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B K School of Professional and Management Studies, Ahmedabad.

Academic Year : 2021-22

Batch : MBA (Evening) 2021-2024

Subject : Organizational Behaviour

Name of Assignment : Interpretation and Learning in Organizational Behaviour

Perspective from Movie “Life is Beautiful”

Submitted By : Group No-6

Details of Group Members :

Sr. Name Roll No Signature
1 Fagun Kishorbhai Soni 22154 Sd/-

2 Rahil Pareshbhai Shah 22151 Sd/-

3 Chetan Jugalkishor Sharma 22152 Sd/-
4 Kaushalkumar Girishbhai Patel 22134 Sd/-
5 Jay Sanjaybhai Jayswal 22119 Sd/-
6 Ravi Madhusudan Dholakiya 22114 Sd/-

Submitted to : Prof. Margie Parikh

Date of Submission : November 15, 2021

Table of Content:-

1. Introduction……..Page: 3

2. Summary………….Page: 3
3. Detailed Analysis: ………………………………………….Page: 5

4. A) Segments noteworthy from OB Perspective…………………………………………. Page: 5

B) Interpretation of the Selected Segments based on Understanding of Organizational Behavior
……………………………………………….Page: 5
C) Linking the segments' interpretation to specific theory/theories of OB………………………Page: 5
5. Learning from the Movie……………………………………………Page: 9


Extremist Italy and Nazi Germany held hands as the Axis Powers in World War II. They united on the front
line. however, they additionally cooperated to send Jews (just as other "hazardous" residents) to death
camps. A huge number kicked the bucket from ailing health, infection, fatigue, or execution. These camps
were dispersed all through Germany and Poland, with some in Italy and somewhere else. A program of willful
extermination called "The Final Solution" was made during the last long stretches of the conflict. This
program required the obliteration, all things considered." "Elimination camps were set up in Poland to kill off
Jews, wanderers, and whomever else the state had a political or individual enmity towards. The annihilation
camps, including Auschwitz and Treblinka, killed millions. People were delivered from Poland, Germany, Italy,
and somewhere else to these camps. A Jew living in Italy during this time was probably going to be delivered
to inhumane imprisonment or even an eradication camp. The endurance rate was extremely low, however, a
few overcomers of these horrendous camps are as yet alive today.


Life Is Beautiful is a 1997 Italian satire dramatization movie coordinated by and featuring Roberto Benigni,
who co-composed the film with Vincenzo Cerami. Benigni plays Guido Orefice, a Jewish Italian bookshop
proprietor, who utilizes his fruitful creative mind to safeguard his child from the repulsions of internment in
Nazi inhumane imprisonment. The film was to some extent motivated by the book, In the End, I Beat Hitler by
Rubino Romeo Salmon and by Benigni's dad, who went through two years in German inhumane
imprisonment during World War II.

Life is Beautiful opens on a note of amusingness as the hero, Guido, and his dearest companion, Ferruccio,
rocket down a nation slant, the brakes on their feeble old vehicle having given way. They go through a
motorcade, and the crowd is promptly mindful of where we are: the spectators, trusting Guido to be a Fascist
chief, all raise their arms in the "Heil Hitler" sign. While Ferruccio endeavors to fix the vehicle, Guido stumbles
upon a little homestead, where the one who is to turn into his first love in a real sense tumbles from the sky
into his arms. "Good day, princess!" he cries, smiling widely. Guido is hilarious and sharp and goes gaga for a
Gentile young lady named Dora.

Guido and Ferruccio track down lodgings with Guido's uncle, Eliseo, who as of late has gone under assault by
Fascists. Eliseo additionally assists Guido with finding a new line of work as a server in an extravagant lodging.
Guido visits a moneylender with an end goal to tie down an advance to open up a bookshop, and he before
long understands that the obnoxious man, Amico, who declines his advance is likewise the pledged of the
one who fell into his arms, Dora. The accompanying series of occasions exhibits what a really exceptional
person Guido is: he is particularly equipped for controlling his environmental factors so occasions that are
"fortuitous events" assume the air of certified enchantment. It is this capacity that at last influences Dora: on
one stormy evening, Guido essentially takes her away from the stale Amico and takes her on an excursion
through her creative mind to where pads can be utilized as skirts, the Virgin Mary tosses keys from the sky,
and red floor coverings unroll through obscured piazzas.
At Dora's commitment party to Amico, she chooses unequivocally to flee with the puzzling man who
continues to show up out of nowhere. Finally, Dora sees Guido's love, guarantee, and yields, contrary to what
she would usually prefer. Guido takes Dora from her commitment party, on a pony, embarrassing her fiance
and mom. Guido rides Uncle Eliseo's pony (which has been painted green and graffitied with the words
"Jewish pony") into the dance hall and spirits her away to the home where they are to leave for a few blissful
years. They have a child, Joshua, who has his dad's energy forever and his mom's inclination to hiccup.

A far hazier occasion happens: During World War II, in 1944 when Northern Italy is involved by Nazi Germany,
Guido starts to be harassed by the Fascists. Before long he, Eliseo, and Joshua are Seized and removed on a
train to a death camp. Dora, declining to be abandoned, demands that she be permitted to go to the camp
too. Subsequent to standing up to a watchman about her better half and child, and being told there is no mix-
up, Dora volunteers to get on the train to be near her family. However, as people are isolated in the camp,
Dora and Guido never see each other during the internment.

At the camp, Guido concludes that he will make an intricate ploy to shield his child from the frightfulness of
their circumstance. He lets Joshua know that his own dad took him on a "trip" actually like this one when he
was a kid and that on the off chance that he remains quiet, doesn't cry or request his mom, and complies
with every one of the standards, he will win focuses. After he wins 1,000 focuses, he will get first prize: a
genuine tank. Joshua, energized at the thought, moves toward the camp as a game rather than what it really
is: a jail.

The three grown-ups head in totally different ways once at the camp. Eliseo, since he is an elderly person, is
scrubbed down (Murdered in Gas Chamber). Dora goes to the ladies' camp, where she hears anecdotes about
the kids being butchered and fears for the wellbeing of her better half and child. Guido and Joshua go to the
sleeping shelter, where Guido keeps on imbuing the obscurity of the camp with quality of levity and
happiness. He even seized the amplifier so he and Joshua can shout out to Dora that they miss her and love
her. Guido pulls off different tricks, for example, utilizing the camp's amplifier to send messages symbolic or
literal to Dora to guarantee her that he and their child are protected. Joshua barely tries not to be gassed
himself as he would rather not wash up and shower and didn't follow different kids when they had been
requested to enter the gas chambers and were told they were showers.

In the camp, Guido conceals the genuine circumstance from his child. Guido discloses to Joshua that the
camp is a convoluted game wherein he should play out the undertakings Guido gives him. Every one of the
undertakings will acquire those focuses and whoever gets to 1,000 focuses first will win a tank. He lets him
know that if he cries, gripes that he needs his mom, or says that he is eager, he will lose focuses, while calm
young men who stow away from the camp watchmen procure additional focuses. Joshua is now and again
hesitant to oblige the game, however, Guido persuades him each an ideal opportunity to proceed. At a
certain point, Guido exploits the presence of visiting German officials and their families to show Joshua that
different kids are stowing away as a component of the game, and he likewise exploits a German babysitter
thinking Joshua is one of her charges to take care of him as Guido serves the German officials. Guido and
Joshua are nearly discovered to be detainees by one more server until Guido is found showing all of the
German youngsters how to say "Bless your heart" in Italian, successfully giving a stratagem.

Guido's potential for escape shows up when he is approached to be a server at an occasion where Doctor
Lessing, a close buddy of his from the eatery back home, presently a specialist in the Nazi armed force, will
feast. Specialist Lessing, nonetheless, disregards the weightiness of Guido's circumstance; it appears to be
that he just needed Guido to tend to tables at the party since he wanted assistance addressing a conundrum.
Forlorn, Guido returns Joshua to the sleeping quarters, however not prior to halting to play the Offenbach
show that he and Dora once went to over the amplifier with an end goal to lift his better half's spirits.

Guido keeps up with this story directly until the end when, in the tumult of closing down the camp as the
Allied powers approach, soon the conflict is finished, and the camp is tossed into a mess and frenzy. Each of
the detainees is being stacked onto trucks that are abroughing empty back. Frantic to caution Dora, Guido
advises Joshua to stow away in a bureau until everybody has gone, wears ladies' clothing, and slips over to
the ladies' camp. He is found, yet as he is walked off to his demise, he figures out how to give his child one
final snapshot of delight: as he strolls by the bureau where Joshua is stowing away, he tosses his child a wink
and does an interesting little walk- - playing the game as far as possible.

When morning shows up Joshua, seeing that everybody has gone, likely creeps out of the bureau. He glances
around in disarray and afterward hears a thundering somewhere far off. His eyes light up: a genuine tank is
adjusting the corner! He has won! An American trooper pulls him up into the tank, and they brave of the
camp. As they pass the hordes of got-away from detainees, Joshua perceives his mom and races to her. She
encloses him with a warm hug. "We won!" he shouts out. "Indeed, we won," Dora says.

Life is beautiful is a totally different interpretation of the holocaust. The film depicts the enduring of Jews
people group and a way never seen and makes cry and giggle simultaneously. Joshua was correct it was
without a doubt a win in the end his dad’s gift was something not accomplished effectively by standard
individuals making the difficult takeoff endurable and delightful. Guido realized what to look like in any
circumstance in the most ideal manner he realized how to put favor people groups faces and that makes life

Detailed Analysis:

A) Segments noteworthy from OB Perspective

Psychological Analysis of Movie

Sociological Analysis of Movie
Social Psychological Analysis of Movie
Anthropological Analysis of Movie

B) Interpretation of the Selected Segments based on Understanding of Organizational Behavior and

C) Linking the segments' interpretation to specific theory/theories of OB

Psychological Analysis:

Psychology seeks to measure, explain and sometimes change the behavior of humans and other animals. The
individuals who have contributed and keep on adding to the information on OB are learning scholars,
Personality scholars, Counseling Psychologists, and most significant modern and hierarchical analysts. The
formative hypothesis that is a mentally based hypothesis is seen through the association between the dad
and the child while under seizure during World War II. The formative hypothesis has been upgraded by the
way that, the dad, Guido, has been the good example in the children’s life, Joshua.


The Film depicts Guido as ridiculous, offbeat, and benevolent. He has a joke prepared for any circumstance.
His grin is ever-present and his viewpoint is consistently energetic. Indeed, even in the lowliest, most frantic
circumstances, Guido can figure out how to carry a grin to everyone’s face. Guido proceeds to grin and
delight in life’s little delights.


For Guido, his better half Doora and his Son Joshua was a Major inspiration. In the Movie we can see that
Guido was making an honest effort to cause doora and Joshua to have a sense of security, glad, and Stay
Positive in the most noticeably terrible Situations. In One Scene Joshua was going to fall while buckling down
in Concentration Camp and his associate tells him in the event that you will officer will shot you and he again
begin working. In the event that he tumbled down, his entire family will ship off Gas Chambers and be killed.


Guido has ensured that the child can see the camp to be another home. He has all the more in this way, not
considered the internal sensations of a child yet focused on encounters that they go through while in the
camp. For this situation, the dad has ensured that the encounters that they go through shape the person that
Joshua grow up to turn into. He conceals the way that, there are kids who have been killed by the
gatekeepers through lying that the kids are stowing away. He utilizes conduct, a formative hypothesis for this
situation to try not to frighten his child. Occurrences, for example, killings can be extremely annihilating to
small kids and, in this way, guaranteeing that Joshua doesn't know about the killings is the most ideal choice
for Guido.


Guido had an extremely inspirational perspective. He acknowledged each circumstance as a new test and all
the while he affected someone’s mind. He was a youngster by heart and his energy forever, his interest in the
world, and his enchanted reasoning make him a delight to be near. shielding himself from the despicable,
hostile to Semitic fundamentalists. As the conflict advances, Guido gets a day-by-day barrage from
government authorities, officials, and, ultimately Nazis. The main weapon that he has is humor.

Social physiological Analysis:-

Social brain science is the logical investigation of how the contemplations, sentiments, and practices of
people are impacted by the genuine, envisioned, and inferred presence of others, 'envisioned' and 'suggested
existences' alluding to the disguised normal practices that people are affected by in any event when they are
distant from everyone else.

The fundamental person Guido is a fun, clever, and sharp Jewish person who makes the best of each
circumstance he experienced with. The start of the film showed the simple and amusing existence of Guido
from his previous lifestyle in a humble community to live with his uncle in the huge city. In the film, it is
shown that when Guido is around his family then he doesn't show his dread, pressure and makes a creative
reality where he addressed himself as cheerful before his family at inhumane imprisonment. In inhumane
imprisonment he oftentimes send backhanded and some strict messages to doora to show he and his child is
protected in camp. He saw the terrible circumstance with a positive and novel viewpoint to himself and to his


Guido depicted insight and inventiveness in the difficulties and battles (injuries) of him being in inhumane
imprisonment alongside his child. As he needed to shield his child from the revulsions of the Nazis and the
unpleasantness of the fixations camps. Other than that, in the camp, Guido made up a game for his child to
shield him from the unforgiving truth of the remorselessness by the Nazis on their fellowmen.

Behavioral Change and Persuasion:

Guido showed determination and humor with the round of questions for Joshua to finish to procure 1000
focuses to win a tactical tank. His tirelessness of completing the game he got going despite the fact that he
was to be executed. He advised his child to remain in a sweatbox (picture above) until everyone has left. That

being the last rivalry before the tank is his. While he was directed to his execution by a Nazi officer, Guido
passes by Joshua one final time, staying in character and playing the game in spite of he will pass on.


In the end, he saved his child by forfeiting himself securing Joshua utilizing his persistency in completing the
game with his child. The misery of forfeiting oneself for a friend or family member is veiled with humor.

Collective Decision Making:

Attempts at changing general feelings, perspectives, and convictions range from publicizing and tutoring to
programming. Their adequacy is exceptionally disputable. We show that Nazi indoctrination with its
particular spotlight on cultivating race hatred was profoundly compelling. Germans who grew up under the
Nazi system are significantly more enemy of Semitic today than those brought into the world previously or
after that period. These discoveries exhibit that convictions can be altered hugely through strategy
mediation. We likewise show that it was presumably Nazi tutoring that was best, and not radio or film
purposeful publicity. Where tutoring could take advantage of previous biases, inculcation was especially
solid. This recommends that affirmation inclination might assume a significant part in heightening mentalities
toward minorities.

The counter-Semitism development had assumed control over the entire of Italy and all Jews are guilty
parties and are jailed in the death camps. Guido and his family were not fighting from the remorselessness of
the Nazis. Before they were shipped off inhumane imprisonment, one scene portrayed the contention that
Guido confronted with his child.

Guido kept up with his four fundamental qualities decidedly at whatever point defeating the obstructions as
well as clashes experienced. He rehearsed the components of positive brain research (utilizing his qualities)
by seeing and making a move emphatically on the difficulties and making a positive significance out of it.

Sociological Analysis:

social science, sociology concentrates on human social orders, their cooperation, and the cycles that save and
change them. It does this by analyzing the elements of constituent pieces of social orders like organizations,
networks, populaces, and sexual orientation, racial, or age gatherings. Humanism additionally concentrates
on economic wellbeing or definition, social developments, and social change, just as cultural issue as
wrongdoing, aberrance, and unrest.

Intergroup Behavior: Jews in Europe had been casualties of segregation and abuse since the Middle Ages,
frequently for strict reasons. Christians considered the Jewish confidence to be a variation that must be
suppressed. Jews were at times compelled to change over or they were not permitted to rehearse specific

In this film we can see that Jews are shown honest and Hard- working and oppressed by the Nazi
Government lead by Hitler. In the film scene, we can see that there were sheets held tight Shops citing Dogs
and Jews are not permitted. That plainly shows how much disdain and Propaganda spread by Nazis against

Power: Power depends on Individual Position it can emerge out of capacity to force or remunerate or from
formal Authority.

In the Movie, We can see that Nazis embarrassed and demolished his dad’s house and take them to the
Concentration Camp by making excessive tension on Guido and his child. Hitler and his powers used to
plunder, Demolishing property and Steal from the Shops and Kidnapping all individuals including children and
mature individuals having a place with Jews Community and upheld to work in inhumane imprisonment
against their willing. After a section of Certain time-frame when they can't work for them they were shipped
off the Gas Chambers to kill them.

Hitler and his powers utilized conventional ability to frighten laborers and Jews by Fear and compromising of
Physical Assessment to know whether they can deliver plentiful of items for their military.


The German loss was difficult to accept for some Germans, and for Hitler, as well. In patriot and traditional
moderate circles, the betray legend became well known. As per this legend, Germany didn't lose the conflict
on the war zone, yet through selling out at the home front. The Jews, Social Democrats, and Communists
were considered dependable.

Under Mussolini's standard, against Semitism in Italy encountered an emotional increase the Ministry of
Popular Culture gave a declaration Della razza, or "statement of the race." This pronouncement announced
that there is an order of races and that the Jewish race is sub-par compared to the Aryan race. Directly
following this distribution, numerous Jews experienced mistreatment, lost their homes and positions, and in
the long run were transported to inhumane imprisonments. There was little objection after the statement
Della razza or the subsequent treatment of the Jews. This isn't is business as usual, nonetheless, in light of the
fact that Italy's set of experiences of oppressing Jews stretches outback before Mussolini and the Fascist

Anthropological Analysis:-

Human studies is the investigation of Societies to find out with regards to the person and their exercises.
Anthropologists’ work on culture and conditions has assisted us with understanding contrast in Fundamental
Values, Attitudes and Behavior between People in Different Countries and inside Different Organizations.

Cross-Cultural Analysis:

Although antisemitism focal part of the Nazi worldview is dependent on the conviction that Jews are
individuals from an unmistakable race, the historical backdrop of contempt, bias, and separation focusing on
Jews stretches out back in time over two centuries, sometime before race arose during the Enlightenment. In
the last part of the 1800s, numerous European and American researchers kept on partitioning mankind into
more modest and more modest races. One of these was the Semitic race, which they used to order Jews. The
term discrimination against Jews was authored by German Wilhelm Marr, who distributed a flyer in 1878
named The Victory of Judaism over German Dom. Loaded up with falsehoods and legends about Jews, Marrs
leaflet contended that Jews were in excess of a particular race. They were perilous and outsider, goal on
vindictively obliterating German culture.

Marr established the League of Anti-Semites in Berlin in 1879 to battle the danger he envisioned that Jews
presented. In spite of the fact that his political association didn't acquire a lot of help, the bigoted convictions
of discrimination against Jews spread across Europe, giving avocation to segregation and viciousness against
Jews in the 20th century.

Discrimination against Jews depends on the possibility that specific physical and scholarly contrasts exist
among gatherings and that these distinctions are organic, super durable, and irreversible. Since they
accepted, erroneously, that contrasts between alleged races were defended by current science, antisemites
were persuaded that science likewise advocated victimization Jews.

Nazis zeroed in on advancing straightforward and conventional parts of German culture while eliminating any
groundbreaking thoughts, or resistance, to the Nazi ideal. The interaction was boundless and profoundly

regulatory. While a few parts of prohibited or stifled culture endure, none had the option to flourish under
the Third Reich.

Learning from the Movie:-

The film delivered significant conversations about human poise and discussions about the protection of
honesty. The film represents the barbarities of the Holocaust in a manner that is incredible yet proper. The
explicit negligence for human pride is apparent in the treatment of the Jews in the ghetto, ousting them from
their homes, declining them basics for endurance, and in the death camp itself.

Regardless of hostility to Semitic mentalities and laws, Benigni needed to show that life is truly delightful as
you watch Guido’s tenacious endeavors to make an interesting encounter of the fixation to his child. You get
depleted watching him going through his agonizing day but then you grin as he addresses his child and makes
him chuckle.

Guido, the lead character in the film and father of the family, endeavors to safeguard his child from the
detestations of the inhumane imprisonment. He is effective yet just through giving as long as he can
remember to achieving this. After the film, participants of the screening examined Guidos accomplishment
and the significance of guiltlessness and the dads job in the family. Protecting guiltlessness is maybe the most
significant topic in the film and delivered numerous conversation focuses. Safeguarding of blamelessness is a
significant part of childhood since it advances solid, mature openness to significant issues and shields kids
from the harming parts of the world when they are as yet in their formative stages. This security is significant
on the grounds that, at these youthful ages, youngsters can't really get a handle on the earnestness of these
issues. Additionally, kids are growing intellectually. The world they experience childhood in will shape the
individual they develop into. No parent would decide to have their youngster molded by the obscenities of
the world and ought to decide to ensure their guiltlessness during these primary stages. Guido does only this,
and that is the thing that makes him an effective dad.

Finally, as an individual don't abhor anybody. Disdain is an illness that might obliterate your adversary
however it annihilates you simultaneously. Do all that which is feasible to make this world a superior spot to
live for everybody. Educate and offer joy to everybody. Satisfaction doesn’t tumble from the sky it’s in our
grasp. A positive and glad mentality carries great wellbeing to the body and psyche. Everybody should set
aside an effort to be content and partake in the Life in Best Possible Way. There is an opportunity to snicker
and there is a chance to cry however in the pleasantness of Friendship, let there be part of Laughter and
sharing delight, happy occasions might be better and awful occasions neglected because of the wizardry of
fellowship. Continuously see Good things in life tomorrow will come yet first appreciate today.


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