounted for the highest proportion, however, the lowest figure was evident for
that of export costs.

Looking at the bar chart, in 2009, the number of pineapple exports in country B
ranked in first position with nearly 5 million tonnes, which was five time as high as
that of pineaple exports in country A. Additionally, the figure for pineapple
exports in country C was about 0,2 million tonnes. The period 2009-2019
witnessed a significant climb to over 10 million tonnes in pineapple exports by
country B, compared to a slight growth of 0,1 million tonnes in country C. By
contrast, pineapple exports in country C experienced a sharp drop of nearly 2
million tonnes at the end of the period.

Looking at the pie chart, the percentage of distribution & retail made up the
majority of the cost at 35%, which was twice higher than that of profit. In a similar
fashion, the figure for taxes was the third highest proportion at 16%, followed by
that of international transport at 10%. The lowest figures were recorded for
export cost (4%) and producer (5%). At the same time, the proportion of import
licences was 10% in 2019
Some people believe that children should be banned from using their phones
during the school day. Others believe that children should be allowed to use
their phones.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

A number of people agree that minors should be prohibited from using their
smartphones at school while others consider phones should be allowed to use. In
this essay below, i would discuss both of these views and give my perspective.

On the one hand, mobile phones can cause the distraction in students if they
manage them in wrong ways. It is evident that besides equiping knowledge, phones
are an amazing choice to do other online activities such as chatting with friends,
watching video game or listening to music. In long term, it would ruin the studying
progress and lead to enormous drawbacks for students.

On the other hand, using phones is a quick and useful way to equip knowledge out
of the lesson at school and rise the learning productivity. To be more clear, mobile
phones is believed to be a handy but almighty dictionary bring a variety of detail
about everything, particularly knowledge about subjects at school, which assists
students totally comprehend the information which they are taught. For instance, in
a language course, when students meet a number of new words without actual
understanding, smartphone would be great assistants

In addition, phones is neccessary for emergency cases when student need to

contact with their family and solve their issues. In today world, it is imposible to
make sure that people school day would be always smoothy, there are troubles
somtimes, therefore, student should have the liberty to call their family members
for some help, for example in case of supplement medicaton or injury.

In conclusion, using phones during school day experienced both beneficial and
detrimental sides. However, in my view, mobile phones should be allowed to use
at school with some reasonable restrictions

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