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The leading theme that is talking about this video is the interceptor which is basically a machine

that collect and remove floating debris on a river before the debris flows out into the see. This
device is better than another device ever invented. Collecting and removing floating debris is
important in these days because some rivers are polluted of many trashes especially plastic things.
In some rivers we can find many plastics so it´s crucial to get rid of these materials that pollute the
water and affect the ecosystem.

For the other hand, the video focus on the third-generation interceptor in which is better than the
previous generations, for example it´s more efficient and have more characteristics like being
monitored by the Interceptors' onboard computers, and the trash is emptied daily by a small crew.
Other differences we find is that we could remove more plastic than the previous generations, it
generates less cost than the previous generations, it´s easier to rollout than the previous
generation, it´s easier to assembly than the previous generations, it´s fastest in terms of
deployment, the conveyor belt is larger than the previous generations.

Some particular in this video is that the company that is called Ocean Cleanup which make these
devices also has a project consisting of make sunglasses that is collected on the ocean. These
glasses are called the “Ocean cleanup sunglasses” which are made of plastic pulled from the
ocean. This is something that help to the planet because recycling the plastic to reuse it making
other things that the people could wear. This action is better than not reusing these materials, like
simply storing them in some place.

Besides, The Ocean Cleanup has partnered with Kronekanes, a Finnish manufacturing and logistics
company in which they will build for the Ocean Cleanup and help deploy them around the world.
Currently the Ocean cleanup has three working installed in rivers in different parts of the world.
They consider that the rivers are the higher contributors of the plastic in the oceans.

The ocean cleanup has set the goal to collect more than 500.000 football field full of plastic and
debris and those devices have collected more than 250.000 full of plastic mostly from the rivers
where the interceptors are installed.

Lastly, I’m happier now then I watched this video because it´s awesome that exist nowadays those
devices that make life less polluted and the rivers and oceans with less trash and plastic.

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