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Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

1. What do You know about "ABILITY" ? Explain it clearly and comprehensively !
2. Give 7 example of sentences by using ABILITY  !!
3. Do the Exercise Page 13 from this module !!

Answer : Cilviana Surya

Assalamualaikum, permission to answer the question sir.

1. Ability can be defined as the ability in English written in the form of capital, namely can,
could and could to. The three modals have the same meaning, namely can, can or can.
However, all three have different uses.

2. 1.) I can go to market and buy vegetable

2.) You can follow me if you trust me
3.) I will be able to teach the children if they want
4.) They will be able to call you after dinner
5.) She could eat while I took a bath
6.) They could invite you to the group
7.) I could remember you if you showed me your photo

3. 1.) My uncle was very clever. He can speak 4 languages.

2.) My father wasn’t at home when I phoned , but i can contact him later.
3.) A little boy fell into the river but some men can’t rescue him.
4.) He had forgotten to bring his camera so he can’t take any photos of the wedding.
5.) Although they had locked themselves out of their apartement, they can get in through
6.) After his operation, he had so much pain that he can’t walk without help.
7.) There was a lot of noise outside last night but my father can sleep like a baby. How weird!
8.) My cousin wasvery talented. She can dance, play the violin, swim very well and even
juggle three.

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

1. What do You know about POSSIBILITY IN THE PRESENT / FUTURE ? Explain it
clearly and comprehensively !
2. Give 7 example of sentences by using Possibility  !!
3. Do the Exercise Page 15 and 16 from this module !!

Answer : Cilviana Surya

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

1. We can use modal verbs to talk about possibility or to express uncertainty in the present
and future using modal verbs may, might and could. Some suggest that ‘might‘ is less certain
than ‘may‘, but in spoken English there is really no difference. However, ‘might‘ is more
common in spoken English. The word ‘may‘ is less common, and we can only use ‘could‘ in
the positive form, not the negative form, for talking about possibility.

Present possibility To refer to present possibility, use: May / Might / Could + the verb (base
form without ‘to’) Look at Jack! He might be in a hurry to meet with Catherine. The clouds
cover the top of the mountain. It might be windy there. Don’t eat that mushroom. It could be

2. I think I might be coming down with the headaches.

They might move to Jakarta.
I might have the right dress you could wear for the party
He might have to stay overnight because the weather is pouring rain
The price of the property may go up in the future.
Only appartement guests may use the facilities.
May I say that that was an excellent performance?

3. Exercise on module :
1) He must have an accident
2) He must be a doctor
3) He must be a mechanic
4) She must be missing
5) She must have got a new book
6) He must have a sick

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

1. What do You know about POSSIBILITY IN THE PAST ? Explain it clearly and
comprehensively !
2. Give 7 example of sentences by using POSSIBILITY IN THE PAST  !!
3. Do the Exercise Page 18 and 19 from this module !!

Answer : Cilviana Surya

1. The phrase possibility can be used in several types of pronunciation time, namely in the
present (present time) and also in the past (past time). Expressing possibilities in English can
be done by using some modal verbs such as may, might, could, can't and so on. This time we
will give a brief explanation of the expression of the possibility in the past along with
examples and practice questions.

2. Jono could have been the one who stole the money.
If I had had more time, I could have traveled around the world.
You could have spent your vacation in Bandung.
Could I have something to drink?
Couldn't you help me with this for just a second?
I couldn't run more than a mile in my fourties.
Mary couldn't possibly go to jail for the crime.

3. Exercise module
- His hand was swollen = He must get an accident
- Watson known a lot about medicine = He may have studied in pharmacy
- Vincent known a lot about motorcycle = He might have worked in motorcycle repair shop
- She was so sad = she must have calm down
- She was happy so much = she might have won the game
- He didn’t go to college = He could have taken courses

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

1. What do You know about  COMPARATIVE DEGREE? Explain it clearly and
comprehensively !
2. Give 5 example of sentences by using Positive Adjective, 5 sentences in Comparative
Adjective, 5 sentences in Superlative Adjective  !!
3. Do the Exercise Page 21 from this module !!

Answer : Cilviana Surya

1. Comparison Degree is a term in English grammar to show comparison. In a Comparison
Degree, an adjective or adverb will change its form according to the level of comparison.
Therefore, the Degree of Comparison can also be referred to as the Degree of Comparison.

2. Positive Degree :
Example :
1. You are as pretty as her.
2. His drawing is as good as mine.
3. Nana speaks as calmly as jae does,
4. Jae runs as fast as Nana does.
5. Doni is as smart as his brother.
Comparative Degree :
Example :
1. You are prettier than her,
2. His drawing is better than mine.
3. Jae runs faster than nana does.
4. Chocolate is more delicious than banana.
5. Nana speaks more calmly than jae does.
Superlative Degree :
Example :
1. You are the pretties girl.
2. His drawing is the best.
3. Jae runs the fastest of all the runners.
4. Chocolate is the most delicious flavour.
5. Nana speaks most calmly in class.

3. Exercise on module

- Positive adjective

1) She is as beautiful as her sister

2) Today is as cold as yesterday

3) This room is as large as that room

4) The horse is as strong as the buffalo

- Comparative adjective

1) John is younger than Bob

2) Reading is more important than watching TV

3) The girl is carefully than the boy

4) Travelling by bus is cheaper than travelling by taxi

5) Her dish is more delicious than her mother’s

- Superlative adjective:

1) John is the youngest boy in his class

2) Indonesia is the most corrupt country in Asia

3) Rahma is the prettiest girl in my class

4) Christiano Ronaldo is the best football player in 2008

5) Who is the smartest student in your class?

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

1. How do you make comparative degree in English, especially in making Positive
adjective, Comparative and Superlative in one syllable, two syllables or more and
Adjective with "Y" ( crazy, easy, happy ...)? Explain them comprehensively !!
2. Give seven ( 7 ) examples of sentences by using Positive Adjective, Comparative
Degree and Superlative Degree (  It means  you must make 21 sentences totally

Answer : Cilviana Surya

Assalamualaikum, I would like to answer the discuss. May you can correct my answer

1. Comparative Adjectives are words used to describe a noun by comparing it to another

noun. We usually think of ‘er’ words like bigger or smaller, but they can be a little trickier
than that.
The way we form comparative adjectives is based on the number of syllables in the adjective
and whether or not the adjective ends with the letter ‘y’.
Superlative Adjectives are words used to describe a noun when comparing it to two or more
nouns to the highest or lowest degree. Think: big, bigger, biggest, or small, smaller, smallest.
Like with comparative adjectives, it’s not always as simple as adding ‘est’. The number of
syllables and whether or not the adjective ends with the letter ‘y’ also help us determine how
to form a superlative adjective.
One Syllable Adjectives
Let’s look at a chart showing the comparative and superlative forms of the word for the most
basic one syllable adjectives, where we add ‘er’ for the comparative and ‘est’ for the
superlative. *Note: when the adjective follows the CVC, or consonant, vowel, consonant
spelling, the final consonant is doubled.
Big >> Bigger >> Biggest
Tall >> Taller >> Tallest
Small >> Smaller >> Smallest
Hot >> Hotter >> Hottest
Comparative Adjectives:
• I am faster than my friend.
• Arizona is hotter than Alaska.
Superlative Adjectives:
• She is the tallest student.
• That was the shortest movie in the series.
Notice the other words around the comparative and superlative adjectives. Most comparatives
are followed by ‘than’, and most superlatives follow the word ‘the’.
Two Syllable Adjectives
Now let’s look at a chart showing the comparative and superlative forms of the word for
adjectives with two syllables. Comparative adjectives with two syllables can be formed by
making the ‘er’ ending or by adding the words ‘more’ or ‘less’ before the adjective.
For superlative adjectives, you make the ‘est’ ending but use the word ‘most’ or ‘least’
instead of ‘more’ or ‘less’.
Happy >> Happier >> Happiest
Crazy >> Crazier >> Craziest
Nervous >> More/Less Nervous >> Most/Least Nervous
Massive >> More/Less Massive >> Most/Least Massive
Quiet >> Quieter or More/Less Quiet >> Quietest or Most/Least Quiet 

No. 2

Positive degree
1. My brother is as stubborn as my father.
2. Irene is as pretty as Suci.
3. BMW is as expensive as Audi.
4. Bayu is as handsome as Purnomo.
5. The weather today is as hot as yesterday.
6. My little sister is as tall as me
7. I don’t drive the car as fast as my brother

Comparative degree
1. Winda is cleverer than Wendy.
2. Your dress is simpler than my dress.
3. This task is easier than the previous one.
4. You look more tired than before.
5. She looks more beautiful than my young sister.
6. Felly is more diligent than Kelly.
7. I think he can do better than me.

Superlative degree
1. Mr. Sule is the funniest man I have ever seen.
2. It is the easiest way to do the task.
3. Mona is the cleverest among her classmates.
4. It is the most boring thing I have ever done.
5. It is one of the most delicious meal I have ever had.
6. Vincent is the most handsome boy in this school.
7. My mother is the best woman in the world.
8. This is the worst bag in the world.

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM


Answer : Cilviana Surya

1. The first three sentence frames we will look at are simple sentences. One of the most
common ways to describe people is with adjectives: tall, short, fat, skinny, pretty, handsome,
ugly. To use these common adjectives in a sentence, try this frame:
The man is [ADJECTIVE].
The man is tall. The man is fat. The man is ugly. The man is in shape. These are all good
sentences in English.
It is important to know that The man is another slot that you can change. The woman is tall.
My friend is tall. My dad is tall. Jane is tall. She is tall. You can put any person in that slot.

2. Seven sentences to describe people

1. The woman is wearing black shoes.
2. The man with a mustache is my neighbor.
3. My mom has long black hair.
4. Look at that cute baby.
5. I’m looking a little fat these days.
6. You look slim. Have you lost some weight?

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

1. What do you know about SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES In English ?
Explain them clearly and comprehensively  !!
2. Make a good sentences by using SO, TOO, EITHER and NEITHER as much as 20
sentences. It means 5 sentences for each of them !!

Answer : Cilviana Surya

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
I'm Cilvi, permission to answer sir.

1. To express similarities and differences in English, you can use the following words:

Similarity : Subject + verb + same + noun + as + noun/pronoun

Example :
he speaks Japanese and he speaks Japanese too
~ she speaks the same language as him.

Difference : subject + verb (be) + different (noun) from + noun/pronoun.

Example :
their uniforms are different from ours.

2. SO :
- I am a student and so is Sania.
- I study English and so does Benny.
- Ardi has gone home and so have they.
- I am sick now, so I will take a rest for a while
- It is raining, so I need an umbrella to go home
* TOO :
- I am a student and Sania is too.
- I study English and Benny does too.
- Ardi has gone home and they have too.
- I am too sleepy to study well.
- Ani is too fat to run fast.
- I am not a student and Sania is not either.
- I don't study English and Benny doesn't either.
- Ardi hasn't gone home and they haven't either.
- Either Tina or Julie is a student.
- Either Erni or Vania comes late.
- I am not a student and neither is Sania.
- I study English and neither does Benny.
- Ardi hasn't gone home and neither have they.
- Neither Randi nor Wini is not a teacher.
- I love neither Noval nor Ferdinand.

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

2. Make a list of VERB which must be followed by GERUND, by TO INFINITIVE and
by both of GERUND and TO INFINTIVE !!

Answer : Cilviana Surya

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

1. The gerund is a verb that is given the suffix -ing and the function in the sentence is as a
noun or noun.

While the infinitive, as quoted from Collins COBUILD Learner's Pocket Dictionary (2015),
the infinitive of a verb is the basic form, for example "do", "be", "take", and "eat". The
infinitive is often used with “to” before it.

The infinitive is the basic form of a verb, for example “do”, “be”, “take”, and “eat”. The
infinitive is often used with "to" in front of it.

Therefore, the striking difference between the two is that the gerund uses -ing, while the
infinitive is a basic verb or usually uses "to".

2. Number two
Verbs Followed by the Infinitive


Example Sentence


to say you will do

Tom agreed to help me with the work.


to seem to be

She appeared to wait for a moment.


to put in some order

I arranged to meet David next week.


to inquire

They asked to join us for dinner.


to try

Doug attempted to say something

Verbs Followed by the Gerund



Example Sentence


to hate

John abhors working outdoors.


to recognize what someone has done

She acknowledges his working hard on the project.


to say that you have done

Peter admits wasting time and money.


to give advice

I advise saving a little money every month.


to permit

She allows using smartphones in class.

( )

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

comprehensively and How do you differentiate to use MUST And HAVE TO ?
2.Give Seven /7 sentences of using OBLIGATION AND NECESSITY IN THE

Answer : Cilviana Surya

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

1. 'Must' is used when you want to show that something is true and logical. For example, in
winter, people will feel cold. In addition, 'Must' can be used to indicate a very strong
obligation or an obligation that is necessary according to oneself and those around you.
Example :
It must be nice taking a holiday to Indonesia.

'Have to' is used to express a strong obligation because there is interference from outside
parties that creates the obligation.
Example :
I have to start working at 7.00 am or my boss will fire me.

1. You must respect your family.
2. You must keep the house clean.
3.You must help your parents. have to do housework everyday.
5 you have to have your prayer everyday. mustn't fight in the house. mustn't go home late without a reason.

Thank you.

Question : Mr. Mulyadi SAg, MM

comprehensively and Mention some modals that we can use to make OBLIGATION IN
2.Give Seven /7 sentences of using OBLIGATION AND NECESSITY IN THE PAST !!

Answer : Cilviana Surya

Assalamualaikum wr.wb

1. Have to
First, we can express an obligation with the word "have/has to" followed by the infinitive or
the first form of the verb. This word has the meaning of "must" and indicates an obligation or
obligation related to the task as a form of responsibility or commitment that has been made
by the subject. The word "have to" indicates a necessity that is also made and agreed upon by

If I want to have a child, I have to educate myself on being a good parent.

2. Have got to
Furthermore, to express the obligation that comes from self-awareness; we can use "have/has
got to" or "got to" only. Usually, in informal writing this phrase is shortened to “gotta”. The
use of this word is followed by an infinitive.

I have to go. My mother must have been waiting for me.

3. Must
To explain an obligation imposed from outside or from another party, as well as to state a
necessity that cannot be done, we use the word "must" followed by an infinitive. The word
“must” is modal and is used in the present/present tense.

You have to listen to what your parents have to say.

4. Had to
“Hard to” is the final form of “must”. So, to explain obligations with the equivalent position
of "must" in the past tense, we use "had to" followed by the infinitive.

During my stay in Madiun, I had to speak Javanese with my grandmother.

1. If I want to have a child, I have to educate myself on being a good parent.
2. I’ve got to go. My mother must be waiting for me.
3. You must listen to what your parents say.
4. During my stay in Madiun, I had to speak Javanese to my grandmother.
5. You’ll have to take off your glasses for the picture.
6. It is obligatory to use our right hand to pass things to people.
7. It is necessary that you take the bus in order to get to school on time.

Thank you.

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