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1. Determine the effect of prolonging the time on the hostage

A. Decreases human needs C. Enjoyment
B. Increases anxiety D Reduces opportunity
for escape

STOCKHOLM SYNDROME  hostage naaawa sila nagkakaroon ng

positive feelings kay hostage taker
LIMA  hostage taker ang nagkarron positive kay hostage
(hostile, napapatay etc)

2. Who is recommended to be employed when negotiations break down

and none of the mentioned methods work and the negotiator finds
himself/herself in a deadlock?
A. Secretary negotiator C. Third negotiator
B. Mediator  third party D. Intermediary
CHAPTER 2 SEC hostage negotiators handbook

3. Which is NOT an indicator for Stockholm syndrome to take place?

A. The hostage must be in direct social contact during the incident
B. The hostage taker must treat the hostages kindly
C. The complete isolation in a separate room between the
hostage and a hostage taker
D. The hostage taker ant victims et tie together for a significant length
of time

4. Who is the designated Chairman of the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC)

of the Philippines?
A. The Executive Secretary
B. The National Security Adviser
C. The Secretary of National Defense
D. The President of the Philippines
5. The following choices are general behavior traits of a psychopath,
A. are prone to use of cold-blooded instrumental intimidation and
violence to satisfy their wants and needs
B. Generally are contemptuous of social norms and the rights of
C. not motivated by thrill servicing and excitement
D. lack a normal sense of ethics and morality and live by their own

6. which are the manifestations of overt (OPEN) aggression?

A. Concealment, dishonesty, sneaky behavior, increases with age 
covert (close)
B. Is unprovoked, deliberate, goal directed behavior used to influence or
coerce a peer
C. Direct confrontation with victims, generally decrease with age
D. Is a hostile act displayed in response to a perceived threat or

COVERT AGGRESSION  does not involve direct confrontation, relies on

concealment, dishonesty or sneaky behavior

7. What internal processes are used to explain human behavior which

social learning theorists place great emphasis on cognitive
A. Thinking and remembering C. Analyzing and understanding
B. Understanding and remembering D. Creating and thinking

8. Which refers to a feature that can be focused on separately but that

cannot be understood without also considering other features
A. Dimension C. Limitation
D. Parameter
9. If the Punong Barangay is unable to achieve a settlement, the case is
referred for consultation mediation or arbitration to the
A. Pangkat ng Tagpagkasundo 3 members from the lupon
C. Police
B. Lupong Tagapamayapa 10-20 D. Elder group

Certificate to file action  pag hindi parin nagkasundo  brgy

10. In the Philippines, there were 8,500 homicide incidents reported

to the authorities in 2019 that the population of the country is
105,000,000, what is the crime rate for homicide in the same year?
A. 8.095 C. 7.095
B. 6.095 D. 5.095

11. Which of the following is correct in so far as our criminal law

and criminal justice process are concerned where the provisions of
our criminal law are anchored on the classical theory but also
embraces the positivist view or approach?
A. Criminal liability depends upon the minimum age of criminal
B. The basis of criminal liability is due to external pressures beyond
the control of man positivist
C. The purpose of retribution is to punish the guilty as deterrence to
crime  classical
D. The basis of criminal liability is human free will and the purpose of
penalty is retribution  classical

12. Which of the following subsystems or pillars of the criminal

justice system is considered as the prime mover or the initiator of
the criminal justice process?
A. Court  centerpiece of cjs C.
community  informal pillar
B. Police/ Law Enforcement D.

Corrections  weakest pillar

13. As a process, the US Criminal Justice System is composed of

the following comprise, EXCEPT? (Law Enforcement, Court and
A. police, prosecution and court
B. police, court, and community
C. police or law enforcement, courts, and corrections
D. legislative, executive, and judiciary

14. The Professional Regulatory Board for Criminologists shall not

register any successful applicant for registration who has been,
A. found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct by the Board
B. convicted with finality of a crime involving moral turpitude by a
court of competent jurisdiction
C. declared of sound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction
D. summarily adjudged guilty for violation of the General Instruction to
Examinees by the Board

15. What is the requirement under RA 11131 that an applicant who

failed five times whether consecutive or cumulative in the
criminologist licensure examination, must satisfactorily complete
before such applicant will be allowed to take the criminologist
licensure examination?
A. Integrated review C. Remedial course
B. Review course D. Refresher course

16. Which is the Victim more guilty than the offender

classification of Benjamin Mendelsohn?
A. A victim who is victimized due to ignorance, a victim who
inadvertently places himself or herself in harm's way
B. A victim who instigates or provokes his or her own
C. A victim who bears as much responsibility as the offender, a
person who, for example, enters into a suicide pact
D. A victim who is victimized during the perpetration of a crime or as
a result of crime

17. One reason some people may invite, or precipitate victimization

is because there is an element in their personality that incites
attacks Victim's precipitation theory is associated with__________.
A. passive precipitation C. victim disability
B. active precipitation  occurs when victims act provocatively,uses
threat, uses fighting words, even attacks first. D.
victim personality

18. Which was the basis of the famous classical theorem posted
or explained by Cesare Beccaria?
A. Crime can be useful and or occasion even healthy for society, that
the existence of crime paves way for social change and that the
social structure is not rigid or inflexible can be more strengthened
B. Crime is part of the human nature because it has existed during
period of poverty and prosperity, and it is impossible for a society
in which criminal behavior is totally absent
C. For punishment not to be in every instance, it must be
essentially public prompt necessary, the least possible in
circumstances, proportionate to the crime and dictated by
D. Crime is a sort of outlet in which their unsound tendencies are
discharged they would go mad if they were not criminals, and they
do not go mad because they are criminals
Classical  penalty = crime
Positivist  penalty = criminal
19. Identify the conformist according to Robert Merton's mode of
personality adaptation?
A. rejects both means and goals and seeks to substitute
alternative ones that would represent new societal goals as well
as new methods of achieving them
B. compulsively persist in going through the motions with little
hope of successful achievement of goals
C. accepts the goal of success in society and the socially
approved means of achieving such status as through hard
work, education deferred gratification, and the like (++_
D. Accepts the goal of success but rejects or seeks illegitimate
alternatives to the means of achieving these aims.  Innovator
(+ -)
Ritualist (- +)
Retreatist (- -)

20. The following are the elements of the positivistic approach

which stresses a scientific method rather than a philosophical
orientation. EXCEPT___________.
A. Fitness of the punishment to the crime  classical school
B. Application of the scientific method
C. Discovery and diagnosis of pathology (sickness) that underlies the
criminal’s actions.
D. Individual treatment (therapy or corrections)

21. Which theory views that people become criminals when

significant members of society brand them as such and they accept
those labels as personal identity. (LABELLING)
a. Social control
b. Social learning
c. Social process
d. Social reaction
22. Which theory proposes that people learn attitudes and techniques
conducive to crime in both social and non-social situations from
positive reinforcement (rewards) and negative reinforcement
(punishments) that result from their own behavior, whether that
behavior is law abiding or criminal?
A. Differential Identification
B. Social Structure
C. Differential Association
D. Social Learning => Differential Reinforce Theory

23. What crime is committed when a person does not know the
nature and quality of his act on account of the disease of his
A. Extinctive  destructive C.
B. Acquisitive  may nakukuha sa crimen/accquire
D. Rational  able to think clearly

24. Which goal of criminal sentencing seeks to

prevent a particular offender from engaging in repeat criminality?
A. General deterrence  community C.Specific deterrence
B. Just desert D. Retribution

25. Who applied the modem methods of the physical sciences to

the social sciences that paved way for the birth of sociology?
A. Jeremy Bentham C. Cesare Beccaria
B. August Comte

C. D. Samuel Romilly
26. A criminologist studied about the types of inmates in prison and
how they interact with each other in to understand why some inmates
adapt incarceration more easily than others. The objective of the
study is to propose a general theory of inmate behavior that extends
to all similar inmate populations. The researcher utilized
ethnography (study of a particular group or culture) as his research
design. How is ethnography suitable to the purpose of the study?
A. It studies certain group to gain clear understanding of its
internal operations or lifestyle
B. It involves a lengthy study of a person, group or situation
C. It studies how people find their experiences meaningful
D. It prevents the discrimination of ethnic groups.

27. Which of the following is the importance of timely reporting

of crime statistics?
A. It deters persons from committing crimes
B. It determines whether the increases in crime volume were
unique to their own areas or they are part of a broader
national pattern and trend
C. It will improve the image of the locality.
D. It is easy to process and store in digital format

28. Rene was tasked to conduct research on the acceptability of

the new work scheme that is being implemented in the workplace.
The respondents to the study are divided into managerial,
supervisors and the rank and file. He decided to use qualitative
research. How is this research design different from the quantitative
research design?
A. Qualitative research is harder to conduct than quantitative
B. Qualitative research is considered to be subjective while
quantitative research is objective
C. Qualitative research is considered to be objective while
quantitative research is subjective
D. Qualitative research uses numbers and statistics while quantitative
research usually uses verbal

29. In grounded theory, the researcher sometimes uses zigzag

sampling. Which of the following exemplifies this sampling design?
a. The researcher returns to the previous data to validate a new
b. It utilizes the number or years and the extent or new knowledge
gained from the study
c. It uses sensory perception in order to understand the
characteristics of people
d. The researcher attempts to explain the reason behind the
existence of an object or a person

Zigzag = requires a review for it return to previous works to validate a

newly found concept, idea, or theory

30. Which is not a guideline on the formulation of a research

A. The research question must arouse the researcher’s curiosity
B. The relation between the research question and the problem must
be clear
C. Avoid research question which is answerable by a yes or no
D. It must be in a paragraph form to make it clear and

1. Clear and focused

2. Not too broad not too narrow
3. Not too easy to answer
4. Not too difficult to answer
5. Researchable
6. Analytical rather tha. Desciptive
31. Which of the following defines plagiarism, considered as one of
the most common violations of research ethics?
A. It is the act of deliberately violating accepted principles of right and
B. It is the act of taking someone’s words or ideas as if they
were your own
C. It is the act of deserting you. Allegiance of duty to leader or cause
or principle
D. It is the act of violating accepted standards or rules

32. Which characteristics of research deals with facts and not

with mere opinions arising from assumptions, generalization,
predictions or conclusions?
A. Accuracy C. Relevance
B. Objectivity D. Clarity

33. The ____________ presupposes that child offenders are also

afforded all the rights of a CICL units he/she is proven to be eighteen
(18) years old or older.
A. presumption of innocence
B. presumption of constitutionality
C. presumption of regularity
D. presumption of minority

34. Which is NOT a physically neglected child?

A. Ill-clad without proper shelter
B. Mentally subnormal
C. Child who is unattended when left by himself without proper
provision of his needs and/ro without proper supervision
D. When a child is malnourished
35. Which child as determined by the LSWDO to have been
maltreated, whether habitual or not?
a. Dependent dependent on public support
b. Abused
c. Neglected  physically/ walang shelter/ walang provision of basic
d. Abandoned  3 consecutive months  latest RA 9532
PD 603 – 6 months

36. Which of the following is non-utilitarianism?

A. A cult of instant gratification reached its finest flower in the
delinquent gang  short-run hedonism
B. Even in the case of thefts, economic rationally seemed rarely
to prevail, since goods would be stolen “for kicks:, and given
away, discarded, or destroyed, rather than consumed or sold
for profit.
C. A thread of destructiveness ran through delinquency which
seemed quite distinct from the damage wrought as a by-product of
sheer skylarking
D. Much delinquent behavior seemed not simply at odds with
respectable values, but their inversion

37. Which refers to the cult of instant

A. Short-run hedonism C. Non-utilitarianism
c. Negativism D. Group autonomy

38. Which statement exemplifies that without the very source of

strength and courage of any individual man may develop fear
and inferiority?
A. This is one thing needed in a family for a child
B. It is through companionship where warmth is felt by a child
C. Children`s accomplishments and resourcefulness deserve
appreciation and reward.
D. Security is the state of being secure specifically freedom from danger,
risk, care poverty and apprehension

39. In what year was the New York House of Refuge, the first to
segregate juvenile offenders from criminals established?
A. 1824
B. 1845
C. 1812

40. Which of the following choices showed the trend in the study of
juvenile delinquency throughout history?
A. Ignored and Unpunished
B. Given specialized treatment
C. Tried in Juvenile court
D. Punished like an adult


41. Under the 1987 Constitution, how is the PNP characterized as

an agency of the government?
A. supervised by the DILG
B. civilian in character and national is scope
C. a national agency under the control and supervision of local
D. a paramilitary organization

42. Which of the following personal conditions CANNOT be the

basis for an action for damages when they are used by another to
ridicule the person affected?
A. Religious beliefs C. Place of birth
B. Physical defects D. Date of Birth
43. What does the Doctrine of Reciprocal Responsibility mean?
A. Development of a favorable public attitude towards the government
B. Local residents and police officers in the area shall meet regularly to
discuss peace and order problems.
C. The participation and support of the citizenry in anti-crime
campaign is indispensable  vital
D. Command of line elements of the PNP shall be as close as
practicable to the People

44. Which of the following exemplifies that all members of the PNP
should act in a manner that would reflect best on the PNP and live by
the PNP's core values?
A. Delicadeza  moral courage to sacrifice self-interest
C. PNP Image
B. Equality in the Service  judicious and equitable
distribution of opportunity
C. D. Career Management  key to professionalism

45. For the PNP core values to be internalized by all its members,
the following shall be the implementation strategy of the organization,
A. It will be made as a basis for Productivity Incentive Bonus.
B. It will be integrated in all PNP academic courses
C. It will be included in moral value programs.
D. It will be made a part in police information and continuing
education programs.

Code of professional conduct and ethical standard (PNP COPCES)

46. The PNP core values provide a solid anchor for the
organization as it develops and strengthens itself. The following are
the core values of the PNP. EXCEPT?__________.
A. Makatarungan C. Makakalikasan
B. Makadiyos D. Makatao
47. Choose the option where PT4 members shall conduct
themselves properly at all timekeeping with the rules and
regulations of the organization.
A. Trust C. Confidence
B. Discipline D. Loyalty

48. Which deals with what is good and bad as well as our moral
duties and obligations?
A. Ethics C. Philosophy
B. Values  good habits D. Morals

49. What is the key word in any negotiation which meant that those
concerned must be willing to concede to each other's request or
demands, to give in and to give up certain things to come up with
agreement agreed by consensuses?
A. Conditional C. Compromise
B. Winning D. Surrender

50. Select the psychological response where a captive a hostage

form a positive feelings with a capture?
A. Stockholm syndrome C. London syndrome
B. Lime syndrome D. Helsinki syndrome

51. The following acts constitute terrorism under the Anti-

Terrorism Act of 2020, EXCEPT?________. (RA 11479)
A. Acts intended to cause extensive damage or destruction to a
government or public facility, public place or private property or
damage or destruction to critical infrastructure
B. acts intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to any
person or to endanger a person's life where psychological
satisfaction to the perpetrators is gained
C. releasing of dangerous substances, or causing fire floods or
explosions to create havoc or panic sow fear or chaos to the
D. developing, manufacturing possessing acquiring transporting,
supplying, or using weapons or explosives intended to cause a
disproportionate amount of damage

52. Which refers to a condition when psychopaths demonstrate

normal appraisal of emotional cause and situations in the abstract
verbal discussion, but they are deficient in using emotional cues
to guide their judgments and behavior in the process of living?
A. Emotional paradox C. Brain imbalance
B. Cerebral symmetry D. Hemisphere asymmetry

53. Which refers to self-focused attention toward one’s thoughts

and feeling?
A. Depression  SOBRANG LUNGKOT C.
D. Rumination

54. Identify the theory that emphasizes an unpleasant feelings or

negative effects presumably may give rise, almost automatically, to a
variety of feelings, thoughts, and memories that are associated with
flight (fear) and fight (anger) tendencies?
A. Displaced aggression C. Cognitive-neoassociation
B. Excitation transfer D. Triggered displaced aggression

55. Select an internal force of the psychoanalytic theory which

states that all psychoanalytic positions form the psychodynamic
approach that views humans as biologically driven to get what they
want when they want it unless they are held in check by internal and
external forces.
A. Behavior C. Personality
B. Conscience D. Heredity

56. In which of the following penalty where a preliminary

investigation is required to be conducted before the filing of a
complaint or information for an offense?
A. At least three (3) years, two (2) months and one (1) day without
regard to the fine
B. At least six (6) years to 2 months and one (1) day without regard to
the fine
C. At least four (4) years, two months and one (1) day without
regard to the fine
D. At least five(5) years, two (2) months and one (1) day


57. Which of the following is true?

I. The Philippine Judiciary is a four court system consisting of the
Supreme Court as the highest court of the land.
II. The intermediate courts consisting of the Court of Appeals and
III. The second level courts. Which consist of Regional Trial Courts (Court
of First Instance), Court of Tax Appeals (ka level ni CA) and Sharia District
IV. The first level courts consisting of Metropolitan Trial Courts, Municipal
Trial Courts, Municipal Trial Courts in Cities, Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
and Sharia Circuit Courts.
C. I, II, IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

58. The police or law enforcers, in the process of investigating

crime, collect evidences for use in the prosecution of the suspects in
court The following are sources for collecting evidences to support
criminal prosecution and conviction, EXCEPT?_____________.
A. testimony of the victim C. objects or physical evidence
B. Statements of witnesses D. modus operandi

59. Which refers to capacities enabling adjudication of

decisions, enforcement of remedies and accountability of the
process through civil society and parliamentary oversight?
A. Normative protection C. Demand for remedies
B. Supply of remedies D. Customary
Normative protection  refers to individual and collective capacities to
ensure that justice remedies to disadvantaged people are legally
Demand for remedies  relates to the key skills people need to seek
remedies thru formal and informal systems

60. As a matter of legal process, a person arrested without

warrant shall be subjected to which of the following procedures?
A. Dismissal C. summary
B. Administrative D. inquest

61. The following are authorized to practice the Criminology

profession under RA 11131, EXCEPT?________.
A. Holders of valid temporary/special permits issued by the Board
and the Commission to foreign licensed criminologists pursuant to
RA 11131
B. Duly registered criminologists and holders of valid certificates of
registration and valid professional identification cards issued by
the Board and the Commission pursuant to RA 11131
C. Partnership duly registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) as professional partnership pursuant to
the Civil Code and composed of partners one-third of whom
are registered criminologists  majority
D. Single proprietorship whose owner and technical staff are
registered criminologists

62. Who questioned the adequacy of criminology as a science?

A. George L Wilder C. George L Wiber
B. George L Wilmer D. George L Wilker

63. What is the effect of Republic Act 11131?

A. It partially amended Republic Act 6506
B. It overhauled Republic Act 6506
C. It amended Republic Act 6506
D. It repealed Republic Act 6506

64. Which of the following describes forensic victimology?

A. The idiographic and nomothetic study of violent crime victims
for the purposes of addressing investigation forensic issues
B. An approach to victimology a criminological or legal perspective,
where the scope of the study is defined by criminal law
C. The study of victimology in the broadest sense, including those
that have been harmed by accidents, natural disasters, war, and
so on
D. The scientific study of victims and victimization, including the
relationship between victims and offender, investigators courts,
corrections, media, and social movements  VICTIMOLOGY

65. Which refers to a type of stalker perhaps considered as the

most dangerous to the victim since it is often motivated by the
stalkers determination that "If I can't have you, nobody will” 
violent acts/napapatay
A. Love obsession stalker C. Erotomania stalker
B. Simple obsession stalker D. Vengeance stalker
66. Which is not included in the Gresham
Sykes and David Matza`s techniques of neutralization?
A. A. Whether individuals will refrain from or commit a
crime at any given time, It depends on the past, present,
and anticipated future rewards and punishment of their
B. B. Denial of harm to the victim in which the assault is
justified because the person harmed was also a criminal. 
C. C. Denial of harm to anyone, such as defining stealing as
“borrowing” or drug abuse as harming no one but the offender
D. D. Condemning the condemners, reversing the labeling
process by claiming that authorities are more corrupt than the
offender and are hypocritical as well.

67. According to Sigmund Freud, which term refers to the

instinctual drive towards aggression and violence?
A. ego ideal C. eros  DRIVE

68. Labeling theory is also known as the_________________.

A. Social control theory C. Social
B. Social learning D. Social
69. Identify the criminal classification of Cesare Lombroso that are not
criminal born birth, and that they become criminal as a result some
changes in their brains that interfere with their ability to
distinguish between right and wrong.
A. Criminaloids
B. Criminal by passion
C. Insane criminals
D. Habitual criminals

70. Which of the following choices does NOT refer to conflict

A. Crime is a politically defined concept.
B. “Real crimes” are not outlawed
C. The law is a tool of the ruling or elite class
D. The law reflects public opinion

71. Which are acts and

omissions punishable by the Revised Penal Code?
A. Culpa C. Dolo



72. What the particular field of study in criminology when one is

studying the cause of crime in a given geographical location?
A. Sociology of crime  nature and administration of criminal law.
C. Criminal Demography  relationship of
crime and number of people
B. Criminal ecology  relationship crime and spatial distribution
D. Criminal etiology
73. Which of the following statements describes the SCHOLARLY
OBJECTIVE of criminology as explained in the Principles of
Criminology by Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey?
A. Unification of the criminal justice process with law enforcement
B. Harmonizing the political society's reaction by punishment,
intervention and prevention
C. Development of dynamic ere prevention program through law
D. Development of tidy of edge regarding the process of law crime
and action to crime

74. Which is the part of a research consisting of a short phrase or

sentence that gives information and description of the things which
are the focus of the study?
A. Methodology C. Abstract
B. Title D. Introduction

75. Select the statistical methodology where the researcher

calculates the mean, median, and mode.
A. Survey C. Inferential Statistics 
you come to conclusions and make predictions based on your data
B. Descriptive Statistics  summarizes data D.

76. The researcher wanted to determine the most suitable fabric to

be used for patrol uniforms. He selected three groups of
respondents and made them wear patrol shirts made with different
fabrics. The respondents rated the shirt according to comfort
durability and washability. Select the method of data collection
used by the researcher.
A. Interview C. Observation
B. Experiment D. Questionnaire
77. Which is NOT an approach in qualitative research?
A. Home research C. ethnography
B. Grounded theory D. action research
*phenomenological research, narrative research

78. In interpretation of data, the researcher should take the

following factors into consideration, EXCEPT ____.
A. The researcher must not be affected by his/her defense
mechanism in interpreting the results.
B. The researcher must investigate the private lives of the
respondent s to determine the truth of their responses
C. The researcher must not over-interpret the expected results
D. The researcher must be aware of factors which have not been
selected for study

79. Under the Philippine laws, which of the following are the
consequences of plagiarism?
a. No penalty
b. Imprisonment
c. Payment of fine
d. Imprisonment and payment of fine

80. Zeinnab was once a victim of robbery (snatching) when she

was walking along a well-lighted street in a certain part of the city.
When she became a law enforcer, it came into her knowledge that
two of her colleagues were also victims of robbery on the same
street. She was intrigued to discover if there was some relationship
between her demeanor and being a victim of robbery, Can the
personal experience of Zeinnab be a source of a research problem?
A. No. It will be grandstanding on the part of the researcher to use
her personal experience for a research.
B. Yes. The researcher can do what she prefers since it is her
C. Yes. The experience or genuine interest of a researcher can
be a source of research problem
D. No. Using the personal experience of the researcher will produce a
biased research problem

81. Patrolman Juan Dela Cruz is assigned with the PNP Human
Resource Doctrine Development. He was tasked to determine the
schooling of choice of newly graduated recruit using the variables;
collegiate course and gender. For this purpose, he used explanatory
research because ___________.
a. It focuses on the reasons behind the occurrence of
something and on the present and future effects of such
b. It aims to define or give verbal portrayal or picture of a person,
thing, event, group or situation
c. It shows relationships or connectedness between two variables
d. It analyzes data collected by others.

82. Which is NOT applicable to both juvenile and adult criminal

justice system?
A. The right to receive four-fold (Miranda Warnings) warnings
applies only to adults but not juvenile offenders
B. Police officers, judges, and correctional personnel use of
discretion in the decision making in both the adult and juvenile
C. Juvenile and adults are protected from prejudicial line-ups or other
identification procedures
D. Similar procedural safeguards protect juveniles and adults when
they make an admission of guilt.

83. Identify the initial step to be taken after a child who committed a
light offense was listed in the child at risk or pink blotter.
a. Give “payo” or advise or warning not to repeat the act
b. Notify the parents
c. Turn over to the barangay council for the protection of children if
residing in that barangay
d. Turn over directly to the local social welfare development officer if the
child is non-resident of the municipality.

84. Which system refers to legislators, norms, and standards,

procedures, mechanisms, and provision institutions, and bodies
specifically applicable to juvenile offenders?
a. Barangay justice
b. Retributive justice
c. Criminal justice
d. Restorative justice

85. Which of the following is not a part of the working definition of

restorative justice?
a. Protection
b. Isolation
c. Prevention
d. Diversion

86. Youths who fail in both the criminal and conflict subcultures
tend to go into other areas of delinquency and deviant behavior like
drinking alcoholic liquor, smoking and drug addiction. This statement
is consistent with which of the following?
A. social structure C. conflict subculture
B. retreatist subculture ( - - ) D. criminal

87. identify the child who has no proper parental love or

guardianship or whose parents or guardians have deserted him for a
period of at least six continuous month?  PD 603
A. Dependent C. Independent
B. Abandoned D. Neglected
*3 MONTHS RA 9523

88. Which of the following is characterized by emotional

disturbances that lead to mental illness?
a. Environmental
b. Psychiatric
c. Abnormal
d. Emotional maladjustments

89. Which of the following became the model institution for all
American juvenile offenders?
a. Reformatory School
b. House of Refuge
c. House of Ill refute
d. Bridewell Palace

90. Public officials and employees must process documents and

papers expeditiously. As much as practicable, how many signatories
must be contained in these documents?
A. No limit C. Two
B. Three D. One

(RA 6713) sec 5, par c.

91. When the accused in criminal prosecution is acquitted on

the ground that his guilt is not proved beyond reasonable doubt,
what other legal remedies are available to the complainant?
A. Re-file the criminal case C. Report the case to the
B. There is no more legal remedy D. File a civil case 
preponderance of evidence

92. Which of the following are TRUE about public information and
perception management?
I. Public Information is the use of a strategy that is aimed at influencing
the conclusions of the public by using different approaches favorable to the
originator’s objectives.
II. Perception management refers to information collected and held by the
government that are available to public inspection
III. Public Information refers to information collected and held by
government that are available to public inspection
IV. Perception management is the use of a strategy that is aimed at
influencing the conclusions of the public by using different approaches
favorable to the originators objectives.
A. II and III
B. III and IV
C. I and IV
D. I and II

93. Which of the following are TRUE?

I. Customs are bodies of beliefs and usages handed down from
generation to generation.
II. Traditions are social practices that have obtained the force of
III. Customs are social practices that have obtained the force of
IV. Traditions are beliefs and message handed down from
generation to generation.
A. I and II C. III and IV
B. II and III D. I, II, III, and IV

94. Select the statement which concurs that PNP members are
prohibited from soliciting Political Patronage.
A. PNP members must not vote for their political candidate.
B. PNP members shall inhibit themselves from asking for
endorsements from politicians on matters pertaining to
assignment, award, training and promotion.
C. PNP members must refrain from securing clearances from other
government agencies on matters needed for their assignment,
award, training and promotion.
D. PNP members must not campaign for a political candidate
95. The Makabayan core values of PNP members is exemplified by
the following acts, EXCEPT?___________.
A. pledging allegiance to the flag of the Republic of the Philippines
B. taking an oath to obey legal orders
C. loyalty to superior officers
D. swearing to defend the Constitution

96. Which refers to a system utilized to foster the improvement of

individual efficiency and behavioral discipline as well as the
promotion of organizational effectiveness in the police force?
A. Performance C. Grievance machinery
B. Performance governance D. Promotion

97. Select which option applies to Patrolman Peter, who for several
occasions, several personalities tried to bribe him, but he never
gave in because he believes that integrity is one of his most
cherished principles.
A. A judgment of what is right or wrong
B. A situation which confronts a person and makes him decide what
act to perform
C. A situation which calls for choosing between two evils
D. A rationally ground where one maintains his moral decisions

98. Section 16 of the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 allowed law

enforcement agent or military personnel upon written order of the
Court of Appeal to secretly wiretap, overhear, and listen to intercept,
screen, read surveil record or collect with the use of any mode, kind
or type of electronic, mechanical or other equipment or device or
technology now known or may hereafter know to science This written
order is valid for how many days?
A. 15 B. 30
B. 60 D. 45

99. Based on etiology of crimes, a person who violates the criminal

law because of the impulse of the moment, fit of passion, sudden
burst of angers or spell of jealousy is referred to as
A. Accidental criminal
B. Ordinary criminal
C. Acute criminal
D. Chronic criminal

100. This theory views crime and delinquency because of the

frustration and anger people experience over their inability to
achieve legitimate social and financial success. (frustration)
a. strain theory
b. psychological theories
c. differential association  BEHAVIOR IS LEARNED
d. labeling theory  SOCIAL REACTION THEORY

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