HRM Assignment Baxi Sir

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Nome fagun Som

Roll No 2Nst
Semeoles Cevemna) (20a1-4)
Sobject Humon Resohce Manoge ment

Docribe me salemk teattmw d tachien aut. 1a48.

OGje0hive Bahely
The maiu edyechive q u e ask J to encme balk
MeasuM_nd_ MABANOt ueola Ondoelkos Th
wOkend mplayed in t totouieo an well to
NAWet ophazand 4asoth outnay
Th mey a t io nkeont to jMrideutchon to
wOncesMo oung Dpltbed and aloo MMAMIdes

2.CovoMARe C3- tue Nct.

cevenage t the aut teuued to
0Fautoin uoina power and mploying 10 wove
Woeens0 Weteugday Lh_mecediug
2 Momto.
Facmea net uoi pewe ardumploting-
20 MOre
mDYe _uWoMEeny_ 0M_any-OMEug do o
Mteoing 12 Mntha.
le factieshetally urtidad unden sechiy S
the 4acdnen_aut bdUgovevM ment o WT

Lmpovtane o talorieo att 194R.
The a i and ötyuE tMe a taentially
Sohegaumd tme intmeal h the worke).top
zhel enploitarion Ond tak come e sin Lgj
amd0eltanr ot Uuin plae auWn
agtscoas Va'ouo atligokions,_dute, und MeaporoilHutde-
M e i n umpie Uoh_a tourer_and aloo on lhe
Tipenka: Comeupks and iiuHow

OYwLotueaing aUy da muediug
2 mmtho on Jm CuM
manukottngAMDLO being lonaie4A
wlh me ou Pooe
12 LWhene 20 _mose OOMLRD OML Nemeiug

monho in ny pouit hwwh a

maoutechwug pADeD beiug Connied l
withaiwt nee povon

b) WoKRA
Apeso) Emplasyed dineuty thon
Agenyinlmaliug CMakulh)
)_uiK U
ieu lcnastese he
MuUpo ,aunplyeu
Whesnn Menunn7en nnetin any
manatmungMGCe tncleoanng

Ay Pont mauiney. pusmtss an

AAbtnete Manuhahmius0 dny
Cind r e mudemtal o Oh C neted

wih the manu^atHmin4 AMOtem, th

2njeu- Manatalhuta MOCe2.

2 Manvgacting MAOee.
Macins atlmng 4ehoining, 0Anam emir-J
Pkg4nihing,uu lathid clenin
Dreahng_Lofp,00Hhotoiu eaknA
Adaphnf any0ide Or Cub ckamcda wNKa
e eA Sales branepbYt
delivay diapaal,
i Pumpingt Watn Lewnge h Any
i )Gmtnahingbranfhomint. brbransmiing-

Composihg p porinngatntint
wtten M kn, Luhogsophyphbtogsaio
he OPhn Zimim
)Contutng Reuonstenting, Repniving
Repi h'n Ainnshina beatidg up clipi
and emel.
vi) PrenAving or noing aw ide
n ale rorag

d Hazmd aus Pocem

Any Moco o ottwily in Melahon to
On endustay &pauitied in the M t uhedurdu
wWhere unlem dpio on takun
matental waud the n he
mteuMediate n h iniched goed n
Mdnk WAaken doqnivaletp hne
CauAL watenlad imnpaimnnenk
htnth MOCero engaged in 0
eoneckqtheu_wit_, oein_hu
prilution he Gmena envinment.
e Adult.
A pAim
Ughreenh 7n

Adote jent-
A peml Wha bvo tmpute tttean
ye Ase b Moo nt Lmp leted m

A pus ho
r ytm

A dara injuy
Means iniy Mtonlting em indismal
aLLldent Whish_aMORd deoth to wmeAs

Non goral Inyimy

Mans njuy MeOulhng bom indwohl
whith Mwnttd t ' n e d wreen-
artmollna. ng to
to a
wnk or penivel
HDA MD LmmLdiate lDi
in w
Avtuage doiky no.e wnoe lmplyed
The annh4e no Ocns mplvyaq
Lalnlated divllin4 the aNenage nD,
attendemz o he wtui dans CThat i
man da uoted) by n omeie da
A y&on. Atemademil bm CapenakeAen
Ce a r thifts and dy Aits) shonde be
eounted lepenately. Doy mhich heauhomy
wo Cled wkotewen reooonandds
on wKchh t manothmi'ng veer
not CoAteo should npt
wme do

Mamday WoCed
Man tolal 0 ottendances diun
a lalesnaen Ylom

A Avnge no
0n4 total ouhnal How woad b
He exclvalSu t e
Ol elning ytm Ovenhmne Ob
M tenvalo bu-0 incuoling eeels
and r
civideol dalLyin the actor
ONe 4e wDe ed.
man A0w
total hich mdutn'n p ceD

NL Oeelcs in.
talcery plael
henD f acd
shonld be
t a cty O DCed


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