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Work, Force and Energy

____ ..,.. ..
' • ' 1;

Introduction ~.,
.Force , ;:

Work, force and energy are interrelated with each other. When a·body moves from one
place to another on applying a fore~ ,it is said that the work is done. Work is said to be
no{done if body does !lot move or does not_€h,ange its posit~on on application of force on
it. The unit for the measurement.9f work done is Joule and represented by first letter
of its name, 11 J 11 .r!he unit for .the measurement.of force is Newton and representecl
by the first letter of its name II N '!. If' displacement and work done is known then the _
applied force can be calculated. _
Energy is the capacity to do the work. Heavy work require more energy and all living
things obtain energy from the food they eat. In this chapter, we will study about these
three important physical quantities work, force and energy.

Work is said to be·done if a force is applied on a body and body changes its states or
. physical shape. If the applied force and displacement are in parallel and i0. the same
direction then the work,done is said to be positive. The work done is said to be negative
if the displacement is in opposite direction.

Let the body A is at rest at a point M, and a force of IN is applied on the body.
The following three conclusions can be obtained by applying the force on the bod -
(i) If body A changes its position from M to N, then the work is done. y A..:

Body A changes its position


Body A Displacement _ _..,

(ii) If body A changes its shape is also work is done.

Body A changes its shape

. i r Bo.v. =1
/ /·/ I/ // 7I T1 7 7 I
(iii) If body A, neither changes its position nor its shape then no work is done.

J .-
•~0 displacement and no change in shape ,

I ·~.,
77777 I
When an amount of force is applied on a body, the rate of displacement of the body also
depends on the mass of the·body. Therefore, heavier body requires more force to displace.
The work is said to be done even if the body moves from its positiQn or it changes its
.shape. The mass of the body is not considered for calculating the work done.
When a force of I N is applied on a body and body changes its position by 1 metre, the
work is said to be done and work done is calculated by the foilowing formula;
Work d(?ne . Force·x Displacement= IN x Im= I Nm= I Joule.
· . Work done
Therefore, ·the applied force ·= . t•
0 1sp1acemen
. Work done
And displacement= A . d f
pp 11e orce
Let us assume that the body L is in rest at point P. A force of 250 N is applied on the
body to push it. Body L d~es not move and remains in_its original state. ~ence the
displacement (d) = o.
12- - - - - - - -- - ~W~ORK~,~FO~R~C~E0_AN~D~EN~E~R~G~Y

,rherefore ' the work done= Force x d'isp1acement. Now, substituting the value· of force
alld displacement, thus, work done = 250 N x 0 -_ 0 . Here, wor k done = o, 1t
· means no
work is done. ·
Le t the force of 300 N is acting on a bod? Th e d'1sp_1acement due to· applied
• force is
· 3 m.
fherefore, the work done = Force x displacement =300 N x 3 =900 J.

force due toh ENarth's Gravity ,/

Acco rdl·ng to t e ewton s 1aw of un1·versal
. grav1·t at10n,
· every
· obJect
· ·m the umverse
· ·

attracted by the other ~nd the exerte~ force between two bodies is directly proportional
to the product of their masses. and mversely proportional to the square of distance
between them. Therefore, the exerted force between two bodies ' m I and m2 = Gmi x2 m,

Where, G = Gravitational constant, m, al\d m, are the masses of two objects, r is

the distance between them.
When a body falls free from a certain height, the speed of the body falling on the Earth
surface depends on the mass of the body·and acceleration due to the gravity of the
Earth. This is called standard acceleration fall. Gravity is denoted by the small lett_er g.2
The precise value of the earth's gravity is 9.80665 m/ s2.and is considered only, 9.8 ml s • ·
. I
Force is required to _move or stop an object from its current state. If a car is running on
the road, driver applies a force on the_break to stop the car. Again, force is also required
on the accelerator .to move the car form its rest. In both the conditions, the force is
n:~quired: The unit for the measurement of applied force is Newton arid it is represented
by the first letter of its name, N. ' '
Let a body P is in rest at point A, a force of io N is applied by a body J, and a~oth~r
force of 20 N is applied by a body K in the s_ame direction as shown in the picture below.
Direction of possible displacement by the body Pon resulting force

Applied force of 10 N t,y a body J

The net or resulting applied force on the body is the sum of both the applied rdrces =
A 1· d L':· - b J A 1· d c. · ce by K - 1o N + 20 N = so N and the body P moves
pp 1e 1orce y + pp 1e 1or - ,
in the direction of the applied forces. _, ·

. d. .
. th , mount of force in the same 1rection but the di .
If the body J apphes : hanged and the body K applies the same allJ:ecboii
of applied force by the .0 y is c . ' bI Unt of
. .t direction as shown m the figure e ow.
force m opposi e . Direction of poss!bledispIacement by the body p on,resulting

Applied force of 20 N by a body K

u1 'I



The net or resulting force on the body P = Applied force of 20 N by the body K -Applied
fc 10
. · of N by the. body J = 20 N - 1o N _= 1o N and) 'the body P moves m the direction
of applied force by the body K (greater applied force .
Types of Force . . .
- aqoµt the tj,ifferent types _of forces in d~tail.
Let us know . '

Gravitational Force _

Every thing is i tfraCted by t~e Earth. The force with WhiCh tile ·earth's pull the tliing,
towards itself is called gravitational force.
If an object is thrown.upwards, it comes down on the earth due to the gravitational force.
Magnetic Force l I • •

•, J l ' •

The.force applied by a magnets on other magne~i~,inaterials is called the magnetic force.

When an iron piece is placed.near a mag9et, it ~ttracts the iron d\le to its magnetic force.
Two magnets can attract each other or repel each other. In both the conditions, the force
which works between them is called magnetic force.
Look at the following picture_ofm:ig,,etic field around a magnet,

•••~-----•·- sa--...~ . .__,_

., .,. - : . - - Magnetlcfleld .......... ,.:- ·-.... , .
f ;' ,.~ ·-- - --- ·-- ----- --- - ' ' , \
I ,,,

"•·.. '·---:-:----~
·,...:.· ---- - . ----:::::. ~' j
Maiiieiicfhiid ___ . ,. . . . _.,
""--....,,___._ ~. -- ---·•~•
Muscular Force

We can pull an·qbject due to the force applied by the muscles_.of our ·body. The force
applied by the muscles of human body is called the muscular force. Muscles fibres generate
tension which causes the muscles to lengthen, shorten etc as per the requirement.

~1APTER=-_l2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .:__~W~O~RK~,~F~O~R~C~E~AN~D_EE~N~ER~G~Y

E}ectrostatic Force
. 'fhe force ex:rted by. th e elect:ically charged body is called the electrost~tic force. A
plastic comb is charged on rubbmg with dry hair and charged comb attracts small pieces ·
of paper due to the electrostatic force. _ _ _

A ball rolling o~ a rough su~face stops after some time. If the same ball is rolled on a
smooth surfirce, 1t takes long time to stop. This is because the force of fri'ction between the
ball and surface is larger on the ro~gh surface a~ compare to that of the smooth surface.
'fhe force _qf frictipn acts in both the conditiof!S but .th,~ amount of ,friction is less on
smooth and large on rough surface. There are two fqrces that act on the ball, that is, the
force by which the ball is rolled on the surface and the fore~ by which the_surface opposes
the rnotion of the ball. The amo~nt of force by whi~h th~ ball is opposed by the surface
is called force of friction. Therefore, the net acted force between two surfaces in ~ontact
and their tendency to oppose the motion of each other is called the force of friction.
Look at the. following picture to understand the force of~ction: -
Force of Engine


Calculate the resulting force and direction hi which the door moves in the
picture below.
- Direction A
SON _ _,..


100N__ __.,

' • · fA
. N d door moves in the direction o
(A) Resulting force of 40 an

- cLASS-6 •

(B) Resulting force of 50 N .and door moves in the direction of

(C) Resulting force of 100 N and do<?r mov~s in the direction of A
(D) Resulting force of 20 N and door ,m oves in the direction of B
(E) N one of these
Answer (A)
Explanation: The resulting force= (80 N + 60 N + 100 N)- 200 N ==
and the door moves in the direction of A. Therefore, option (A) is ·correc~N,
. . . · and
rest o f t h e options 1s 1ncorre~t. ·
What would be the resulting force, if •two equal forces act on the.body.
. d" . .,. in
opposite 1rect1on!"' . ·
-(A) Zero resulting force (B) Unit resulting force
(C) 2 times of the applied forces (D) All of these
(E) None of these
Answer (A)
. Explanation: If ·two equal forces are applied on a body then the resulting
force on the body is always zero. Therefore, option (A) is correct and rest of
the option~ is incorrect. ·

We require energy to· do our daily work. Our body can apply force on an object due to
the energy of our body. Therefore, the energy is the capacity to do the work. Energy can
....,.=~+-J-.~r hP rrPated nor destroyed, it is only transformed from one form of energy into

JllS of Energy
are many forms of energy and one form of energy is transferred into another
foere · h · 1 ·
by the motion, c emica reactions, etc. Some forms of energy are as follows: ·
forJll . ·
(i) _ Mechanical energy (ii) Light energy
(iii) ·Chemical energy (iv) Heat energy
(v) Electrical energy (vi) Nuclear energy
(vii) Magnetic energy · (viii) Sound energy
yechanical Energy
A raised obje~t po_ssess for~ _of en_e rgy, called potential form of mechanical ene~gy.
A rurining object is capable t~ do the work because, it has kinetic form of mechanical
energy. Therefore, the ~ecban1cal e~er?y is the sum of both potential and kinetic en~rgy
· and a body has mechanical ener?y 1f 1t has either potential or kinetic energy or bo~h.
There are two forms of mechanical energy, potential energy and kinetic energy, which
are discussed below.
(A) Poten~ial Ener~: obj~ct poss_ess J:>Otential energy even if t~e obje~t is in
rest. An obJect can be 1n its static state 1f placed at a height. Also an obJect which has
elastic property can remain in its static state until the ·force is applied. The two forms
of potential energy, that is, g·r avitational potential energy and elastic potential energy
are discussed 'below. · · ·
(i) Gravitational _P otential Energy: The potential energy of an object depends on
the mass, raised height from the s·u rface and gravity. If on~ of a11 ·three parameters
is increased ·then the potential energy' of ·'the object is' also increased. Therefore, _t}).e
potential energy of an object is the product of its mass~ ·height at rwhich the body is
placed and gravity by which the object is pulled4 If an object is placed at a height, the

force of gravity acts on the ·object to bring it back on the surface.

A body, A is placed as the given 'in the picture below:

The body'A is placed at a height of\h and mass of the body ism Th~ g~avity · · d
by th 1 . · · 18 represente
e etter g. Therefore, the potential energy (P.E) possess by the ob· t A _ p .
of th e mass, height and gravity _ m x g x h = mgh. ~ec - roduct

Let us consider an example,

A transmitter is kept on the top of the mobile tower as shown in the picture b
_ ~.:-__--~ elow:

som ,

The total mass of the transmitter is 1200 kg and it is kept at the height of 250 met
from the surface.
. .
. \ . '

Therefore, the potential energy possess by the transm1tt~r = Mass of the transmitter
x Gravity x Height of the transmitter from the ground= 1200 x 9.8 X 250 ,cc 2940
fu~~ . 000
i" \

(ii) Elastic Potential Energy: Ela~tic potential energj is a form of energy stored in a11;
elastic material due to the stretching or compression. A stretched bow,possess elastic
potential_energy, Elastic potenti;tl ~1_1ei;gy is also stored in the spring.of a gun, stretched
rubber O?nd, et~. The a!Jlount of elastjc potential energY, possess elastic device
depends on the ,mio~nt of the *dche<! ~.1'1stic device. The 3JI1ount of elastic potential _
energy possess by an elasti~ de".ire ,is traJ;l~f,e rred to the related device. For example, ,
the' amount of elastic potential "energy possess by_ a spring of a gun is transferred tq,_
the bullet of the gun and billlet strikes on the target Therefore, th~ amount of elastic
potential eriergy pos,sess by a device depends on the am~~n't Of force by which the device
. I . II . f • •

is stretched. Less stretched elastic device' possess l_ess amount of elastic potential energy
and more s_tri,tched posSess more energy. Th~ ainountof elastic potential energy possess
by a stretched spring (stretch~d from its rest)=.! kx 2 . where, k = spring constant or
force constant and x = stretched distance. According to the Hook's law, the applied force
on a spring is the product of force const3/lt qr spring constant and stretched distance by
. F . .
the applied force. Hence, F = kx or k = x. If a spring is at rest and no force is applied
on the spring, then the spring does not pos_sess any elastic potential energy. In this
condition, when no force is applied on the spring, the spring constant or force conStant
is zero. Therefore, the elastic potential energy of the spring = .! x O x x2 = o . Hence, the
spring does not possess elastic potential energy, either spring{onstant (force constant)
or stretched distance is zero.

Le,t a spripg is -stretch~d its rest to 2 metres by applying a force of 219 N as shown
in th~ pictur~ belo.~.



. I ~ -2 metre - - - - - ,

219 - · ·
e spring constant or force constant' k = f_x = 2 -109 5 N/ m an d x = 2 metres (given
. ).
'fherefore) the elaS t ic potent~al energy possess by the spring at the given distance

occ½kx2 = ! 2
109.5 >< (2) = 219 joule.
>< .
(B) J(inetic Enei:gy'. From the explanation Of potential energy, we have learned that, a
body possess potential energy.eve_n if .the body is at rest and exerts a force on itself at
rest stage. The force can be due to the gravity of the earth o~ applied force for stretching
a spring. The concept of kinetic ener-gy is different than that of potential energy in this
way that, a body possess.potential_enel"gy at rest, whereas, a body possess kineti~ energy
diie to its motion. For example, a moving car, a ruiining boy, moving planets, a rolling
stone possess kinetic energy due to their motion.
. .

The kinetic energy of a moving object depends on the mass and (velocity) speed.
Therefore, the amount of kinetic energy possess by a body is more if the mass of the
body is more.If the speed of the body is in~reased then the kinetic energy of the body

will also be increase.

The kinetic energy possess by a body is the half of the product of its mass and square
of Its speed or velocity=! x Mass x (Speed) .
Let the mass of the earth iS about, s.97 36 ·x 1024 kilograms and its average orbital speed
isabout29.78 km/s = 29.78 x 1000 = 29789M/S.

. th- l X
(5 9736 X 10 ) X (29780)
Therefore, theamountof kineticenergypassess byt'1eear - 2 · ...
::: 26 4883880112 x 1622 joule.
. CLASS-6 • .

Light Energy
During the photosynthesis, water and carbon dio~ide react to form c_arbohydrates and
release oxygen in the presence of light energy radiated by the Sun. Light energy hel
. h . d' . Ps
the molecules of water and carbon dioxide to brea k down mto t e m ividual atoin to
form a complex molecule of carbohydrates. An image on the photographic film is forrned
when iight particles fall on the film for the chemical change.
Heat Energy
If a water filled pot is heated by a burner, the water near the lower level of the pot is
heated first .This water goes upwards and cold or less heated water comes downward.
The movell}ent of amount of water inside the pot is due _to the heat _e nergy passed by
the .b,urner._
Electrical Energy
A conducting wire is used to pass the electrical energy from one point to another point.
The ~enerator of electrical energy passes the energy to the electrons of the conducting
wire and wire passes ·these energy of electrons to the·load ·which is connected at the
end of the wire.
Nuclear Energy
The heavier elements like Radium, Uranium, etc. split their nuclei to become a stable and
lighter element. During this process the-energy is released, which is called nuclear energy.
Magnetic Energy

W~en a pie~e o~ iron comes in cont~ct with a magnet, it gets attracted to the magnets.
This attract10n 1s due to the magnetic energy of the iron. The electric motors, electric
fans etc work because, the electrical energy is converted info magnetic energy by the
coil and magnetic material inside.
Sound Energy
Microphone works on the sound energy. When a body produces sou d th
: . . . . n , e sound waves
get mixed with the air. Air, mixed with sound waves strikes on th d' h
. . . ' e iap ragm of the
microphone and vibrate the diaphragm according to the amplitude and fi
the sound waves. The co1·1 ms1
. 'd e t he mircrop
. hone vibrates
. according to th requency
. . of
diaphragm· and produces a sma II amount of eIectromot1ve · force in th ·.e vibrat10n of
e wire conne t d
t th both ends of the coil. An amount of current is produced b h ' ce
a e h ·1 y t e gene t d
~lectromotive force and current reach_es at t e cm of the loudspeaker. ra e

~~APfERl:.::..-2_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ WORK, FORCE AND ENERGY

Consider the following statements:

. ht d1: Thed .amount
Statement · th of potenti a1 energy possess by an object when
· placed
at a herg epen s on e mass of the object. ·
_ 2: . The amount of potential energy
. possess by an ob.~ect wh en
laced at a height depends on the height from the surf:ace of th e ob'~ect.
Which one of the following is correct about the ·above statements?
(A) Statement I is true and 2 is false
(B) Statement I is false and 2 is true
(C) Both statements are false
(D) Both statements are t.rue
(E) None of these
· Answer (D)
Explanation: The amount of potential energy possessed by an object when
placed at a height depends on the mass and height from the surface of the
object. Therefore, option (D) is correct and rest of the options is incorrect.

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