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PROBLEM STATEMENT Bio-digester is a consortium of anaerobic

bacteria, which have been screened and

Improper usage of toilets and sanitation gradually adapted to work at temperatures as
facilities by rural household provided by the low as -5°C through the isolation of psychrophilic
government under Swatch Bharat Abhiyan. bacteria from Antarctica/Siachen. These convert
the organic waste into water, methane and CO2.
The government of India constructed about 10.9 The anaerobic process inactivates the pathogens
crore individual household latrines (IHHLs) with responsible for water-borne diseases. Bio-
the main aim to make the rural areas of the digesters serve as reaction vessels for bio-
country open defecation free. Under SBM (G), the methanation and provide anaerobic conditions
incentive for construction of IHHL was enhanced and the required temperature for the bacteria.
upto Rs.12,000 to provide for water storage
facility for hand-washing and cleaning of the The following are the primary methods of human
toilet. Despite the facilities provided by the waste management or treatment:
government, people still do not use the toilets Pit latrine - collects human waste in a "pit" that
and rather defecate in open areas leading to has to be periodically emptied. The waste is
several health problems and an unhealthy either treated centrally or dumped in the ground.
environment. It doesn’t just harm the person The former consumes energy in transportation
involved but the whole community. The objective and treatment, whereas the latter contaminates
for which the facilities were provided seems to the environment and ground water. Septic tank
be failing and needs a solution for saving the retains the human waste, and is also periodically
people from the health hazards and improving emptied and cleaned, emits foul smell and any
their living conditions. leakage harms the groundwater. The other major
practice is of hugely built sewage treatment
Problem – The problem lies in the improper facilities (commonly called STPs). The human
usage of toilets and defecating in open by people waste is transported via sewer lines to the
in rural india especially. The reason behind it central facility and treated using colossal
might be the lack of awareness among people, amounts of energy.
ignorant behaviour and myths, stereotypes,
improper waste management after toilets use,
Bio-toilets, in contrast, treat the human waste at
lack of water supply or no regular maintenance.
source – obviating the need to carry/transport
Be it any of the mentioned reason, it doesn’t give
the fecal matter, no spoiling of environment or
us a reason to ignore the problem. Hence
groundwater, and don't need any energy. With no
suggestive measures need to be taken.
heavy infrastructure required – the bioloo eases
the burden on government bodies. Then, there
are other benefits of the bioloo. The system
PROPOSED SOLUTIONS leaves pathogen-free water as effluent that can
be re-used. For large bio-tanks, methane can be
IEC ( information, education and communication) collected and used. These can be installed
campaigns for teenagers and women. anywhere, without specification of land type,
Construction of Bio Toilets. terrain, distance, etc.

Bio Toilets : The bio-toilet consists of an easy to

install super-structure, a multi-chambered
matriced bio-tank that holds the bacterial culture
and supports the treatment of human waste. The
system doesn’t need any external energy for
treatment, rather gives out pathogen-free
effluent water that is apt for gardening and
similar purposes; and biogas that could be used
for cooking or heating. The system meets all
regulatory and environmentally compliances and
enhances the socio-environmental fabric of
India. Moreover, the bio-digester technology was
initially developed by Defence Research and
Development Organisation (DRDO) for the
defence personnel. The enterprise is pioneering
this, in an integrated approach, and taking this
effective and innovative sanitation solution to the
civil population with varying applications.
The initial investment would be rather high if the
OF PUBLIC government plans to replace normal toilets with bio
SANITARY toilets but the benefit driven would be far more
FACILITIES AND advantageous.
IMPROVE Since the people in rural india would also be
SUSTAINABILITY benefitted with compost, it is a win win situation. It
will also ensure that people use the sanitary
facilities provided to them and save themselves
from serious health bills.

People might be interested in following bio

toilets because it provides compost that they
could possibly use in their farms saving them
the money to buy it from the market.
Second awareness should be the utmost focus
point specially for teenagers and women.
Explaining them the health hazards might be
an important step as well in the whole process.

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