Circuits II Lab Manual

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Modern Science & Art University

Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical Communication & Electronic Systems

Electric Circuits II
ESE263 - ESE243

Lab Manual
MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Week # Experiment Grade TA Signature


The V-I Relationship for a Resistor

Characteristics of RC in AC Circuit

Characteristics of RL in AC Circuit
Series Resonance in RLC Circuit


Midterm exams
Parallel Resonance in RLC Circuit

Low Pass (RC) Filter

Final lab exam

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 2

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243






Errors and Deviations………………………………………………………..4

Data Analyzing………………………………………………………………..5

Safety Considerations………………………………………………………..5

Working with Oscilloscope……………………………………………………8

The V-I Relationship for a Resistor ………………..………………………10

Characteristics of RC in AC Circuit…………...……………………………12

Characteristics of RL in AC Circuit…………………………………………15

Series Resonance in RLC Circuit…………………………………………18

Parallel Resonance in RLC Circuit……………………………………….21

Low Pass (RC) Filter..……………………………………………………….24

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 3

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

This laboratory manual includes the basic experiments that support a well-balanced electronic II
course to meet the requirements for laboratory experience. This manual is intended to serve you as a
laboratory guide. It is planned to make your laboratory work more efficient and profitable, and give
you a better understanding of electronics II. Some general directions are given hence for your
experimental work. You should study these procedures before you start to use this manual. As
necessary, you will be referred back to various sections of this introduction throughout the course of
your work. Other special instructions for some of the experiments are included within those

These introductory notes describe the laboratory equipment and some general procedures to be
followed on all of the exercises.

 The major pieces of lab equipment at each station are:
 Oscilloscope: GOS-652 and Harris
 IDL - 800 Digital Lab
 Signal generators: TTI
 UNI Frequency Counter
 Linear Circuit Lab, KL-200
 Digital multi meter: HC3500, M3900, M3800

You will be more successful in your laboratory work and work more efficiently if you read each
experiment through before coming to the laboratory. The purpose of the experiment tells you what
you are expected to learn, to do, and to observe. The apparatus, Introduction, and Suggestions are
intended to explain the apparatus used, to describe the problem presented, and to show a practical
application of the experiment.

When you enter the laboratory, you should procure the necessary apparatus, set it up according to
the directions given in the experiment or furnished by your instructor, have your setup checked by
instructor if necessary, and proceed to obtain the necessary data. Make sure the apparatus is working
properly during the course of the experiment. You should strive for as high a degree of accuracy as
possible, but a less accurate result honestly obtained is always better than worthless perfect results
obtained by “doctoring” readings and other data.

During the course of the experiment, you should keep careful and complete notes of your work. These
notes should then be arranged logically and transcribed neatly as part of your laboratory report. The
tables and other suggestions in the experiment should serve as guides in making your report. If your
work with a partner or partners, it is suggested that you list the name of each partner on your report.
This will facilitate the checking of data by your instructor.

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 4

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Obtaining data in most electronic experiments consists of making measurements. In reading
voltmeters, ammeters, etc., you should count the number of divisions between consecutive numbers
and then divide the difference between such numbers by the number of divisions. The quotient equals
the value of the smallest scale division. The reading should then be made by estimating to the nearest
tenth of this smallest subdivision.

The numbers that represent the value of a measurement are significant figures. The numbers
obtained directly from the scale graduations and one number (the rightmost) obtained as an estimate
between two successive scale graduations are significant figures. For example, with a meterstick,
which is graduated in tenths (1/10) of a cm, we can measure a length of a wire with certainty to the
nearest tenth of a cm and estimate the length to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of a cm. The figures
that represent the value of this measurement are significant figures. The measurements in the
experiments in this manual are to be made in significant figures.

In making calculations with measured quantities, we must follow certain precautions to ensure that the
calculated values obtained from the measurements are not expressed with great precision than the
precision of the original measurements warrants. A brief summary for performing calculations with
significant figures is given here:

Addition or subtraction. When adding or subtracting similar measurements, each measurement

should be rounded off so that the rightmost column of digits is the only one containing uncertain digits.
(5.3+4.57+1.385 = 5.3+4.6+1.4 = 11.3)

Multiplication or division. When multiplying or dividing measurements, the product or quotient should
not usually contain more significant figures than are found in the term with the least number of
significant figures used in the multiplication or division. In a series of multiplication or division, round
off after each separate calculation. ( 7.64  5.45 = 41.6380  41.6) , (64.7  89.3=5777.71  5780)

Errors and Deviations

In most of experiments you will be asked to compare your results with certain accepted values or to
compare two or more of your findings with each other. The difference between your experimental or
calculated results, X C ,and accepted value, X * ,is called “absolute error” , Ea . When expressed as
a percentage of accepted value, the difference is called “relative error”, Er .
Ea  X C  X *
Er   100%

When you compare two or more findings with each other then the differences are called “deviations”.
The equations for finding the absolute, Da and relative deviations, Dr of your data are
Da  X C  X

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 5

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243
Dr  100%

Where, X , Da are the average of several readings and the average deviation, respectively.

Data Analyzing
In certain experiments our primary concern is not with making measurements but with performing
certain operations and observing the results. In such experiments you are called upon to record your
observations. These are to be concise statements that clearly indicates what you observed when the
experimental procedure was carried out. Record your observations in the form of complete sentences
insofar as possible.

At the end of certain experiments you will be called upon to state your conclusions. Faulty conclusions
often arise from incorrect observations or form failure to understand some part of the experiment.

Safety Considerations
 Use only isolated power sources (either isolated power supplies or AC power through
isolation power transformers). This allows using a grounded oscilloscope and reduces the
possibility of completing a circuit through your body or destroying the test equipment.
 When connecting equipment to power circuits, check to be sure that if equipment is not
isolated from the line and ground, you do not cause grounding shorts (that is 2 or more points
of different voltages being shorted by the test equipment).
 Initially start testing with a low voltage source and low power. Low voltage is achieved using a
variable transformer or power supply at the source. After operation is proven, increase
voltages and power, stopping at frequent levels to check for hot components and for electrical
noise that can affect the circuit's operation.
 Keep high voltage parts and connections out of the way from accidental touching and from
contact to test equipment or to parts connected to other voltage levels.
 Keep the work area neat:
 No loose wires or metal pieces to cause shorts and sparking
 No long wires to get in your way while making adjustments or changing leads.
 No paper near the circuit to catch fire.
 Wear safety glasses when operating the circuit at high power or high voltage.
 When working with inductive circuits, reduce voltages or currents to near zero before
switching open the circuits.
 Remove power to your circuit before changing connections.Discharge all high voltage
capacitors before making changes or working on the circuit.
 BE AWARE - bracelets, rings, metal watch bands, and loose necklace conduct electricity and
can cause burns. Do not wear them near an energized circuit.
 Use rubber floor mats (if available) to insulate you from ground.
 Learn CPR and keep up to date. Your can save a life.
 Fire extinguishers and first aid kits are in each lab. Know where they are.
 When working with energized circuits (while operating switches, adjusting controls, adjusting
test equipment), use only one hand while keeping the rest of your body away from conducting
surfaces and keep your other hand in your pocket.
 Double check your wiring and test circuit connections and think them through. It is a good
idea to use a point-to-point wiring diagram to review when making these checks.
 A switch should be included in each supply circuit so that when opened, these switches will
de-energize the entire setup. Place these switches so that you can reach them quickly in case
of emergency, and without reaching across hot or high voltage components.

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 6

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

1. Oscilloscope
1.1 General
The oscilloscope is one of the most widely used instruments for general testing and troubleshooting. It
is basically a graph-displaying device that traces a graph of an electrical signal on its screen. The
graph show how signal change over time. The VERTICAL axis of the screen represents voltage and
the HORIZONTAL axis represents time. From the graph the waveform's parameters can be obtained
such as time period, frequency, amplitude, rise time, fall time, and duty cycle for digital waveform.
Typical oscilloscope has two channels which can display two different waveforms simultaneous

There are two basic types of oscilloscope, analog and digital. Both types can be used to view different
waveforms, and both can view pulse waveform in digital circuits. An analog oscilloscope works by
applying the signal voltage being measured to an electron beam that is sweeping across the screen.
The measured voltage deflects the beam up and down proportional to the amount of voltage,
immediately tracing the waveform on the screen. A digital oscilloscope samples the signal voltage and
uses analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to convert the analog voltage to digital information. The digital
information used to reconstruct the waveform on the screen.

(a) Analog Oscilloscope (b) Handheld Oscilloscope

Figure 1: Typical Oscilloscopes

1.2 Description
The 6xxG family oscilloscopes are dual-channel analog oscilloscopes with maximum sensitivity of
1mV, and maximum sweep time of 10 nSec/DIV. Each of these oscilloscopes employs 6-
inchrectangular type cathode-ray tube.

There are two VOLT/DIV controls, one for each of the two channels. These controls determine the
attenuation and amplification of the signal, and each of the setting on the dial indicate the number of
volts (V) or millivolts (mV) represented by each division on the screen. The time base or SEC/DIV
control sets the number of seconds (S), milliseconds (ms), or microseconds (uS) represented by each
horizontal division as indicating by the dial setting. You can measure the period of a pulse waveform
on the horizontal scale and then calculate the frequency.

Oscilloscope basic Controls:

Power Switch: The power switch turns the power on and off. A light indicates when the power is on.

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 7

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Intensity: The intensity control varies the brightness of the trace on the screen.

Focus: This control focuses the beam so that it converges to a tiny point at the screen. An out-of-
focus condition results in a fuzzy trace.

Horizontal and Vertical position: These controls are used to move a trace horizontal across the
screen up or down for easier viewing or measurement.

AC-GND-DC switch: This switch allows the input signal to be ac coupled, dc coupled, or grounded.
The ac coupling eliminates any dc component on the input signal. The dc coupling permits dc values
also to be displayed. The ground position allows a 0V reference to be established on the screen.

Signal inputs: The signal voltages to be displayed are connected into the channel 1 (CH1) and/or
channel 2 (CH2). An oscilloscope voltage probe contains a switch to switch between two modes (X10)
and (X1). The first one attenuates or reduces the signal voltage by a factor of ten, and the second one
pass the original signal as it is.

Mode switches: These switches provide for displaying either or both channel input signals, inverting
channel 2 (INVERT), adding two waveforms (ADD), and selecting between alternate (ALT) and
chopped (CHOP) mode of sweep. As a rule, ALT is selected when the frequency is above 100 Hz;
otherwise, CHOP is used.

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 8

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Experiment 1-7

The Oscilloscope

1. Explain the effect of each basic control in the oscilloscope.
2. Measure the amplitude and frequency of an unknown sinusoidal electrical signal by using


To measure an electrical voltage you would use a voltmeter. But what happens if the electrical
voltage you want to measure is varying rapidly in time? The voltmeter display may oscillate rapidly
preventing you making a good reading, or it may display some average of the time varying voltage. In
this case, an oscilloscope can be used to observe, and measure, the entire time-varying voltage, or
"signal". The oscilloscope places an image of the time-varying signal on the screen of a cathode ray
tube (CRT) allowing us to observe the shape of the signal and measure the voltage at different times.
The oscilloscope plots voltage as a function of time. The voltage is on the vertical (y) axis and the
time is on the horizontal (x) axis If the signal is periodic (it repeats itself over and over) as is often the
case, we can also measure the frequency, time period, and voltage peak-to-peak.

Amplitude =(No. of VOLT/DIVISIONS) X (value of each VOLT/DIVISION)

Time Period = (NO. of TIME/DIVISONS) X (value of each TIME/DIVISION)


For a VOLT/DIVISION setting of a 4 V and a TIME/DIVISION setting of 2ms, determine the amplitude
and the time period of the pulse shown on the screen.


Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 9

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

 Turn on the oscilloscope
 Adjust the oscilloscope channels (CH1 & CH2) by connecting its channel to the calibration
voltage terminal.
 Turn on the Function Generator, and adjust its output to the listed values on the table below.
 Connect oscilloscope's CH1 to the output terminal of the function generator.
 Observe the change of VOLT/DIVISION and TIME/DIVISION scale.
 Fill the Table below.






20 10

100 8

30 6

40 4

50 2

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 10

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Experiment 2-7

The V-I Relationship for a Resistor

Observe the relationship between voltage and current in AC circuit.

When an AC voltage is applied across a pure resistance, the resultant current is in phase with the
applied voltage. Resistance therefore has no phase angle associated with it and is simply written as

 AC source.
 Oscilloscope.


 R1:100
 R2: 1.5k

 Turn on Oscilloscope
 Adjust the oscilloscope channels (CH1 & CH2) by connecting its channel to the calibration
voltage terminal.
 Set the function generator to 9 VPP and to 1KHz (Sinusoidal Wave)
 Construct the circuit shown in the figure
 Attach CH1 probe to R1
 Attach CH2 probe to R2
 Press IVERTER button on CH2
 Complete the Table below.

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Fig. 2-6-1

Data and Analysis

VOLT/DIVISION TIME/DIVISION Amplitude Frequency Phase Difference

Channel #1

Channel #2

1. When we can say that the two signals are in phase or out of phase?

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 12

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Experiment 3-7

Characteristics of RC in AC Circuit
Verifying the concept that capacitor makes a 90o phase difference between voltage applying across it
and the current passing through it.


 Oscilloscope
 AC source
 DC supply


 (1) 150 Ω Resistor

 (1) 0.47 uF Capacitor
 Vm = 5 V and f = 1 kHz

We know from the capacitor equation that

If we applied a sinusoidal voltage source equals

𝑉𝑐 = 𝑉𝑚 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃𝑣 )

So the current will be

𝐼 = 𝑉𝑚 𝐶𝜔 cos(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃𝑣 )
𝐼 = 𝑉𝑚 𝐶𝜔 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃𝑣 − 𝜋⁄2)

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 13

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243
So the current leads voltage by 90o
Δ𝜃 = 2𝜋𝑓Δ𝑡

In a series RC circuit, the current is the same through both the resistor and the capacitor. Thus, the
resistor voltage is in phase with the current, and the capacitor voltage lags the current by 90°.
Therefore, there is a phase difference of 90° between the resistor voltage, VR, and the capacitor
voltage, Vc, as shown in the waveform diagram of Figure 3-6-1.

Figure 3-6-1

1. Construct the circuit shown in Figure 3.2.
2. Connect the Channel one for the Oscilloscope across the resistance and Channel Two across
the capacitor "Be sure that the Black terminal for both channel connected together in the
common node".
Oscilloscope Setting:

a. Mode : Dual
b. Channel Two : Inverse Mode
c. Trigger : CH1

3. After you adjust the Oscilloscope correctly you will find the 90 phase difference between the
current and voltage.
4. Record your raw data in a table.

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 14

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Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Figure 3-6-2

Data and Analysis

Amplitude Volt / div Time / div T f Phase difference

Channel #1

Channel #2


1. If we connected two series capacitors, what will be the phase difference between the
current and voltage?
2. If we connected two parallel capacitors, what will be the phase difference between the
current and voltage?

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 15

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Experiment 4-7

Characteristics of RL in AC Circuit
Verifying the concept that inductor makes a 90o phase difference between voltage applying across it
and the current passing through it.


 Oscilloscope
 AC source
 DC supply

 (1) 150 Ω Resistor
 (1) 0.39mH Inductor
 Vm = 5 V and f = 1 kHz

We know from the capacitor equation that
If we applied a sinusoidal current
𝐼𝐿 = 𝐼𝑚 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃𝑖 )

So the voltage will be

𝑉 = 𝐼𝑚 𝐶𝜔 cos(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃𝑖 )
𝑉 = 𝐼𝑚 𝐶𝜔 sin(𝜔𝑡 + 𝜃𝑖 − 𝜋⁄2)

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 16

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243
So the voltage leads voltage by 90o
Δ𝜃 = 2𝜋𝑓Δ𝑡

In a series RL circuit, the current is the same through both the resistor and the inductor. Thus, the
resistor voltage is in phase with the current, and the inductor voltage leads the current by 90°.
Therefore, there is a phase difference of 90° between the resistor voltage, VR, and the inductor
voltage, VL, as shown in the waveform diagram of Figure 4-6-1.

Figure 4-6-1

 Construct the circuit shown in Figure 4-6-2.

 Connect the Channel one for the Oscilloscope across the resistance and Channel Two across
the capacitor "Be sure that the Black terminal for both channel connected together in the
common node".
 Oscilloscope Setting:
 Mode : Dual
 Channel Two : Inverse Mode
 Trigger : CH1
 After you adjust the Oscilloscope correctly you will find the 90 phase difference between the
current and voltage.
 Record your raw data in a table.

Figure 4.2

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 17

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Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Data and Analysis

Amplitude Volt / div Time / div T f Phase difference

Channel #1 5 5 1ms 1 1kHz
Channel #2
5 2 1ms 1 1kHz


1. If we connected two series inductors, what will be the phase difference between the current
and voltage?
2. If we connected two parallel inductors, what will be the phase difference between the current
and voltage?

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 18

MSA University Electric Circuits II
Faculty of Engineering ESE263/ESE243

Experiment 5-7

Series Resonance in RLC Circuit

Verifying the resonance concept in RLC circuit and showing the phase difference between the current
and voltage.

 Oscilloscope
 AC source
 DC supply
 Frequency Meter

 150 KΩ Resistor
 0.47 uF Capacitor
 0.39mH Inductor


Figure 5-6-1

For the circuits shown on figure 5-6-1 there is a series RLC circuit, the total impedance of this circuit
𝑍 = 𝑅 + 𝑗𝑋𝑙 − 𝑋𝑐
The net reactance of the circuit equals:
1 1
𝑋 = 𝑋𝐿 − 𝑋𝐶 = 𝑤𝑙 − = 2𝜋𝑓𝑙 −
𝑤𝑐 2𝜋𝑓𝑐

The current passes through the circuit equals:

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 19

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√𝑅 2 + (𝑋𝐿 − 𝑋𝐶 )2
At certain frequency which is called Resonance frequency the capacitive and inductive reactances are
equal in magnitude; thus, they cancel each other and result in purely resistive impedance


At this case the current will be the maximum:

𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
For a given RLC circuit, resonance occurs at only one specific frequency. A formula for this resonant
frequency is developed as:

𝑊𝑙 =
𝑊2 =
𝑓𝑐 =

At frequencies below resonance, XC> XL, and the current leads the source voltage, as indicated in
Figure 5.2(a). The phase angle decreases as the frequency approaches the resonant value and is 0°
at resonance, as indicated in part (b). At frequencies above resonance, X L> XC, and the current lags
the source voltage, as indicated in part (c). As the frequency goes higher, the phase angle
approaches 90°. A plot of phase angle versus frequency is shown in part (d) of the figure.

Figure 5-6-2

 Construct the circuit shown in Figure 5-6-1.
 Connect an ammeter in series with the circuit.
 Adjust the function generator output to the maximum volt, and vary the frequency according to
the table.
 Record the reading of the ammeter in each case.
 Calculate the frequency theoretically and compare the result with the practical value and
calculate the error.

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 Record your raw data in a table.

Data and Analysis


Fc (Practically)

Table 5-6-1

1. What is the resonance frequency (Definition)?


2. Does the calculated value of the resonance frequency is equal to the practical value?


3. Why the current which passing through series RLC circuit become maximum
at resonance frequency?

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 21

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Experiment 6-7

Parallel Resonance in RLC Circuit

Verifying the resonance concept in RLC circuit and showing the phase difference between the current
and voltage.

 Oscilloscope
 AC source
 DC supply
 Frequency Meter

 150 kΩ Resistor
 0.47 uF Capacitor
 0.039mH Inductor


Figure 6-6-1

Resonance is a condition in a series RLC circuit in which the capacitive and inductive reactances are
equal in magnitude; thus, they cancel each other and result in purely resistive impedance. In a series
RLC circuit, the total impedance was given in Equation as
𝑍 = 𝑅 + 𝑗𝑋𝑙 − 𝑋𝑐

For a given RLC circuit, resonance occurs at only one specific frequency. A formula for this resonant
frequency is developed as:

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𝑓𝑐 =

At frequencies below resonance, XC> XL, and the current leads the source voltage, as indicated in
Figure 5.2(a). The phase angle decreases as the frequency approaches the resonant value and is 0°
at resonance, as indicated in part (b). At frequencies above resonance, X L> XC, and the current lags

the source voltage, as indicated in part (c). As the frequency goes higher, the phase angle
approaches 90°. A plot of phase angle versus frequency is shown in part (d) of the figure.

Figure 5-6-2

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 Construct the circuit shown in Figure 5.3.
 Connect the Channel one for the Oscilloscope across the resistance and Channel Two across
the capacitor or Inductor "Be sure that the Black terminal for both channel connected together
in the common node".
 Oscilloscope Setting:
 Mode : Dual
 Channel Two : Inverse Mode
 Trigger : CH1

 Vary the frequency of the AC source until you find the voltage and current in phase.
 Measure the frequency of the AC source in this case using Frequency Meter.
 Calculate the frequency theoretically and compare the result with the practical value and
calculate the error.
 Record your raw data in a table.

Figure 5-6-3

Data and Analysis


Fc (Practically)

1. Is the impedance minimum or maximum at parallel resonance?
2. Is the current minimum or maximum at parallel resonance?
3. Is the voltage minimum or maximum at parallel resonance?

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 24

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Experiment 7-7

Low Pass (RC) Filter


Study the operation of low pass filter.

Calculate the cutoff frequency of low pass filter


A low-pass filter is a circuit that its input will appear virtually unattenuated at the output at
frequency low than the cutoff frequency of the filter, and its input will appear attenuated at
the output at frequency higher than or equal to the cutoff frequency of the filter. Consider the
RC low-pass filter circuit shown in the Figure 6-6-1. If the input voltage Vi is of very low
frequency, the reactance of C (𝑥𝐶 = 2𝜋𝑓𝑐) will be very high compared with R, and C may be
considered as an open circuit and VO = Vi . As the input frequency increases, XC becomes
smaller, causing the input to the increasingly attenuated. At an infinitely high frequency,
Xc=0 and therefore, Vo = 0.

Figure 6-6-1

Figure 6-6-2

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 Function Generator
 Oscilloscope
 Digital Multi-Meter.

 R: 1 KΩ
 C = 0.47 uF

 Construct the circuit as shown in Figure 6-6-1.
 Calculate its cutoff frequency.
 Calculate the Vout at the cutoff frequency.
 Adjust the function generator with the cutoff frequency and with input voltage = 5 V PP.
 Measure Vout, and write your observation.

Data Analysis

Vout =__________________________.


1. What is the meaning of the Cutoff frequency of a low pass filter?

2. How to design a low pass filter it’s Fc = 15KHz?

Electrical Circuits II Lab Manual 26

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